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Thread: Probably a Strange Question

  1. #51
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    I don't think people get it. It's physically impossible to be "aware" at 2-4 years of age. The brain is taking in too much. You haven't learned how to "remember' things on purpose. I mean you're telling me, everyone who has a fetish links it to the only memories in their past? Because I'm sure as hell I can't remember a thing before 5 years old. Maybe a flash of someone's face or something but full awareness wasn't until at least 7 or 8 when I got my second dog. I scarcely remember one at 5 years old but that's that.

    You can't say that fetishists only remember their past IF and ONLY IF it pertains to a fetish. It's illogical. It's like saying I only remember my child hood because I liked choking myself or the idea of being eaten (if that were their fetish. Just using an extreme example to show the ridiculousness)

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    What the fuck did I just read... You can't be taught to not use part of your brain, that is like saying "I was taught to have my brain not tell my body it inhale so I don't pass out" your brain automatically remembers certain details of certain things because your brain is constantly recording things, similar to a video camera, and cataloging those things with key words, pictures, sounds, ideas, etc.

    Is that what you are trying to do? Holy shit that video is old... As for your search for "The answers within" good luck with tapping into that other 98%. Although let me ask you this, how do you create a memory of something that already happened? And to tie onto that question smelling random womens asses when you were 2-8 seems even more fishy. For one thing a 2 or 3 year old doing it may be seen as strange or cute, but a 6-8 year old? The details/ facts you are providing me are making it harder and harder to believe you. I know I realized I like asses/ farts was when I was 6 and me and my cousin (female) and her brother (also my cousin) were wrestling and she farted in my face, they both said eww but I enjoyed it and from that point on I realized womans farts and asses were something very interesting which grew into what I have today.
    Well, then we'll just agree to disagree. I'm done with it.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by lololo View Post
    I don't think people get it. It's physically impossible to be "aware" at 2-4 years of age. The brain is taking in too much. You haven't learned how to "remember' things on purpose. I mean you're telling me, everyone who has a fetish links it to the only memories in their past? Because I'm sure as hell I can't remember a thing before 5 years old. Maybe a flash of someone's face or something but full awareness wasn't until at least 7 or 8 when I got my second dog. I scarcely remember one at 5 years old but that's that.

    You can't say that fetishists only remember their past IF and ONLY IF it pertains to a fetish. It's illogical. It's like saying I only remember my child hood because I liked choking myself or the idea of being eaten (if that were their fetish. Just using an extreme example to show the ridiculousness)
    actually, as the brain ages the memories get less fuzzy.sometimes fragments can be remembered. as a matter of fact, i can remember my own non-existence.

  4. #54
    Active Member 03042017
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    Quote Originally Posted by theguyfromny View Post
    actually, as the brain ages the memories get less fuzzy.sometimes fragments can be remembered. as a matter of fact, i can remember my own non-existence.
    You are by far the second funniest troll I have met on this forum. How do you do it? Is someone co-writing for you? Do you have a list of quick jokes you like to bring up on a note pad? I want to learn your secrets, maybe we can go troll some other forum or ventrilo or whatever people troll now. Maybe youtube?

    Either that or you are horribly mistaken, you can not remember your own non-existence because you did not exist. Your brain can not process or fathom a thought of non existence because that would require knowledge of not existing and for you to not exist, as I mentioned before, you would have to exist but not exist at the same time. See what I am getting at? That would create a paradox, but for the matter of third dimensional thought processing we will just call this impossible. As for memories becoming more clear as you age... Does metal age backwards? Does wood become stronger as it gets older? Do bones become more dense as you reach your senior years? The answer to all these questions is no. Memories become fuzzier as you age, why? Because your brain is taking in new memories so the older memories become less important so your brain stores them in the reserve memory, not important enough for immediate retrieval but important enough to stay in the conscious mind.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    You are by far the second funniest troll I have met on this forum. How do you do it? Is someone co-writing for you? Do you have a list of quick jokes you like to bring up on a note pad? I want to learn your secrets, maybe we can go troll some other forum or ventrilo or whatever people troll now. Maybe youtube?

    Either that or you are horribly mistaken, you can not remember your own non-existence because you did not exist. Your brain can not process or fathom a thought of non existence because that would require knowledge of not existing and for you to not exist, as I mentioned before, you would have to exist but not exist at the same time. See what I am getting at? That would create a paradox, but for the matter of third dimensional thought processing we will just call this impossible. As for memories becoming more clear as you age... Does metal age backwards? Does wood become stronger as it gets older? Do bones become more dense as you reach your senior years? The answer to all these questions is no. Memories become fuzzier as you age, why? Because your brain is taking in new memories so the older memories become less important so your brain stores them in the reserve memory, not important enough for immediate retrieval but important enough to stay in the conscious mind.
    YES! that's the beauty of it actually, and i ASSURE you i am not trolling i REALLY believe this, i remember it because i don't remember it! it's paradoxical and funny yet true! i remember nothingness, just void darkness. not a single thought ran through my mind because there was no mind to think! no consciousness to be aware of my own existence! the way i remember it is by thinking of my earliest memory, then trying to think of something prior. and what do i get: nothing! haha! it's incredible!
    Last edited by theguyfromny; 30th July 2012 at 08:50 AM.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    You are by far the second funniest troll I have met on this forum. How do you do it? Is someone co-writing for you? Do you have a list of quick jokes you like to bring up on a note pad? I want to learn your secrets, maybe we can go troll some other forum or ventrilo or whatever people troll now. Maybe youtube?
    lol. i get that alot. i guess it's natural.
    Last edited by theguyfromny; 30th July 2012 at 08:59 AM.

  7. #57
    Active Member 03042017
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    Quote Originally Posted by theguyfromny View Post
    YES! that's the beauty of it actually, and i ASSURE you i am not trolling i REALLY believe this, i remember it because i don't remember it! it's paradoxical and funny yet true! i remember nothingness, just void darkness. not a single thought ran through my mind because there was no mind to think! no consciousness to be aware of my own existence! the way i remember it is by thinking of my earliest memory, then trying to think of something prior. and what do i get: nothing! haha! it's incredible!
    You do realize darkness, or silence in the mind (absence of thought) is not you imagining a prior time before you exist, right? Using that logic you can tell me what dinosaur stepped on the land that is not my house. Unless you are some sentient being from the 10th dimension, I highly doubt you can see into a time before existence.

    Just because you believe in it does not make it true, take barney for instance. Real? No, imaginary? Yes. Does that make him real? No, he is a man in a costume, outside of TV he is nothing.

    Let me break it down into simple terms so you don't confuse "void" with "impossible".

    If you see something, then it exist. If you do not see something it does not exist. (Remember we are referring to your mind) for you to say "I see nothingness" that is not you seeing a time before you exist (impossible by todays thought processing). There were things before you, unless you are telling me you created the universe and the multi-verses that coincide with it, then I have a lot of questions for you. But since you are talking to me I am going to guess you are not either of the two. Things existed before you were born do you see the stock market failing? Or America celebrating it's victory over Japan? How about America's short occupation of Vietnam before we ran for our lives? No? Thats strange because all these things happened before your time so that would mean you have to be able to see them, am I right?

  8. #58
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    Lol I remember the nothingness. Good one. You can't remember it. What you're remembering is the absence of memory at all. So forget that trick buddy. And one thing I'd point out actually, our brains have never used all of our capacity. The human memory system is... Well you know how the brain looks all wavy like someone took a piece of silly putty and then wove a string through it to leave an impression in it? That's out memory. It goes all around our brain for miles. We can store so much in our Brain, but recalling it is the hard part. You don't actually "recall" it like seeing. A picture. Photographic memory is subjective. You piece it back together which is why your memory gets fuzzy with age: you find it hard to put the right pieces together.

    Anyways what I'm saying is that although we have the capacity, the knowledge on how to use it is not sufficient enough to actually do it. So unless you're saying some random guy on a fart fetish board is the newest thing in neurological development, please give up this whole "I remember the non existence' thing.

  9. #59
    Member SmoothFartFella's Avatar
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    Gentleman. I propose a truce for now. All of you seem like great scholars. Intelligent nonetheless. So let us end this pointless charade and relish in our great community.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoothFartFella View Post

    Gentleman. I propose a truce for now. All of you seem like great scholars. Intelligent nonetheless. So let us end this pointless charade and relish in our great community.
    I'm with it.

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