I know not a lot of people here are into anime farts, or fart pics, but tell me what you think. If you have any criticism I wont get mad, in fact, Ill appreciate your honesty. I made these some time ago when I still had photoshop and a lot of free time on my hands. I found anime pics that I thought would work out well for a farting pic, then I edited in the gas, and made any other changes I want, such as hair color, ect...

Click the pics to enlarge!

This is my favorite one:

I wanted a pic that looked like a girl was openly farting, not embarrassed about it or anything, or maybe even showing her fart off a little. I like this one because it reminds me a lot of how my girlfriend handles her farts at home.

This was first a pic of wind lifting up a schoolgirl's skirt, I thought it would perfect for a farting pic, so now it looks like her fart was so powerful that it lifted the skirt up, with a horrified looking boy in the background.

This is one of the first fart pics I made. I was still learning about photoshop since I knew nothing about it.

This was a request from a friend who has this fetish. I dont like it too much. It took me a long time to make it though. I made her cheeks red to look embarrassed, and gave her a new mouth to look more surprised that she let one rip.