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Thread: Gassyerotica Forum Rules

  1. #1
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Eastern Europe

    Gassyerotica Forum Rules

    Hello and Welcome to the Gassyerotica Forum.

    Forum Rules (TOS - Terms of Service) - Last Updated on 8th March 2012

    Gassyerotica reserves rights to change forum rules without posting notifications in forum or public networks.

    Don't feel limited because of this rules, they are simply here to help us protect stability of this forum, your safety and to eliminate those who wants to ruin it

    Gassyerotica - Fart fetish Forum ( is not a producer (primary or secondary) of any and all of the content found on the website ( therefore, we do not sell content to our users.
    Underage Violation

    It's Forbidden to use this forum if you are not adult person with at least 18 years.

    (in some countries legal age may be different)


    Basic relationships in the community

    As a first time visitor, and a person without virtual ID in our base, you are called a Guest.

    By completing registration you become Gassyerotica member and you use benefits of the community and respect forum rules.
    You are free to express your opinions, share your stories and everything you need to say in appropriate forums, but you may not insult other members, spread racism,
    or harm our users, that also includes you need to respect team members decisions (administrators/super moderators/moderators/leaders of team)

    Abusing forum script, hacking forum and persons accounts will result kicking from the board.

    Administrators can disable your account without reason, anytime if they believe you are dangerous for community!


    Posting of forbidden content

    Posting and downloading content forbidden by the global laws of Europe and International law is forbidden.

    That includes child pornography, animal cruelty and any other kind of extreme porn with real violance.
    This rule also includes posting content forbidden by the owner of Gassyerotica you will find under this rule if specified:
    Violating user privacy

    Announcing Private User(s) data as IP adress, Home Adress, and everything we know it's confidential is forbidden to post, without admin permission.


    Copyright Violation (DMCA)

    Attaching (hosting) Copyrighted content, such as Pictures, Videos and text on Gassyerotica site without owners permission.

    Gasyerotica is sharing based site so it's allowed to post links from upload services such as, etc,
    Gassyerotica is not responsable for content out of her hosting.
    Content of dead (inactive) websites is welcome.

    If you believe that your copyright work was violated in our forum, feel free to send authentic DMCA takedown request

    Faster and recommended solution in that case would be to contact service where file is physically hosted.


    Fart sites related advertisement

    It's forbidden to post-advertise related (fart) websites, forums or blogs with a lot of content without permission.



    Spamming forum (posting recently deleted content) is forbidden as posting links to malicious websites.


    Gassyerotica Hidden Content violation

    it's forbidden to repost hidden forum content as unhidden.This rule also includes reposting it in the same thread, other threads but it's not limited sometimes if the hidden content was reposted few times in different topics without team complaint.

    >> Additional Information - Using hide option- re/posting with hide option in forum:

    You can simply use hide option if you click on the button
    , it's located in toolbar of bbcode text editor when you post new thread or in advanced (full) reply mode.

    If you are not member of premium Gassyerotica rank it's forbidden that you request or repost hidden content in forum thread but also in PM

    (private messages). It's also forbidden to share hidden content with other users by Pm if you are not original poster.


    Using wrong descriptions

    Using wrong Forum Prefixes or Tags

    In some forums there will be special thread description you need to respect.

    Double nicknames

    Creating more then one nickname (username) is forbidden.If you need to have two or more usernames contact forum administration for permission.



    Gassyerotica will occasionly or whole time collect money donations to cover the bills of hosting, technical support and additional software required for running site on secure and fast way and will also use available resources such as offering various site bonuses of site friends (partners).

    Gassyerotica respects privacy of all donators.


    Once donation is made, in the time of 48 hours, admin will review and confirm your payment.

    Gassyerotica can't return already donated ammount without a valid reason, so once you decide to send your donation to Gassyerotica, you can't get it back.


    Advertising in forum violation

    If you didn't agreed paid advertising on site with administrator, you can't spam your site by posting new threads very often,

    but if you each time include preview to community (for example each time new free fart video) it wont be a problem to post numerous times.

    You can express your advertising ideas through forum signature, but make shure you don't brake the rule of using letters too much bigger then the size of usual posts.

    In every case , feel free to use signatures and admin will decide if your signature can stay in forum or not.

    Gassyerotica Fart List

    Fart list was created to help our fart lovers to find quality and real fart content, but also to warn on girls who don't make authentic - real content.
    Pumped or dubbed farts are not real farts, and this forum will only support girls with real content.

    To get on the fartlist you need to :

    - make at least 4 fart clips, (this limit may vary) so we can check are you authentic or not
    - say hello in forum or contact gassyerotica privately [email protected] requesting to be put on fartlist
    - include 2 sites you preffer to be put in your entry

    members can also suggest girls for the fartlist on the same email [email protected]

    Why you are still not on the fartlist?

    - because it was hard to determine if your content was real
    - because we don't know about you *yet* or we are currently too busy
    - you have clip or two not worth to be mentioned!

    More about using Gassyerotica fartlist is included here.

    Sticked rules violation

    During the forum life, there will be a sticked (temporary) rules that also means they have to be respected no matter if they are not included in this rules.


  2. #2
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Eastern Europe
    DMCA Takedowns
    What's necessary if you, as a copyright owner, want your content to be removed from Gassyerotica?

    (i) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

    (ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.

    (iii) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material.

    (iv) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.

    (v) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

    (vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

    To file takedown include all the above and send to...

    [email protected]

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