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Thread: Gassy

  1. #1


    Hey guys, any tips on what foods can help to make me gassy?

  2. #2
    Elite Member
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    Aug 2006
    Fiber One bars. Anything with Chicory Root extract in it. There are a lot of online complaints about the gas that fiber one bars cause.

  3. #3
    Baned User
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    Jan 2009
    Beans,Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, and whole grains. all these contain Raffinose and can cause large amounts of gas. Beans contain the most Raffinose with Broccoli coming in at a close second.

    Also dairy products(you did mention you were lactose intolerant) so if you can stand the pain that comes from it.

    But over all foods that are High in Carbohydrates cause the most gas and the gas doesn't smell as bad.

    well hopefully this is helpful to you.

    P.S im your biggest fan....damn now i sound like a loser! (ah well i can live with it)

  4. #4
    Elite Member GassyJake's Avatar
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    Nov 2009
    Beer does it for me! I have a nice body so we should definitely hook up by the way. But it will never happen. What a shame.
    girl farts for win

  5. #5

    RE: Gassy

    If you live in California go to a pizza place called roundtable and order a chicken & garlic supreme pizza.....that will make your farts long and airy!!! Works all the time for me!

  6. #6
    I eat a fiber 1 bar almost everyday... maybe I need to up it to 2 per day!

    I guess I could stand to add more broccoli in my diet too. thanks for the suggestions!

  7. #7
    I have to say though:

    1) quality is always better than quantity
    2) don't go the route that makes your farts smell less bad! What is a fart slave for if he isn't meant to suffer?

  8. #8
    rsdude's post was pretty accurate.

    To be honest, beans actually deserve their reputation and are pretty much confirmed to be the gassiest food you can eat. Vegetables, whole grains, and other foods high in carbohydrates and/or fiber should also produce a gassy effect. As he said, as well, these foods will give you a lot of gas and you'll fart frequently and they should be loud and/or long and they probably won't stink unless you eat broccoli, garlic, cauliflower, onions, or some other vegetable with a naturally strong smell (after all, chances are if it has a strong smell coming in, it'll have a strong smell coming out). Peppers and other spicy foods will also cause farts to be stinky because they contain toxins.

    If you want to fart a lot, it's also best to eat less meat. While meat is often responsible for particularly smelly farts, it doesn't produce much gas at all, which results in the "silent but deadly" variety of farts. This is basically why vegetarians tend to fart more than people that don't eat meat.

  9. #9
    Aaah... that all you can eat steak the other nigh might explain why I've been a bit "backed up" lol... gas as well as other things...

  10. #10
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Hamburger Helper cheeseburger macaroni, & use the amount of milk that the box says to use. Just don't buy the double cheeseburger macaroni cause that one tastes nasty. If there's a shakey's pizza where you live eat the mojo's very good fart food

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