Originally posted by 1313Jr.1313
holy shit... that is just as bad as the other videos. we have two people who ADMITTED to being fucked up while experiencing their experience with demons and the classic biblical misquote comic. 1 and 3 prove themselves wrong ON THEIR OWN and the second one is just blatant misquoting. i'm sure that these are just to troll, but this is a new low... even for you.
LOL blatant misquoting? Misquoting what? How did they prove themselves wrong? What have they misquoted from the bible? I gave you enough evidence to look at and research for yourself but I don't know what else I have to prove to you. It seems like to me you don't want to believe regardless of who tells you but thats you.

Kanye just said he sold his soul to the devil. Is he misquoting? LOL
