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Thread: video that put Alice in prison

  1. #41
    Baned User
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    while i will acknowledge that she probably could have done it differently (eaten the mouse with a fake or something), the fact remains that it would be the vore equivalent to dubbing in farts. yes, people into vore are rare, but so are we who are into farts. there are people into vore who probably would have been offended by a fake, just like people into farts who would be offended by a dubbed clip. she had a business to run and that's pretty much that.

    as for killing a live mouse, there is no evidence to prove that the mouse didn't want death, nor is there evidence to prove it did. there is, however, evidence that mice do not have the capacity to think about life, only instinct to live. this instinct to live and procreate is their driving force; eat to live and live to reproduce and protect your young so the species may live. because mice do NOT have the capacity to think and rely PURELY on instinct (even the classic find the cheese in a maze example proved that it was purely instinct) they do not logically have any objection to death so long as the species will live. that being said, she was not necessarily arrested for this act. there was also a scat viral vid being passed around and scat is ILLEGAL to produce in the united states. among with much of her other porn, there was one large case brought against her. yes, she could dodge a bullet in a small room, but not a grenade.

    if anybody has any moral qualms about killing animals, then you must only eat meat and as such have little right to talk about killing animals anyway. if you are a vegetarian for the cause, then you have even less right to talk due to the massive amounts of animals killed each year in the process of making your food in comparison to killing cows, the species that is releasing the most methane into the atmosphere and KILLING EARTH. if you would like more information on how you are wrong, please visit the following link:

  2. #42
    We aren't as rare as you might think. Some of us even have multiple fetishes.

  3. #43
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Nicko9y
    I have no idea how people are this disgusted with eating an animal, but they turn around and lay poison, traps and shit to kill other mice.
    I agree wtih that. I hope you didn't call a mouse an animal? Its a rodent.

  4. #44
    Baned User
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    Originally posted by kurokaze
    We aren't as rare as you might think. Some of us even have multiple fetishes.
    ahh, but statistically someone with a fart fetish is as rare as someone with a vore fetish. that was my point. to top that, 1 in 50 or so people have either.

  5. #45
    Elite Member
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    Just wanna be clear and say off the bat that I think it's a bit messed up to eat a live mouse, but its just a personal opinion. In the video she doesn't chew, she doesn't open her mouth and show a half bitten mouse or anything like that. She just opens once and you see the mouse, opens twice, appears to swallow and smiles at the end (without opening her mouth). I mean, just to throw it out there, we don't actually see if she really DID swallow the mouse. I will go with everyone else here and assume so, but still, there's no real way to see if she didn't just gulp air, leave the mouse near the back of her throat and later pull the mouse out unharmed off camera...just throwing it out there..

    And as for the whole eating a mouse in general - I personally like any animal or rodent or what have you dead when I eat it. Some people eat live things like bugs and spiders on a daily basis, but that's usually not the case in the U.S. Plus, live critters crawling down to my intestines wouldn't be the greatest feeling in my opinion

  6. #46
    I'm going to guess she went to jail for killing a live animal for entertainment. And I heard she was from Texas. If that's true, no offense Texans but your state is really uptight. I'm not surprised she went to jail if she was from there.

    I watched the video and it wasn't really that gruesome, looked like it was swallowed whole. Not my thing to eat live animals though. I like my stuff cooked, LOL! BTW, anyone know how long she got?

  7. #47
    I actually know the whole story. She and Simone were both arrested but neither got jail time. The thing was dismissed and all her videos and equipment were taken by police and she shut down her company. She catored to a lot of different fetishes on the more extreme end of things. This video isn't per say the one thing that got her arrested, it was sort of a slew of multiple things that added up but none of it really stuck in the end, this was just the straw that broke the camels back as it were.

    That clip is actually only part of a longer video where she swallows a few and then the next day shows the end result. A lot of people among the vore community actually detest the video and decry it as cruel believe it or not, it's sort of a touchy subject. I personally don't care either way because I figure feeder mice like that have a good chance of going to a snake anyways, so I don't see how thats any less cruel. Like someone earlier said we kill mice and other creatures in some pretty horrific ways and it doesn't seem to bother people then. But I digress.

    1313jr.1313 - Yeah, I suppose you are right, both are unusual in their own right. The vore community though I think is a good deal larger than the fart fetish one based on what I've seen. The most well known site among the vore community has as many as 300 people on it at any given time, even the middle of the night. Quite a few people among that community have fetishes relating to this one though because of the fact that vore often deals with digestion and its.... results.

  8. #48
    What other extreme things was she doing?

  9. #49
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Originally posted by HOOF HEARTED
    Originally posted by Gassy
    Originally posted by Loller
    Hah, who cares? It's a mouse...
    Yes, but as you see, USA cares. George Bush cares.

    I don't care,whatever, but still, isn't disgusting to eat live animals?!
    FUCK GEORGE BUSH! And for the 1st time, FUCK HIS WIFE ALSO! I say that cause she was criticizing the country formerly known as Burma about their government with the relief help & preparing for the cyclone, but didn't her husband's administration act the same way? They care more about other countries more than their own American cities. They took their sweet slow happy time & did nothing about N.O. until Kanye spoke the truth. Then they had 2 get off their lazy carcasses & do something. Even the KKK agreed with me & Kanye that Bush the buffoon doesn't care about black people .

    I'm not anti-foreigner but even Pat Buchanan said on a commercial that we should try to help Americans 1st.

  10. #50
    that was pretty gross. and i'm a vegetarian so you can't say i'm a hypocrite lol

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