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Thread: Guys I fucked up...

  1. #1

    Guys I fucked up...

    Remember how I told you all I was excited that my g/f farted for me and had no problem with it?

    So yesterday she's in a shit mood, and we're kinda arguing, and then I thought she farted so I sked her and she was like "no...and what if i did? Whats the difference? Why do you get so excited when I fart? I told you before it's annoying!" Turns out, she went through my computer and found saved fart videos and told me I was disgusting, etc... that that kind of thing is really disgusting and that I'm no different now than any other guy and I'm a weirdo. So, long story short, we've since made up after a long battle, but I can tell you right now not only am I staying out of porn sites, I'm staying out of fart stuff too and I know for a fact I ruined what we had together. Don't get me wrong, she was already in a shitty mood when she started the argument so it was obviously worse, but she would always fart and tell me to come sniff it so it can't be entirely me being gross. I dunno - Im just in a funk. I finally felt comfortable enough to tell my girl (who lives with me, no less) that her farting turned me on and now I'm just fuckin embarrassed. Tough break, huh...

  2. #2
    Elite Member Rikod's Avatar
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    RE: Guys I fucked up...

    Bummer situation but I may have a remedy for you. Take the effort to please her in both a sexual and non-sexual way. Do chores you don't normally do and do them often and do them right. When she sees that you are going out of your way to give HER what she needs, she will sympathize and see that your fetish is fairly harmless. Farting is a natural thing, and as my wife puts it, "If it gets you off and your cock hard, all the better for me."

    I don't push my wife for farts but when she's in the mood to give me them, she's more than happy.

    Just don't make it an everyday issue. When you do it starts to become annoying to them.

    Hope this helps.
    I worship my wife's sexy farting ass .......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    yeah, like he said dont make it a daily issue. in fact I recommend completely ignoring the fart issue for a week (or at least 4 days) and trying to get back on her good side. asking for farts is no different than asking her to wear a special low-cut top or asking her if she is wearing a certain special order bra you bought for her everyday or even everytime you see her bra-strap through her clothing.
    it gets annoying and makes her think you only want to be around her for the sexual "high" she gives you.

  4. #4
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    how did she found fart clips on your pc?

    Where did you put them?!

    Que delicia

  5. #5
    Elite Member
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    I feel you bud, my girlfriend found my stash on the computer, but it was because i was lazy and left it on the desktop but she found mostly stuff from joy angles and a few fart clips. I had to tell her the curiosity of women farting and shitting (not scat) turns me on. She kinda looked at me and then never brought it up. I felt like do ppl my age (24) are into these fetishes so I kinda felt weird at the time but it passed!

  6. #6

    RE: Guys I fucked up...

    Telling a girl you have a fart fetish has its pros and cons.
    The pros is she will cater to your needs, but you will never be able to hear another girl fart ever, while she is around, without that jealousy, which she was feeling when she saw you getting off on other girls farting.
    This way, if she ever finds your stash you just say, check this weird shit out, it's funny, and then make sure you have some other weird fetish stash too, like midget porn just to smoke screen the situation.
    Don't be nervous when saying all of this shit, it will make you creepy.
    I know it's too late fofr you now, but this is for others who haven't opened up to their girlfriends yet.
    I agree on the solution that was brought up by rikrod.
    cater to her needs, now that she knows, and if she's still all bitchy about it, yet you've done everything in your power to help her live out her fantasies, then she's not right for you.
    Don't let her say she has no fetish, that's bullshit, every girl has some sort of fantasy, and now that you're past the point of no return you have to get more into kinkiness with her, role play, explore all kinds of evenues, and when she is more open, then get her back into the farting again.
    By the way, I've been in your situation, told a girl I had a fart fetish, and she was awesome about it, then when she was in her "mood" she would sometimes make me feel like a disgusting pervert. But she was cool the next day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    RE: Guys I fucked up...

    I have to disagree with you about the jealousy thing, granted of course it might be just an individual woman to woman thing and not an all encompassing quality

    but I've told my girlfriend. and she's totally cool with it. now if some woman I knew started sitting in my lap and making me her personal fart cushion, THEN she will start getting mad at both me AND especially her (after all how the hell did this chick find out about my fetish without sticking her nose in where it doesnt belong?)
    in fact I told her BEFORE we were formally dating. the reason for this is because I have little tolerance for bullshit, and when someone tries to tell me that my particular fetish (that hurts NO ONE and is not even that weird when compared to things like electrophilia and a ton of stuff you see in japanese hentais) is sick and twisted and somehow reflects on me as a person I'd dump her on the spot. I know what is right and wrong and someone telling me that liking something unique is sick- THAT is wrong. So I will always drop the bomb before dating her, because that way I dont waste time getting emotionally attached to someone who ultimately is going to have a negative effect on my self esteem just because I have a rare sexual kink.
    the way I drop the bomb with these women is this. I get to know them, if we hit it off inevitably some time or another conversation turns to sex and what we like (that might just be me because I'm a little perverted and hypersexual with people I'm comfortable with). When that happens I'll say something the is curiosity-inspiring like "Well I'm sure I have a fetish you've never heard before" or "...that doesnt seem to weird, I've heard of weirder. Heck I HAVE weirder fetishes" . Obviously she's going to ask about it, and my response is along the lines of a playful "not now, I dont think your ready yet"
    key here is to PLAYFULLY rebuff her inquiries about what fetish you have that is so weird. if she gets worried about it, THEN you get serious and tell her that NO it is NOT illegal, OR immoral OR EVEN pain-inducing. if she's still iffy about it, then this is one of those red flags you look out for. she's either one of those types who HATES secrets unless she's in on it, OR she thinks your lying and is already closing herself off mentally to accepting your sexuality.
    Most women however will just pout at you and poke and prod you about the subject randomly to get you to open up about it. Develop your relationship with her further in this time. Feel her out about her openness in general: if she thinks homosexuality is a perversion, she's likely not going to look upon any other fetish preoccupied with the backside with favor. also feel out her other qualities, even if she IS open to fart fetishism as far as you can tell, dont go dating her just because of that. for example I came SO CLOSE to dating another girl who seemed open about fetishes in general but put that to a halt when I found out SHE THINKS EVOLUTION IS A CROCK OF SHIT AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN EVOLUTION IS A COMPLETE MORON. obviously there would have been irreconcilable differences between her and I long before we got to the bedroom, much less talked about making her some bean burritos and putting on that sexy thong I always liked.
    wait a week or two, dropping hints about your fetish whenever you discuss sexual oddities and finally tell her "Okay, YOU SURE YOU WANT TO KNOW? believe me, its weird and maybe even a tiny bit gross". if she says yes (as she's likely to) tell her flat out in your own way that a gassy woman is painfully sexy to you. most likely by this point she'll be shocked by the simplicity of it, she'll have spent a few hours of her life in total imagining just WHAT kind of fetish would make a guy so close-mouthed about it and yet so willing to admit to having it in the first place? what kind of fetish could he have that he doesnt think I'm ready to hear about yet??? She'll likely be thinking about some strange things, WAY FAR off from the whole farting thing. and when she finally learns that its simple intestinal gas that turns you on she'll probably be like "what? thats it?? I was expecting something involving a 10-inch dildo and a blindfold!"

    too long; didnt read: drop hints about having a fetish, make her curious about it, wait, then tell her. THEN date her.

    even after that the battle isnt over. with my girlfriend it took 4+ months of us talking about it and getting comfortable with each other in normal sexual circumstances before she started actively farting FOR me. before that it started as an accidental "I'm sorry, OMG I'm so embarrased!" type thing, then she would occasionally fart in nonsexual circumstances. Now she quite happily ASKS for sex when she's gassy because she knows it helps get it out of her faster. also what helped me I think was that I emphasized that part of the fetish for ME was knowing that by farting she was becoming more comfortable and feeling better overall. I actually feel bad when she has stomach cramps from it. and in general non-fart related stuff its harder for me to get into it when I know she isnt feeling well or is uncomfortable about something.

    sorry about the friggin BOOK I wrote here, I'll delete it if the boss wants. Its just that before I got this girlfriend I always thought it was so hard to find a girl open to this stuff and to open myself up about the subject.

  8. #8

    RE: Guys I fucked up...

    Originally posted by tubmyk2
    ...Turns out, she went through my computer and found saved fart videos and told me I was disgusting, etc... that that kind of thing is really disgusting and that I'm no different now than any other guy and I'm a weirdo...
    Is it just me, or does anyone else think SHE's the disgusting one for snooping around tubmyk2's computer?

    How would she have reacted if you'd done the same thing with her computer?

    To me that's a much bigger issue than farting.

    But if the major lack of trust and invasion of privacy doesn't make you want to run away... you're still back to square one with farting. If possible, it would be best to wait until she brings it up again, after you've gotten back on her good side.

    Rikod, afangorn and FartPallete are right on: concentrate on finding what she likes (in and out of bed) and giving her plenty of it. Unless she's a complete bitch, she'll be eager to please you in return.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Elite Member
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    Aug 2006
    she was just being a bitch.. the point is she likes to please you with it.... she'll get over it.

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