Quote Originally Posted by yeahyeah4590 View Post
Yeeeah, in the industry nowadays EVERYONE and their mother is using the same plugins, so it barely matters. That said, though personal preference Sytrus is amazing when you really get into it, and FL keys with a lot of work can also sound really good. But yeah it all boils down to preference, I just hate the bad rep FL gets, I mean user friendly isn't exactly a bad thing, even if it is easy to get into, not everyone has the best ear for music.
The thing is that the way its set up is "easy" but doesn't make sense to most people. For example with PT you can organize your tracks much easier. At my previous job I was working with as many as 40-50 tracks. I knew how to disable them all, put volume automation on a sub group and I could edit actual audio in PT so easily. I had to keep that shit organized or it was my ass, and PT makes it easy once you take the time to learn the basics.

With FL, the first thing you see is the sequencer. "Hmm, what's this". You click some dots and suddenly you have a beat going. That's really exciting, BUT, you can get side tracked very easily and not learn the fundamentals of keeping your session organized. That's what happened to me at least.