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Thread: It's really not so bad

  1. #1

    It's really not so bad

    To this day, I still can't figure out what's wrong with farting. I myself don't know why I like it. I just do. The smell coming from a girl's butt just overwhelms me. Why do people like spanking or feet? They just do.

    Besides there have been many more fetishes far stranger than farts. Incest, vomting, animal sex. Farts aren't so bad. In fact I always thought a girl would be even more interested about it. She would relieve herself and her partner would be even more turned on. She wouldn't have to worry about grossing him out. It's not like she's sniffing it. And since the guys would smell it all up, they probably wouldn't need an air freshner.

    Besides girls that fart are really cool to be with. It shows they're more comfortable around you, they're not stuck up, and they usually have a good sense of humor. So overall being with a girl that farts is great, even if you aren't turned on by her gas. And I can only hope I one day find an open minded girl.

    Anyone else feel this way?

  2. #2
    Whatever helps you sleep at night. Rationalize it all you want, this is not a common fetish and is viewed as bizarre by most people.

  3. #3
    No it's not it's not as common, but surprisingly there are a lot of people into it. But people into farts shouldn't be viewed as freaks by other people and act as if that's the worst thing ever when it isn't.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by walter42
    Whatever helps you sleep at night. Rationalize it all you want, this is not a common fetish and is viewed as bizarre by most people.
    I think it's a common fetish. I really do.

    It's been mentioned in more than one mainstream movie, there was a small death metal band in California with a song in which the lead female singer sang about farting in a man's mouth and making him eat her flatulence, and it was discussed on that old lady's show too.

  5. #5
    Elite Member poshtayba's Avatar
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    It's interesting you post this thread and bring the subject up. I too had always felt extreme trepidation about telling anyone--let alone a girlfriend whom I became intimate with--about this fetish. Indeed I spent the better part of my life hiding it from everyone, and went through both a 5 year and a 3 year relationship without letting my partner know at all.

    However, in retrospect, I wish I hadn't regretted sharing the information so much. If somebody cares about you, and wants to make you happy, they're going to see past initial doubts and find the joy of what brings you pleasure. They will seek to understand and appreciate your kinks, and with any luck your love will sustain past any negative points remaining.

    Interestingly; having dated 4 girls seriously in recent memory, it almost seemed as if each one had their own subtle fetish for our favourite subject. Whether it was a result of the love between us, or whether they legitimately had their own kinks and fun with the subject, each of them had almost relished farting to the point where I wondered if they themselves ever considered it a fetish to themselves.

    My first girlfriend was extremely apprehensive about farting in front of me, but after 2 years of dating and sleeping at each other's houses frequently, it became nearly impossible to hold back gas anymore. And once she became comfortable with letting loose in front of me, she definitely didn't hold back any further at all. She would randomly come up to me and fart in my direction, toot on my hand, make me pull her finger, dutch oven me, the works. I never did tell her that it turned me on, but it's possible she figured it out (since it's hard to hide that sort of thing as a male ;P ). I always suspected it turned her on as well, both to do it, and to have me annoy her with my farting as well. We would be lying in bed back to back and one of us would blast the other early in the morning and start giggling. This would almost always be returned by the other person blasting their revenge, and it would inevitably lead to other foreplay and sex. She definitely got some sort of kick out of farting.

    My second girlfriend once warned me on a second date that she tends to scare guys off at school and on a bad date by farting extremely loudly. After a dinner one night, she said something to the effect of "I hope you take this as a compliment that I'm comfortable around you and I like you enough to do this." Before I could ask what it was, she let go a huge fart and started laughing about it. She told me afterwards that she really loved to fart and most guys think it's gross, and that I was cool for not being weirded out by it. However, I didn't want to weird her out by telling her that it was a turn-on for me, and we broke up shortly after.

    And my current girlfriend, although in disbelief that a cute guy like myself would like such a thing as farts, obliges me whenever she can. Although she doesn't fart a lot, she always lets me have them when she does, and even asks me for my favourite clips to watch so she can learn more about my fetish.

    So all-in-all I've definitely had some really encouraging experiences with girls being open to this fetish. I think moreso than you trying to get them to see the joy you experience in it you just have to work on yourself being the sort of person that they can find said joy in experiencing things with. If you're a creep who pressures people and comes off as awkward and gross, of course nobody is going to want to have you sticking your face in their butt. But if you try to be a nice, cool guy (or girl) who people actually enjoy being with and are comfortable around, you would be surprised at how open and gross everybody tends to be in 'private' with people they love.

    Of course there will always be people who are strongly against such a thing, but that's why you keep your options open and find the girl who is right for you

    Best of luck to all of you, hope this helped give you some confidence to go out there and smell victory

    I am curious though what everyone else's experiences have been like. How did people react when you told them? Who did you suspect might have enjoyed it? Anything you can share is appreciated.

  6. #6
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    thanks for sharing this

    Que delicia

  7. #7
    witch death metal sing about farting in a man's mouth??
    please answer

  8. #8
    Posh, you're my hero, man. I'm hoping to find a girl who'll fart in my hand!

  9. #9
    Originally posted by mephistofele
    witch death metal sing about farting in a man's mouth??
    please answer

    The band is now defunct but perhaps the singer will still perform.

  10. #10
    Elite Member Vector's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Once you grow enough balls to tell your girlfriends about your fetish, you will realize just how much some women are gassier than others. In my experience, my current girlfriend farts for me when ever she has gas. She's been known about my fetish for years now and each time we're together, she gets more and more into it for me, especially since she knows how beneficial the outcome is for her. The thing is, she's no where's near as gassy as my exgirlfriend. My ex was the gassiest woman I've ever met and her farts would smell like creamy heaven! My current girlfriend doesn't fart as much as my ex and her farts don't smell as sweet. I'm still on the hunt for my perfect fart girl. If she can rip gulpy bubbly farts she will steal my heart. Farting is an emotional thing for me.
    Real women produce Bubbly and Gulpy farts!

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