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Thread: Posting Requirements

  1. #1
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Posting Requirements

    I can't tell you how many times I've held my head down in disappointment/disgust at the amouht of people on this board who have absolutely NO posts at all, yet they are able to download to their heart's content and nothing happens.

    I for one would require that one post at least 5-10 messages in order to be able to download any videos. Today, alone, the three members' birthdays all have NO posts whatsoever, yet they mooch off all of the people who spend their time finding (or....stealing, but that's beside the matter) videos to post, and you still have people who demand more. Look at the members list and compare the ratio of those who have sufficient posts (by sufficient, meaning they are regulars and not just one or two posts so they can say they at least posted) versus those with no posts at all.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    I can agree with you, but if I done that, their posts will be ' thank you' 'thank you a lot for this forum', 'etc etc

    Links to the mp3's, forbidden sites, or something that is not so interesting to us.

    We don't need spammers here, we want to 'spread' this fetish and only then we can expect more fart clips and more fart models.

    If we are charry, we can't expect good site traffic and big community.

    I hope that 'freeloaders' will start to post something, but clever and useful.

    So I am not planing to change rules for now.

    Que delicia

  3. #3
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    I, as a leecher, mostly due to a crash last year which costs me 1000's of fetishfad, jenette,renee, etc clips can respect what chronic is saying but can also say from experience Gassey is correct. If you demand a certain number of posts to see a clip you will get 350 "thank you for this post" posts that will fulfill their post requirement and bog down the board with useless crap. I think the current system is the best. I promise when I come across something I know you vets haven't seen, I will post it! Cheers and thanks to chronic, Kerno, damnation, Dammit, Krappe, Boss and all who find and post the goods.

  4. #4
    Elite Member
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    Aug 2006

    Freeloaders piss me off too. But there is very little we can do about it. ::angry

    all we can do is make it worthwhile for those who do post.

  5. #5
    Elite Member Tornado's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    ......Thank you !

    OK,with my english i can't post more.............Sorry !

  6. #6
    I understand what you are saying completely. I my case i was one of the quality members in the old fart girls forum and had hundreds of clips. Now i have a new computer with about 40 or 50 clips that have already been posted on this site. I now am somewhat of a moocher but just because i have nothing to give anymore compared to a year ago or so when i had my old computer. Also posting now to become a gold member seems so pointless because this forum has shut down 2 or 3 times. Those are just some of my thoughts on this situation.

  7. #7
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    Originally posted by puffman112
    I understand what you are saying completely. I my case i was one of the quality members in the old fart girls forum and had hundreds of clips. Now i have a new computer with about 40 or 50 clips that have already been posted on this site. I now am somewhat of a moocher but just because i have nothing to give anymore compared to a year ago or so when i had my old computer. Also posting now to become a gold member seems so pointless because this forum has shut down 2 or 3 times. Those are just some of my thoughts on this situation.
    If this is true, then I will research old fartasia board, he is in my archive, and valid your nick with e-mail adress.

    You will be golded very soon. ::cool

    Que delicia

  8. #8


    i myself havent been able to post and for that i am really sorry but it is beacause i moved computers recently and all of my old clips were lost so if i find any i can contributed that obviously haven't been put in i will hope fully soon.

  9. #9
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    look, think about it... if somebody gets a new comp and is forced to post and fulfil requirements then they will lose some insentive to stay. if they go somewhere else they will:
    1) be ripped off, what's better than here
    2) if they come across something we don't have, we STILL won't have it
    3) if they do stay here it will be due to some lame thank you post like everybody else is saying
    4) allow everybody to get what they can and hope that they will return the favor, i myself don't have many clips that aren't on this forum, and those that i do have i've already posted. i would post some ggg clips and lmt, but i don't want to get my ggg account suspended, because i was so stupid that i told the admin that i may post them so he could keep an eye on me and delete my account, knowing that i couldn't make another one, if i did post his clips.
    5) to answer your question, yes, that was sarcasm, but i still don't want to risk him having a heart attack (not literally, but it WOULD be cool) and trying to get our board shut down. if there is no board then nobody could freeload.
    6) plus, most of the people that don't contribute only don't due to the fact that they HAVE NOTHING to contribute, or it's already been posted and it would be a repost.
    7) a lot of people here are only here because they have nothing and they are trying to get something. who knows, if the board crashes then maybe the freeloaders will be the ones to repost and everybody in this thread who is against freeloaders will ironically become the freeloaders due to the fact that they will only have reposts.

  10. #10
    i enjoy female farts and clips as much as the next guy. sorry i dont post. i'm still trying figure out my around here and enjoy some clips there great. give me time and i hope i can add some stories . thanks and keep the good work going ::thumbsup ::thumbsup

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