Dan Savage is the leading advice columnist in America. He is best known for penning the internationally syndicated relationship and sex advice column Savage Love. While his home base is "The Stranger", a Seattle,WA-based alternative newspaper, Dan's column is syndicated into dozens of newspapers across the continent and also in Canada and Europe.

The man is openly gay and writes lots of articles advancing the rights of Gays and Lesbians.

Because of the popularity of Savage Love among the younger population, it seems efficient to me if we all start a "letter writing campaign" to Dan Savage dealing with people who have a fart fetish "problem". The idea behind it is, perhaps when Mr. Savage is inundated with dozens of letters talking about it, it will go above the radar screen and Dan would write his advice about it, making it a more "known" fetish rather than an obscure one. At least we accomplish the "awareness front" which is crucial in turning every so-called "kink" - homosexuality, SadoMasochist and so forth into a more acceptable fetish. At least we try - what do we have to lose??

Dan Savage's email is: [email protected]