I decided to write my first story. It goes on for a long time, I kind of got carried away with gross details. I was a liittle nervous to do this, mostly because I've never talked to a person in RL about my fetish. Also, I really like this forum and wanted to give you guys some new fiction. So here:

4 Days as a Fart Slave

“Son, this is non-negotiable! I have a very important business meeting in Florida and I am taking your mother with me.” Fred's father yelled at him sternly.
“Dad, I know this is important for you and I WANT you to enjoy it, but I'm almost 15! I don't need a babysitter to watch me!” Fred protested.
“Sweetie, I love you too much to let you stay here alone. Your father and I would feel much more comfortable if we knew that Veronica was here to watch after you.” Fred's mom added.
Fred's heart sank as he watched that name escape his mother's lips. Veronica was without a doubt the meanest bitch he had ever met in his life. Despite her sultry heaving breasts, golden auburn hair, and her firm round ass, she was Fred's worst nightmare. Ever since last year when she moved into the neighborhood, Fred became the target of all her devious bullying. The sad part was that no matter what she did to ruin his day, Fred was too attracted to her to tell anyone.
Ding-dong! The doorbell rang. Fred's dad went to go answer it. Veronica stood in the doorway giving Fred's parents the sweetest smile you could imagine on a 17 year old girl.
“Sorry I'm late. Hope it wasn't any trouble.” Veronica said in a cute bubbly voice that nobody could get mad at.
“No, don't worry about it, you're right on time Veronica. Come in, please.” Fred's dad insisted.
“Make yourself at home dear, Fred's a little sour about the whole situation, but just keep an eye on him and we'll be back in four days.” Fred's mom explained to Veronica.
“No worries Mrs. Baker, have a great time in Florida.” Veronica said with another smile.
After giving their son one last order to behave, Fred's parents walked out the door and drove away. Veronica patiently watched the car fade into the distance before shifting her gaze to poor Fred. His heart began pounding as the terror sank in. Her sinful green eyes pierced Fred's very soul.
“So, Freddie. It looks like you and I are going to be spending some quality time together.” Veronica said with a playful smirk.
Fred was speechless. He knew that Veronica was planning something evil. He tried to respond, but his throat was in a knot and droplets of cold sweat were forming on the back of his neck.
“Ha ha g-guess we are...” Fred managed to stammer.
“Aww, you're shaking. You remind me of my hamster.” Veronica teased. “Now go make me something to eat brat, I'm in charge now so you better do whatever I say.” She pinched his cheek firmly and then walked to the living room where she began watching her teen dramas.
With a sigh of reluctance, Fred dragged himself into the kitchen, where he started to boil a large pot of water. Then he got an idea. He decided to really put some effort into his task and make Veronica something special so that maybe she would change her mind about him and leave him alone. It was a slim chance, but there wasn't any other option.
After almost two hours of intense cooking, Fred was done making dinner. It was a mouth-watering tray of tender chicken parmesan, home made macaroni with alfredo and broccoli, string beans, and an ice cold bottle of gourmet root beer. Anxiously he carried it to the living room to surprise his evil babysitter.
Much to Fred's dismay, Veronica was not impressed with his culinary talent. Instead, she forcefully poked a finger in his ribcage for taking so long.
“It's about time you little weasel. I almost died of hunger waiting for your lazy ass.” Veronica snapped at him. “Now go to your room and be quiet. If I have to look at your pathetic face any longer I think Ill lose my appetite.”
Fred held back his frustration as he walked away to his bedroom. Once he was there, he began to frown and sulk around, wishing he could skip over the next four miserable days. He squirmed at the irony of the fact that the same girl who was going to make his life Hell on Earth was also the star of his deepest, most passionate sexual fantasies.

An hour later, the doorknob turned and Veronica walked right up to the bed where Fred was calmly reading a book. She had a devilishly sadistic look on her face that sent him into another fearful state of dread. He hoped it was just a joke, but he knew her too well to believe that. After a painfully slow fifteen seconds passed, Fred spoke up.
“Did- did you enjoy your m-m-meal, V-Veronica?” Fred squeaked with a tremble in his voice.
“As a matter of fact, I did. You may be a rotten little twerp but you're not a bad cook. You better make the rest of my meals that good from now on or your next four days will go from terrible to unimaginable.”
“I-I'm glad you liked it. It's my own recipe.” Fred managed a tiny smile, but Veronica's icy glare forced it back down immediately.
“You probably know that I'm the captain of the Girl's volleyball team at my high school. As you can imagine, I build up quite an appetite running around all the time during practice.”
Fred nodded in agreement, careful not to smile this time. Veronica came a couple inches closer and got a more serious look on her face.
“But- there's something about me you don't know.” Veronica paused to build up more fear in her little victim. “I'm lactose intolerant. My belly doesn't like dairy products, not at all.”
“T-Then why did you eat the food I made? It had tons of milk and cheese.” Fred blurted nervously.
“Oh, I knew that right away. I was so mad when I saw your sickening excuse for a beautiful girl's cuisine I almost threw the whole thing into your bratty little face.”
“I'm really sorry Veronica. Are you going to be okay?” Fred added with concern.
“Aside from a little stomachache, I'll be just fine. You, on the other hand, must suffer for your mistake. And you're not sorry. At least not yet, my little slave.” Veronica's tone was fierce and intimidating. Her beautifully toned figure towered over Fred as he shivered desperately in her shadow.
“S-Slave? Why?” Fred asked out of terrified confusion.
“Because I'm bigger and better than you, twerp. And besides, there's no way I'm going to spend these four days watching television. You're a shiny new play toy and you're all mine. From now on, you will call me Mistress Veronica and do whatever I tell you. If you break the rules or complain, I will make things much, much worse.” Veronica leaned back a little and let out a low, evil laugh.
At this point, Fred was wishing on a star to just stay alive until his parents got back so he could stop being afraid. In a terrorized state of obedience, Fred managed to reply.
“Okay, do whatever you please, Mistress. I'll do anything you ask.” Fred forced out the words she wanted to hear, all the while trying to go to his happy place and block out the nightmare that his life suddenly became.
“That's better, slave. I had a feeling you would be a fast learner.” Veronica smiled, but then squinted a little and grasped her stomach. “Ooh, it's time. Lie down flat on your back, slave. NOW!”
Fred quickly flipped over and stared at the ceiling. His panic built as he wondered what it was time for.
Veronica climbed onto the bed, standing up on the mattress She put one foot on either side of Fred's chest. She pushed her long silky hair out of her face and squatted down so her ass was less than an inch from his nose.
“Do you like my tiny yellow shorts, slave? They're so cute and sexy, and they outline my tight, round ass so perfectly. Take a look at me from down there and tell me how beautiful I am.” The teen goddess held that position while Fred took in the sight.
“You're amazing, Mistress Veronica. Those shorts wouldn't look better on anyone in the world.” Fred exclaimed to his babysitter. He was secretly truthful though, and for a second he thought that maybe she wasn't going to torture him after all, and that maybe she would make love to him instead.
But no, The young boy's hopeful fantasy came to an abrupt halt when he saw those tiny shorts start to bulge a little bit at the asshole. Before he knew what was happening, PPPPPPPpppppp! A dense cloud of rotten fart gas exploded from between those perfect ass cheeks. Fred closed his eyes tight and tried to lift up his hands to plug his nose.
“No!” Veronica firmly held Fred's squirming body in place with her superior strength. “Sniff it, slave! Sniff as hard as you can and don't hold your breath or you'll be sorry.”
With no other choice, Fred inhaled breath after breath of the girl's deadly ass fumes. He couldn't stop wondering how such a rancid smell could come from the most beautiful girl he knew.
“Now ask for another one, brat. Beg for more gas to smell!” She ordered sternly.
Fred whimpered a little, and forced out the words. “Mistress, fart on me again. I'm begging you, let me smell some more.”
“Well, if you insist-” Veronica let out a soft moan, which turned to a feminine grunt as she let go of an incredibly massive and airy fart. The sound was like a deflating hot air balloon, and just as warm too. Her six-second long nose hair curling release was delivered directly into Fred's unfortunate throat and nostrils. Its consistency was moist and thick, and its vapors flooded every taste bud in the boy's mouth. Holding back a gag, he obediently took a deep, long whiff of the tainted air.
“How does it smell, kiddo? It smells sweet from up here, it must be even better down there.” She giggled and put some weight down on her prisoner's face and wiggled around for a bit. She eased up a centimeter, just enough for him to speak. “Well? Tell me how it smells!” Her playful joking became a strict order.
“I can't stand it, just please stop, Mistress.” Fred exclaimed in exhausted defeat.
“Bad slave!” The ivory skinned athlete delivered a firm, open-palmed slap to Fred's cheek. “Do not ask me for mercy, you pathetic worm! When I ask you to describe my ass-perfume, you will tell me it smells lovely. Understand?!?” The furious beauty was now pinning down her victim with an iron grip.
“Yes! I understand. I'm sorry Mistress, please forgive me!” Fred pleaded in desperation. He couldn't bear to think of his treatment being any worse.
“Good.” Veronica smiled and suddenly forced her ass down on his face hard. Pbfbtbfbtbfbbtbfbbppp! Another healthy-sized poot flew out of her ass, making a muffled but very audible noise . She held her ass down tightly over the boy's petrified face, tattooing his nostrils with her stink. Suddenly she lifted up again, only to let out another fart right away. Fred had no other choice than to inhale deeply, as he had been suffocating under his babysitter's rotten ass. This one must have been brewing for a while, because Veronica sighed in orgasmic relief as she disposed of that intestinal bubble. It was incredibly loud and bassy, and lasted for at least eight seconds.
“Surprise!” Veronica giggled maniacally and inched her butt hole closer to his nose. “I made that one just for you.” Fred was on the verge of dying. That last fart was so massive it filled his entire lungs, and then some. The stench was overpowering in the boy's small room, all he could smell was rotten cheese and broccoli-smelling gas from a beautiful girl's perfect, but lactose intolerant, body.
Veronica laughed and laughed at her slave's muffled gags, while Fred began to relax his tension. He got woozy as the laughs of his Mistress became more and more distant. He closed his eyes and he was out like a light.

Later, Fred reopened his eyes to find himself staring at his bathroom ceiling. He tried to get up, but found that he was tightly bound with ropes and handcuffs. Even though hours had passed, there was still a putrid smell in the air. He panicked, and tried to wriggle free. But as he did, he rang the bell that Veronica cleverly tied to his feet. Moments later, he heard footsteps coming closer, and the doorknob turned. Fred's heart stopped as the door slowly creaked open, revealing the bittersweet sight of Veronica's twisted smile. She was wearing silk pajama bottoms and a lacy pink lingerie bra.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. Hope you enjoyed playtime last night.” Veronica walked over to him so that she towered over his helpless little head. “Did you see the present I left for you last night?”
Fred opened his eyes wider in curiosity, and Veronica effortlessly lifted him up so he could see in the toilet. Dwelling at the bottom of the porcelain lake was an enormous turd that stretched from the abyss of the drain hole and poked out into the air about three inches. The surrounding water was a murky pond of brownish-yellow filth.
“Thanks again for dinner, by the way. You gave me so much food I couldn't help but push out one giant shit.” Veronica quietly giggled and bent over to blow a kiss to her stinky little gift. “I was going to flush it, but I left it here to keep you company.”
Fred was horrified at the sight of this girl's mess, and the image of that thick, dense log was burned into his unwilling retinas.
Then Veronica untied the ropes on his feet, leaving only the foot cuffs, which had a few inches of chain in between so he could walk slowly. The girl continued by leading him (a little too fast) into a small walk-in closet. Once they were there, she tightly re-tied his feet. During the whole trip, Fred didn't dare speak a word, for fear that things might get worse. He was then laid down on his back again, and the door was closed shut. In the corner, Fred could see a small heater that had been brought in from another room. Veronica proceeded to turn it on high. She then stood over the boy again, waving cutely.
“You weren't awake earlier to make my breakfast, you lazy shit! The only thing I could do was eat your leftover broccoli and make myself a bowl of cereal with LOTS of milk.” She was getting excited watching the fear build in her victim's face. “It's too bad I had to do that, because all that dairy is giving me terrible nasty fart bubbles.” As she talked and teased, the heat quickly filled up the small closet. Fred knew why she did it. The hot air would make the farts smell even worse.
“It's getting so steamy in here, I think I won't be needing these.” With a graceful motion, the evil goddess removed her silk pajamas and white cotton panties. Then she took off her socks, and forced them into Fred's gaping mouth. “Now don't you spit those out slave, or I'll have no choice but to get stricter.”
The socks tasted sour on the kid's tongue, and as much as he wanted to spit out those greasy, stinky, foot sweat pads, he held back, afraid of what might happen.
Veronica stretched out her mostly naked body, enjoying the nice warm air against her soft, perfect skin. She relaxed so deeply that she accidentally let out a little toot into the air.
“Oopsie daisy, I was saving that little guy for your nose.” She lifted up her creamy muscled leg and waved the fugitive fart over toward Fred's face. Even though it was a tiny one, it smelled strongly of broccoli, and it hung in the air for a while. The strength of even a little gas from this babe was so powerful that Fred could hardly bear to imagine how terrible it will be when she kicks her ass into overdrive.
“Well now, that was a tasty preview. Don't worry though, there's tons more where that one came from.” Veronica proceeded to take out a teddy bear from a drawer. Immediately, she buried it in her ass, and silently released some gas into it. She sighed with relief and held it there for a few more seconds, possibly farting on it even more. Then she quickly pulled it out of her ass crack and shoved it forcefully into her slave's face.
“Smell my teddy bear slave boy! Sniff deep!” Veronica ordered, and Fred obeyed, filling his nose with the deadly stench from this girl's poor fart cushion. She held there bear against his nose while he suffered under it's noxious contents.
“Enough of that. My poor teddy has had enough. He doesn't deserve to take my stinky torture as much as you.” She lifted up the plush animal and tossed it away. “Oh, all that milk is starting to churn around in my belly. It's so bad it hurts a little, but I only have to hold it a little longer.”
This remark confused Fred, as he wondered why she didn't just let it out right away. He quickly learned why when his Mistress squatted down over his face and tightly pinched his nose. After fifteen seconds, he tried to get some air through the socks in his mouth, but they were too dirty and packed too tight for him to breathe through his mouth. A minute went by, and Fred was in desperate need of air. Directly above him, he saw his babysitter strain her face and heard a low rumble in her lower tummy. With one quick motion, she put her asshole directly in front of Fred's nose, let go of her grip on it, and PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A gigantic bellowing fart erupted from her bare teen asshole and tore through Freddie's rapidly inhaling nostrils, penetrating his sinuses, throat, lungs, and left his eyes bloodshot and watering. It was by far the worst smell he had ever experienced, and he was powerless to make it even a little better. Before he could even exhale, Veronica pinched his nose again, so that he was forced to hold her ass masterpiece in his chest and let his torturer's stink linger inside of him. When he was finally allowed to exhale, his breath was cruelly waved back at him, so he would keep smelling it.
“That one felt really good to get out. But oh no, I don't think I'm quite done yet..” While still squatting over the boy's face, she strained her asshole so hard it looked like it was going to kiss its recipient. Then, a steady, quiet stream of gas began to make its way out right into Fred's breathing space. She kept pushing, and the fumes kept on coming. This drawn-out SBD kept going for twelve miserable seconds, and then started to get loud for a few seconds toward the end.
“Now that's what I call a fart! I hope you breathed in all of that, you useless fart sniffing little boy! Sniff harder! I can't hear you!” As soon as she commanded it, she could hear sniffs coming from her butt area. To further humiliate him, she sat her bare ass down on Fred's suffering nose and shook it around, forcing his nostrils completely into her moist, foul shithole. Once it was in, the evil volleyball captain took the opportunity to surprise her little friend without warning. As another bubble made its way down her rectum, she forced it out with all her might, and kept her butt firmly in place so the gas would travel into the nose whether he sniffed or not.
Fred was approaching breaking point by then, and as soon as his face was free, he spit out the socks and took advantage of whatever air he could get through his mouth. He knew this was against the rules, but he couldn't take it anymore. This girl was a farting machine, and he only wanted the mercy of fresh air. However, Veronica wasn't anywhere near ready to take that kind of disrespect, and she became infuriated.
“I told you specifically not to spit out my socks. I warned you... and you did it anyway. Now guess what, slave boy? Your punishment is going to get dreadfully worse. Only a little brat like you could deserve what I have in store for you!” And with a fit of rage, she slammed her ass down on Fred's chest with full force, completely knocking the wind out of him. Then she punched his stomach, causing him to let out a whimper of pain.
“If you wanted to breathe through your mouth, slave, you should have said so.” Veronica teased. “Now open up wide for Mistress Veronica.” Fred slowly opened up, and his sitter's raunchy pooper was forced into it. “Now stick your tongue up it! You have three seconds!” Not wanting to make things worse, Fred obeyed, and was frantically licking up the juice from her dirty, sweaty stinker.
“Keep going, slave, don't even think of stopping until I let you.” Veronica moaned with pleasure as her bitch boy licked away at her shit factory, and all of a sudden, PPPPPPPBBBBBBBPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBPPPPPP!!!!!!! she shot out a mouthful of gas directly into Fred's hard-working mouth. The fart came from so deep inside the girl's ass that it smelled worse than even her SBD's. She sighed a big sigh of relief, which turned into laughter as she delighted in making her slave eat the most nasty fart she had produced that day.
“Wow, I think I even impressed myself with that one. It's almost too stinky for me.” She giggled to herself. “Just kidding, boy, I love my farts. They're never too gross for me. That's what makes them so much fun to share with you.” Veronica laughed and laughed while her victim tried to stay alive in her blazing hot fart chamber.
“Can we stop this now?” Fred asked. “You're very beautiful but I can't stand your fart torture. I can't take it anymore!” Fred blurted out his feelings again, this time making his Mistress even more furious.
“You want it to stop, poor little baby? What's the matter, you don't like to smell your babysitter's farts?” She laughed even more. “Too bad, slave! Your parents are gone and you still belong to me for three more days! I'm a beautiful teen goddess, and I have taken you as my worthless slave. I'm bigger, smarter, and stronger than you by a long shot, so get ready for more Hell beneath my hot, gassy ass!” On that note, she stood up, twisted herself side to side, and cracked her knuckles. She squinted a little and tightened her lips together, and fidgeted around for about a minute, and when she stopped, she made the most sadistic face Fred had ever seen.
“Ooh, good news for you, buttlicker. I thought that last fart would be my last one for now because it smelled so bad, but I can feel another one on its way out.” Veronica rubbed her belly, as if to try and massage it closer to the exit. “ But first, I want you to beg for it. Tell me how badly you want to sniff my perfect ass as I rip my most deadly fart directly into your face.”
Fred was about to cry. He would rather be dead than have this evil bitch use him as a personal fart cushion. But he had no choice, she had total control over him. “Please, oh please Mistress, rip your most deadly, toxic stench right into my face. I want to sniff it all up like a good slave.”
“Well, only because you asked so nicely.” She said with another giggle, and returned to the squat position, her asshole a millimeter away from Fred's abused nostrils. With her hands, Veronica reached down and covered her target's mouth and pinched his nose. “I don't know if I can even wait until you run out of breath. The pressure keeps building and I don't think I can hold it much longer.” Fred knew she was telling the truth, because her asshole started to slowly push outward. As the seconds ticked by, Fred awaited his next hot, smelly mouthful of girl gas. Finally, Veronica freed his nose, only to fill it with her show-stopper of the day, a super-long wet-sounding blast that smelled like old broccoli, rotten eggs, and shit. It was so bad that it made the already putrid closet smell like roses in comparison.
As Fred inhaled this behemoth of a female fart, he started to get that woozy feeling again. After seven seconds of breathing pure, fresh farts from his babysitter's ass, he began getting very dizzy. But the fart kept going, and Fred passed out a moment later. Veronica, satisfied with her work, wafted her own stink back to her nose, and savored the incredible stench that she made.


I can keep going with this if you guys like it