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Thread: My Fart stories

  1. #1

    My Fart stories

    Hi I just thought i add these fart experiences,its pretty long but i hope you enjoy them.

    Well me and my wife went for a weekend away together staying at a hotel. My wife though wasent feeling that great, so i was looking after her and she did let out a couple of long farts while i was around. One was on the bed when she lifted up her butt to one side and a squeaky bubbly sounding fart erupted from her ass, i looked at her and she gave me a slight smile, the second one of the day was she was sitting on the end of the bed in denim hot pants and she leaned forward and let out a long hissing fart for about 3/4 seconds, it sounded like an aerosol can spraying, this one was really hot because she grunted as she did it and let out another big sigh afterwards saying that one felt good.

    The next day in the morning while i was asleep i heard an earth shattering fart and felt a bubbly feeling on my back where she farted, this woke me up straight away and when i turned to look at her she was smiling and pulled the covers over our heads laughing cos it had an eggy aroma to it trapping me with the smell.

    The last couple of farts were in the evening while we were doing a 69 she suddenly stopped and started saying she had to fart and was gonna fart on me but pulled her ass away from my face and farted on my chest a little hissing fart, but no smell.
    As she carried on sucking she farted again when my nostrils were literally right on her asshole and i heard 2 silent puff farts right into my nose, i felt her butthole pucker on my nostrils, the smell was pretty offnsive an eggy aroma again, I asked her if she farted and she said yea giggled a bit and carried on sucking.

    Finally the last fart was when she was half asleep and i was watching telly and i suddenly smelled that eggy aroma again and i heard her say can you smell somthing, i played coy and said yea what is it, with her reply being its my fart, and its stinks , Finally she wafted the smell from her ass at me , i bent down to kiss her ass and smell it, then she went to back to sleep. That unfortunately was the last fart of our weekend but what a weekend.

    Cheers man glad people like them
    I am very lucky with my wife she used to be so shy but i would egg her on and now she is really into it, now she just farts around people she knows all the time and just has a laugh with them.

    These all happned over christmas and boxingday.

    We had just had our christmas dinner and we were working on the computer i was on the bed while my wife was sitting on our computer chair while i was talking my wife lifted up her butt and let a couple of farts go, and laughed then she made a face and moved in to kiss me suddenly she grabbed my head and pulled it down held it next to her butt to smell her fart.
    The next one was when we were in bed and lying on our side when she slowly shuffled her ass up onto my chest and let another 2 second blast out, laughing while i pretended to gag at the smell.
    In the morning i was lucky enough to get a facefart to wake me up, as i heard her callin me and when i opened my eyes she was squatting over my face in skintight jeans a couple of inches from my nose, she then let out a hot sbd fart, right on the end of my nose which really really smelled of rotten eggs, when she finally moved away she was still wafting the smell at me.

    While my wife was on the phone she was under the duvet and i jumped under and kissed her ass and buried my face in it but at the same time she let a loud one rip and then another silent puff,again it stunk and she just carried on chatting on the phone, when she caught a whiff of it she held the duvet down while i stayed on her ass,until she got up to go to the toilet, i'm guessing to take a dump.

    The last one was when i was at the comp and she was talking to her sis on the phone and we where play fighting then when i pulled her over to me she turned and put her rear end on me and let a really wet sounding splat fart out and sat down letting the smell waft around me while laughing and telling her sis about it.

    There are others but they are all the most exciting ones i remember, anyway hope you enjoyed em.

  2. #2
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    My eyes & big stick enjoyed the story!

  3. #3
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    thanks for the stories

  4. #4

    RE: My Fart stories

    Always love your stories, thanks man.

  5. #5
    Reminds me of an ex...she was crazy and loved to make me sniff her nasty farts. She dutch-ovened me, farted while 69ing..everything. It was amazing. Too bad she was too crazy though, and I mean crazy in a not-so-good way.

    Anyway, thanks for the stories. Happily married, mutual love/respect for're a lucky man. Congratulations and hope you have many more of these types of experiences!

  6. #6
    lol foofighter ive had a couple of crazies aswell lol not a good place to be, but at least it sounds like you got some good out of it.

    Anyway glad you all like them cheers, i will add some more soon so keep your eyes open.

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