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Thread: Speaking on it

  1. #21
    VIP Member jaydee.gabriel's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    OK OK lets stop sucking eachothers dicks and kicking eachothers faces. You're right. I didn't know you were talking about the joker girls. The ones who are trying to be funny, I can see your point. I thought you guys were saying that people are scaring off the clips4sale girls. That's why I made the arguement. Most of them start out on youtube. Clips4sale is adult entertainment. Not youtube. My bad.....Homeboy. lol, whatever.
    But regardless, you gotta realize that you can come to their defense like a swat cop all you want, and it wont change a thing. So if you're speaking your mind, fine. Well done. But if you think it will change anything, your wrong. Besides, we need creepy psychos on the internet. They're funny.
    No I don't contact girls or scare them. Not my style. But I am something of a prick so I think it's funny when they get freaked out by a creepy prepubescent wanker like Shod. They prolly think he's huge, hairy, tattoed and escaped from prison or something. haha.
    But either way, my arguement stands if a girl is from a pornsite like clips4sale. Youtube, the arguements void.

  2. #22
    Elite Member
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    Aug 2006
    Seriously, like jaydee said its done. shod, your last post made absolutely no sense.If i remember correctly,that donthavetokno girl was black... you went anal after she took her videos down. so what the fuck are you talking about "your not too fond of black people"? i have a suggestion, shut your mouth and leave the girls on youtube alone. quit trying to sound smart, it only makes you look more like a jackass.

    glad to see you looked at it from our point of view jaydee . Thats the whole point we were getting at. the fetish models are fair game, but the joker girls should be left alone.

  3. #23
    Originally posted by Ohgrabme
    Seriously, like jaydee said its done. shod, your last post made absolutely no sense.If i remember correctly,that donthavetokno girl was black... you went anal after she took her videos down. so what the fuck are you talking about "your not too fond of black people"? i have a suggestion, shut your mouth and leave the girls on youtube alone. quit trying to sound smart, it only makes you look more like a jackass.

    glad to see you looked at it from our point of view jaydee . Thats the whole point we were getting at. the fetish models are fair game, but the joker girls should be left alone.
    I was about to respond to shod's stupidity, but you pretty much summed it up. Not even worth it. Somewhere deep down in his silly little head he knows he's an idiot, no need for everyone to rub his face in his own shit.

    jaydee, I agree creepy people can be quite amusing, when you see them in public and there are others around so you're not alone with them, but the creepy people scaring away the girls on youtube, I can't get amused by that. I see them as a road block to where we would like girls to be comfortable enough to fart around guys.

    Beezo, I have never seen girls fart on youtube to turn us on purposley and then get mad when they get a response. The only girls I see getting scared off are the ones doing it for a laugh.

    Yeah it gets redundant to talk about, but sometimes it comes up again. we have to admit the subject is important to us, since we do get off on girls farting.
    I did a test actually to see if these people can get stopped. I personally stalked one guy, he is no longer around.

    No I didn't kill him, just made his youtube life miserable. So if we all did pull together, we could see progress.

    I say we close the subject now. all in favor?

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