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Thread: Speaking on it

  1. #11
    Originally posted by jaydee.gabriel
    Now on a seperate note, Fartpimp, dude, who the hell are you? How long have you been here? Why are you so pissed of at Shoddragon? Did you date any of these women? Are you related to them? Does your world stop spinning and you become bat-shit insane if some dumb bimbo stops posting free farts on youtube? Can you not afford the 20 bucks to join a site despite your obsession with it? And it IS an obsession if you are so passionate about it to chew someone out over them scaring off another girl. If Shod scared some bitch, then she shouldn't be in any form of adult entertainment. You gotta deal with psychos in trenchcoats and fat hairy guys in wonderwoman costumes that smell like cabbage, but you can't take the mental impact of a horny guy hitting on you on the internet from halfway across the country? Fuck all that!
    I have no pity for any girl that signs a contract to perform with Max Hardcore, then claims he was too rough, so I have no pity for a girl that posts a video on youtube aimed at turning men on, then recoils when she accomplishes her mission. So Shod hit (or stalked) some girl up. That's what the internet is for practically. Half of my casual encounters were found online, and I met my damn girlfriend through myspace when I was up late drinking coffee at a Starbucks one night. If you don't try, how will you ever know, right? So let Shod try, and if it scares a girl off, then so what? Don't get pissed. Just cough up the cash and join a site or ask someone for clips that you might want.

    And don't try yelling at me. I'm not attacking you.
    Actually I think you are attacking me, and yelling is not my style. but I guess some people who are slow at thought think talking logic to them is yelling.
    By the way, just because a girl farts on youtube does not mean she is in the adult entertainment business. how many times does this have to be explained?
    Youtube is not a freaking porn site.
    No my world does not stop spinning when a girl stops farting on youtube, but she does stop farting on youtube, and that's another girl lost, to another idiot.
    I guess that's another point you seemed to have missed.
    Your argument of trying to make me seem broke because I don't want to pay for something that was once free is just ridiculous because in another thread you posted a video that was pirated.
    Why don't you tell them they have to pay for it?
    I'm never going to accept the morons who harrass the youtube girls, so you're just wasting your breath.
    And trust me, I am not alone on that logic. Anyone with sense knows that these people are screwing it up for us, and if we just sat around and ignored it, instead of trying to educate the people who can't figure it out on their own, then we're doing no better than before.
    Something tells me you're one of those people who try and contact these girls, why else would you be so butt hurt about any of us going after the creeps?
    By the way, I highly doubt you did to your girlfriend what shod did to donthavetokno (however you spell her name)
    The way these people talk to these girls never work, I guarentee it, all it does is scare them off and bring negateive attention to us.
    Read the other responses from the other people, you and shod are alone with your viewpoints, homeboy.

  2. #12
    Originally posted by jaydee.gabriel
    First of all, most of my friends are chicks and I can tell you that they don't mind a guy who talks about farts on the internet. What scares them is screennames like "Fartpimp", so I hope you only use that one here. lol. Don't get defensive.
    Secondly, you're only proving my point. You're right. Not many girls are hot AND willing to fart on camera for free. And when they are, they are easily scared off. But only because they don't enjoy doing it. Which is why I say fuck them. I don't want to be a creepy internet pervo who wants to just stare at eyecandy with a smelly ass. If she's not enjoying herself, she wont take kindly to any compliments (creepy or otherwise) so why is she doing it?
    You can talk however you want to Taylor, Panther, Berlin, even Farrah and Lizzy, and they will just talk back and even laugh and joke with you. Because they enjoy what they do and even think it's funny. They have no shame. If a girl does, then don't record themselves. Otherwise they're just stupid. If not us, someone else will creep them out.
    Well here is where you have to accept the fact that we have different tastes. You prefer fetish material, I prefer candid fart material that is more natural. which is why I get irritated when somebody is out there creeping them out.

    No I do not use this user name anywhere else. Now you're just being silly.

  3. #13
    Elite Member
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    Aug 2006
    " I have no pity for a girl that posts a video on youtube aimed at turning men on, then recoils when she accomplishes her mission"

    ahhhh dude i dont think most girls put up videos of them farting just to turn men on..... to assume that every girl that puts up fart vids on youtube are doing it turn men on is a waaaaayyyy out assumption. id say about 90% of the time its a joke among her friends or just to be nasty. i dont think they are expecting a bombardment of messages and weird comments left.not to mention that some of the girls are as young as 10 and i've seen them get left some pretty sketchy comments. or maybe your right.... find me a video where a girl purposefully farts to turn on a guy and i will shut up. no fetish models or anything... just plain girls who fart on youtube who you beleive do it with nothing else in mind other to turn guys on.

  4. #14
    Originally posted by Ohgrabme
    " I have no pity for a girl that posts a video on youtube aimed at turning men on, then recoils when she accomplishes her mission"

    ahhhh dude i dont think most girls put up videos of them farting just to turn men on..... to assume that every girl that puts up fart vids on youtube are doing it turn men on is a waaaaayyyy out assumption. id say about 90% of the time its a joke among her friends or just to be nasty. i dont think they are expecting a bombardment of messages and weird comments left.not to mention that some of the girls are as young as 10 and i've seen them get left some pretty sketchy comments. or maybe your right.... find me a video where a girl purposefully farts to turn on a guy and i will shut up. no fetish models or anything... just plain girls who fart on youtube who you beleive do it with nothing else in mind other to turn guys on.
    You know he is just going to link you to nelly nelly, farrah, panther et cetera, to prove his point.
    Bottom line is those are NOT the girls we are talking about, we're talking about regular girls that get wrapped into this porn world unwillingly, and THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT.
    It's like we need to draw pictures for these people.

  5. #15
    Elite Member
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    Who knows maybe some chicks do have another agenda when they post shit on youtube. im open minded. i would just like to see some of these girls that fart just for us. i mentioned to him already no fetish models, and hes a smart dude so nothing to do but wait. like i said, he could be right you never know.

  6. #16
    This thread is pointless really it just causes arguments. This problem has been around and always will be. It aint gonna stop, people need to get that in their head. I know it is so easy to stop the whole problem, as everyone just needs to use common sense and keep their mouth shut, but it aint ever gonna happen as everyone has their own agendas and ideas, so its just better to accept it and move on. Unless your gonna go and hunt down every offender and physically stop them them, we cant make any difference.

    Also id just like to add that a majority of girls dont put their farts up for the intention of people getting off on them, its just a laugh. I bet virtually all of them have never even heard of a fetish let alone a fart fetish, can you imagine a girl who just recoreded her fart for a laugh going through a checklist before uploading it, its just for her friends to see somthing funny not the pervs who she probably never even expected.

  7. #17
    I agree with you beezo.
    I was just coming in defense of the girls the people bother. These two were pretty much suggesting that the girls deserved it??
    The idiots will never learn. And they should definetaly not be encoursage to keep bothering them.
    Sadly the idiots are here, stalking them no matter what, and won't be stopped.

    Unless, as you say, someone actually hunts them down.

  8. #18
    Cheers fartpimp i also agree with what you was doing to defend the girls that get pestered i feel sorry for them as it isant there fault in the slightest their just having a laugh. However though girls that do do it on purpose for the sole reason of exciting us and then getting angry at responses, should know what they are gettin themselves into and be prepared for what comes with it.

    Im just trying to say basically that there are things we can never change, so it dosent matter how much we moan about it its always gonna stay the same.
    Pirating fart clips is just another example, it aint ever gonna stop, if the business eventually goes down because of it its whats gonna happen people aint gonna buy somthing if they can get it for free. just human nature.

    However if someone does see a fart clip they wanted for ages going for free and they decide not to view out of guilt of harming the fart fetish industry,and decide to purchase it instead.
    I take my hat off to you

  9. #19
    Elite Member
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    Feb 2007
    Originally posted by FartPimp
    it may be the past and all, but shod is still going with that lame brain philosophy that the girls deserved to be harrassed, and then there he is one of them.
    he actually was the worse out of all of them.
    He went beyond creepy.
    Yeah I remember when he denied it was him, he made up some crazy excuse.
    Guess it goes to show how childish his mind is.

    Yes, leave the youtube girls alone. enjoy what they give you without opening your trap. You have no game so stop pretending you do.
    o yes, I am one of the people woh go around random fart clisp saying: come on baby fart in my FACE!!! please man stfu and get otu of the forum. I NEVER said they deserve to be harassed, but they shoudl be prepared for the consquences, some of the girls who psot the videos are over 18, they should be mature enoguh to know what life is liek in the real world. if they actually try to realize this then ehyw would know putting their videos online would invite pedophiles, necros, and all walks of life. sorry but its TOO BAD. and that was ONE girl, and yes it was my friend he comes over every once in a while, if need be I will even tell you his brother's gamertag so you can stfu.

  10. #20
    Elite Member
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    Feb 2007
    Originally posted by FartPimp
    I agree with you beezo.
    I was just coming in defense of the girls the people bother. These two were pretty much suggesting that the girls deserved it??
    The idiots will never learn. And they should definetaly not be encoursage to keep bothering them.
    Sadly the idiots are here, stalking them no matter what, and won't be stopped.

    Unless, as you say, someone actually hunts them down.
    its funny isn't it. you accuse me of making girls go running away and such yet Iv'e never once:

    1.posted a comment saying to fart in my face.

    2. never asked a girl who farted for her number.

    3. left a comment saying its sexy when you fart baby.

    4. even tried to act too interested in it, I always stated them to be funny or something of teh sort.

    You have no reason to know whY i even did what I did, in fact I will tell you right now. She said throguh blog and PM that she took the videos down, because she knows people masturbate to her videos, and she did not want the people to masturbate so she wanted to "take those people down with her videos". Now, I normally do not care about some stuff, but I DO believe in justice and such.

    Is it the fault of the fart fetishist that they liek that? God created them like that, and she wants to basically make them stop their own way of life just because she did not like it. Of COURSE I got pissed off, I HATE it when people try to get rid of others because they do not like them.

    for example, I am not too fond of black people, Not racism ro anything, I just feel uncomfortable around them because lots of crimes are commited by them, so it has a psychological affect, I do not shout out on teh bus, GET THE FUCK OUT OF TEH BUS YOU FUCKING NIGGERS!!! I simply sit there and mind my own business, evne if they happen to be sitting right next to me.

    She went way beyond that and said publicly she hates those people and even tortured them a bit by removing her videos. I really could not believe anyone over 18 coudl be so selfish and cruel. so tehre you have it. i REALLY hope fartpimp understands something of it, because I took a good 10 minutes to write this.

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