I did not write this, I found it on a furry website, but it doesn't involve anything like yiffing or anything like that. It was written by someone named Skunkbutt.

Felicia lounged in the big hammock in her spacious backyard, under the shade of the trees that supported her recline. Her soft lips parted briefly as she let out a small lazy moan beneath the girly magazine that was draped over her face. Cute small crimson painted toes wriggled at the base of the hammock as she moaned again, turning on her side and lazily allowing the magazine to fall into the soft grass under her.

Once she shifted in the hammock, she felt an abundance of pressure build up in her stomach - the fast food she had for lunch was coming back to haunt her. An arm lifted slowly to rest a soft hand over that rumbling stomach of hers as she winced, before a loud, gross fart escaped the back of her summery yellow jean shorts.

"Ahh..", she moaned as a bit of sweet relief overcame her tummy at the release of the gas. The relief didn't last however, and a moment later, her bottom exploded again, this fart longer, and more wet sounding. Felica blushed and lifted her hand to cover her nose, as this fart was noticeably more potent than the last, the awful smell of her persistent rear end lingering.

"Damn..", she said quietly, as her hand left her nose briefly to wave the offensive air from her face. She could fart with the best of them, that was for sure. She blushed and laughed a bit at just how rank that last one was, before she finally decided it was time to take a dip in the pool.

Slowly, the girl lifted a leg out of the hammock, careful not to flip it as she got on her feet, enjoying the soft feel of the warm, green grass. Those jean shorts we unbuttoned and slipped down to her ankles to reveal a light blue bikini bottom that matched her top. Her light blue perky rear was stuck out briefly again to rip a third one, this one long but slightly higher pitched, still carrying with it her particularly nasty scent.

She wrinkled her nose and quickly left the area, leaving the destruction behind her as she climbed the stairs of her above ground pool, pacing on the pool deck a moment before dipping a foot in. It wasn't bad at all. With this knowledge, she took a few steps back, doing a running jump into the water, making quite a splash as she did so.

The water felt cool and amazing on her warm body, melting the sweat and heat away as it overtook her, she came up to the surface, moving her wet, shiny brown strands from her face as she took a breath, green eyes opening to the beauty of the sunlight reflecting off of the cool blue water.

"Mmm..", she moaned softly as her relaxing prompted another large outburst from her butt, this one sending a large bubble up to the surface of the water, exploding in a cloud of her noxious ass scent. "Heh, oops.", she mused as she floated backward a bit away from her own nastiness, lounging on her back with a serenity that could only accompany a quiet summer day.

An hour went by, along with a few more booty outbursts, before Felicia decided the swimming thing was getting a bit old now. She swam to the side and pulled herself up, perky, ample and deadly rump sticking out as she did so. Instead of getting back to her feet on the warm, pool deck, she rolled over onto her tummy, stretching out her slender form to let the sun serve as her towel. Wet hair was pulled behind her before she rest her head on the warm deck, lifting her slender leg to release another warm rotten blast from her derriere, this one being her most rotten smelling yet. What had gotten into her today? She wasn't sure, but her smell was awful, and it really needed to pass.

She lifted her arm and waved it around her again, but the smell only seemed to increase a bit. "Ugh..oh no, I didn't!" Poor Felicia thought she must have had an accident, because the smell of pure ass was only getting stronger and coming from her. She hesitantly reached a hand down to her soft, perky butt, feeling around on the outside before gaining the confidence to slide it inside the back of her bikini bottom.

No, she hadn't had an accident thankfully. Her ass continued to smell awful though, and even though it seemed like she was starting to get used to it, she needed to get to the bottom of it. Before she could do anything else however, she began feeling an itching sensation all over her body, and began frantically scratching her legs as another long, powerful fart erupted against the wooden pool deck, putting her past farts to shame.

Even though her nose couldn't help but acknowledge it, she had bigger problems, as the itching continued and she felt a good deal of pressure just above her ass. Black and white fur started to come in, covering her soft, tan skin. "W-What the fuck?" Was she a werewolf or something? Just as the soft black and fur came in nice and thick, a huge, soft black and white skunk tail erupted from the back of her bikini, tearing a nice whole just above her lethal, now furry buttcrack.

She was so taken back, it took her a moment to slowly reach up and run her furry paws through her newly white soft, damp strands, and feel that her black furred ears had migrated to the top of her head. Not a werewolf...a wereskunk! "Wh...Wha.." Before she could say anything else, her skunk ass unleashed another torrent of nasty, gassy farts into that unfortunate pool deck, the smell of her ass now quite prevalent in the entire area.

She was thankful her poor bikini bottom was ripped because she knew it'd never smell the same again. Along with her transformation, came a new wave of feral euphoria, it seemed. Suddenly, all the strange things that were taking place took a backseat to the need to touch herself. Swiftly, her bikini top was ripped off, revealing her now white furred, perky little B cup mounds, the right of which was squeezed and pawed at hornily as the skunk in heat murred in pleasure.

She also wasted no time in shoving her other paw down the front of her ripped and smelly light blue bikini, rubbing her newly horny skunk pussy with an increased intensity, even as another loud and potent butt burst sprouted forth from her perky black and white fart blossom. A thick, green cloud rose up from her as she continued to pleasure herself with her fingers. Her nasty farts were visible now, and stunk even worse with their appropriate green tint.

The thought of what a nasty, smelly, stinky, and wild skunk girl she was filled her mind and she continued to frig herself wildly and thump around on that pool deck, until her sexual juices gushed forth, soaking the front of her already ruined bikini, and adding a scent of horny animal to the pungent scent of pure ass that was spreading over her entire yard. Birds, squirrels and other animals could be seen retreating the yard as the scent of her rotten bottom gained strength, another loud, green fart rising and wafting from beneath her big, fluffy skunk tail.

"Ahhh...that was nice!", She commented breezily. "Got me all sweaty again though...guess it's time for another dip!" With that, the skunk sat up, scooting herself back into the cool water of the pool. "Mmm..", she relaxed again, still recovering from one hell of an orgasm before the next fleet of farts decided it wanted out. She gasped slightly, squeezing out another huge one, as a big green bubble, about the size of a frisbee, exploded out of the water behind her, green fumes rising forth from the pool.

"Wow! I've never been able to make one that big before!" Felicia was amazed, her butt never seemed to be out of ammo since she'd donned her new skunk colors. In fact, she didn't see an end coming any time soon. She paused for a moment. "Ah well..it's what skunks do, I guess.." After this resignation, her tight, perky black and white ass let loose, nuclear fart after nuclear fart causing large, green, toxic bubbles to burst from below her tail, popping on the surface with disgusting sound after disgusting sound, sending up a thick, pungent, sheer awful wall of green fart gas.

The pool water had gone from a gentle blue to a rank green color as she continued to provide the big bubbles for her new stinky jacuzzi. Felicia moaned quietly as she tossed and turned in bed, slowly opening her eyes to realize that she wasn't in her own fart propelled jacuzzi after all. She wriggled a bit more, causing her boyfriend to stir a bit as well under the covers, her bottom brushing against his lap as her gut rumbled and she released a huge gassy outburst right into his lap. "FELICIA!"

Her boyfriend's scolding along with the pungent smell of her nasty bum snapped her completely back into reality as she blushed sheepishly and laughed a bit. "Mm..sorry honey!"