It was fun meeting the people who came in and I am planning on doing it again soon.
I tried to be gassy last night for the show but little ones came out.
Of course I started farting more after the show but don't worry I got them on camera.

That is the free clip I promised. I will be giving out freebies for everyone whenever I get the chance, because like I said I know that some people just can't afford them.
These clips will be different than the ones I sell just to be fair to the people who support me.
Here is my only request.
If I see this on youtube or anything like that I will not continue to give away free clips.
I am hoping that none of my clips I sell will be pirated anymore, especially since I am going as far as giving away stuff to the people who cannot afford the clips.
Also I am planning on doing another web cam show at the same place. It will be free.
So if you missed it last time don't miss it this time.