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Thread: Fart Fiction Megathread

  1. #1
    Elite Member mofcorpr's Avatar
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    Fart Fiction Megathread

    Let's post some Fart stories!

    Ass Phyxia.

    Bart has been married with Julia for two years now. A tall and very muscular Jamaican girl (5'9 225 Ibs) but with wicked sexual desires. She was very sexy and beautiful but now he was planing to divorce. She was a very cruel woman, performing black magic rituals and enjoying crushing animals under her large ass while farting on them. She said she has to do that to please Erzulie, the goddess of love in the Voodoo religion. Bart knew she had a great sexual pleasure doing this.

    When Bart woke up this morning he was in a very strange shape. His soul and spirit had been trapped in a bird body and he was confined in a birdcage. Julia was looking at him with a sadistic grin on her face. She put her clothes off and opened the cage. Julia took the bird and put him on a chair. While maintaining Bart, she sat on him with her bare ass. She didn't exert a very heavy pressure on him because she wanted the torture to last a very long time. In spite of that, Bart was painfully crushed and he had a difficult time breathing, being smothered under 225 Ibs of muscles. But the worst of all was her farts : there was not a lot of air to breath and this little air was fouled by the most vile farts he had smelled in his life. And it was a non stop farting on his little body. Julia had surely planed this fate with a meticulous precision and thought of a way to make the most putrid farts to asphyxiate and to humiliate Bart.

    He was on the verge of passing out now as the pain was awful and he had not breathed a single gust of fresh air for a very long time now. Suddenly Julia removed her butt from the little body, allowing Bart to breathe some pure air and to recover some strength. But it was only to apply tortures even more cruel than the first ones. Julia took the bird and sank it deeply between her butt cheeks, placing his head just in front of her asshole. She then squeezed the little bird while continuing her cruel farts. The squeezing was so hard that Julia heard some bones crush under the pressure. For Bart, it has become so excruciatingly painful that he wanted to die now. But after a very long suffering, Julia spread her buttocks and let the bird drop to the floor, still alive. She took the telephone and called a veterinary:

    "Hello doctor, my canary bird has escaped its cage and hit the window-pane. Some of its bones are broken, could you come healing it. I like it so much."


  2. #2
    Elite Member mofcorpr's Avatar
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    Loving my gal
    Hey, gang!
    Man, I've just been through hell and back. My g/f(ms fartypants) and I almost permanently parted our ways. It takes almost losing the most important thing in my life, to make me realize what I've got. After a small seperation, we've reconciled(thank God). It's funny how one realizes just how much one loves and desires the other, when you come that close to losing the other.
    Anyways, the other day she was putting her makeup on in the bathroom, and I was kneeling on the floor behind her, stroking her beautiful calves. She was wearing these black spandex pants that came down to her knees. I had my face buried in the crack of her ass and was trying to nibble on her butt, through the spandex. She let out this HUGE fart, with NO warning, while my nose and mouth was buried deep between her gorgeous ass cheeks. The fart must have lasted
    at least 4-5 sec. and I could feel the warm winds totally engulf my face, like the hot sun, as her spandex clad ass vibrated and massaged my face. The odor was a very weak cabbagey one. Some of her gas had entered into my mouth, but I couldn't really taste it(the smell was stronger than the taste). The sound was a little deeper than her normal elephant whistles LOL! Yea...she did her usual evil laugh too, but, only this time there was this really sexy tone to it, that stimulated me like NEVER before!
    I haven't had a woody like that in a while. It was so hard, a cat couldn't scratch it. I know for sure that this is the girl for me. I don't know when exactly, but we are going to get married. I know I would never find another girl like this. She's pretty, with an awesome body, she spoils me rotten, she farts a lot and she loves to fart on me. She's everything to me! For all you guys out there, treat your farting girlfriends with respect and always SHOW them how much you love them by warming their souls with the light of love.
    Bless you all,
    bh~^ ~^

  3. #3
    Elite Member mofcorpr's Avatar
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    What I witnessed
    by Whiifit
    It was the classic geek move by the guy known as Jerry the geek. He was walking (rather the spaz was stumbling) down the cafeteria aisle holding his lunch tray when his gangly leg hit something. He went down, he bowl flew and the soup landed in the wrong place, that place being all over Dana L. Marcie G. and Gina F. the three toughest, foul mouthed bitches in the 11th grade. They wore leather and faded jeans exclusively and believe me when I tell you that the every heterosexual male in our high school had made eye contact with the seat of those jeans as they'd waggle down the hallways clutched to the saucy hips and bottoms of their owners. Particularly Gina's. This Italian hard-nosed chick was blessed with an ass that would stop a war. Jerry the geek staggered to his feet, with an even more dazed look than usual. But that was nothing compared to right after Dana clocked him in the face with her big Slavic fist. She was a rather large girl who took no crap from anyone and was looked like the Amazon of Death with Billy Idol's image splashed with pea soup. "You fuckin retard" she screamed as Jerry crumpled from the blow. On his back at that point, he never saw little Marcie, all five feet and 90 pounds living fireball leap from the table and clomp with those biker boots right on Jerry's gut. The poor sap was convulsing on the floor and thing was that no one seemed to have the least bit sympathy for him. The diminutive Golitha twisted on his belly for a moment, then hocked a stringy loogie into old Jerry's mouth as it opened to beg for relief. Then came the cream. As Mary stepped off, Ms. Gina stood over the fallen geek. She definitely got the bulk of Jerry's lunch offering. Her signature make-up job, heavy eyeliner, blood red lips was splattered with greed and carrot bits and the face that wore it was twisted into what can only be described as dangerous rage. She stared down at the Jer-geek with utter contempt. Then, in that bombastic, shrewish New Jersey shrill of hers she raged, "What the fuck is the matter with you, you dumb, spaziod, completely rotted piece of shit? Jerry's eyes ran up the firm Jean encased leg, up past the expanse of her hips all the way to her sneering face. Jerry started stuttering some straw of an apology which disgusted Gina even more and prompted the kick Jerry's head took. Shut up you pathetic puke" she hissed. "Look at me. Look at my face... MY FRIGGIN' MAKE-UP you loser!" Out of what could only have been a misfire of self preservation, Jerry blurted out:, "Y--you look real nice. I think you're pretty." "Morr-on!! " she bellowed. She became so tense with anger, I started to get a little concerned for old Jerry's safety but then again, what's one nerd compared to this kind of blue ribbon entertainment. Gina dropped onto his chest and slapped him over and over again. The CRACK of her hand against his face echoed through the cafe. At that point it was a little surprising that no faculty member came to break it up as I kept expecting them to. They never did and my theory on that was that who ever was on duty was hiding and enjoying the show. Still donning her leather jacket, Gina had worked up quite a sweat and stopped to catch her breath. She sneered down at the beaten Jerry, obvious that her anger wasn't quelled. Then, with a complete change in the tone of her voice, she said softly. "You don't deserve to live for doing something like this, so I am going to kill you..." We've all heard that figurative expression, and that's just what it usually is: just an expression. But the way Gina said it, the rage boiling behind the calm voice, I and everyone else in that cafeteria kind of believed that she meant it. Rising to a squat, she leaned over his face and repeated the threat, this time adding "And I'm going to kill you right her and right now" Still in a squat, she turned so that fabulous ass, encased by the soft denim of her 501's hovered a scant few inches over Jerry the Geeks pitiful face. She held the position so her victim could get a great gander at the instrument of his impending expiration. I don't think any of the 3 or four hundred kids who were witnessing the beginnings of a public execution so much as twitched a nose hair in those few seconds when butt was presented to face. Then.... PLOP!!! Gina dropped her 135 pound body on to the upturned face of a geek. She grabbed a coke. wiggled that tush and settled in for murder. It was a clear view we had: Gina was firmly seated on Jerry's face. Her entire ass covered it. There appeared to be nothing left of it. To heighten matters even more, she raised her legs and rested her feet on Jerry's crotch. She pooped poem her can of coke and non-chalantly drank it as if she were merely sitting on an inanimate object. It wasn't long before Jerry started to struggle as she bore down with her entire weight. He squirms started to annoy Gina and she remedied that by kicking his balls a couple of time. Poor Jerry seemed to be in trouble. It had been several minutes since his last breath. Would this girl really kill him:? I guess Marcy was thinking what I was thinking and asked her friend:"Are you really gonna smother him to death? Gina thought it over for a moment and said "No, I have a better idea" With that she rose her buttocks slightly from Jerry's face and then the first "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" came. There could be now doubt as to what that was: A good old American, split pea soup, fart. "I'm gonna gas him to death! Poor O'l Jerry had been with out air for so long, that he had no choice other than to breathe the butt expulsion deep into his lungs. Gina stayed on top of him for the rest of the lunch period bringing the guy to the brink of suffocation and just at the right time, blowing a nasty blast of gas up into his nostrils and mouth. She repeated this several times and whenever he groped or tried to buck her off, she would clobber his balls and fart. This went on for about 15 minutes until someone said, "Hey he looks like he's croaked,." Gina heard this but had picked up a magazine earlier and was reading. When she finally got up, it was as she still read and hardly noticed her human seatpad who looked, well dead. A stunned crowd stared with concern as Becki move up to her friend "Looks dead, huh.?" Gina frowned, glanced down at the un-moving body and suddenly sneeze on him, Suddenly it moved Jerry wasn't dead. Everyone laughed but not Gina. She was pissed cause the fart boy let others think she was a killer. In a final burst of rage, yanked his hair, Dragged him to a corner, jammed his head on the wall, put her ass back to his face and let loose with fart explosion. A second later she told him he's never to eat in "Her cafe" again and if she caught him, he would find out that flatulence was simply an appetizer for what followed. A first row spectator Monore High School on a day in Late March, 1984 Trenton New Jersey

  4. #4
    Baned User
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    Nov 2006
    piss off.

  5. #5
    VIP Member jaydee.gabriel's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    dude what the fuck is your deal you idiot?

  6. #6
    Elite Member mofcorpr's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    I guess it would be best to note that almost all of these stories aren't mine, but are saved from the earlier days of this fetish.
    ps. to fartsucker:
    <---- This is what an emoticon would look like if it was lying on a beach chair.

    My Lactose Intolerant Girlfriend

    My girlfrind is named Rachel she loves to drink milkshakes,milk,
    or even eat icecream no matter what. Her problem is that she is that she is
    very lactose intolerant. Rachel is not aware that she is lactose intolerant
    ,but I am Im her bofriend Randy. Rachel
    is sexy girl shes tall with long blond hair and a large ass.

    On Friday Saturday and Sunday were the best days of my life and the worse days
    of Rachel's life . R achel was waring these tight bluejeans that huged her tight
    ass a white top and black boots.
    I had a secret fetish that I haven't told my grilfriend Rachel yet. To be perfectly
    honest I find farting women sexy and it turns me on I don't know why ,but it
    does .I don't know I guess maybe its because I am confortable around women or
    maybe they are confortable around me .

    On Friday night Rachel and I were coming home from shopping at the malls .
    Rachel begains to complain about her stomach making strange noises. I call my
    sele being funny with a grin on my face I told her go drink some milk knowing
    what it does to her system. Rachel proceeded to the kitchen and chuged down
    four tall glasses of milk.I was siting on the sofa watching television when
    my sexy Rachel enter the room I ask her did that help she said yes a little
    not much my gut stills feel bad.

    Rachel and I were cuddling on the sofa when I her that same noise she was complaining
    about earlier . The noise was so loud it sounded like an earthquake rumbling.
    Second later after hearing her stomach rumble Rachel begains shifting on the
    sofa unconfortably.Seconds later Rachel looks at me and whispers in to my ear
    I love you Randy . I replied I love you to Rachel . Moments later we begaing
    to kiss passionately ,and thats when it happen . Ybbbbarararararararatttt We
    stop kissing the room was in dead slience you could hear a pin drop . I pretend
    that I was disgusted and said you farted you nasty girl it stinks in here .

    Rachel looks at me and says ooooops did I do that . I said yes . Rachel said
    I told you my stomach was bothering me,but I didn'know I had to fart can we
    continue our ramantic evening .

    We were still huged up on the sofa and Jarkkkkcccchararararttttt
    Rachel ass vibrated the sofa I was still pretending that I didn't like it. I
    said damn girl what the hell did you eat laughing out loud and faning the air
    around me it stinks .
    Rachel said baked beans Blooooooooooooooouuuurrrrtttt broccli and
    Blubbbbbbbbrarararatttt cheese casarole and two Pppppparararattt
    glasses of milk . Rachel was embarrassed at what happen she got up and Plubbbbbbbrararararatttt
    and farted out the room Rachel was mad at me for teasing her she said if you
    want to leave me go ahed and leave I'll undestand .

    Minutes later I went in to confort her . I asked her are you alright she says
    no Randy I am not Veberberberberbratttttttt alright .I call my self using cycology
    on her I told her don't cry if you are embarrassed its ok nobody Knows but me
    .I also told her that farting is apart of life ,in fact I confessd my sexual
    fetish to her . I sad Rachel there is somthing I need to tell you . Rachel said
    what is it Randy . I said its a litte embarrassing to tell. Rachel said remember
    what you told me a few minutes ago its ok to be embarrassed. I said your right
    you are absulutely right. I said ok here goes do you remember when I told you
    to drink some milk to soothe your stomach .Rachel says yeah what about it .
    I said I told you that because I know what milk does to your system .Rachel
    says what do you mean . I said I mean you are lactose intolerant . I told you
    to drink milk because I wanted to here you fart .Rachel says why. I said because
    I have this fetish for women farting it turns me on and I was afraid to tell
    you because I thought that you would leave me . Rachel said I have a confession
    to tell you .I said whatis it. Rachel said I knew all along you liked my farts
    because last month I was fartin in bed while you were sleep you didn't complain
    about the sound or the smell you just smiled and lauged.

    Ps I will contue with saturday and sunday lactose intolerant story on T/W EVENING.
    Hope you enjoy the post story .

  7. #7
    Originally posted by fartsucker123
    piss off.

  8. #8
    Elite Member
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    Aug 2006
    Originally posted by fartsucker123
    piss off.
    that is enough out of you. if you don't have anything useful to say, then:


  9. #9

    RE: Fart Fiction Megathread

    I found these on a site, because I am able to hack records so i was lookin for fart scripts because they made videos and i found these and some others, their called the club fetish I-III and whats interesting is you put the initials together they make FTC but i dont see a connection their was also club fetish IV - god knows how many 4 more pages of em note that some arent fart fetish but their all together so i figured what the hell


    Ray walked into club tiger looking around for some good action after a long days work, he looked at the name tags under

    the platforms where the girls dance until he saw the sticker that said "Main attraction!" "Flatulent Fox", she was tall

    with c-cup boobs thin hips and a round butt which was his favorite part about her, she had a braw which was light blue

    with light blue fur covering each breast and she had a small patch of fur covering her butt crack and on the other side

    another peice of fur, ray looked at another guy watching her and asked "Whats so special about her?", the man said "well

    shes the best dancer in here and the hottest girl but I hear shes also got special abilitys", and ray said "special

    abilitys?","yes but she only shows them to the high rollers who got alotta cash to blow", ray thought to himself if he

    would spend alot just to get some action from this girl, and then ray said "how much does she charge?","well I doubt you

    will be able to afford it, you have to put 1000 bucks infront of her","ive only seen two people get the flatulent fox

    special", then ray said "well its gonna be four" and place a 1000 dollar check infront of her, she grabbed it and said

    "follow me" taking him to a back room where their was a pole and a chair, she then shook her ass right in his face and

    said "are you ready?" and he said "yes" and she grunted a bit and let out a orgasmic cry, the fur covering her butt lifted

    up as if wind had blown it up and out came a BAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUMMMMPPHHHH, it was the loudest and stinkiest

    fart he had ever heard and sniffed, the force of it knocked him over, and she jumped from the platform and onto his face,

    he was about to protest that this was not what he was looking for when she let out another cry and farted again leaving a

    brown mark on his face, she then pulled out a hankerchief and tied it on his mouth, and said "let me explain myself, my

    name is destinee, I have a rare flatulence condition called gasious palentious, it makes me fart heavily and also makes it

    extremely stinky, the condition also makes them powerful, I can knock over a tv with a fart", she then farted some more on

    his face leeaving multiple brown streaks because she wore no bottom only the fur covered which she had lifted up, she now

    said "oooooo your gonna like this I call it the 50 calibur fart, its a fart for 50 seconds straight" she grunted for a

    minute then out came a fart that sounded like a tuba for straight 50 seconds, the smell of it made him throw up in his

    mouth, it smelled like rotten cabbage and dead animal, after that 2 hours had passed of straight stinkiness, she said

    "time for what I call the Stink mouth" she now pulled her butt cheeks apart making him go into her butt like a mini dutch

    oven and she let out a series of hot wet popping farts.after more farting she said time for the finisher and pushed for

    about five minutes and then all of the sudden a fountain of shit hit his face and he knew what the flatulent fox special



    Vick walked into club tiger hearing good things about it he stared at the girls gazingly seeing the main attaction

    flatulent fox and hearing the people talk about how expensive she was, so he moved on seeing other girls, one was brown

    beast, she wore a black braw and a black and gold thong, she had c-cup breasts and a round bodacious ass, he saw on the

    sticker $500 for the brown club, although he didnt get the brown part because she was white, so he decided to give up part

    of his paycheck to get some time with her, so he slammed 500 bucks on the stand and she took it then lead him to the back

    room where she begen dancing with her ass in fron of his face, she then said "ready baby?" and he said yes, she then

    pulled down her thong and moaned for a second and out came a loud BBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRUUUMMMMPHHH and chunks of poop

    flew into his face, he let out a cry but she tied him down and covered his mouth with the thong, and said "time for the

    fountain" she then opened her butt cheeks grunted and moaned then squirted out a large stream of poop that came out like a

    geisure. she then pulled out a hose and said "oh your gonna love this" she then stuck one end in her butt and the other in

    his mouth, she started to push and moan, and about five seconds later warm goop was oozing through the tube slowly, when

    it inched on a little more she said "dont worry baby i'll make it faster" shen then grunted and pushed and the poop shot

    through the tube and into his mouth like a fire hose. now she sat on his face and farted a few times which smelled of dead

    animal, now she jumped up and landed doing the splits with her butt directly in his face she grunted and moaned and the

    poop shot onto his face and into his eyes, now all he could see was brown, she now said "your probably wondering the

    reason why I can pump the brown out so well, well the reason is, I have a condition where i constantly have dhiarea, just

    a little bit of food can make me shoot my brown machine straight for a week" she then stood up bent over and said "time

    for a shower", he thought "yes! its over" but then she hovered her ass over his head and stuck a shower nozzel in her

    butt, she then grunted and came pouring down on him more poop, she did this constantly for about five minutes then

    stopped, she now said "time for the grand finally, its what I call septic fury" she then sat on him and spread her butt

    cheeks she grunted for a bit and into his face went more poop, this time some of it solid into his face. she did this for

    fifteen minutes and finished it with a big brown ball, and that was the end, and she said "congratulations youre in the

    brown club"


    Dave walked into club tiger with his buddy nick and they casually walked through looking at the girls seeing two called

    flatulent fox and brown beast but they just walked past then they saw a girl called the fountain she had c-cup breast and

    tight gold spandex shorts that barely held her bodacious ass, she also had thin hips and long legs, she looked to be

    brazilian it said on the sticker waterpark $700, and nick said "forget this girl shes too expensive", and dave said "shes

    hot im goin for the waterpark" and slipped a check for 700 in her spandex shorts, she took it out and lead him to a

    private room, for about 15 minutes she danced casually showing off her great ass letting him smack it, she then said "are

    you ready?", and he said "yeah baby", he then noticed she had a medium sized hole in the crotch area, she then bent over

    and said "are you sure you want this? its alotta cash to just blow on me" and he said "yes", she then began grunting and

    groaning in a orgasmic way and squirted into his face was a geisure of pee through the whole right into his mouth, he

    choked on it and couldnt yell out to stop it she then jumped on him and squirted more pee into his face, she mustve had a

    bladder condition because she pissed in his face for 3 minutes straight, she then took a few drinks of water and continued

    peeing, she then tied him on the wall and walked to the other side of the room turned around and her butt up in a vertical

    angle and said "I call this target practice" and moaned a bit and squirted all the way across the room in a hard stream

    right into his face, because she pushed hard a few farts came out too which were also powerful enough for him to smell

    after a few more minutes she put her spandex shorts back on and said "I have a special paste in my shorts that turns them

    neon when I pee" she covered the hole and continued "so im gonna show you how powerful my bladder problem makes my pee"

    she then grunted and moaned for a second and he heard a loud sound that almost sounded like a water fall and her spandex

    shorts lit up neon she then grabbed a cup and as the pee seeped through the shorts she let it go into the glass and pulled

    out the hankerchief that she had put in earlier from his mouth and poured it down his throat she now took a medium sized

    bucket, it was enough to fit a torso, she "im sorry but this is the finale of the waterpark I hope you enjoyed your stay"

    and pissed in the bucket, it only took her 20 seonds to fill it because of her heavy peeing, she then said "hmmm its not

    finished, let me give it some flavor" and bent over the bucket grunted and out from her butt dropped a log into the

    bucket, she then took his head and continuously dunked it in the bucket, after a few minutes she took his head out and

    said "thank you for visiting the water park i hope you enjoyed your stay"

  10. #10
    Active Member 03042017 suspect09's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    I made this up tonight, its not overtly sexual but it does have plenty of farts


    "What should we eat, fruit salad or pizza?"
    "Pizza, I'm just gonna dab that shit with the napkins. I can deal with pizza grease."
    "Fine Monica, but you better be able to deal with pizza farts," Selena giggled.
    Monica sat up from the couch and frowned.
    "I don't fart after pizza, do I?"
    Selena smiled. "All I'm saying is you better bring Beano to Evans tonight. I don't want you tootin up the whole house." Selena walked into the other room and placed the order. "Hey....Rico's Pizza? Hi...yeah can we get a large mushroom pizza?....what Monica?....sorry, large mushroom and sausage pizza? 40 minutes? Okay great."

    An hour and a half later, Selena and Monica jogged from their apartment for the bus. They boarded the 76, Selena in a blue shirt with mild cleavage and low cut skirt and Monica in a pink top and a black elastic workout pants. Selena scoffed at Monica's attire.
    "A little under dressed, don't you think?" Monica poked Selena's butt as she was paying her fare. "A little skanky don't you think?"
    Selena laughed and swatted at her hand. The two sat down in the front of the bus. It was mildly crowded, with just two open seats next to each other. As Monica sat down, she felt a pressure in her stomach. It'll go away, she assured herself. Selena noticed Monica's wounded facial expression and laughed.
    "You brought that Beano, right?" Monica shook her head.
    "This should be fun," Selena mumbled to herself.
    "Fuck off, I'll be fine." After ten minutes, the bus came to a stop on Evan's street. As they walked up to his house, they could hear music playing loudly. "Awesome," Monica smiled. "I'll just fart and no one will hear me!" Selena shook her head and they went inside.

    As soon as they arrived they were greeted by none other than Evan himself.
    "Hey you two," he laughed. "Drinks are in the kitchen, Millie's tending bar. We've got chips, bong out back, the works." The two women smiled, and then Monica spoke up.
    Evan nodded
    "We've got two bathrooms upstairs, the two doors on the left, side by side, you can't miss em." Monica smiled and nodded. Thank god for that.

    Monica split off from Selena and went a floor down to a warm and carpeted television room. She figured if she went where the music was, it would be easier to cut farts without being noticed. Inside were three bean bags and various people scattered around the room. A girl was sitting in front of the plasma screen watching 16 Candles, laughing while taking shots with her friend. Various hipsters stood around with cosmopolitans, pushing up their trendy glasses and scratching their goatees. Suddenly Monica spotted a familiar face. She walked up to a group of women on the beanbags and sat down on the empty beanbag. Opposite her were two women sharing one and another sitting on one of her own.
    "Claire, right? It's Monica."
    "Mon! I haven't seen you since the show! How are you!"
    "i'm good, great actually. Selena and I are sharing an apartment, just until I find a place to stay"
    "Oh wow I haven't seen her here yet," Claire sipped her martini and motioned to her friend on the beanbag with her and the other woman. "Erin, Monica. Stacey, Monica. Monica Stacey, oh my god I'm such a dork!" she then hiccuped and broke into laughter.
    Without warning, Monica's butthole gave in to the pressure. Perhaps it was a bad time to lift her cheek, maybe God was punishing her, but whatever the cause, she cut a fart.


    The short but low end toot quickly ended the laughter from the obnoxious Claire, only to start her back up again.

    "Oh wow, somebody booped a big one!" she then fell into another spout of laughter. Erin and Stacey laughed as well, at which point Monica gave in and smiled. It could have been worse she thought. "What can I say," she smiled. "I learned from the best."
    "Who, Selena?"
    "Yeah, she's a pretty good in this category, though she won't admit it."
    Suddenly Erin raised her hand as if she were in a classroom, revealing her intoxicated nature.
    "Oh my god, teacher, do another one!" Monica laughed nervously.
    "Uh....I mean I can, I hope I don't gross you out."
    "Nonsense!" Claire barked. "Farts are hysterical!" Then she waved her hand as if to say, continue.
    "Okay, give me a minute, I don't store them in reserve!" Monica laughed. The conversation drifted for a while to archaic subjects like men, television and prada, which thankfully ended when Monica's colon had something to say.
    "Hold on you guys, I got a big one,"
    She lay her stomach on the bean bag so her butt protruded towards the three women and cocked her buttcheeks slightly up.


    A bassy fart, which pitch shifted at the end as if the fart was unsure of itself. The girls applauded in a drunk stupor. Claire spanked her ass lightly.
    "Oh my god Mon, I didn't know you were such a pig," she giggled. Then Stacey waved her hands to get everyone's attention.
    "Wait you guys!" She lifted the butt cheek of her satin pants and cut a fart


    The high pitched toot had all the girls giggling, but Monica suddenly felt a stronger urge than a fart and stood up. Claire grabbed her arm.
    "Stay! Your farts make me smile!" she said in a slurred plea. Monica laughed nervously
    "Okay, I'll be back, I'm just going to get a drink." She walked off quickly. Claire called out to her.
    "Don't be long Boopypants!" Monica cringed as the entire room full of people watched her leave. It was fine when no one could hear them cut farts, but now it was embaressing that she be branded as "the-girl-with-a-fart-sound-as-her-nickname".

    Monica rushed upstairs and mingled quickly past people in the kitchen to make her way upstairs to the bathroom. People grabbed at her and cried out to her. "Mon, I havn't seen you all night!" Can't talk, not trying to shit my pants.

    She rushed into the left bathroom and locked the door. She breathed a deep sigh of relief, then pushed her butt out and farted.


    If a duck could quack like it had the voice of Barry White, that's exactly what it would sound like. She laughed at her own creation and sat on the toilet. Nothing happened. Perhaps the urge to poop had gone away. To bide time, Monica stared around the bathroom.

    On the wall were pictures of Tuscanny and Rome. She Evan was Italian but didn't know he took any interest in his heritage. Monica began to imagine Evan's lips on her neck when suddenly she heard a click. The noise was brief but unmistakable: a compact case closing. Monica turned her head slowly towards the direction of the sound and gasped. Right next to her toilet was a then plastic curtain. Somebody had to be behind the other curtain, going to the bathroom! She breathed deeply and tried to look away from the curtain. Whoever this was must have heard Monica's duck like fart!

    She sat staring at the wall for sometime, when she felt a big fart come on. They've heard everything else, what's one more fart. She gave in.


    She sighed freely and then recoiled at the sound of a voice.


    Horrified, she put her hands over her eyes and spoke

    "oh my god thank god it's you."

    Without warning, Selena pulled open the curtain separating them. Monica shrieked.
    "Jesus SHIT. You scared me half to death!"
    "Good thing I know how your farts sound!" she laughed. "These toilets are huge huh?"
    Monica looked down. Come to thinkof it, they were rather large. She had more than enough space. "So that pizza got to you, I hear."
    "my god you have NO idea. I spent the last fifteen minutes impressing Claire Talikoff with my farts. Now we're good friends-- I'm "boopypants"."

    "Ooh!" Selena cringed. "does she still call them that? God it's like being around a seven year old with her." Selena laughed and then grunted slightly


    " I'm so glad you're here. Who knew about these weirdo bathrooms??"
    "Yeah, Evan sure forgot to mention that they are CONNECTED. Jesus christ."
    "Hold on, I need to do a courtesy flush."

    Selena pushed the handle and waited for the familiar flush noise to occur. Instead a loud burbling came from the toilet bowl. "Oh fuck," she cursed. "I knew I used too much TP."

    "jiggle the switch," Monica offered. Selena did so but to no avail.

    "Gross, the shits all floating up to the top of the bowl. I got part two on the way as well," she groaned. Monica pinched her nose.

    "Damn, that stinks."

    "Hey know how you owe me for the pizza?"

    "....yeah..?" she cautiously agreed.

    "Well.....let's say we're even...if you scooch over on that toliet bowl." Monica sat up straight in disgust.

    "Fuck no! That's disgusting!" Selena pounded her fist on the wall. "come on Mon, you even agreed they are large toilet seats, just scoot over a little bit. Here, I'll clean up a little bit," Selena put the used TP in her toilet and got up, placing her bottom next to Monica's.

    "Oh fuck Selena, this is so wrong. I haven't even pooped yet!" Monica could feel Selena's smooth butt cheek rest against hers. She observed how much tanner she was than Monica. In any other situation, she would compliment Selena, but this was too much.

    "It'll be fun! we can time our farts! Here, do you got one?" Monica shook her head. "Okay, well I do. Incoming!" She nudged her butt closer to Monica's and ripped one.


    Monica shuddered at the vibration of the fart. It was so strong! "Jesus christ. Now I can officially say I've been closer to you than any other woman......okay I do have one." Monica lifted butt a little higher and let go.


    Her three short little bass hits warmed up Selena's buttcheek. "Jesus have it worse than I do!"

    The two finished their buisness in 5 minutes, Selena ending early so she could "bow out gracefully". She wiped and quickly left out of Monica's door.

    "what the fuck, if you go out my door I'll have to go out your door....the door with the clogged toilet!"

    "Those are the breaks! I'll see you downstairs." Monica wiped, fuming. As soon as she left the bathroom door, she stood face to face...with Claire Talikoff.

    "Mon! I thought you were getting a drink, or is there another bar in there?" Monica laughed dryly. "Yeah yeah, I had the runs, what do you want from me." Claire suddenly put her hand in front of Monica and whispered in her ear. "I'll be honest...I want another fart. I can't explain it, something about the way you did it....I want you to boop for me!"

    Monica had had enough of Claire's babyish names. "Its called a fart, Claire. And if that's what you want," she turned and put her butt on Claire's groin and farted.

    "...that's what you'll get. I left you something in there, a cd player with all my recorded farts. Enjoy." Claire hastily separated herself from Monica and went into the bathroom. Monica shook her head. She walked down to the party and motioned at Selena to go home. It had been too much of an ordeal for her.

    "So....was I right or was I right?"
    Monica sighed.
    "You were time, fruit salad...."

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