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Thread: Where do you stand politically?

  1. #1

    Where do you stand politically?

    Just thought it'd be interesting to know where the people on a forum like this stand politically.

  2. #2
    A few random points:

    Extremely socially liberal, somewhat financially conservative sums it up for me.

    Id like like much much harsher punishments for breaking the law, assuming they are good laws, like assault, rape, breaking and entering, drunk driving, stealing ect....

  3. #3
    I'm from Norway which is a socialist democracy, and by those standards I lean towards moderately liberal. Which in america I guess is extremely liberal. The Democrats are like our right wing party, to put things in perspective.
    I'm for universal health care, support the choice of abortion, think marijuana should be legalized, strongly for gay marriage, think the bailout was bullshit, against capital punishment, support stem cell research, etc, etc.

  4. #4
    Ah, well I like to think of myself as a libertarian.

  5. #5
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I stand where ever Marijuana is legal lol

  6. #6
    I am simply a "libertarian" who is strongly against big government and believes in the Constitution.

    Oh and yes that does also mean legalizing Marijuana. As Ron Paul would say, The War on Drugs has been a complete failure.

  7. #7
    Yeah, I blame Ron Paul for my libertarianism.

  8. #8
    I'm a republican who supports gay marriage thinks marijauna should be legal for medicinal purposes, and does believe stem cell research should be looked into, with boundaries.
    I do not believe in abortion, but I do believe in choice.
    I think there should be boundaries there as well.
    I can go on and on about that debate, but I am a man, and it is really not my place, besides some of the facts I know about unborn children, and how it does tend to be in the same family as murder.
    I do not judge people who get abortions, but I respect people who go through with the responsibilities of having the child more.
    I do know that republicans are misunderstood, because of propaganda against us.
    For example. In california the gay marriage was on the balot, almost everyone I know voted in favor of it, yet california a, liberal state, it does not pass.
    Yet republicans, of course get blamed for that.
    To sum up what a republican is, in short.
    We believe in smaller government not controlling our lives, we believe in taxes that are important, not taxing everything.
    The democrats are the ones who censored us, and tax the hell out of everything.
    it's hard to make a buck, without it being taxed.
    you couldn't even get a substantial gift from a family member without it being taxed.
    Yet republicans are blamed for that.
    I have also witnessed that republicans are less judgemental. It seems the left is always in your business and trying to force you how to think.
    I never judge someone for their political beliefs as long as they know what they believe in. I feel we're all humans, and we all have our own personal reasons.
    I also think there should be different sides, because that is what individuality is all about.
    We need democrats as much as we need republicans.
    I also don't vote for every republicans proposition, I'll vote democrat if I like the policy.
    People should think to always step outside the box.
    never vote something just because your party tells you to.
    Always connect your own dots.
    that's where I stand politically.

  9. #9
    Gold Member tetsuo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I agree with FartPallete on many points. I don't know if I could consider myself a Republican (at least by modern standards) but I definitely tend to lean more towards the right on many issues.

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