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Thread: question...

  1. #41
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    Originally posted by windfan
    Originally posted by SionDS
    Fact is, there's just too much that screams fake.

    -Ultra hot jailbait posting on a fetish forum, extremely rare.

    -Claimed she was two different people from the pics. Clearly they are different girls.

    -Her pics just happen to be posted all over public sites, yeah, that's pretty much enough not to believe right there.

    -With every posts, tries way to hard to talk about being a girl and types like a 12 year old "omg i have a boyfriend! My boyfriend wont let me do this!!"

    -When she comes under attack, 3 people with no post history to speak of suddenly appear out of no where to defend "her."

    I mean, this forum has had fakers before, but non of them have made it this obvious before. If you just want to role play online dude, say so.
    EXACTLY SionDS...

    "haley" couldnt be more transparent if HE tried. HIS discourse is MALE.
    dude... you do realize that you just quoted a bunch of points that HAVE ALREADY BEEN COVERED... way to read the entire topic. you look like a winner now, buddy.

    and sion, i've already given my reason for the pic not being enough evidence in this case. if it were on a different site (one like the site in the post you linked to) then i would say that it was enough evidence, but the pic is on a site that anybody could access and put a pic up on. using this as evidence is about as pointless as pulling up a myface or spacebook pic for reference. i have seen a pic of my own sister on one of those jailbait sites (unfortunately) for christ's sake, so it's not that far fetched for someone to put up a pic of someone else. the fact that the other pics are arguably the same person (i have pics a week apart that look more different) only help her case.

  2. #42
    Originally posted by SionDS
    Originally posted by effingbillgates

    Where has she been exposed?
    There are a lot of tips, but the main one is finding her pics on a popular jailbait site.

    Lets see, when was the last time someone posted fake pics that were later found on a popular site? Oh, I know...

    cutetst girl that fartet on me

    Why is it that NO ONE believed this above thread was real after the pic source was found, yet so many people still believe this thread is real after the pic source was found?

    Why do people judge what is the same situation so differently? I dont see people in that link saying stuff like "No proof!"

    You don't get it still.
    1) that doesn't count as her being "exposed elsewhere", which was the claim. There's no evidence there, it's just more of the same conjecture from the same people.
    2) again, why are you arguing about this? Nobody here gives a fuck either way about whether she's male or female so we are not being played for fools. It's not like we're all masturbating over the very thought of her, is it? You seem to think we need to be rescued from a group delusion but we don't, because we're not that bothered either way whether she's a female or ends up being a guy. Why do I have to keep repeating this for you? All haleyslilcomet has done here is post a few decent clips for the benefit of the community, and she's said she might run a website with her boyfriend. We will know soon enough if she's a guy if the latter actually happens, and if it doesn't happen no harm has been done to anyone.
    3) seriously now, fuck off with all of this because it is leading nowhere. I know you can't wait to say "I told you so" but really we don't give a fuck and won't be saying "well done" if you turn out to be right anyway. Just leave haleyslilcomet alone to do what she is doing and stop trying to make your point. It's boring.

  3. #43
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Hey 1313jr.? I was you have the power here to lock topics? If so, this & maybe the other topics that have questioning haley's gender can cease to be talked about.

  4. #44
    Originally posted by 1313Jr.1313
    Originally posted by windfan
    Originally posted by SionDS
    Fact is, there's just too much that screams fake.

    -Ultra hot jailbait posting on a fetish forum, extremely rare.

    -Claimed she was two different people from the pics. Clearly they are different girls.

    -Her pics just happen to be posted all over public sites, yeah, that's pretty much enough not to believe right there.

    -With every posts, tries way to hard to talk about being a girl and types like a 12 year old "omg i have a boyfriend! My boyfriend wont let me do this!!"

    -When she comes under attack, 3 people with no post history to speak of suddenly appear out of no where to defend "her."

    I mean, this forum has had fakers before, but non of them have made it this obvious before. If you just want to role play online dude, say so.
    EXACTLY SionDS...

    "haley" couldnt be more transparent if HE tried. HIS discourse is MALE.
    dude... you do realize that you just quoted a bunch of points that HAVE ALREADY BEEN COVERED... way to read the entire topic. you look like a winner now, buddy.

    and sion, i've already given my reason for the pic not being enough evidence in this case. if it were on a different site (one like the site in the post you linked to) then i would say that it was enough evidence, but the pic is on a site that anybody could access and put a pic up on. using this as evidence is about as pointless as pulling up a myface or spacebook pic for reference. i have seen a pic of my own sister on one of those jailbait sites (unfortunately) for christ's sake, so it's not that far fetched for someone to put up a pic of someone else. the fact that the other pics are arguably the same person (i have pics a week apart that look more different) only help her case.
    do you understand irony say POINTS that have been covered but the only fucking point you mention is the matter of the pic on youre the fucking moron here...not i...not completely ignore the fact the fags discourse is that of a male trying to pass himself off as a female and the convenience of how new members sign up the very fucking day people call him into question simply to defend him and fuck off again.

  5. #45
    Originally posted by effingbillgates
    Please respond to my requests or let all this rest. You're getting boring.
    poor diddums is i boring you is i?

    1. the homo has used images of different girls that he presented as haley...why?

    2. any onus of proof is on HIM. and he will NEVER prove hes a girl because hes not.

    3. he was outed on other sites like topix.

    3. do you want an 8000 word thesis on male discourse or can i just say OPEN YOUR EYES? do you honestly need me to draft an academic framework to demonstrate the BLEEDING fucking OBVIOUS? and if youre too stupid to see him FOR WHAT HE IS how the fuck do you expect to comprehend an academic critique of his language?

    im not doing this to say "i told you so". if you people want to look completely stupid thats your problem. but as far as your whole "who cares" attitude goes and how hes not duping he continue to refer to this poofter as she. youre a dupe.

  6. #46
    Elite Member
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    USA (Currently in Midwest)
    I'll be brief:

    1) Haley is a strong contributing member of the forum. Treat the contributer accordingly. It doesn't matter whether male or female. Haley contributes, and I appreciate it. It would be ignorant, and daft to bash a person for posting clips, or asking questions on a public forum. I personally believe her to be female-that's a personal choice, not anyone else's.

    Not even windfan and Sion.

    2.)Windfan is a moron who can't complete sentences without ranting, yet preaches about an education he clearly does not have.

    3.)Sion is probably Windfan's closeted homosexual lover.

    Unfortunately they both have homophobic tendencies and can't deal with the fact that they find guy's who act like girls to be attractive. Therefore they get angry when it is possible a guy is acting like a girl.

    It proves them to be insecure and angry little people.

    Get over yourselves; You're free to give your opinions, but be respectful. I chose to forego respect with you, because you've been nothing but rude.

    Finally to answer Haley's question:
    Asscleaners has fake farts, but if you like the style of the videos and the fake farts don't bother you: they can be fun to watch.

    Don't let the assholes scare you away.

  7. #47
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    Originally posted by windfan
    Originally posted by 1313Jr.1313
    Originally posted by windfan
    Originally posted by SionDS
    Fact is, there's just too much that screams fake.

    -Ultra hot jailbait posting on a fetish forum, extremely rare.

    -Claimed she was two different people from the pics. Clearly they are different girls.

    -Her pics just happen to be posted all over public sites, yeah, that's pretty much enough not to believe right there.

    -With every posts, tries way to hard to talk about being a girl and types like a 12 year old "omg i have a boyfriend! My boyfriend wont let me do this!!"

    -When she comes under attack, 3 people with no post history to speak of suddenly appear out of no where to defend "her."

    I mean, this forum has had fakers before, but non of them have made it this obvious before. If you just want to role play online dude, say so.
    EXACTLY SionDS...

    "haley" couldnt be more transparent if HE tried. HIS discourse is MALE.
    dude... you do realize that you just quoted a bunch of points that HAVE ALREADY BEEN COVERED... way to read the entire topic. you look like a winner now, buddy.

    and sion, i've already given my reason for the pic not being enough evidence in this case. if it were on a different site (one like the site in the post you linked to) then i would say that it was enough evidence, but the pic is on a site that anybody could access and put a pic up on. using this as evidence is about as pointless as pulling up a myface or spacebook pic for reference. i have seen a pic of my own sister on one of those jailbait sites (unfortunately) for christ's sake, so it's not that far fetched for someone to put up a pic of someone else. the fact that the other pics are arguably the same person (i have pics a week apart that look more different) only help her case.
    do you understand irony say POINTS that have been covered but the only fucking point you mention is the matter of the pic on youre the fucking moron here...not i...not completely ignore the fact the fags discourse is that of a male trying to pass himself off as a female and the convenience of how new members sign up the very fucking day people call him into question simply to defend him and fuck off again.
    Originally posted by 1313Jr.1313
    "-Ultra hot jailbait posting on a fetish forum, extremely rare."
    rare is not impossible and we've yet to have our bulls eye.

    "-Claimed she was two different people from the pics. Clearly they are different girls."
    matter of opinion... i look more different (proper grammar, by the way) in some pictures than the change in those.

    "-Her pics just happen to be posted all over public sites, yeah, that's pretty much enough not to believe right there."
    as much as i hate to say it, MY SISTER'S pics are all over public sites. besides, pics upped to those sites are anonymous/anybody can do it and anybody will.

    "-With every posts, tries way to hard to talk about being a girl and types like a 12 year old "omg i have a boyfriend! My boyfriend wont let me do this!!""
    yeah, i'll give you that one. it made me think as well.

    "-When she comes under attack, 3 people with no post history to speak of suddenly appear out of no where to defend "her.""
    no post history is a hell of a lot different than recent registration date. if you look up the registration dates and compare them to haleyslilcomet's earliest reg date (not here) you'll see they've been around quite a bit longer.

    "I mean, this forum has had fakers before, but non of them have made it this obvious before. If you just want to role play online dude, say so."
    mostly, as everyone else says, just let it be. there isn't enough information to conclude with 100% accuracy that she is of either sex, so why not give a CONTRIBUTING member the benefit of the doubt... i mean, she contributes to the forum. i think kuro's closest on this one...

    and in response to kaio, i have seen exactly one fart clip that was real. i have seen at least 12 fake ones. if you want real clips i'd recommend somewhere else (mistress taylor's girls have a good dominating attitude).
    ... see what i did there? i backed up my claim WITH ACTUAL FACTS. i gave you the evidence and let you be the judge and guess what; unless you're a complete moron, you have to see that you're wrong on that one. you say i've only covered one but i only reiterated on one in that instance. now it's your turn to back up what you say with links/pics/ACTUAL EVIDENCE. wait, you don't have any? too bad; i guess you're still the moron. way to use your college experience.

    now, to everyone bashing sion... stop it. he has an opposing point to myself (and apparently many of you), but he hasn't been a douchebag about his point and has actually tried to back up his claims with evidence. he hasn't insulted people or any of that crap; he's just posted his opinion, what evidence he has, and did it all without resorting to "he will NEVER prove hes a girl because hes not" or "he was outed on other sites like topix (but i won't post a link. just believe me, some guy on the internet])."

  8. #48
    Let's give it up. Ban the troll(s), or just ignore them and lock the thread or whatever. I've no idea why windfan thinks he deserves my time and patience but I'm not his therapist and this is going nowhere else, so I am done with this topic.

  9. #49
    Originally posted by Slimsniffer

    2.)Windfan is a moron who can't complete sentences without ranting, yet preaches about an education he clearly does not have.

    3.)Sion is probably Windfan's closeted homosexual lover.

    Unfortunately they both have homophobic tendencies and can't deal with the fact that they find guy's who act like girls to be attractive. Therefore they get angry when it is possible a guy is acting like a girl.
    im done discussing this issue but THIS shit from slimsniffer is as DUMB as it gets. guys that masquerade as girls are fucking losers. plain. simple. guys that cyber with them or believe thier lies are losers who are so fucking desperate to get off they will believe any lie. in contrast there isnt an ounce of fucking logic in your brainless conclusions. im not even homophobic. i simply fucking hate idiots that masquerade as girls because theyre fucking time wasters. im straight. i have no interest in talking to poofters that want guys to fuck them as they pretend to be girls. i have no interest in helping other guys get off as they masquerade as girls to fulfil their stupid fantasies. if anyones anyones homo lover its the brainless wankers defending this douchebag queer as he uses your complacency with his lil girl act to get off. and fwit you uneducated clown by your own logic if homophobia is a universal sign of closer homosexuality you yourself are a fag. your own immature insults are as homophobic as anything i have said. as far as my ed is concerned im a postgrad. if you think some immature anonymous boofhead like yourself can change that fact simply by saying its not true then youre about as thickheaded as it gets.

    i will re post this post:

    i will refrain from further attempts to alert people to the bleeding obvious and simply enjoy the forum.
    i didnt sign up to play the part of educator to simpletons. i am done discussing this issue.

  10. #50
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    USA (Currently in Midwest)
    Well thanks for shutting the hell up.

    That's all anyone ever really wanted.

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