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Thread: The Cult Of Saturn

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    I guess your selective amnesia kicked in. Or should I say gold fish memory.
    There is proof that all symbols are occultic. There's no proof that their not. You must of thought I said the total opposite.

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    There is proof that all symbols are occultic. There's no proof that their not. You must of thought I said the total opposite.
    Here we go again.

    The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence is what you're saying, am I right? Because that makes a paradox. Which would mean you are wrong again.

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    Here we go again.

    The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence is what you're saying, am I right? Because that makes a paradox. Which would mean you are wrong again.
    Symbols in there true origins were always designed since the ancient times to render things that are divine & sacred.

    If I'm so wrong about this then just simply provide some facts rather then your imbecilic statements that makes you seem like a oblivious person.

  4. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    If I'm so wrong about this then just simply provide some facts rather then your imbecilic statements that makes you seem like a oblivious person.
    Now that is the ironic statement of the day.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    There is proof that all symbols are occultic. There's no proof that their not.
    Those were your words not mine, and I said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence is what you're saying, am I right?
    What part of that do I need to provide evidence for? The part where I got that quote from?

    Breaks it down completely for you. I have evidence that big foot does exisit, but I do not have evidence that he does not exist. Does that mean he exist? That is what you are asking us, in a sense.

    You pick a side and stick to it. If you believe every thing that you see with your eyes is satanic then so be it, but calling someone else blind for believing else wise just makes you the fool.

  5. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    Now that is the ironic statement of the day.

    Those were your words not mine, and I said.

    What part of that do I need to provide evidence for? The part where I got that quote from?

    Breaks it down completely for you. I have evidence that big foot does exisit, but I do not have evidence that he does not exist. Does that mean he exist? That is what you are asking us, in a sense.

    You pick a side and stick to it. If you believe every thing that you see with your eyes is satanic then so be it, but calling someone else blind for believing else wise just makes you the fool.
    I never said I believe everything I see is satanic. Those are your words. All I'm asking is proof that symbols have not had there origins in the occult so I can better understand how correct you are. Until you can do that, you're wrong based on your allege statements with nothing to back them up.

  6. #336
    VIP Member sourmold11's Avatar
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  7. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    I never said I believe everything I see is satanic. Those are your words. All I'm asking is proof that symbols have not had there origins in the occult so I can better understand how correct you are. Until you can do that, you're wrong based on your allege statements with nothing to back them up.
    What alleged statements did I make exactly? You were the one who said everything is satanic not I. Proof that symbols are not occult related? Triangles, they date back to before the greeks and romans, before the dawn of civilization and before the time of man kind. Yet they are occult related. So are circles, squares, and anything that has two sides to it.

    Are you telling me that the symbols did not exist before the occult started using them? Just because a group of people start doing something and use that symbol as their idea, god or, deity does not mean that they have anything to do with to that occult or those people. That is where you are confusing the issue. You are too busy trying to piece together not coincidentals with beliefs, religions, and occults that you are massing everything together in a giant lump. Want to know what every occult and symbol have in common? They are all related to people, there for people are people in fact Satan them selves.

    Want to know why? Satan only exist because we say so, we have no physical proof that he exist just stories, fables, and documents made by men saying that he exist. Take people out of the equation, what do you have? Nothing. Everything we see, do and, believe is based on our perception of reality. If I say I the sky is orange and I get everyone else in the world to say the sky is orange then the sky is in fact orange. Why? Because everyone believes it is orange because I said so, so they perceive the sky as orange. Satan exist because men say he does so, we perceive things to be related to Satan because we believe he exist. So on and so fourth. Where is my proof that he does not exist? Proving something does not exist is not the same thing as proving something does exist. I can only assume something does not exist because I have no physical evidence that they exist. Are you starting to get the picture yet? Trying to explain this as simply as I possiby can.

    If you have evidence something exist then there is no need to prove it does not exist.
    If you have no physical evidence to back a claim then you have all the right to believe that something does not exist and in fact it does not exist if you do not have evidence it does exist.

    Merely seeing the outcome of an experiment changes it completely. If I close my eyes and throw a dart at a board and walk away from it without looking at the board I can assume that it landed smack dab in the middle of the board. Why? Because I did not see where it landed, there for my guess is as good as anyone else's guess who did not see it. I do not think I can sum this up in a more simple form. So I will just leave it there.

  8. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    What alleged statements did I make exactly? You were the one who said everything is satanic not I. Proof that symbols are not occult related? Triangles, they date back to before the greeks and romans, before the dawn of civilization and before the time of man kind. Yet they are occult related. So are circles, squares, and anything that has two sides to it.

    Are you telling me that the symbols did not exist before the occult started using them? Just because a group of people start doing something and use that symbol as their idea, god or, deity does not mean that they have anything to do with to that occult or those people. That is where you are confusing the issue. You are too busy trying to piece together not coincidentals with beliefs, religions, and occults that you are massing everything together in a giant lump. Want to know what every occult and symbol have in common? They are all related to people, there for people are people in fact Satan them selves.

    Want to know why? Satan only exist because we say so, we have no physical proof that he exist just stories, fables, and documents made by men saying that he exist. Take people out of the equation, what do you have? Nothing. Everything we see, do and, believe is based on our perception of reality. If I say I the sky is orange and I get everyone else in the world to say the sky is orange then the sky is in fact orange. Why? Because everyone believes it is orange because I said so, so they perceive the sky as orange. Satan exist because men say he does so, we perceive things to be related to Satan because we believe he exist. So on and so fourth. Where is my proof that he does not exist? Proving something does not exist is not the same thing as proving something does exist. I can only assume something does not exist because I have no physical evidence that they exist. Are you starting to get the picture yet? Trying to explain this as simply as I possiby can.

    If you have evidence something exist then there is no need to prove it does not exist.
    If you have no physical evidence to back a claim then you have all the right to believe that something does not exist and in fact it does not exist if you do not have evidence it does exist.

    Merely seeing the outcome of an experiment changes it completely. If I close my eyes and throw a dart at a board and walk away from it without looking at the board I can assume that it landed smack dab in the middle of the board. Why? Because I did not see where it landed, there for my guess is as good as anyone else's guess who did not see it. I do not think I can sum this up in a more simple form. So I will just leave it there.
    You've made countless assertions of how I'm making things up. Again I never said "everything is satanic" these are your alleged statements which are mostly based off your feelings & attitude rather than concrete proof.

    The occult involves divinity & symbolism all in one. Your saying that symbols were created before the occult. This is another alleged statement with no proof.

    Satan & demons exist because they're simply evil spirits defined as supernatural incorporeal beings which is why you PHYSICALLY can't prove there existense but only through experience you can. A fetish is a demon or potent spirit that came from sorcery in its definition.

    Everything can't be proven based on vision alone. We know wind, germs, gravity, force, & energy exist but we can't see them. So if I can't see thsm then that means I have the right to believe they don't exist which is what your implementing.

  9. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    You've made countless assertions of how I'm making things up. Again I never said "everything is satanic" these are your alleged statements which are mostly based off your feelings & attitude rather than concrete proof.

    The occult involves divinity & symbolism all in one. Your saying that symbols were created before the occult. This is another alleged statement with no proof.

    Satan & demons exist because they're simply evil spirits defined as supernatural incorporeal beings which is why you PHYSICALLY can't prove there existence but only through experience you can. A fetish is a demon or potent spirit that came from sorcery in its definition.

    Everything can't be proven based on vision alone. We know wind, germs, gravity, force, & energy exist but we can't see them. So if I can't see thsm then that means I have the right to believe they don't exist which is what your implementing.
    I am starting to grow bored of this time wasting. It is simply that, a waste of time. You will always believe what you want no matter what facts, figures or, pictures someone provides for you. Detailed explanations fall on deaf ears because you pick out what you want to read rendering the point of the explanation moot. Nothing seems to be right to you because, you and only you are the one who is right. No matter what kind of example, simple math, or simple psychology someone uses to debunk your statement you just fall back on your classic line "Prove that blah blah" which is again exhausting because I am searching for a needle in a hay stack because, I have no idea what I am supposed to be looking for. An invisible man? A video of the big bang? I do not know.

    So in short, I am done. Satan rules all, occults are the supreme rulers of the world and have been since the dawn of creation, so on and so forth.

    Last edited by Mudofale; 16th September 2012 at 10:46 AM.

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    I am starting to grow bored of this time wasting. It is simply that, a waste of time. You will always believe what you want no matter what facts, figures or, pictures someone provides for you. Detailed explanations fall on deaf ears because you pick out what you want to read rendering the point of the explanation moot. Nothing seems to be right to you because, you and only you are the one who is right. No matter what kind of example, simple math, or simple psychology someone uses to debunk your statement you just fall back on your classic line "Prove that blah blah" which is again exhausting because I am searching for a needle in a hay stack because, I have no idea what I am supposed to be looking for. An invisible man? A video of the big bang? I do not know.

    So in short, I am done. Satan rules all, occults are the supreme rulers of the world and have been since the dawn of creation, so on and so forth.

    The facts you provide are not facts just attitudes of expressions of how you feel about things which is what I can't understand because I've heard it before by a specific group of people who have a particular way of thinking. If I actually believed everything you said to be true then I would be lost without any understanding because your evidence is just how you feel about it. Its easy to say demons dont exist because I dont see them or every symbol is not occultic because it dosent look occultic. That is your way of trying to debunking it.

    The problem is you want me to believe everything you say without a source to look up the information where u got it from. If it seems wrong to you then you would state that I'm making it up or I have a brain of a goldfish. I simply use the dictionary to prove these things rather than a youtube video or blog site or what somebody told me.
    Last edited by gemiwine; 16th September 2012 at 06:03 PM.

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