Originally posted by FartLove88
ok, i dont understand. Wheres the clip ? i did exactly what you said, put in STORMY FARTING in the search box, and press search. but wheres the video clip ? its a lot of them, but none i reffering to the clip your talking about. OK, so you said you dont know how to post a link, heres what you need to do:
1. go to youtube and find the video you are mentioning here, the stormy fart thing.
2. Dreag your mouse to the searchbox on your browser (you know, at the top, where the adress/link is)
3. Push on it and right click and press copy.
4. go to gassyerotica and go to this thread, paste the link/adress wich you copied, and press
then in the box that appears, just write f.ex. "girl farts up a storm" and then push OK (or whatever it says ?) then another box appears, paste then the link -again- (you know, the link to the video you are refering to) in the boxline, and press OK. Then, we all should be able to see the video, hope this helps. Have a good day