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Thread: Short story, Kind of related

  1. #1
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Short story, Kind of related

    I wrote this quicky, for a sort of related fetish I have along with this one. Skunk girl fetish.... Let me know if you like it. I do custom work as well.

    Lori, Colette and Sophie were bullies, plain and simple. Being skunks, the rest of the schoolyard feared them, including the teachers. They were stunningly curvy, and had meticulously well groomed fur. Their little plaid schoolgirl outfits had the skirts hiked almost high enough to get them into trouble. On one particular day, after school had let out for the afternoon, the three approached a young mouse boy, playing in the sandbox alone. He looked fearful at their approach, and began to whimper...looking for an escape route. The three girls, with mischievous grins began to circle him. Little Timmy as he was called came from a poor family, and he had stolen an apple from Sophie's lunch earlier. He thought she didn't notice, but apparently she did.
    "Did you enjoy your snack, loser?" said Sophie as she did a handstand right beside the frightened mouse. Colette walked toward him with her almost impossible feminine grace. His head came to her crotch level...he was a mouse afterall, and small for a mouse at that. She stared down into his pleading eyes with a grin and said "Ooooh, bad little are going to stink so badly when we get done with you that you'll wish you were dead. " That was enough for Timmy... instinct took over and he bolted as fast as his legs would carry him. Lori was ready for him. Quick as lightning she sprang up into a handstand and let loose and expertly aimed gout of musk from her anal glands. The steam of it caught Timmy across the face and throat as he ran by with the force of a garden hose. The overwhelming stench took his breath away, and then the burning in his nose and eyes set in. He fell on the ground and began crying and rolling around, and coughing horribly.
    Lithely, Lori cartwheeled off her hands back onto her feet and the three walked over to where Timmy was suffering on the ground. He held his hands up over his squinting eyes, pleading with them to leave him alone. Colette took is meagre bookbag from the side of the sandbox and looked through it. "Hmm...little raggedy teddy bear....comic books, dinky car...homework....well, kiss it goodbye Timmy boy.." She set it down on the pavement, opened the top flap and straddled it. Flipping up her skirt she sat down on the open bookbag and let loose a torrent of musk. *fwoooooosh* "Whoah!!" said Sophie, laughing hysterically. "Careful you don't fill up the bag girl! hahah" She stood up off the bag and the sticky, yellow liquid dripped out of the worn seams and visibly soaked material. "I don't think you'll be wanting to hug that little teddy bear tonight." laughed Colette.
    Sophie was the tallest and most curvaceous of the three. She was also the most sadistic. She casually walked over to where Timmy was still bawling on the ground and stood over him, facing his feet. He looked up her perfect legs to her pert bubble-butt and magnificent fluffy tail. She looked down over her shoulder at him and smiled. "Hold this little FUCKER down!!" she chirped as her smile turned into a scowl. Timmy squeeled and squirmed trying to get away. Colette grabbed his ankles and sat on them, while Lori stood painfully on each of his wrists with all of her weight. "Now you little pecker...I'm going to sit on your little crying face and spray you...and spray you, and spray you until I can't spray any more, or you're dead!" With that, she sat her big, curvy ass right down on Timmy's face. His nose dissappeared into her butt crack, and came to rest right at her anus...and those cruel scent glands. She let her feet and legs relax in front of her, and was sure to balance all of her crushing weight right on his head. "Let him have it!" cheered Colette. "Nice and slow!" added Lori. "Here it coooomes!! " she said in a fake sing-songy voice. She grunted and let out a nasty fart. It burned Timmys sinuses at that range and smelled vile, but it was to be heaven in comparrison with what was about to happen. The girls chuckled as Sophie farted a second time. "You'll be begging to smell my farts after THIS little guy..." And with that, Sophie bit her lower lip and released a forceful torrent of hot, sticky musk. She clenched her buttocks and Her anus formed a seal around his nose. The hot, clotty stream went straight up into his sinuses and burned like pure acid. His mouth and cheeks filled with her unrelenting gout of musk until he had to swallow it to avoid drowning. Sophie looked down as she continued forcefully pumping her foul liquid from her anal glands straight up Timmys nose. He was making horrible gurgling sputtering sounds. Colette said "Uh..maybe you should stop now, huh?" Timmy was beginning to shake. "Nothing doing! I'm gonna empty my ass on this douchebag!" said Sophie. She took a look of concentration on her face and contracted her abdomen in series. Each contraction produced another liquid sounding "Whoooooshhhhhh"......"Whooooooshhhhhh"...."Whooooooosshhhh".... between her ass and Timmy's upturned face. After about two minutes her final contraction caused her discharging musk to erupt all over his face and onto the ground. She stood up and gave her bum a little shake, dripping the remnants of her foul torturous liquid onto him. He gurgled a bit, but wasn't moving. Lori kicked him onto his stomach and jumped focibly onto his back, expelling a full 2 quarts of Sophies musk from his lungs and nasal passages. He began coughing, crying, wailing and clawing at his face. He vomited a mixture of animal crackers and skunk musk onto the pavement. Colette and Lori grabbed his srtuggling form and slammed him into a garbage can. Colette sat on the can like it was a toilet and emptied her musk into it, all over Timmy. Lori followed, holding her nose and sat there for about 3 minutes, contracting her abdomen and squeezing every last drop into the can. When they were finished, Timmy's head barely came above the level of trash and liquid in the can. Sophie took the lid, put it on the can and slammed her gorgeous butt down on it a few times to wedge it into place. Laughing the three walked away, leaving timmy sobbing and burning in putrecence, sealed in the garbage can all night long.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    good work 9/10 could be a little more detailed but other than that I say its very good work. Hope to see more like it, I miss all the story writers that seem to have gone into hiding after lizzy shut her forum down.

  3. #3
    Very good stuff. I happen to have the same additional fetish as you which is a rare find. But keep up the good work. Get in touch with me if you would like to chat about ideas too. emails [email protected]

  4. #4
    Very nice story. Check your PM inbox, Gary.

  5. #5

    RE: Short story, Kind of related

    beautiful story...

  6. #6
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    very nice story, not enough writers around nowadays.

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