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Thread: Governments trying to censor internet content - please sign the petition

  1. #101
    Please view, it was upped on the 4th. I am really worried now.
    I love it when a girl shows off her smelly feet and stinky farts!

  2. #102
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    I am, and at the same time i'm not. For one thing, if they really think censoring the internet will do anything except aggravate 75% of the nation then go for it... I mean, if artist believe "This will boost my sales if people can't buy it for free!" Then they're crazy, if thats the reason I can't find music online anymore or ANYTHING free on the internet anymore then fuck them and their music. I definitely won't be buying anymore albums, I think most people would do the same thing. I don't even download that much music anymore, but movies and such that I download, not to mention all the youtube videos I watch.. the internet would become so dull... Who ever's idea/ plan was to stop piracy or organization over the internet and trying to prevent it is going to find a larger problem by doing it... All and all, it'll be an interesting 2012.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    I got all that but where is the proof from you that this is all a stupid? Who are you to tell me to stop posting youtube links? Why can't you prove me wrong but instead rant on about your emotions? So far no one hasn't disaproved any of my "claims" but says "its not true because I said so." I said it a million times I don't care if you believe it or not I have a free will to post anything on a forum regardless unless you can ban me for posting something you don't like which is not up to you.
    I would dissprove your points IF you actually had a point, no one is agreeing with you your points for the simple matter that they are invalid sources. I can literally post and say THERE IS MY PROOF. But it would be discredited because anyone can change the information on it, same with the links you provide us with, they are websites created by random people who gather random facts together and create RANDOM theories that they THINK are proof. Just because you provide a link to something doesn't mean it needs 10000 more links to discredit it, the simple fact that your providing links with little information even related to the topic at hand or any proof that the information on the links are true just doesn't even deserve the time wasted proving it wrong... You literally linked us to a site about witch craft and called if your proof about the bible, what on earth does witch craft have to do with proving god exist? Please tell me, it was literally a site that looked like it was someones history project and they added some creepy music and cartoon animations on it and you probably saw it as solid evidence for proving your religion.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    I'm not making anyone believe anything if they don't want to & your not making me believe what you are trying to say against me at the end of the day you are just a slave who dosent know who you are worshipping and following. I'm sure if I talked about some random tv shows & movies I would get a better response but when it comes to the truth like always it starts into a war based on the responses y'all give about it. So if you want to believe everything that college, tv shows, local news, cnn 7 books written by men inspired by men that taught you about governments & science then be my guest while I'll be blind & stupid by learning the truth from the bible instead of being concerned about a man made, brainwashing education and propaganda material by the pagan leaders of this country & from gullible people like you stuck in the matrix who's so dependent on the system of craft willing to defend for it by defending me keep it that can't prove their point but rationalize with emotion because of your misunderstandings of the bible from being too consumed with deceptional teachings about mans own ideas & creation of
    You will be blind and stupid for learning the truth from a SPIRIT GUIDE, the bible is nothing more, nothing less, then a book to guide your spirit to inner peace. It puts you on a path to respect everyone and everything around you without causing harm to anyone. How do you not understand that... The bible is not a history book, the bible is not a news article, it is simply a guide that tells you how you SHOULD live your life is you so choose to live a one with personal values. Yet for some reason you keep preaching about it as if the bible is the holy word of the world, it will solve all your problems by reading a single verse, it will tell us what happened to the people on Ester island AND MORE. Get a grip on reality please... The bible has yet to officially been proven true, or false so stop using it as your valid source...

    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    Don't get mad just prove that the bible and its scriptures are all false exposing the government who practices these thing that God told them not to. Prove that Saturn is not apart of our everyday lives and the government are not practicioners of religion to control us with. You don't even know who the the funding fathers are because the truth is this country has been founded upon & controlled by all race of people from different religious backgrounds and how old the bible really is that's been around longer then most people think.
    The bible only applies to people who believe in what is in them, just like laws only apply to people who abide by the United States Constitution, if I went to Canada and preached about how you can't download stuff from the internet without permission they would simply laugh at me because they don't believe in our ways of life. Same with people who don't believe in the god or the bible, the only reason no one cares about it is because they don't believe in it. Should they? Maybe, but that is not up to you decide, you trying to force everyone to believe in what you do is doing the exact opposite of what the bible is trying to say to you, if your too blind to see that then im sorry your in that religion.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    I don't see any rules on this forum that says you can't talk about certain subjects otherwise this thread would have been locked by now but if this offends people too much then for the safety of everyone please lock it so we don't have to worry about a crazed person trying to spew his anger on something he dosent have to respond to that easily triggers his emotion.
    Only reason is aggravates people is for the simple fact that every time I read your post I literally have to read every sentence twice just to make sense out of it... Have you ever heard of spell check? And do you ever read your post over before posting them? It's like a 5th grader it is trying to argue about his bed time... I don't have the best grammar skills (very poor ones for that matter) but I at least can fall back on spell check to fix my mistakes that I miss. Not to mention you don't understand the simple fact that your points aren't worth reading because of the fact you give links to things that look like a 3 year old made it...

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    Lol I been on this form for yars so you are correct because I might have told you where I stay & my race maybe not my whole description & I drive 2 seater & couldn't afford time t go to school from working long hours with good pay but aside from that. I know the bible can't be fiction if it lines right up with todays society especially from the fact that this book has massive bloodshed behind it by the roman empire, druids, celts, jesuits & the knights templars that killed many who touched it. The occultist & major scientist of the world know that the bible is real its just the fact they choose not to follow it. I'm not here to save people & tell them to go to church and jump around inside those buildings I'm just proving my point that the governments laws & so called news propaganda are flawed because their on a whole other agenda for a nwo but its fine with me if you wanna called it flawed, invalid, fallcious, fiction, fable & apocryphal.
    check your posts... you have let slip very little. you have roughly 130 posts so it wouldn't take too long to check. my point was that you are not as much of a mystery wrapped in an enigma as you may think. people aren't as complicated as they think and there are no exceptions.

    the bible was vague and varied enough to line up with ANY civilization at any point in time ever if one is willing to look; most cult readings are as well. that is why people get behind it and it has kept (and probably always will keep) such a following. nobody in the world is going to argue that there's no such thing as the bible. it is a real thing. there's one within 50 feet of me right now. just because something exists, that doesn't make it true. the idea itself is contradictory.

    also, i never said that the gummerman's not full of shit. i said that the conclusions you were coming to were using faulty premises and fallacy to get there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikey View Post
    Please view, it was upped on the 4th. I am really worried now.
    if the people run things then there's no way it will pass and if big corporations run things then there's no way it will pass. there is already a huge following to stop sopa so hopefully we're covered. right now we're just in the initial panicking stage of things so hopefully this clears up soon.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by 1313Jr.1313 View Post
    i get odd hunches on occasion but they're usually right so bear with me.

    official guesses here. gemi, when your arguments are shown to be invalid you spam more nonsense (equally invalid btw). you are looking for something to put you above the rest which means you somehow feel below the rest or are now feeling superior due to your current belief system. you refuse to change your views on this which means they're well established and a good portion of everything you believe in relies on them and you aren't willing to even consider that you've made a mistake. hatred for the government probably blah blah blah you don't care, but i'd guess red state. preaching on a fart fetish forum of all places so i'm willing to assume you have plenty of practice blindly preaching to give yourself that sense of righteousness which would indicate blah blah blah you don't care about the how, just the what.

    final verdict? let me know if ANY of this is wrong.
    -early twenties (21-24 or so)
    -black (or half black)
    -mid us red state... texas or kansas... that general area (if texas AND half black then the other half would be hispanic)
    -i'd say average height... maybe a little taller but not by too much
    -thin... not unhealthy but not fat by anybody's definition
    -either glasses or a limp
    -high school education, but either "some college" or an aa... not more than that. my guess there would be college dropout and now working or picked up a job either in or right out of high school that you've kept or transitioned from. big fish in a small sea transitioning to small fish in a big sea sort of thing.
    -drive either a hand me down car suitable for one or a bike... either way it's your baby

    genuinely curious if ANY of this is correct, but i have a hunch most of it is.

    Do me next.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mudofale View Post
    I would dissprove your points IF you actually had a point, no one is agreeing with you your points for the simple matter that they are invalid sources. I can literally post and say THERE IS MY PROOF. But it would be discredited because anyone can change the information on it, same with the links you provide us with, they are websites created by random people who gather random facts together and create RANDOM theories that they THINK are proof. Just because you provide a link to something doesn't mean it needs 10000 more links to discredit it, the simple fact that your providing links with little information even related to the topic at hand or any proof that the information on the links are true just doesn't even deserve the time wasted proving it wrong... You literally linked us to a site about witch craft and called if your proof about the bible, what on earth does witch craft have to do with proving god exist? Please tell me, it was literally a site that looked like it was someones history project and they added some creepy music and cartoon animations on it and you probably saw it as solid evidence for proving your religion.

    You will be blind and stupid for learning the truth from a SPIRIT GUIDE, the bible is nothing more, nothing less, then a book to guide your spirit to inner peace. It puts you on a path to respect everyone and everything around you without causing harm to anyone. How do you not understand that... The bible is not a history book, the bible is not a news article, it is simply a guide that tells you how you SHOULD live your life is you so choose to live a one with personal values. Yet for some reason you keep preaching about it as if the bible is the holy word of the world, it will solve all your problems by reading a single verse, it will tell us what happened to the people on Ester island AND MORE. Get a grip on reality please... The bible has yet to officially been proven true, or false so stop using it as your valid source...

    The bible only applies to people who believe in what is in them, just like laws only apply to people who abide by the United States Constitution, if I went to Canada and preached about how you can't download stuff from the internet without permission they would simply laugh at me because they don't believe in our ways of life. Same with people who don't believe in the god or the bible, the only reason no one cares about it is because they don't believe in it. Should they? Maybe, but that is not up to you decide, you trying to force everyone to believe in what you do is doing the exact opposite of what the bible is trying to say to you, if your too blind to see that then im sorry your in that religion.

    Only reason is aggravates people is for the simple fact that every time I read your post I literally have to read every sentence twice just to make sense out of it... Have you ever heard of spell check? And do you ever read your post over before posting them? It's like a 5th grader it is trying to argue about his bed time... I don't have the best grammar skills (very poor ones for that matter) but I at least can fall back on spell check to fix my mistakes that I miss. Not to mention you don't understand the simple fact that your points aren't worth reading because of the fact you give links to things that look like a 3 year old made it...
    Overall your responses are nothing more than opinions & feelings about your view on the bible which you can prove its true so why are you trying to state your claims about it as a fact if you cant prove it. Witchcraft is a practice that was taught by fallen angels or by what people call them "aliens" angelic non human beings with Godlike abilities. The reason why its definion means female sorcery is because in Genesis explains the fallen ones taking the mortal women as wives, teaching them to be like God. If you research then I wouldn't have to tell you something that simple to figure out if you open your mind since you believe in the history books. I already told you I'm not forcing nothing on anybody & I don't have a religion. I'm more of a person who can explain and prove things better through verbal communication instead of typing but I'm done proving my point. I don't know how else you an prove the bible if you don't. Define & explain the meaning behind what's said in those verses but I tryed I guess. I don't care what you say about me which changes nothing about the truth unless you can disaprove it which I doubt you or anyone that could from my experience.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    Its true based on the evidence presented and faith is believing without evidence presented which is not based on emotion so I don't care how you feel about the bible being a fairy tale book.
    Since you failed to answer my question, I will now not be entertaining your nonsense anymore, as agreed.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    Overall your responses are nothing more than opinions & feelings about your view on the bible which you can prove its true so why are you trying to state your claims about it as a fact if you cant prove it. Witchcraft is a practice that was taught by fallen angels or by what people call them "aliens" angelic non human beings with Godlike abilities. The reason why its definion means female sorcery is because in Genesis explains the fallen ones taking the mortal women as wives, teaching them to be like God. If you research then I wouldn't have to tell you something that simple to figure out if you open your mind since you believe in the history books. I already told you I'm not forcing nothing on anybody & I don't have a religion. I'm more of a person who can explain and prove things better through verbal communication instead of typing but I'm done proving my point. I don't know how else you an prove the bible if you don't. Define & explain the meaning behind what's said in those verses but I tryed I guess. I don't care what you say about me which changes nothing about the truth unless you can disaprove it which I doubt you or anyone that could from my experience.
    SO THATS IT, I knew you were just a lunatic spitting off random non-sense... You believe aliens are "fallen angels" who come down and teach people "witch craft" because they're more advanced then you are? Do you seriously believe you are the only living being in this massive universe with advance abilities to traverse the universe? We can barely travel past the moon without having to come back to dock for fuel or even survive long enough to make it to mars, the closest planet to us... Actually, were pretty primitive compared to other organism. Were barely a million years old (our current state of evolution) I think it's in the 600,000's though. But ill leave it at that. All your beliefs and idea's are now falling on deaf ears just for your ignorance that I actually saw in your earlier post, and now I am certain of it from just reading the first 3 sentences of that post. Have a nice life in your box...

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by splat View Post
    Do me next.
    I want to find out as well, but at the same time i'm scared to find out because the truth hurts... Hmm...

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by splat View Post
    Do me next.
    if i happen to get a hunch about you, you're on, lol. then again if i could just have those hunches at will, i'd go on the road and just make a killing out of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by gemiwine View Post
    Overall your responses are nothing more than opinions & feelings about your view on the bible which you can prove its true so why are you trying to state your claims about it as a fact if you cant prove it.
    please tell me i'm not the only one who finds this majorly ironic.

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