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Thread: the cost of forgiveness

  1. #1

    the cost of forgiveness

    Author: Closet Fetishist

    Story Codes: nosex Fdom Msub ds flatu fart

    After 2 very happy years, Mike and Karen's
    relationship started to go south. They two lived
    together but they rarely saw each other. Karen had to
    work exhaustive hours at the hospital and Mike had
    just landed an assistant directing job for a new
    television series giving him weird and highly
    inconsistent hours.

    "Where are you going?" Karen asked, sleepily.

    "They are doing a fucking re-shoot again because this
    airhead director doesn't know what the fuck he wants!"

    Karen sighed angrily.

    "What Karen? What do you want me to do? Huh?!"

    "Nothing, just go."

    Mike, already running late, didn't bother trying to
    delve deeper into Karen's anger. He knew what was
    wrong but there was nothing he could do about it. As
    he sat in the car, he paused. Karen stared down at him
    from the bedroom window, her expression blank. Mike
    rose his hand in a weak wave and pulled into the
    street, driving off.

    "What do you want me to say Kar?" Faye asked.

    Karen and Faye sat in the hospital cafeteria.

    "Why can't you just say I'm right?"

    "Because I don't think you are right, at least not
    entirely. I mean he has a job that forces him to work
    weird hours and so do you, this was bound to happen."

    "But it's not just that?"

    "Then what is it?"

    "We seem to be disconnected, we don't agree on
    anything, and we seem to fight all the time."

    "I think you are both just very stressed out by your
    jobs and what they are doing to your relationship.
    Once Mike's show premiers he shouldn't have to be in
    work as often as he does now."

    "You think so?"

    "I do, just wait it out girl, you two will be happy
    again very soon."

    "Nurse Dunn?" A timid intern stood at the side of the

    "Yes?" Faye answered.

    "Doctor Richards is asking for you."

    "Alright, thank you." Faye turned to Karen, "I guess
    my break is over. See you later."

    Karen nodded. She remained there for the remainder of
    her break, thinking about how great things would be
    soon...very soon. She smiled her first smile in weeks.

    Weeks passed and Karen and Mike's problems just seemed
    to intensify. The relationship seemed like it was very
    close to its end.

    "Hey," Mike said, totally unemotionally.

    "Hiya Mike. I thought I'd stop by and see how you were

    Mike said nothing, he just weakly rose his arm lead
    Faye in. He returned to his original position on the

    Faye walked in and took a seat near him.

    "So what you been up to."

    Mike had no response.

    "I see. Hey! How's production on that show coming?"

    Still nothing.

    "That good huh? Anything on TV?"

    "Look, is there something you want?!" Mike snapped.

    "Jeez Mike, no need to get upset. I'm just trying to
    make sure you are okay. You know, Karen is really
    upset by this whole thing and I fear that it might be
    over between you guys."

    After some thought, Mike replied. "Maybe it is."

    "Don't say that, you don't want to break up with you?"

    "No I don't but, this...this just isn't working out."

    "Come on now, you two belong together, you are like
    two peas in a pod."

    "Yeah we'll one of these peas is getting ready to
    leave this pod."


    "Yes. I mean fuck, I'm practically back to being
    single anyways. I haven't had real sex in months."

    Faye looked at Mike for a long time, as if she were
    studying him. After about a minute, Mike got freaked

    "What are doing?"

    "Just thinking. You know, I have been attracted to you
    ever since I met you," Faye said as she started to
    undo her blouse.

    "Really? I wasn't aware." Mike said as he watched Faye
    undress, his eyes wide. He too thought Faye was quite
    good looking but he would never think of getting with
    her while he was with Karen, now his feeling of
    needing to be faithful started to waver.

    "Oh yes, I have. I've wanted to get into your pants
    for a long time."

    "What's stopping you?" Mike said, smiling.

    Faye smiled in return and walked over and helped Mike
    remove his clothing. She then pleasured him for a
    short while.

    This continued for a few weeks. Faye would come over
    on her day off and the two would play around. As the
    sexual romps went on Mike considered leaving Karen for
    Faye, after all she did seem to make him happier.

    On week four of their encounters, the two met for
    their usual thing and were getting particularly hot
    and heavy. The two were having so much fun on this day
    that they didn't hear the front door open.

    "What the fuck is going on!?" Karen asked, angrily.

    The two jumped and Faye backed away from Mike and took
    a place on the couch, trying to look inconspicuous,
    however, this point was moot since they were both
    sitting there in the nude.

    "Well!" Either of you have anything to say?

    "Um..." Faye started to say, thinking carefully,
    "Mike...he uh...said he hurt his penis and
    I...uh...was just checking it, making sure it was

    "Oh I see, and you do this with your mouth? Very's no wonder why all the male patients
    ask for you by name."

    Faye just sat there, knowing she was busted. She was
    distraught by her betrayal.

    "And what about you Mike? She fall on your dick with
    her mouth open? Is that gonna be your story?"

    Mike had nothing to say. He kept his eyes on the
    floor. He was embarrassed by being caught in this
    situation but he wasn't as upset as Faye; he no longer
    really cared about his relationship with Karen.

    "Why would you do this to me, Faye?"

    "I...I'm sorry Karen. I have always had a thing for
    Mike and I guess I just lost control."

    "And Mike, what about you? We had all these plans for
    the future and you decide to just blow them all? Look
    at me Mike!"

    Mike opened his mouth to give an angry response about
    his needs when he paused and looked up at Karen. He
    started to tear up. Mike had let his sexual tension
    and the frustration of his demanding job forget why he
    had chosen Karen in the first place, why he took this
    job and why he stayed in this relationship. He loved
    Karen with all his heart.

    "My god Karen, I don't know what came over me...I am
    so sorry. I still want all the things we planned, I
    still want to be with you till the day I die."

    "That's hard to tell from your previous position."

    "That was a mistake...a terrible mistake. Faye means
    nothing to me"

    "Hey!" Faye interjected.

    "Shut up!" Mike snapped at her.

    "I don't know if I can forgive either of you."

    "Please Karen, I don't want it to be over. We have our
    problems but I'd rather have problems with you than a
    perfect life with anyone else."

    "Yeah Karen, don't let this stupid mistake break up
    our friendship."

    "You two betrayed me, what makes you think I can just
    forget this?"

    The two just sat there. They really didn't have an

    Karen sighed, "You guys really want my forgiveness?"

    "Yes," they both answered.

    Without pause, Karen walked out of the room and into
    the bedroom. She returned with a good size box of
    stuff and walked outside. Mike and Faye just looked at
    each other, puzzled. Karen walked back into the house
    and then back to the bedroom and returned this time
    with a pair of thin strips of cloth and handcuffs.

    "Um...dear?" Mike asked.

    "We three are gonna go on a little trip."

    "Can I at least put on some clothes?" Mike asked.

    "No, you cannot." Karen answered as she cuffed her
    boyfriend and her friend and blindfolded them. She led
    them to the car and seated them both in the back seat.

    Before Karen got into the driver's seat, Faye asked,
    "What do you think she is gonna do to us?"

    "I haven't got a clue," Mike answered. The fear in his
    voice was apparent.

    The drive seemed to last for hours.

    "Alright we're here," Karen said.

    Mike had fallen asleep during the ride but Karen woke
    him up and unloaded them both from the car. The trio
    walked through the forest around them. The sounds to
    Mike and Faye were very strange to both of them. There
    were none. Faye and Mike had always been in the city
    hearing at the very least cars driving by but here
    there was nothing; just the occasional bird caw and
    the leaves crunching under their feet.

    "Fuck!" Mike yelled. He has stepped on a stone in his
    bare feet.

    "Oh you big baby, get over it." Karen replied as she
    continued to pull the two along.

    "Where are we?" Faye asked.

    "Don't worry about it!" Karen snapped.

    After several more minutes of walking, Faye and Mike
    heard the sound of a door opening and then closing
    behind them. The feel of the wood finished floor was
    comforting on their feet after walking barefoot in the

    Karen grabbed the two and laid them on the floor,
    shackling their arms and legs, spread apart in the
    eagle style. The pair felt their heads touch closely
    together, their legs extended in opposite directions
    away from each other.

    "Are you gonna take these off?" Mike asked, referring
    to the blindfolds.

    "No, I'm not. You two are going to stay blind until
    tomorrow morning. That's when the fun will begin."

    The two remained quiet on the floor for several hours,
    unable to see anything that was going on but they
    heard what sounded like cooking going on and a faint
    sound of eating following this.

    "What's that smell?" Faye asked in a whisper.

    "I don't know...I know I smell garlic and onions for
    sure but other than that I don't know."


    "Yeah, I'm pretty sure...I swore Karen didn't like
    garlic though."

    This cooking and eating went on for many more hours
    until the house fell silent. Mike believed Faye had
    fallen asleep a while ago. Several minutes later, he
    followed suit.

    Mike was awakened by a bright light in his eyes and
    Karen talking loudly in his face.

    "There's my man, did you sleep well?"

    "No. Where are we?"

    "We are in a small cabin I bought a number of years
    ago. I used to come up here to stay a few days for
    picture taking but I haven't been up here in a number
    of years."

    Karen moved over to Faye and woke her up.

    "Hey there, sleepy head. Time to wake up!" She waited
    for Faye to come to for just a moment. "Well, now that
    you both are awake, I guess it's time to begin."

    "Begin what?" Faye asked, sleepily.

    "You two betrayed me and now you both seek my
    forgiveness, correct?"

    "Yes," Mike replied, "It would be great if everything
    could go back to the way it was before we started

    "Yes, it would. I would like that as well," Karen
    responded with a smile. "However," her smile quickly
    faded, "For you guys' betrayal you must be punished in
    a way I see fit and for as long as I deem suitable for
    the crime."

    The two nodded gently in agreement, slightly scared of
    what Karen had in mind.

    "Good, good. Glad to hear you are on board. Let's
    begin slowly shall we. I'm gonna stay clothed so you
    two can get used to..."

    "Wait! What are you planning on doing?"

    "Patience, Faye. You're about to see first hand."

    And with that, Karen sat her nicely sized, denim clad
    bottom over Faye and Mike's face, sitting sideways.

    "Ah, there now, I'm starting to feel forgiving

    Faye and Mike started to panic. They had no idea what
    was going on other than Karen was now sitting on their
    faces. Suddenly, their concerns were cut off by a loud
    fart that emanated from Karen. BRRRRRRRRAPPPPPPPP!!!

    "Ahhhhhhhh...but not that forgiving," Karen said,
    finishing her sentence. She laughing heartily.

    Mike and Faye had no choice to breathe in Karen's fart
    gas but Faye decided to try to breathe through her
    mouth but Karen immediately noticed this.

    "Oh, what kind of friend are you? You can't even sniff
    one itty bitty little fart?!"

    "'s just..."

    "Shut up! I wanted to go easy on you two but you,
    Faye, have forced me to get nasty early."

    Karen got up and retrieved some duct tape out of a
    nearby drawer and sealed both Mike's and Faye's mouths

    "There, now you are forced to take in the worst of my
    farts and because you decided to cheat your way to my
    forgiveness, Faye, I'm going to start with a solo on

    Faye's eyes went wide with fear as Karen's butt came
    crashing down on her head.

    "So where was I? Oh yes, I remember."

    Karen, on perfect cue, let go of a terrible fart right
    in the face of her best friend. BPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTT!

    "Sniff it all up, Faye! Breathe in my gas deeply!"

    Faye had no choice in the matter but she did attempt
    to fight and trash around but the shackles held her
    tight, there would be no escape.

    Mike also sniffed some of Karen's latest attack but he
    was sure it was nothing like taking it right in the
    face, even through jeans.

    Mike looked over at Faye and Karen on her. This was a

    "Oh sorry, Mike. I didn't mean to leave you out.

    Karen leaned far to the left, presenting her ass in
    Mike's direction, and blew a nasty fart.

    "Ahhhhhh! There you are Mike, a nice one for you to
    enjoy for a while," she said as she reassumed a
    sitting position on Faye.

    Faye moaned loudly against the tape but only received
    another fart in her face despite her obvious yet
    mumbled pleas to Karen.

    "Oh boy, I should not have had all those beans," Karen
    said while patting her stomach. She leaned slightly to
    the side a blew another fart into Faye's face.

    After a few seconds of inhaling the gas, Faye faded
    into unconsciousness. Karen lifted Faye's arm and let
    it go. It' hit the floor with a loud smack.

    "Well, Mike, my boy, you're girlfriend is out like a
    light. Now it's your turn."

    Mike pleaded with Karen with his eyes, showing extreme
    fear, but she just smiled at him as she turned and sat
    on his face. The fart stench clinging to her jeans was
    already more than potent enough to kill a small mammal
    but it was about to get worse for him.

    BRRRAAAAAPPP! A short but sweet fart exploded out of
    Karen's ass and right up Mike's nostrils. Mike
    thrashed to get away but his fight was useless against
    the iron shackles. Karen laughed at his terrible
    plight as she blew another fart in his face. A few
    seconds of the tainted air and Mike was out.

    Mike was immediately awakened by a kick to his groin.
    He yelled against the tape that covered his mouth.

    "Good, you're awake. Why didn't you remind me to bring
    a change of clothes?"

    Mike just looked at her, eyes menacing; tears visible
    from the searing pain in his testicles.

    "Oh well, I'll just have to endure the wonderful stink
    of me..."

    Karen walked to Mike and hovered over him. She had
    ditched the jeans today and was wearing panties in
    leopard print.

    "...and so will you."

    She quickly lowered her ass to Mike's face and he
    quickly got a strong whiff of yesterday's blasts. Mike
    struggled a bit but his fight was minimal.

    "Oh boy Mike, if you think those are bad then you just
    wait. Today feels like another gassy day!"

    Karen patted her stomach and after the third pat a
    short fart rang out. PRRRPP!

    "Whoa, looks like anything will set me off today,
    probably should not have had that tenth helping of
    Bean soup but what can I say, I love my beans!"

    Karen strained and pressed her stomach in to produce
    another nice fart in Mike's face.

    "Ahhhhh" Karen sighed, laughing.

    Faye stirred a bit.

    "Oh look! The little princess is waking up. Sorry
    Mikey but we have to share my wonderful emissions."

    Karen got up off Mike and hovered her ass over Faye.
    Mike inhaled the fresher air around him as he peered
    over to watch what was going to happen to Faye.

    Faye's eyes slowly opened and just as she caught a
    glimpse of Karen's ass over her, the ass quickly came
    down and met her face.

    "Good morning, sleepy head," Karen said to the already
    struggling Faye. She was caught off guard by Karen's
    timing and Karen knew this.

    BRRRRRRRAPPAAAAPPPPP! Karen fired a nice size fart
    that rushed into Faye's nostrils.

    Karen just laughed manically and then, just as she
    felt Faye start to fade, she rose up and let her
    breathe fresher air. The smell that was contained
    between Karen's ass and Faye's face filled the room.
    It hit Mike hard and he began to gag.

    "Oh Mike, poor baby, too much for you? I guess it's a
    good thing I let Faye take the full force, huh?" Karen
    smiled evilly.

    Karen sat down again on Faye's face and soon farted
    once more. BRRRRPPPPPP! And after a few seconds,
    again, she rose up and allowed Faye the chance to

    "You know what, guys? This is a waste. There are two
    of you and your both close enough together and my butt
    is a good size so why don't I got back to doing the
    both of you at once, just for today?"

    Mike and Faye did not respond. Karen rose up,
    completely, off Faye and looked at both of them. Their
    eyes pleaded for the end of this torture but Karen
    wasn't done, not yet.

    "Yeah, okay. That's what I'm gonna do."

    Karen situated herself between Faye's and Mike's heads
    and sat on them; her arms back behind her in a crab-
    walk style.

    "Oh yeah, this is nice, I like this. I can lay back
    and just.....PRRRRPPPPP!....let 'em fly."

    Mike and Faye both reluctantly inhaled her gas.

    Between the smells in the panties and the constant
    farting, Faye and Mike were in an utter hell but each
    new blast rose up the bar.


    "Oh yeah, this is great. Keep sniffing my little

    And, Mike and Faye did just that, for hours more.

    Finally, Karen, at one point, said, "You know, I'm
    tired of this. Let me just squeeze a nice one out
    ahhhhhh....You two will be out in a just a few

    And like clockwork, Mike and Faye soon faded, almost

    A rip from Mike's face was his alarm clock for this
    morning. The joints in his mouth were suddenly friend
    from the tape but they were sore, he stretched them a
    bit to alleviate some of the tension but it wasn't all
    that helpful.

    "Hey Mike! You'll never guess what I found."

    "I don't care!" Mike yelled. "So is it finally over?
    Are we done? Can you undo me now?"

    "What? Done? Mike, a handful of butt bombs hardly
    constitutes full forgiveness, wouldn't you agree?"

    "Maybe if the scent was human but your's...I just..."
    Mike trailed off.

    "Well, Mike. This is my punishment and I will say when
    it ends!" Karen said, sternly.

    "Then why the fuck did you remove the tape?"

    "Well I could put it back if you'd like but I think
    you'd prefer it be off."

    "Oh and why's that?" Mike asked, angrily.

    Faye woke up during the confrontation and was now
    listening intently. Her tape was still affixed.

    "Well, if you had let me finish I would have said that
    I found a bag of sauerkraut in the back of the

    "And what does that have to do with me?"

    Faye knew all too well what was going to happen now.

    "See that, Karen knows. I guess it will just have to
    be a surprise for you."

    "What the fuck is that supposed to mean Karen?!" Mike

    Karen just smiled and completely disrobed till she was
    totally nude. It had been a while since Mike saw
    Karen's perfect body naked so he could not help but
    get hard and Karen noticed this.

    "Ah yes you love me now I see but, will you still love
    me tomorrow?" Karen asked, laughing as she walked over
    to Mike.

    Without another moments hesitation, Mike breathed in
    deep and Karen sat on his face.

    "You know, Mike, that can only work for so long. I can
    hold my gas a lot longer than you can hold your

    After a few more seconds, Karen became impatient and
    pressed hard on Mike's stomach forcing him to exhale
    into her ass and right on time she farted, just as he
    began to inhale deeply. BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPP!

    "Oh my god, what a blast!"

    After a few seconds of the worst gas Mike has every
    breathed in his life, he forcibly turned his head to
    the side and breathed in as much as he could before
    Karen grabbed him and rose up slightly, pulling Mike
    with her and holding his face up against her ass.

    "What a bad boy, and you know what bad boys get?"

    Mike moaned loudly.


    A sizeable fart was taken in by Mike as he was being
    held against Karen's ass for a few seconds. It seemed
    like a short period but quickly and suddenly, Mike
    faded into unconsciousness.

    "What?! One fart and he's out?" Karen laughed, "If the
    Germans only knew what they had their hands on, it
    seems possible that they might have won the war."

    Karen let go of Mike and his head his the wooden floor
    with a loud smack.

    "I guess I gotta be more careful with you, huh?"

    Karen reached down and peeled off Faye's tape.

    "Wait, please Karen! This is a mistake. I'm sorry but
    no one should have to deal with this."

    "And what, people should deal with their boyfriends
    cheating on them with their best friends?"

    Faye opened her mouth by Karen wouldn't let her speak.

    "There is nothing you can say to make me change my
    mind. You and Mike hurt me bad and I'm making sure I
    return the favor."

    And with that, Karen walked over and immediately took
    a seat on Faye's head. She sat for a long time as Faye
    breathed relatively normally into her bare ass. Then,
    slowly, she rose up just a bit and farted a mighty

    "Ahhhhh, yeah! That's nice. Sniff that up for me,
    would ya?"

    Karen maintained this hovering position as Faye used
    he mouth to avoid some of the stink but it wasn't all
    that helpful.

    "Now how about one for that big mouth, huh?"

    "No, please Karen! I've learned my lesson I..."

    Karen cut her off by grabbing her cheeks and squeezing
    them to force open Faye's mouth over her asshole.
    Karen grunted and fired a nice fart right down the
    throat of her friend. BRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!

    "Oh! If I do that again, this may just turn into an
    even worse punishment for you."

    Karen released Faye and her head hit the floorboards
    with a smack. Karen rose up and looked down at her

    "You know, it's a shame Mike didn't stay with us
    longer. What a jerk, leaving you to deal with all my
    farty gas."

    Faye coughed and wheezed as she tried to speak. It
    didn't really matter, she had nothing to say that
    Karen would listen to anyway. Karen grabbed a pot from
    the stove and sat down on the floor right next to
    Faye, her thighs touching Faye's cheek. She then
    grabbed Faye's head and turned it sideways. She moved
    slightly a sat one ass cheek on Faye's cheek, creating
    a sort of pocket between Karen's ass and Faye's face.

    Karen greedily ate the contents of the pot.

    "Oh my, I ate way too fast.
    Gotta...release...some...of...this...PRRRRRRRRRRRP PPPP
    PPPPPPPPPP!...AHHHHHHH!...pressure. Much better. How
    about you Faye?"

    Faye was struggling, this was becoming way too much to
    handle but Karen always seemed to prevent her from
    passing out and after several seconds of breathing in
    the tainted air, Karen got up just as Faye began to

    "You're not going that easy. I'm sure it was you that
    seduced Mike away and while I still blame him, I blame
    you most of all for putting him up to it."

    "That's not true," Faye managed to choke out. "Mike
    said he was...unhappy."

    "Yeah?! And so was I! But you said stick with it,
    it'll all work out and then suddenly you got you lips
    around his dick."

    Karen didn't wait for a response; she was pissed. She
    immediately took a squatting position a few inches
    over Faye's face and farted a nasty blow almost
    Then she assumed a seated position on her face.

    "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Faye mumbled from under Karen's ass.

    "I'm sorry, what was that?" Karen said as she rose up
    and off Faye's face, once again letting her continue
    to linger consciously.

    Faye gagged and coughed violently, "You are gonna kill
    me you know!"

    Karen gave her an evil smirk that only the devil could
    pull off. "You should be so lucky."

    By this time the cabin was full of Karen's terrible
    smelling gas and it did not seem to be airing out.
    Karen let Faye rest for a while but she still would
    periodically gag, inhaling the highly tainted air
    around her. Karen was eating some of her leftovers
    from last nights big meal, she was determined to be
    gassy for quite some time.

    It was about an hour later that Karen felt ready to
    perform again.

    "You know, I've kinda forgone my exercises for the
    past few days. Maybe I should do some and Faye you can

    Faye didn't respond, she didn't feel the need to.

    Karen assumed a reverse face down position on Faye, as
    if she was going to do sixty-nine on her and Faye got
    slightly aroused to the fact that she might but she
    would soon find her assumptions where incorrect. Karen
    backed up a bit, placing her ass a little higher than
    Faye's breasts and wrapped her legs around Faye's

    "I call these, Scissor Ups. Stupid name, I know but
    they really tone the legs."

    Karen, not needing her hands, placed them under her
    body, pressed against her stomach. This would help
    ensure she could fart as necessary. Karen lifted the
    head and shoulders of an unsuspecting Faye and placed
    her as close to her ass as she could, which wound up
    to be only about an inch away. Karen then pressed on
    her stomach and fired off a decent sized fart. PRRRPP!

    "One..." Karen started counting.

    Then Karen, after a few seconds, unwrapped her legs
    and Faye's head fell backwards and hit the hardwood
    floor with a loud bang.

    "Fuck! What the fuck Karen?!"

    Karen ignored her as she wrapped her legs around
    Faye's head again and lifted but this time Faye used
    any strength she could muster up to fight Karen's leg
    lift. Eventually, Karen won and Faye's face was up
    against Karen's ass again. No pushing was required
    this time, Karen was already ready to blow a silent
    fart in her friend's face. She knew it would be a nice
    one so she kept Faye there a few seconds longer than
    usual, making sure she got the worst of it, before
    finally releasing her head, producing another loud

    "I should do more reps of that but you have already
    made me really tired so I guess I'll move on to
    something else."

    Karen got up off Faye and continued her exercises in
    another part of the cabin, farting periodically,
    especially during the stretching. This lasted about
    thirty minutes.

    "Alright, that was a good work out but now what should
    I do with ya?"

    "Just kill me and get it over with."

    "Oh come on, you want that to be in your obituary?
    'She died from massive gas inhalation.'"

    "At this point, I really couldn't care. I just want
    this to be over."

    Karen smiled a bit at Faye's depressed attitude. She
    had done a good job, apparently, at making her sorry
    but it couldn't end like this, that would be too easy.
    One final and brutal attack would take care of Faye
    for good. She started to walk over toward her when
    Karen noticed Mike starting to stir. She walked over
    to him instead and sat on his face hard. After a few
    seconds, he woke up fully and fighting for air but
    Karen remained on his face until he slowly fell back
    into unconsciousness. The smell sealed between her
    cheeks was enough for him to go under again without
    her needing to fart again. Karen rose up off Mike and
    adjusted herself so she was standing over Faye.

    "Wait, I take back what I said...I don't wanna
    die...not like this!"

    Karen had no intention of killing her but she didn't
    mind Faye thinking she would. She smiled and said
    nothing. Then, Karen reached behind her and placed a
    hand on each of her butt cheeks and spread them as far
    apart as she could, exposing her naked asshole to

    "No...please! I'll die! You can't, please!" Faye
    begged and pleaded but it was to no avail.

    Karen slowly lowered herself down until her asshole
    made contact with Faye's nose and the she released her
    cheeks, creating a tight seal.

    Faye panicked. Her breathing was already hurried,
    Karen knew she wouldn't have long to do this. She took
    both hands and in Heimlich fashion she pressed on
    Faye's stomach, forcing her to expel all her air
    against Karen's asshole, a sensation that tickled her
    a bit. She held this for a few seconds and then.....

    Karen released an enormous fart directly into the nose
    of Faye as she released her stomach, allowing her,
    forcing her, to breathe in all of Karen's nasty gas.
    Karen laughed evilly as Faye sucked in the air and
    tried, useless, to fight her way out of her binds. The
    smell was indescribable and it was all entering Faye's
    nasal passages as she inhaled it. She tried to breathe
    with her mouth but Karen's ass cheeks sealed it
    closed, there would be no escape from the smell. A
    minute later, Faye started to fade and in no time she
    was out like a light. This of course, didn't stop
    Karen, who knew full well Faye was out. She farted a
    few more, smaller blasts, into her friends face before
    finally getting releasing Faye's tortured face from
    her ass prison.

    Karen quickly got dressed and dragged Mike and Faye,
    one at a time, to the road nearby. She had no reason
    to dress them up so they would remain out there in the
    buff. Karen then packed up her stuff, got in her car
    and took off. During the drive, she called 911.

    "911 Emergency, what is your emergency?"

    "Yeah, I was just driving near Red Wood Lane and I
    noticed there was two bodies there. They seem to be
    alive but in bad condition, you may want to send an
    ambulance there right away."

    "Alright, that's Red Wood Lane, the ambulance has been
    dispatched. Do you have a cross street on that?"

    "Yeah, I believe it's Hazelnut Court."

    "Alright, Red Wood and Hazelnut, the driver has been
    informed. May I get your name please?"

    Karen hung up the phone and continued her drive home.
    She would need to shower before going to work in a few

    Faye's eyes slowly opened as she recognized the
    familiar surroundings around her. She was in a
    hospital and not just any hospital, her hospital.

    She felt very comfortable for the first time in days
    as she laid there. The doctor soon came in.

    "Well hello, it's good to see you Faye."

    "Oh, hi Doctor Richards. How am I doing?"

    "You are doing well, very well. I just got your tests
    back and you seem to be okay. That's quite a mess you
    got into up in the hills. They found you and this
    gentleman naked up there," The doctor said, gesturing
    to Faye's right.

    Faye looked over to see Mike in the bed beside her,
    still out of it.

    "Is he gonna be okay?"

    "Oh yeah, he'll be fine, same as you. You both can
    leave tonight. I talked to Bob, he said you could have
    the week off and be back helping people on Monday."

    "Alright, thank you Doctor Richards."

    "No problem, sweetie. You know, since your awake,
    maybe you could help me figuring something out."

    "Anything, shoot."

    "Well, take a look at your forehead." Doctor Richards
    grabbed a mirror and handed it to Faye.

    Faye looked and saw the letters 'U EVIGROF I.' It took
    her only a moment to figure out what they said. She
    dropped the mirror onto her lap and stared off.

    "I forgive you...what could it mean? You have any
    idea?" Doctor Richards asked.

    Faye didn't respond, she didn't even hear him. She
    just started into space and laughed slightly.


    Faye's laughing grew louder and slightly more

    "Faye, are you alright?" The doctor asked, shaking

    Soon Faye was in full hysterics.

    "Nurse!" Doctor Richards screamed, "I need 20
    milligrams of tranquilizer now!"

    The nurse ran in with the injection prepped for Faye.
    Another doctor, upon hearing the commotion walked in
    to see if she could assist but by the time she had
    gotten there Faye had already been injected and she
    was now starting to fall unconscious. As Doctor
    Richards and the nurse exited, she walked to the foot
    of the bed. She looked at her friend lying there and
    smiled a truly devilish smile as she turned and walked
    out of the room.

  2. #2
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    link to the story has already been posted

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