Originally posted by Destrega
Originally posted by onlycash
Well it's simple, you can have fun with RS and see how many movies get deleted minutes after you upload them or learn to use torrents.

The people who make the movies are not your friend. They are selling you something and they think your a fool for buying it.

It's like being in a bar and defending the whore on the block as a "good girl" to every other guy in the bar who knows she a girl who sells her ass for money. None of the girls or the pimps who pay them are anything other then that. She's not in this to be your friend she's in it to get your money.

If people here had a chance to get 100's of movies as often and as easy as they wanted this forum would stop being a joke. Every other post is someone asking "please re up that 2MB movie that RS just deleted again..."

Why would people want to cry all day for little re posts over and over again?

Torrents are the way everyone on the net has been sharing files of all sizes for years. Also you should know that small torrents are by far the easiest way to share small files, and you share faster to boot with no "re upping" over and over.

No one would be so foolish to be posting to RS if they had any idea what they where doing.

One more point everyone needs to remember is I posted a 1GB (82 clip) torrent today that well over 500 people all over the net have gotten to watch in the last 10 hours.

Where do you think I got the 82 files?

Why have you people been the last to see them?

How much longer do you want to be the last people to see them?

The files are out there and people are watching them, so maybe the question is why aren't you watching them?

If torrents are dead here so will this place in the end.

Whats the point?

Why don't you just ban every movie posted?

Oh because you think what your doing is better in some way?

lets grow up, or just turn the forum into a fan site for people who think your a fool.

If you live with the girl in the movie good for you.

Do I lust after the girls in the movies?

Damn right I do, but I don't think I'm here to make sure she makes money, if that's the way you feel good luck and have fun being her and her pimps fool.
I say yes if the majority wants to use them but i could care less either way it goes. Onlycash you have a valid point about people crying for reups but you do realize that those cries will change to "SEEEEEEEDDD!!!11! This torrent is soooo sloooooww seeeed!" if we were to switch over to torrents.Most people have problems with firewalls and portforwarding so they can't get the best speeds from torrents. It is only a choice between two evils. If you haven't noticed most of the people here leech and those torrents would soon be dead just like the filehosts. In some ways filehosting is better and some ways its not.Obviously you think what you're doing is better but torrents are not perfect either. Whether we use torrents or filehosting sites does not change what kind of forum this is.Also the people who make the content are not our friends but i am sure people don't care what the producers think about them because we are probably a grain of dirt in their asses as well. This forum will not die because it was fine without torrents and can continue without them. I do think that we should stop being "on the fence" about certain stuff and accept what we do and what kind of forum this is:We are what we are.

You make many very good points.

One good thing about torrents is they help to stop leeching. Because if you can't keep a good ratio the tracker will limit you, but if you learn to share you will see great speeds and the burden will be on the downloader not the uploader.

Yes some may ask for seedddd!!!!

But as long as the uploader seeds to a 10 times ratio most torrents will be seeded well for weeks, some even years.

Nothing is perfect but people should be useing the tools to make the job work better.

PS: You are so right when you said "we are what we are."