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Thread: Your most memorable fart sniffing/listening experience. share and sniff..

  1. #11
    i've been waitin to write this experience on here for a while when i was younger like 11,12,13 what ever around that age i often got stuck hangin out with this girl that was a pretty close family friend she went to the same school she was a year younger my parents were best friends with her parents so i saw her on the weekends all the time cuz for the most part my parents wouldnt really want me to stay home alone and neither did i haha but anyway she was in the same boat being a girl espicially ..... so one time when we were camping we were playing cards what ever and i used to try and coax her in to making bets such as loser has to kiss the other ones dupa and i would rig the deck so i would loose.... this time she finally bit on a bet i think loser had to smelll the other ones butt for 2 minutes somethin stupid like that but after i lost she was like well i wanna win something different she said instead of that how about your just my slave and i wont make you smell my butt... and i was likee yes this will be perfect than i can bug her to hopefully get punishment ... so what ever she didnt actually punish me really or make me do anything so i was kinda bummed i agreed to it.... but than my luck started to turn we got home from camping and about a week later her mom came over for beers with my parents so were stuck hangin out in my basement watchin tv and what ever so were hangin out down there and i had actually forgot about the slave ordeal i was thinkin that was a bust.... so im flickin around and shes like give me the romote and i was like no and shes like you know your still my slave thats not over youll always be my slave so i was like ok now i got something to work with so i was like ok what ever but i didnt give her the romote so shes like ill start fake crying to my mom and get you in trouble so she actually did have me under control so i said fine and gave her the romote than she was layin down puttin her feet on me to annoy me and than made me rub them for a good 15 min and they smelled i not that big of a foot guy but it turned me on haha than after that she made me lay down on the couch and she said that i was her seat she kinda sat on my chest and stomoch she would like wiggle her lil bubble butt in her white short shorts and i would say stuff like come on i dont want your stinky butt on me ... ocassionally she'd lean on her side and put it a lil closer to my face but it still wasnt close enough to smell anything eventually my chest was startin to hurt so i told her that and she was like well ok and turned and straddled me and slid her butt in to my face her crack like just barely touching my nose absolute perfect placement i gotta quick wiff but in my head i couldnt act like i liked it which trust me wasnt easy at all haha so i moved my head to the side and i was like it smells can you please get off and shes like no and you have to face forward slave like in to her butt obviously so i was like ugh and did i would take little wiffs it smelled amazing it was around like 9 at night and she prob didnt shower all day i was with her like the 5-6 hours before all of this... so after like 2 minutes she said she had to fart and that i had to smell it i litterally couldnt believe it she said something like alright get your nose ready and it was just a small little sqeeker but it smelled a little and added to the already smelly butt so it was good not aboslutely amazing but it was awesome i was in heaven my heart was probably thumping so hard on her thigh she stayed there for just a couple more minutes but got off and that was the only time i smelled her butt that night... it was an awesome experience i do actually have another really good story about her better than this one but im stoned and its 4 in the morning hahahaha ill be back on to add that one though my apologies for the bad grammer haha

  2. #12
    wow thanks ....i wait for your other experiences...

  3. #13
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Que delicia

  4. #14
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gassy View Post

    Even though I do some run ons, at least my spelling is usually correct.

  5. #15
    sorry gassy haha i will for this lovely story cuz it might be a lil longer.....
    ok so same girl... my parents her parents and some other family friends rented a beach house by a really nice local beach prob like 45 min away from my house or what ever so i knew i'd be around her all the time for a week. this was actually about two months after our other camping trip that i became her "slave". i hadnt had another fart experience with her since that one i posted last night in those two months.

    so anyway were at the house and im doin what ever i can the first couple nights when we were playing cards or video games or what ever when we werent with our parents or at the beach. on like the 3rd day maybe 4th we decided we didnt really wanna go to the beach at least not right away in the morning with all our parents and stuff and there were only 2 other kids my older brother who is 3 years older than me and a girl who was a year older then him. they were always at the beach trying to mingle with other people because they were like 16 or 17..... anyway we hung back and i asked her if she wanted to go to my room and play cards and listen to music and she accepted. mind you she has been using the slave thing but nothing more than getting her drinks food stupid stuff like that.

    so we go to my room and we were gonna obv sit on my bed so she hopped on 1st while i was getting the cd player ready cuz she told me to. she was sitting where my head goes and i saw her outta the corner of my eye purposely put my pillow under her tush. so i said hey thats my pillow and she was like nope its my butt pillow and she started like wigglin her butt and talkin about how she hadnt showed since like the day before. i asked for it back nicely but she said no and to shut up and start playing.

    so after about 15 min she starts to giggle and says listen and leaned over on one cheek and farted. it didnt smell that much but i did get a wiff for about 40 seconds being a few feet away from her. after she farted i said come on did you really have to do that on my pillow she said well isnt that better than your face. i had nothing to say i had to agree i couldnt tell her so i said yeah your right and continued playing. we only played for a lil longer and she did fart again but that was that.

    so later on i took a shower and came in my room and flopped on my bed kinda tired and buried my head in my pillow and realized it kinda smelled like a fart. i was to young to realize or think the smell would stay there espicially that long so i obv stayed there with my face buried sniffing, and running all sorts of ideas to get her to fart in my face when i finally had it.

    so that night we ended up going in my room yet again to play cards and as soon as we came in i egged her on with dont use my pillow as your personal butt pillow knowing she would. so she of course did it was night time at this point maybe 8 or 9 and she was in grey sweat pants the same grey sweats she was in every night when she put her pj's on. i also noticed she hadnt showered all day so i knew her butt had to have smelled. at the very least my game plan was to smell it but that was plan b if my 1st plan didnt work out. so shes sits on my pillow laughing assuming i hate that shes using it but i obv dont mind...

    so before we started i said ok remember when you farted earlyer on my pillow she laughed and said yes, i said well i showered today i came in and layed down and my pillow smelled like a fart. and she was laughin and all happy about it and she said so who cares and i said well your sitting on it now that means if you fart on it i'm gonna have to try and sleep with it smelling. and she was laughing and ssaid ok good and i said well since i know your not gonna get up when you have to fart could you just lean over on your side when you have to and i'll go down there and let you fart in my face and i'll smell it til the smells gone so you dont have to stink up my pillow. i said i'd rather smell it now and go thru it now than have to deal with it when im sleeping. she was laughing her butt off and i was nervously waiting a response and she simply said ok. i said thank you but with a disgusted face to make it look like that was the last thing i wanted to do but i said thanks cuz i got my way.... i thought it was pretty sly for a 13 year old haha and the best part was is i knew she was gonna have farts because we had tacos that night for dinner... and im not just saying that cuz tacos give you gas i remember for sure

    so now were playin and about 10 min in she leans over and farts im like what the heck did i tell you and shes like oopps sorry i forgot but leaned on her side and said ok smell it so i go down there and it hit me instantly it smelled so amazing kinda musky and warm. i kept my nose about like 3 inches or so from her butt and asked wait do i like have to be in there in there and with that she put her hand on the back of my head and put my head closer til my nose was just touching her butt. i was in heaven best fart i smelled at that point besides my cousin ashleys but that was a different story i posted a while back.

    so after i get my fill for a min or two i said ok the fart is gone but your butt still smells bad she just laughed and like sat back up right so we could get back to our game. another 8 min or 10 what ever goes by and she rips a sqeeker on my pillow but after i like looked at her with a wtf face she leaned on her side for me to go down there i went down there put my face in a smelled ssame smell as the other one....amazing. but i was like come on the only reason i agreed to this was so you wouldnt fart on my pillow and she was laughing and said i know i forgot again sorry but still giggling cuz her butt would bounce a lil bit on my nose from the laughter. so i smelled it like 2-3 min again and told her same thing ok farts gone but your butt really smells. and as shes leaning back up to play she said i know i havent showered since yesterday morning with a couple evil giggles.

    finally after another 10 min goes by she says ok i gotta fart and leaned over with out releasing it to give me time to get down there i purposely put my head like 3 inches away to see if she'd notice and shes like ok hold on now after like 5 seconds of me with my face inches from her dupa she grabbed the back of my head put me in there and farted like a 2 second sqeeker i started to moan in agony but in my head and prob my penis i was having a seista hahah it smelled awesome and finally i got to be right in there when the bomb went off i smelled it for a while this time i waited like 5 min cuz we had just started our last game and i was thinkin it was my last chance. it turned out being my last chance but how could i complain when my plan worked.

    but after our last game while we were still sitting there she said ya know i farted the 1st two times on your pillow just so you could enjoy now and later and laughed her butt off while wigglin it in my pillow. i said i never enjoy your stinky ass. and i remember saying ass cuz i was trying to be that bad ass lil kid. and shes like take that back and tell me you enjoy it i said no and she said slave tell me you enjoy it i let out a grunt and said ok i enjoyed it she said good boy leaned to her side and said ok now you gotta give it a good night kiss meaning her butt. i said please please no she said NOW! so i went down there and gave like the side of her cheek a kiss like barely her ass and said no right in the middle crack where you were smelling. i did she said good boy and left me there sitting on my bed with prob an enormous pre teen erection.

    that was an amazing night the best night i had since my night with ashley but there was something different about it than the night withh ashley probably cuz my plan worked and i actually enjoyed it. when i was with ashley that night i didnt enjoy it as much cuz at that point i didnt know i liked it. but after it, i had time to think about that night with ashley and it all sunk in and eventually thats when i started to want to get girls to fart on me or make me smell there butt either one is fine with me i'd prefer a fart but i wouldnt complain about just smelling a butt hahah. the only thing that sucked is in that year i had that amazing night with ashley than two awsome experiences with katie but i can only remember one other time i smelled a fart from katie and it was quick and not even worth writing about and ashley i would have an ocasional experience with but all really quick and nothing that stands out in my memory like these ones were i can remember the details. so i was stuck with out any really good experiences til my first real girl friend when i was like 16.

    anyway thought yall would like to read this one hopefully not too long or too hard to read i dont really go back and proof read so again my apologies on any writing mistakes haha hope ya liked it and i love reading experiences like this so if anyone else has one please add to this

  6. #16
    great experiences.....i would love to write something obout me but the only experience i had was with a friend of mine and it's not so amazing ...only a bet i lost(not on purpose,i did'nt know i would like it at the time xD)

  7. #17
    well if you share it i dont know about anyone else but i'd at least be glad to read it but im glad you liked it

  8. #18
    Member gizmo1451's Avatar
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    got loads but easier to read my thread about my ex cat as i've been writing about her and her farts.

  9. #19
    i made a bet with a friend of mine long time ago,i was 20 and she was 18...the bet was about a soccer match between our favourite teams(the winner can make the loser everything for the entire night). as you can imagine i lost and she made me do many little tasks for her like buying cigarettes for her,kissing her shoes and so front of our other friends
    then she declared she had to fart and she did it on my head,i remember my head vibrated under the pressure and she and my friends laughted at me
    after that i discovered i love face farts and public humiliation with it
    sorry but my english is so poor i cannot explain better than this xD

  10. #20
    no its all good man haha great story i liked it thanks for sharin

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