No cable that can get you online enters china without going through the government filter, and people have been getting around it since day 1. I think it's safe to say that the Chinese government is more efficient and smart than our American cable companies. With that in mind, Im not going to be afraid that I wont be able to access anything I want some way or another to get around a tiered cable internet ISP.

The same thing is currently happening in United Arab Emirates countries like Dubai. The government already regulates the domestic cable, so people just get their service form another country. If a government cant control the internet, then private owners in a free market with no regulation such as America dont even stand a chance.

I doubt all ISPs(phone, cable, sat) are behind this, but even if they are, and it goes through and pisses people off, someone is going to see a market for unregulated internet where people are willing to pay, or even get it for free. Take a look at this:

This is no small company. Google has the resources to make this happen if there is ever a need. Pretty much any web company HATES the idea of not having net nutrality like we do now, and they will fight for a free system because it's good for their business. There is plenty of money out there to fill the gap. If net neutrality is struck down, the cable companies will be killing themselves just like the music companies are right now. People, especially American consumers, really really hate restrictions.

I can give you any number of examples for what happens when companies piss off the people who pay them:

-DRM music ----->Napster, Kazaa, Torrents

-TV ads-------->TiVo fast fowarding, torrents

-Print media----->Blogs

-Shitty American made cars-------------->Imports

-expensive land line phone survice with cold calls-------> cell phones

-Paying 10c to send an email-------->Free hotmail

-Playing commercials before shitty hollywood movies------>wait for DVD

-Beta MAXs regulation of what can be sold on their tapes------------>unregulated VHS format

-Internet Explorer--------->Firefox

-Norton Anti-virus------------>FREE AVG

People AlWAYS want to pay for something better, and there are always business competing for their money. Name me one technology related service that you have to pay more now, for less than you were getting 10, even 5 years ago. It just doesn't exist.