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Thread: A fart story I made

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    Post A fart story I made

    First off I would like to say I don't write stories very often so please excuse any grammatical errors in my writing. I hope you enjoy it and I will be making more soon.

    ~The Smelliest Classroom~

    PART 1

    Being always the first to get to Miss Adrian's class I was faced with the most wretched smell of my life in her classroom. The smell of rotten eggs mixed with cabbage and beans wafted into my nose. I was about to ask Miss Adrian why it smelled so bad, but when I did I saw her straining as hard as she could, grunting and teeth gritted. PRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT!!!! A massive gaseous eruption exploded from underneath her ass making a violent rattling sound and adding to the pungent aroma of the room. I was so surprised to see such a gorgeous woman performs such a smelly deed. Miss Adrian was around 30 but was still hot as ever, not only was she pretty but she was quite voluptuous especially from her big round ass that without a doubt could cover my whole face. She sported nice shoulder length blond hair some glasses and some jeans that gave you a great view of her big round butt because they were *so damn tight, and a nice simple blouse that showed off her amazing boobs when she bent towards you. After dreaming about Miss Adrian's body for 30 seconds or so I snapped out of it and saw Miss Adrian looking down at her papers with a flushed face. The room stil smelt awfully foul and potent and was definitely not showing any signs of letting up.*

    Since I was there about twenty minutes early for the start of this special day because we had to stay with only one teacher for all periods, I had time to chat with Miss Adrian.*

    "Everybody does it." I said, regretting it right after because I knew it would just cause awkwardness.

    "Does what?" Miss Adrian asked in her normal tone of voice.

    "Umm... you know, farting." I replied, quite anxiously, now feeling a little awkward.

    "Oh! Of course everyone farts! *Sorry for not telling you when I walked in, even though you probably smelt it. I ate some food yesterday for dinner that doesn't quite agree with me, and it's been giving me extremely bad gas for a while now!" Miss Adrian said quite comfortably.

    "Oh it's okay, I can handle the smell it's totally natural and everybody get's bad gas once in a while." I said with a smile.

    "Haha, I suppose so," Miss Adrian said cheerfully. "I'll warn you next ti..." Her voice trailed off as she quickly clutched her toned stomach and strained once again. I just stood there waiting for the inevitable as a massive blast of gas shot out of Miss Adrian's wide rump while she sat on the chair. BRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAP!!! It was a mean loud bassy fluttering fart that put the smells already in the room to shame, just before I could say anything, Miss Adrian gritted her teeth as another loud long eruption came from underneath her big butt.
    BRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPFFTT!!!! A huge six second rattling monster shot out of Miss Adrian's ass. *This fart was even louder than the other and smelled just as bad. "NGGGGHH!!" Miss Adrian struggled and grabbed the armrests of her chair tightly as she forced another stinky explosion out of her round cheeks. BLLLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PPPPP This behemoth fart smelled twice as worse as the other two that had just erupted from Miss Adrian's wide rump and had probably lasted around fourteen seconds. It was so loud that people that teachers across the hall could have easily heard it and that I felt a slight rumble on the floor that caught me off guard.

    Miss Adrian's face eased up and she started to laugh.

    "Oh my god! Those were huge!" She said, while still grinning.

    "Haha forget huge! Those were humongous! You should go for a guinness world record or something!" I laughed, but that stopped when the smell of Miss Adrian's intense barrage had entered my nostrils. It reeked of rotten cheese and eggs with a hint of old beef. The smell was terrible and could have probably killed a small bunny if it was at point blank range.

    "Woah! That smells so bad! What did you eat?!" I exclaimed, forgetting that it could offend her.

    "Ugh, yes it did, those 6 bean cheese burrito's I ate for breakfast are not helping either." After she said that her face started to strain again and I knew that another explosive barrage of miss Adrian's ass gas was headed my way.....



    PART 2

    I couldn't help but stare at the intense strain of Miss Adrian as she let loose another bombardment of immense gas. For some reason I was finding the site of my teacher erupting gaseous explosions from her big butt quite intriguing, As I was admiring the site of Miss Adrian's big butt on the chair and her intense strain a thunderous burst fired out of Miss Adrian's stinky butt. BRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTT!!! The powerful fart echoed throughout the classroom. "Oh god!" Miss Adrian said, quite stressfully. I knew things were about to get even more intense, which started to make me quite excited. FFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAABPPPPPTT!!! The gas bomb exploded violently out of Miss Adrian's rump and the chair rattled once more. "Oh this one is going to be enormous..." Miss Adrian said while still straining with the attack of gas coming out of her. PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAATBBBBBBBBBBEAAAPPRR RTTTPRTPRTPRT!!! The twelve second monster was the end of Miss Adrian's second onslaught of noxious farts. The room now seemed to be quite warm and of course quite foul smelling. The potent smell of rotten cheese and egg loomed over my nostrils as I happily sniffed the warm air. It had gotten me quite excited, luckily I hid that fact because I was wearing a fairly long shirt today that concealed that fact entirely.

    "I'll be right back.." said Miss Adrian quickly with the most worried face I had ever seen. Without a doubt she was going to use the bathroom to unload a monster.
    She got up quickly and every stoop she took big rattling bassy stinky farts exploded out of her clenched ass. I couldn't help but stare at her enormous curvy ass as she walked out.
    Right after she left I couldn't help myself. I closed the door and started sniffing to my hearts content. I was not even sure why I enjoyed the rank fumes so much, anybody else would have surely passed out by now. On impulse I went right to Miss Adrians chair at her desk, kneeled before it and started to sniff it madly. The chair smelt ten times worse than the whole classroom! It was rank and foul and awful and I loved it. I sniffed and sniffed and rubbed my face all over the warm stinky chair. This chair had it made, it got to absorb the biggest farts ever coming from the most gorgeous teacher ever and it smelled so amazing.

    After sniffing for a good bit Miss Adrian was still not back so I decided I might go do some research...
    Last edited by lols456; 10th June 2010 at 02:53 AM.

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