Quote Originally Posted by lololo View Post
I tell people who preach about how bad Obama is that their vote doesn't matter anyways lol. The whole thing where your vote DOES matter is bullshit. Yes, If everyone felt this and didn't vote it would change something. But seriously as a singularity, your vote really doesn't matter. Whatever everyone else voted for matters. But the reason anyone gets elected is the fact that people ignore their meaningless vote and vote anyways. Ignorance works sometimes.

but seriously when's the last time the presidential election came down to ONE vote? And the president is elected by The electoral college anyways so they could toss the Country's votes out the window.
Actually you have the voting systems confused. What you are referring to is local election. I am referring to presidential elections.

The popular vote (what you do on election day) doesn't mean a damn. The final decision comes down to your state representatives. But, they usually vote according to the popular vote. So why have representatives have the final word? Why have popular vote at all? It's to make people feel like they have a bigger say in gov't then they actually do. In fact, your 2 cents do not mean a dime. Pun very much intended.