Quote Originally Posted by IHeartGirlFarts View Post
Oh cool. Yeah I checked out Media Fire last night. You get 10 GB for free but they'll give you a fucking TB for only $2.49 a month. That sounds like a steal but I don't know if I can afford it right now on top of all my other bills. As ridiculous as it sounds it is only $2.49 shit maybe I can. I'll think about it. It'd be weird to have no porn on my computer though & to only have all of it online. Idk what do you think man?
Tbh I'd go with Mediafire more than anything because I think it's reliable and shit imo. I've had it since 2011 and none of my files are missing. With the new mega you don't know if it'll get shut down again even tho we didn't mention it just using a example. And Yeah I'd do it, it's currently what i'm in the process of doing, uploading my porn videos, because me and my girlfriend are moving in together soon and if she ever found out I had these vids, LOL

Oh yeah, here's a valid point. The only downside I can see is that if you have no internet you can't watch your videos. But, if you ain't got no problems with your internet, I say shoot! Or you could just buy a 1tb external hardrive or something, and put a password on it.