Thanks for the responses.

And thanks for sharing the experience Vector.

I don't want to suggest that every girl out there would be receptive to this fetish, or that I am doing something unique and different than the rest of you. I guess what I'm saying is that even if it is the main sexual fantasy for you, finding a partner you truely care about sort of superceeds your needs for temporary pleasure, and if you allow that relationship based on love to persist then you will enable the opening for you to request more personal or kinky things.

I suppose I'm a tad different from some of you in that I don't think I always had this sort of fetish. I have stronger fetishes which are in different subjects, and farting just happened to manifest itself once I was exposed to it on a sexual level with different people. Of course, nowadays, it would be hard for me not to call it a genuine fetish of mine. Just based on my past experiences with girls who I suspect had their own fun farting around me I developed it further.

I'd still like to hear about other people's experiences telling their loved ones or friends. There's only been one person who I divulged this information to in a relationship (the girl I currently date) and it took her a bit of consideration to get comfortable with it, even though she's more than fine with it now. Indeed, she might even be developing her own weak fetish for farts or farting based on the fun we have when she or I does it to initiate foreplay or more.