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Thread: 3870 people watched Ashleigh farting and making love with a cake on You-Tube

  1. #11
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I dont mind cake farts
    sometimes its sexy sometimes its not (sorta like toilet farts)

    but the spreading of these vids really needs to slow down a bit. when I find a cake fart video on 4chan (a website that besides being great for finding porn also gathers some of the most idiotic internet tough guys you could regret meeting) thats when I know these videos arent getting any good attention. if you think I'm being over dramatic, you might be right. but when people on 4chan say "this is like 2 girls 1 cup, goatse, meatspin and lemonparty" you know you found the worst kind of internet hit.

    I really hope this doesnt go viral. I dont want to see stuff related to this fetish become the new shocker video that some chump friend of mine plays to get a laugh out of me.

    SHORT VERSION: the internet is not amused by our antics.

  3. #13
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    What the fuck is wrong with people? huh? Back in the days Sebastian and I used to talk about women, we were both married, he to Maria me to Erin. Now everyone and his cousin is flooding the internet with nasty women farting. Like in Lafayette we had this fart lighting game we played when we were 5. but fuck, grow up people, ok?? who gets off by farts? that is ridiculous. Slash, is that you? I know you are the one behind all this shit. You're jealous that I am more famous than you? Tough shit man. Back off bitch was written for people like you

  4. #14
    Originally posted by w_Axl_Rose
    What the fuck is wrong with people? huh? Back in the days Sebastian and I used to talk about women, we were both married, he to Maria me to Erin. Now everyone and his cousin is flooding the internet with nasty women farting. Like in Lafayette we had this fart lighting game we played when we were 5. but fuck, grow up people, ok?? who gets off by farts? that is ridiculous. Slash, is that you? I know you are the one behind all this shit. You're jealous that I am more famous than you? Tough shit man. Back off bitch was written for people like you
    You're really not as funny as you probably think you are.

  5. #15
    Farting would be less of a turn on for some people if it was ever normal.

  6. #16
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Check that -

    I almost single-handedly made Ashleigh a celebrity. She's all over the Internet and shortly she's going on Oprah, Leno, Springer and all the other talk shows. Howard Stern next in line?

  7. #17
    Fart-fetishist, do you happen to be the person who about ten years ago was doing loads of stuff about cake farting on the copro forum? That person basically made it their life to try and prove that cake farting was was bigger than the fart fetish itself. Eventually he/she finally had some kind of breakdown and admitted it was all made up - all the "many" people into cake farting were just that one person, and as far as he/she was concerned the cake farting concept was totally invented as well, and it wasn't even a real fetish.

    Are you the same person back again? It's just with everything you're doing and saying, you have to forgive me for having major deja vu here. The story that owlofcreamcheese later quotes on the "somethingawful" website you've linked to, of a woman farting on a cake in a restaurant before it was served to a customer, is even one that first appeared ten years ago. I realise how good my memory is when I recognise the lines "I think she passed gas at 500 ml bulk sum total" and "I think he's just had at least 150 million germs" from something I read ten years ago.

  8. #18
    Originally posted by effingbillgates
    Fart-fetishist, do you happen to be the person who about ten years ago was doing loads of stuff about cake farting on the copro forum? That person basically made it their life to try and prove that cake farting was was bigger than the fart fetish itself. Eventually he/she finally had some kind of breakdown and admitted it was all made up - all the "many" people into cake farting were just that one person, and as far as he/she was concerned the cake farting concept was totally invented as well, and it wasn't even a real fetish.

    Are you the same person back again? It's just with everything you're doing and saying, you have to forgive me for having major deja vu here. The story that owlofcreamcheese later quotes on the "somethingawful" website you've linked to, of a woman farting on a cake in a restaurant before it was served to a customer, is even one that first appeared ten years ago. I realise how good my memory is when I recognise the lines "I think she passed gas at 500 ml bulk sum total" and "I think he's just had at least 150 million germs" from something I read ten years ago.
    It is the same guy, I asked him earlier, the same clown who spammed every forum not just fart forums.
    Some people would even try and reach out to him, but he is too much of a cake farting zombie to engage in a conversation, as he has shown in here.
    You tell him to slow his roll, and a day or two later he comes back to spam.
    He pretty much made me annoyed by the whole cake farting concept.
    He thinks just because we watch something that has a girl farting on cakes, we're into cake farting too.
    Hey, genius, we're into GIRLS farting, that means any kind of fart is our bag.

  9. #19
    It all does seem exceptionally deranged. However during the copro days the forum layout meant you couldn't help but see the title of every single post in every thread, and spamming in one day would really fill your computer screen. Here, I'm stopping myself getting sucked in by just noticing who has started a thread and ignoring it. Thanks for answering my question, by the way.

  10. #20
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Cake Farts

    Cake farts don't do it for me at all, but I can see why it does it for some people. I understand mostly because I have a fetish that I know most people would logically would not understand. I lived for most of my life (80's, 90's, and the first half of the 00's) not even knowing that one other person out there had the same feeling that I did. In fact in was not untill like 2000 that I even assosiated with the word fetish. As was said before 1 there are not enough people out there with the fetish to make it mainstream. 2nd is that most of that small amount of are not willing to talk about it publicly.

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