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Thread: Is the pope the antichrist?

  1. #11
    Gem, Have you even read the bible? It has a lot of effed up stories. This one character in the book named "God" goes around turning people into salt, committing mass genocide, and kills innocent babies.

  2. #12
    this is all foolishness.If you believe that God is everything. you can't believe God killed a separate individual. If God killed anyone/anything, God Killed a part of itself. this thread, this msg, this BBS is null and void under principles of ethics. Your misunderstanding is reasonable. Human Bodily functions are important. I don't recall anywhere in the Bible that God cursed, fucked, pissed, shit, farted, picked God's nose, choked on spit from trying to laugh and speak simultaneously, stuttered, tripped, got drunk, or whatever other "unclean" things that humans do. but I'm sure its happened more time than i can count on my fingers. Not too good at the Bible, or at math. I am aware of humans under these conditions attempting to diss God. That would be self degradation. There's enough other people trying to degrade you, why do it to yourself?

  3. #13
    Baned User
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    lol... fucking hilarious. i haven't had a laugh like that in a while. thank you for that. simply amazing, lol.

  4. #14
    The next pope will be the last pope, and he last pope will be the false prophet who will cause everyone to pledge allegiance to the antichrist... the false prophet will change the religions that exist now... he will also stray from the faith... interesting topic never new this topic exists on this board... this is one of my favorite topics... Just another reason to love this board...

  5. #15
    Baned User
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    so then the previous pope (who at the time was the last pope) did all that?

  6. #16
    According to the prophecies of Daniel chapter 7, there will be a seventh kingdom to arise from amongst the current power kingdom... the New World Order is that seventh kingdom, which is not in power as of yet, so the Antichrist or the False Prophet; although they're alive they're not in power yet...

  7. #17
    Baned User
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    lol? look at who currently has power in the world... we're past the seventh kingdom at this point.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1313Jr.1313 View Post
    because you can't prove that something that doesn't exist is good. also, he did use the bible alone since any time he "attempted" to use history, he was actually using either irrelevant history that was true, or assumptions based on the bible (or in some spots, lies that weren't actually history). while interesting history, it doesn't actually help his point which is what you fail to understand. you are a sheep willing to believe whatever somebody else tells you as long as "you're not supposed to know." besides, even the people who "agree with him" but did the research are pointing out places where he misquoted the bible. i only say that because this is yet another place where nobody can post a comment without the user's permission and without them sucking up, nobody would know without doing the research themselves that this guy is full of shit. you keep saying that i don't believe in god, think that a bunch of fake organizations are good, and for some reason think that i truly believe that the bible doesn't exist... so for once provide some evidence and stop trolling.

    also, are you aware that despite your efforts, you didn't use the correct version of "they're/there/their" once? i'm supposed to believe the words of a guy who can't even fully construct a thought over overwhelming evidence of the truth and ignore all fallacious evidence? if you really believe that this was a good idea then you're clearly delusional and as ffg said, grain of salt for you.
    13 your just in denial of the truth. After he used history that you claim is irrelevant yet can't prove that and turn around and say he used assumption in the bible then say Im a sheep yet I don't have to believe him its all in the bible purple and scarlet clothes I mean what else is there to tell. You said hes full of shit ok then prove it. Make a video and break down all the bullshit he was saying with a 10 min video presentation. Can you point out the part where he misquoted the bible? No cuz your lazy as shit. You steady complain that you can't post a comment without approving so what? Who wants a million non believers to like yourself to junk up the comments saying hes full of shit like you and can't back it up. The pope is adored in diamonds, gold and all types of Jewelry which is spoken in the bible and your telling me that its false? LOL. You said you believe in God but theres no evidence that he exist lol. Who says that and claims he believes in God the bible even says that no man has seen God so theres your evidence there its not meant for us to see Gods face at least here on this earth. You tell me to get an education but how the hell do I know that this "education" is relevant if you say that the history he used as evidence is irrelevant. I spoke about the number of the beast which is 666 and the microchip that exist now yet you say thats not true and you need more evidence. How dumb are you and you have all that education which is typical I meet all kinds of people like you who are confused as hell and just plain pitiful to the truth. Why don't you tell me whats real and whats really going on in this world. Tell me that everythings going to be fine and theres no such thing as bad people who plot behind the seens agaisnt us and how America is a good country and what plansthe pope and Obama or should I say Barry has to make the world a better place to live and not worry about anything. You explain to me and break down in a video presentation that all this is just a theory and made up and a delusion because you just sound like this guy in his comments.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by assman0 View Post
    The next pope will be the last pope, and he last pope will be the false prophet who will cause everyone to pledge allegiance to the antichrist... the false prophet will change the religions that exist now... he will also stray from the faith... interesting topic never new this topic exists on this board... this is one of my favorite topics... Just another reason to love this board...
    The next president is suppose to be the false prophet not the pope cuz the pope has already been adored all over the world by all religion like a God and the president says one thing and does another so that sounds more like a false prophet to me.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SionDS View Post
    Gem, Have you even read the bible? It has a lot of effed up stories. This one character in the book named "God" goes around turning people into salt, committing mass genocide, and kills innocent babies.

    Yes I read the bible can you tell what chapter and verse to find these "fucked up" storie? Hell no cuz you don't read the bible your damn self and can't disapprove any of the truth that 13 is trying to do yet failing slowly with all the junk "education" he has that I need to get lol.

    If you read the bible did you know that it was Roman who hung Jesus? Hence America legalizes abortion and supports them. God didn't create that. Hence death sentences in jail, I don't recall God creating that. Dropping bombs in other countries and killing innocent bystanders, killing all the indians and tribes by the pilgrims. Your country America sounds like the real killers than God.Wait thats not true its irrelevant cuz I misquoted something lol.
    Last edited by gemiwine; 14th August 2010 at 10:09 PM.

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