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Thread: The Darkness or Bio Shock?

  1. #1
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    The Darkness or Bio Shock?

    guys I have a 360 and I am wonderin, which game should I get, I played both demo's, both look excellent, darkness has h4x powers and going back in time seems awesome, but bio shock also seems unbelievably fun, which do you guys recommend.

  2. #2

    RE: The Darkness or Bio Shock?

    Bio Shock

    I will be very surprised if this isnt declared game of the year by nearly everyone once the year is up. Darkness is fun, but it just doesnt stack up imo.

  3. #3
    Definitely Bioshock i had a chance to play the demo today and i was blown away.I actually wasnt looking forward to it and thought it wasnt going to be good but i was wrong.

  4. #4
    Elite Member
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    Feb 2007
    Originally posted by Destrega
    Definitely Bioshock i had a chance to play the demo today and i was blown away.I actually wasnt looking forward to it and thought it wasnt going to be good but i was wrong.
    same here, when game footage was released a while back it looked OK, not halo 2 or Gears of war good but an ok game. I played the demo and was blown away. its settled, BIO SHOCK!!

    but for another case: should I get The Darkness, Or Strangehold.

  5. #5
    I dont know that is a tough one.When i look at two games and i cant decide i usually end up comparing their multiplayer aspects because when i beat the story mode i want to have something to do after that.When comparing replay value I might go with Strangelhold especially since there will be online multiplayer with bullettime(the first time i have seen that).Then again the darkness has multiplayer where you can change into demons and walk on walls. When you look at them both: Stranglehold has bullettime( i think that is very cliche) and The Darkness looks pretty unique so i say go with The Darkness.

  6. #6
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    Stranglehold demo was hot.....I liked the bio shock as well, I'd have to go with Bio shock....personally my fav. is Graw2, I've been a Graw fan ever since they came out, I haven't played Darkness, how is it

  7. #7
    If you play multi player on 360 the COD (call of duty) games are the best, but I didn't like COD 3
    I cannot wait for COD 4, and I am also getting the new halo game.
    I was curious about bio shock, it looks cool, but my next games are halo3 and COD 4.

  8. #8
    Bio shock all the way, no doubt about it!

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