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Thread: FART STORY: The Prank

  1. #1
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    FART STORY: The Prank

    by Lisa on Tue Apr 14, 1998

    "ASHLEY!" Heather's voice echoed around the set. "ASHLEY! Where is that lazy whore?" Ashley ran to her boss's side, reflecting on the irony of it all. She and Heather had gone to school together and had always been bitter rivals, especially when it came to acting.

    They were both pretty, Ashley a cute blonde and Heather the sexy brunette. Heather had HUGE boobs but Ashley (though smaller) had acting ability, so it was only natural that she got all the leads in the plays, while Heather was stuck being everything from "Tree number one" to "Witch." Everyone thought Ashley would make it in Hollywood before Heather (assuming Heather made it at all) when they both left for fame and fortune. No one banked on the shallowness of society.

    Her first week in California, Heather got a walk on part on "The Drew Carry Show" (Big busted stripper # 3) while Ashley got nothing. This continued for a year. Heather's star, propelled by her giant knockers, got higher and higher while Ashley was becoming one of those starving actors she was always hearing about. Finally, a year later she called Heather for a job. So, here she was, Heather's personal assistant.

    And Heather never failed to rub it in. Heather was now working on her latest feature: "The Fear." Some action movie with Hollywood's best looking (and available) Man, Ben Jacobs. And today was the "big kissing" scene....

    "Yes, Heather?" Ashley said, sweetly. "Ashley, as you know, my scene with Ben is today AND I STILL DON"T HAVE MY BOTTLED WATER! Why is that?" "I.... you're already drinking coffee, Heather." "Oh! So I am." Heather turned and dumped the mug's contents onto Ashley's new shoes. "Go get my water." Ashley walked down to the store and paid $8.97 of her own money for Heather's water. As she walked back to the studio, Ashley just WISHED she could tell Heather where to go and how to get there, but she needed this job! Without it, she would have to go home and give up her dream.

    Ashley was so lost in her problems that she dropped her purse. She sighed as she bent to pick it up... and something caught her eye: G&G; Novelty store. Ashley had always loved pranks (in high school, she'd even gotten a few on Heather that she never found out about.) She glanced at her watch.

    She still had ten minuets; may as well head in. Ashley entered the store, and was surrounded by memories. Whoopie cushions and red hot gum, itching powder (Heather wasn't so high and mighty with THAT in her bra) and fake vomit. Ahhhh, good times. Then, something caught Ashley's eye: Boom boom pills. The label depicted a party scene.At the center, a girl stood, a humiliated look on her face. Her butt was stuck out and green smoke was coming out of her ass, accompanied by the words "Toot toot." Around her, the other guests where giggling.

    Ashley picked up the bottle and turned to the cashier, a middle aged woman. "Excuse me, miss?" She began "Do these do what I think they do?" the lady smiled. "Uh huh" she nodded. "Darlin', two of those pills make more gas in a person then a pot of beans. Work fast, too."Ashley giggled and quickly paid for the pills. Out side, she took 5 pills and ground them up, then poured the powder into Heather's drink and smiled an evil smile.

    "What took so long?" Heather asked, greedily snatching the open water from Ashley and gulping the entire thing down. Ashley smiled with delight. "Heather," the director called. "Your wanted on the set." Heather walked onto the set, her loose, white dress flowing as she did. After the scene was set, the Director called "Action" and Heather, hugging Ben, began mumbling through her poorly written lines. "Oh, Tom! How will we ever defeat those naughty international terro..."

    Suddenly, Heather's belly began to growl. She looked down nervously. PHURT! Heather struck crimson with shame. She had just farted! The entire set burst into laughter! The director, the crew, Ashley (especially Ashley)... even Ben! He comforted Heather between giggles, assuring her it was ok. "Ok, ok, let's set it up again" the director said, whipping away a tear, holding his ribs. Heather began again. "Oh Tom! How wi....." BLARRRRAT! Heather's bum flapped and her dress blew out. The set burst out laughing again, this time a little quieter.

    By the fifth take, nobody was laughing. "Damn it, girl, what the hell where you eating" Ben said, fanning his nose. They began the scene again, this time Heather going bow-legged every time she felt a toot coming on.
    "Oh, Tom!" ...she spread her legs
    "How will"...spreads her legs
    "we ever defeat those naughty"...spreads her legs,
    Ben began to crinkle his nose
    "international..." frustrated, Heather walked slightly to the left.

    PHURRRRRT! BLAP BLAP.....PUTTTTTTTTT! PHURTS! She had a worried look on her face. BLBORPS! "Alright, that's it!" the director screamed. "I try to be a tolerant, patient man but YOU have gone too far!" he walked over to Heather, the smell of rotten eggs permeating his nostrils. "Now, either you get this 'problem' cleared up, or YOU'RE FIRED!"

    Heather walked towards her trailer. "ASHLEY!" she called. Her shapely assistant ran to Heather's side, beaming. "Yes, Heather?" "First, wipe that grin off your face" Heather snarled. She handed Ashley a handful of bills. "Go to the drug store and get me every anti-gas medicine you can." Ashley nodded and ran to the store. On the way back, she stopped at the novelty store and picked up a couple more bottles of Boom boom pills. Then, she replaced the medication with more Boom boom pills, and cackled wickedly. This was too easy.

    When Ashley arrived back at the set, the crew was gathered around Heather's trailer, listening to the "music".

    BLOOOOOOOORT! "Man, I can't believe we can HEAR that", one man said, awestruck.

    Ashley entered without knocking. Heather was sitting, shifting uncomfortably, occasionally lifting a cheek to let out a PHRRRRRRRRURRRRRPHT! "Did you get it?" Heather asked. "Uh huh. Here you go." Ashley tossed Heather the bag. She was so desperate to gulp down the pills, she didn't even notice that the safety seals had been broken. Or, that all the pills were the same.

    One hour later, Heather emerged from her trailer. "Ok, I'm better" she said. The scene began. Before Heather could even utter one syllable, her ass EXPLODED with smelly gas. BLOOOOOORT!


    Heather got a horrified look on her face and ran into the bathroom. She didn't have to go, but it just seemed right. She burst through the door and ran to the sinks, clutching the counter.

    PRHUT PHURT......PLAPPP! The other women began to evacuate the bathroom. Heather stood in the empty bathroom, when Ashley entered, giggling. "Problems, boss?" she asked with glee. "God, what's happening to me?" "And thing are getting worse. The director says you'll never work again." "Ohhhhhhh God. How did this happen?" "I spiked your water. THAT'S RIGHT, I DID IT! HA HA HA!" "Ohhhhhh God" Heather moaned.

    Just then the director burst in."That's it, you flatulent bitch! You're FIRED! You'll never work again!" as Heather cried, every now and then farting, the director looked at Ashley. "Say.... can you act?"

    ************************************************** *********************************

    Ashley awoke, sun shining down on her. She tossed her arm over Ben's chest and smiled, looking at the ring on her finger. There came a knock at the door that awoke Ben. "Come in" Ashley called, stretching. Heather came in, warring a maid outfit. "Would you like breakfast now, Ma'am?" "Yes, and I'd like it in bed, if you don't mind." Heather nodded,closing the door. Ben moved to the side of the bed and started laying kisses on Ashley's neck. "Why do you keep her around?" he asked. "Oh, come on. She may be a little on the dim side, but she knows how to have a gas!"

    Que delicia

  2. #2
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    not bad

  3. #3
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Yeah, good one. I remember reading this one from the Internet Dump poetry and fiction page.

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