This is my very first post here guys, so I feel somewhat noobish and stupid. But I wanted to head in right into this to put in my input.

I have a soulmate. Yes, and I'm rather young to have found her too and her to have found me.
Ever since I told her my fetish for gaseous girls, she accepted it. She was very shy and reclusive about it, and still is at times, but as time made us closer she became more and more open. We would talk whether on phone or AIM and she would randomly say, "I just farted twice." And I'd go, "Nice, how was it?"
For a while, it was a long-distance relationship. Not now, now she lives where I live. But before, we got in touch by making cellphone videos and sending them over Skype. Whenever she made a video she'd openly belch whenever she need to or say, "I just passed gas, too bad you didn't hear it."

The thing is, you have to be real smooth about breaking the news to girls about your fetish and if they do it. I have a really really really smooth way of talking and can make any girl spill the beans on their gaseousness, even if they are stuck-up glamorous girls. I can even make them sigh and go, "Well, when I eat THAT---"
I do it so slyly that one of them laughed whole-heartedly and said, "I can't believe we just had a conversation about farting!"

The thing is, you have to make THEM interested. Always say something like, "I feel like telling you something but I'm embarrassed." And curiosity will get to them and they'll keep asking, "What is it? Just say it." to the point where they go, "I don't care what it is, just say it."
Add some humor to it. Don't say it's a fetish, but rather that "I have a thing for girls who fart."
Don't break the news right away, talk to them for a month or two and get to know the girl. The longer you know her, the less weird she will think it is and just consider it something "silly" you like.