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Thread: I fucking hate this fetish (I just need to vent)

  1. #1

    I fucking hate this fetish (I just need to vent)

    Nothing against you guys or anything, but it's just that this kink happends to be making my life shit. The reason? My 12 year old kid sister.
    If she had run in on me watching fart porn or in some other way found out about my fetish and tried to blackmail me about it'd be fine. Well probarbly not, but it's better than the current issue...
    You see, my sister is probarbly one of the greatest farters currently alive or something like that. And it drives me fucking insane. And she knows it... She probarbly thinks I'm just grossed out, which isn't far from the truth as I'm getting torn up inside from my own sister who's also a minor being the closest thing to my ultimate fantasy.
    One time I almost masturbated to her, luckily I pulled out in the last second. We had been at a family gathering, you know the type, really boring with a load of distant relatives you don't know and have no intention of getting known with. My sister (who was 10 at the time making it even more sicker) was told that she had better hold her farts in during the dinner or she would have to sit at the childrens table (she hates our cousin).
    I guess this would be the time to explain her condition. She has this trick where she can suck air up her ass wich I dare sasy is the major contributor to her talent, but at the same time she has this colon disorder (some kind of chronic flatulence I think, I haven't wanted to look too much into it) so she's really gassy naturally as well. What a killer combo right? If only it had been my next door crush or something instead... -_-
    Either way, she had to hold in the natural part of her farts during the entire dinner which if I remember correctly trekked a little over two and a half hours. So when we finally leave the table she goes upstairs with the two cousins she actually likes and I followed them because I think the three of them are really nice kids and way better company than my alcoholized grand-uncle. In retroperspective thisis probarbly the dumbest thing I have done because when we get upstairs my sis exclaims that she's been holding it in for three hours now (she must have the spitcher control of a shaolin monk...) and that she wants to see if she can beat her personal best. She asks me to take the time as I'm the only one with a watch of us four and then she leans over on the couch and rips what is probarbly the biggest fart I will ever witness. Unfortunately...
    Have you guys seen that Simone clip where she's in a red and black superhero costume and rips this really loud monster fart of about 8 seconds? Yeah, well this motherfucker was at least just as loud as that one but it lasted (and I can still hardly believe it) 26 seconds!!
    Do you understand my pain now? I live under the same roof as a girl who could outfart a flock of elephants, and she's my own fucking sister and a minor at that!!
    After she had ripped that unholy beast of a fart we practically had to evacuate the second floor because the smell was so intense. One of my cousins actually puked from the smell, but she's a squeamish little wimp so I doubt it counts for much. After a while the stink started spreading over the house and a portion of the party actually moved outside, even if we opened the window it stuck around for at least 15 minutes or so.
    I was so awestruck by her preformance I actually was overcome with the temptation to sneak into a bathroom in the basement and masturbate. I went of for a little while but then I luckily managed to snap out of it before I came. I splashed some cold water from the sink in my face to calm down and just sat there for a while. I was afraid to meet my sister again in case she pulled of something like that again, but I figured it would be suspicious if I was away for too long. I can't really remember how the rest of the party went, except for my uncle getting in a fight with my grand-dad, but I remember the car trip home.
    My mom thinks my sister's farting is nasty and don't want her to, but my dad thinks it's funny and often jokes around with her about it. He asked sis if that "poison mist" right after dinner was her work and that he was really imperssed by it. He asked me what the time on it was and I reluctantly awnsered 26 seconds wich really got him going, he kept talking about world records and TV preformance, just bullshitting of course but it didn't help me tring to fight back an erection. Neither did it help with my sister trying to repeat her preformance...
    And this is in essence how my life is. There are few things I find more disgusting than incest and paedophilia, and this fert fetish is dragging me down both paths.

    I fucking hate this fetish!

  2. #2
    You know what man? I honestly feel bad for you. I actually understand your pain. Not to say I've ever gone through anything simiar, but I could picture myself in that situation and being very frustrated.

    Hang in there dude. That's probably the best advice I can give you.

    The other thing you could do is maybe convince yourself that it's the farts from a female that you like, not the farts from your sister. I know that if (by some miracle) I witness or smell a good fart knowing it's from a female, I don't always think about THAT particular female. Keep this in mind, and maybe you can erase some of the guilt. Otherwise dude, I dunno.

  3. #3
    I really feel sorry for you too man... it's some shit!

    actually I have tried something lil simular with my big sister though... She dosen't have chronolical flatulence or what the name of that thingy is, but she can burp louder than a hardcore Trucker... She only did this when we were alone in the house though... luckily we don't live under the same roof anymore so it isn't such a big problem anymore... and then I found this great forum too! So my advice is that: download all the vids you can and don't have from this site, ask your mom and dad if you can get a lock or something (for the door), and maybe when your sister gets a little older possible more mature (don't know her, so I don't know how she is) and tell her about your fetish... Ofcourse you should probably make her promise that she wouldn't tell anyone about it... Well can't think of anything ells mate...

    Only thing I can say is... Hang in there and you'll pull through somehow...

  4. #4
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    well, all I can say I am a lucky guy and farting of my sister doesn't turn me on.
    Even farting of any person in my family doesn't turn me on.

    Try to escape from that and you will help yourself.
    I don't know any other (clever) suggestion for you right now.

    Que delicia

  5. #5

    RE: I fucking hate this fetish (I just need to vent)

    Originally posted by El Eno
    Nothing against you guys or anything, but it's just that this kink happends to be making my life shit. The reason? My 12 year old kid sister.
    If she had run in on me watching fart porn or in some other way found out about my fetish and tried to blackmail me about it'd be fine. Well probarbly not, but it's better than the current issue...
    You see, my sister is probarbly one of the greatest farters currently alive or something like that. And it drives me fucking insane. And she knows it... She probarbly thinks I'm just grossed out, which isn't far from the truth as I'm getting torn up inside from my own sister who's also a minor being the closest thing to my ultimate fantasy.
    One time I almost masturbated to her, luckily I pulled out in the last second. We had been at a family gathering, you know the type, really boring with a load of distant relatives you don't know and have no intention of getting known with. My sister (who was 10 at the time making it even more sicker) was told that she had better hold her farts in during the dinner or she would have to sit at the childrens table (she hates our cousin).
    I guess this would be the time to explain her condition. She has this trick where she can suck air up her ass wich I dare sasy is the major contributor to her talent, but at the same time she has this colon disorder (some kind of chronic flatulence I think, I haven't wanted to look too much into it) so she's really gassy naturally as well. What a killer combo right? If only it had been my next door crush or something instead... -_-
    Either way, she had to hold in the natural part of her farts during the entire dinner which if I remember correctly trekked a little over two and a half hours. So when we finally leave the table she goes upstairs with the two cousins she actually likes and I followed them because I think the three of them are really nice kids and way better company than my alcoholized grand-uncle. In retroperspective thisis probarbly the dumbest thing I have done because when we get upstairs my sis exclaims that she's been holding it in for three hours now (she must have the spitcher control of a shaolin monk...) and that she wants to see if she can beat her personal best. She asks me to take the time as I'm the only one with a watch of us four and then she leans over on the couch and rips what is probarbly the biggest fart I will ever witness. Unfortunately...
    Have you guys seen that Simone clip where she's in a red and black superhero costume and rips this really loud monster fart of about 8 seconds? Yeah, well this motherfucker was at least just as loud as that one but it lasted (and I can still hardly believe it) 26 seconds!!
    Do you understand my pain now? I live under the same roof as a girl who could outfart a flock of elephants, and she's my own fucking sister and a minor at that!!
    After she had ripped that unholy beast of a fart we practically had to evacuate the second floor because the smell was so intense. One of my cousins actually puked from the smell, but she's a squeamish little wimp so I doubt it counts for much. After a while the stink started spreading over the house and a portion of the party actually moved outside, even if we opened the window it stuck around for at least 15 minutes or so.
    I was so awestruck by her preformance I actually was overcome with the temptation to sneak into a bathroom in the basement and masturbate. I went of for a little while but then I luckily managed to snap out of it before I came. I splashed some cold water from the sink in my face to calm down and just sat there for a while. I was afraid to meet my sister again in case she pulled of something like that again, but I figured it would be suspicious if I was away for too long. I can't really remember how the rest of the party went, except for my uncle getting in a fight with my grand-dad, but I remember the car trip home.
    My mom thinks my sister's farting is nasty and don't want her to, but my dad thinks it's funny and often jokes around with her about it. He asked sis if that "poison mist" right after dinner was her work and that he was really imperssed by it. He asked me what the time on it was and I reluctantly awnsered 26 seconds wich really got him going, he kept talking about world records and TV preformance, just bullshitting of course but it didn't help me tring to fight back an erection. Neither did it help with my sister trying to repeat her preformance...
    And this is in essence how my life is. There are few things I find more disgusting than incest and paedophilia, and this fert fetish is dragging me down both paths.

    I fucking hate this fetish!
    i hate this fetish too, and your not the only one either, Im not going to even get into detail lol.

  6. #6
    post clips of your sister in 6 years

  7. #7
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    keep it OUT of the family mate.

  8. #8
    Elite Member
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    May 2007
    How did you know the fart lasted 26 seconds, did you actually count while she was doing it, or was there a clock on the wall with a second hand right above where she was.

    I'm sorry, but there is a couple of things about this post that doesn't sound right, especially the part about the fart clearing the whole house out from the second floor down. We are talking about a kid here aren't we?

    I would seriously urge fellow members that share this kink to be very cautious in replying to this NEW poster on the subject of his kid sister either in this post or future ones. It could be a trap.

    This is a niche forum and it could get gassyboss and members into trouble and we don't want that. Please don't think I'm being a s.o.b. I'm just concerned about people being led into saying something quite innocently, and then the forum being stitched up. That would be terrible!

    My two cents worth!

  9. #9
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Originally posted by Letoff_100
    How did you know the fart lasted 26 seconds, did you actually count while she was doing it, or was there a clock on the wall with a second hand right above where she was.

    I'm sorry, but there is a couple of things about this post that doesn't sound right, especially the part about the fart clearing the whole house out from the second floor down. We are talking about a kid here aren't we?

    I would seriously urge fellow members that share this kink to be very cautious in replying to this NEW poster on the subject of his kid sister either in this post or future ones. It could be a trap.

    This is a niche forum and it could get gassyboss and members into trouble and we don't want that. Please don't think I'm being a s.o.b. I'm just concerned about people being led into saying something quite innocently, and then the forum being stitched up. That would be terrible!

    My two cents worth!
    umm... he says there was a timer (his watch) and she had him time it for her new record or whatever. the point of the story wasn't the fart, it was the fact that he has the fetish, and the best person for the job can't possibly be told about it. he is put in an awkward situation and needs advice, explain what is wrong with the post. (and in all fairness to you, he is sketchy about the "problems") either way, we aren't exactly discussing child porn in any sense of the term, so let sleeping dogs lie.

  10. #10
    Elite Member
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    Nobody here can solve this guys 'problem'. If he's aroused by this then that's a fact like anything else that a person has a thing about. Best thing he can do is go to the bathroom and whack off as many times as is neccesary to get it off his chest until the next time. Nobody will know what's in his head. Heck, he can even enjoy breathing it in until the air clears and nobody will know.

    I'm just bothered this individual is trying to solicit remarks that empathise and encourage him to somehow comsumate his fetish with his sis. This could happen innocently in a genuine attempt to help, even though a member didn't intend anything sordid. Very dangerous waters in my opinion. I'd stay clear.

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