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Thread: "Oron" Shut Down!?!

  1. #31
    Active Member 03042017
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    Quote Originally Posted by lololo View Post

    Im sorry, are you blind? You just contradicted yourself.

    So are you telling me the date of the post and actual release of the information do not correspond with each other? I didn't make the post on that website someone else did. So if you want to take up a 'quarrel' of dates then talk to their web master. I simply copy and pasted what I saw. So now I shall ask you, why is it prevalent to you as to what the dates have to do with the site being down currently?

    For one thing everyone jumped to conclusions without doing any research what so ever, as I stated before if you took 5 minutes to look around before assuming "Omg the feds took oron too!" then you wouldn't be blaming me for bashing you. I think thats what you're doing, not really sure at this point just seems like pointless point making. Oron is changing servers, simple as that. Can we move on or are you going to comment on my tone of writing next? Or correct the dates again?

  2. #32
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    You obviously don't understand the point of it. I said that the thread maker would have no way of reading the article you posted, because it didn't exist when he made the thread. That's all I was fucking saying. Then you come in having to be mister "everyone else is lazy" and say "if you only spent 5 minutes searching" as a matter of fact, I spent over 5 minutes. However there was no info to be found, because the site had only been down for a few hours max.

  3. #33
    Active Member 03042017
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    Quote Originally Posted by lololo View Post
    Funny, because for two days I googled I for info about oron shutting down, and I can assure you that post was NOT there. Did you read the date this thread was posted? It was almost two days ago. That update was only made yesterday. So don't criticize us for "not using google" if the info didn't exist then

    You said nothing about the person who made this thread, your statement was about you not being able to find anything for two days. When in fact your post was made (roughly two days ago) when oron had only been down for a day. So if you had actually "looked" for two days then you would have found that post that I went through two links on google to find. "Looked for 5 minutes" so now you're lying... point dissmised.

  4. #34
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    Ok you are a dumbass. The entire point of my comment was that the OP couldn't find that post because it didn't exist? And personally I didn't care if oron was gone or not. And who the FUCK are you to interpret what I meant? Lmao. Some people just amaze me at how stupid they can be.

  5. #35
    Active Member 03042017
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    Quote Originally Posted by lololo View Post
    Ok you are a dumbass. The entire point of my comment was that the OP couldn't find that post because it didn't exist? And personally I didn't care if oron was gone or not. And who the FUCK are you to interpret what I meant? Lmao. Some people just amaze me at how stupid they can be.
    You really do amaze me how stupid you can be. The point of your post? If you were referring to heart why didn't you say "He" instead of "I?" Either you have piss poor grammar or you're lying once again to cover your tracks... Just admit you didn't bother to look for information like everyone else and just jumped to conclusions... The OP did not take offense (as he shouldn't, common mistake most people make and myself) so why are you defending him?

    Did you not say you googled it for two days then just claim you googled it for all of 5 minutes?

    I have to interpret what you are trying to say because you keep saying different things and changing points of view. If you took offense to it then thats your deal. All you had to say was "I take offense to this because I am not lazy and I did do research but did not find anything" simple as that. But now you're weaving lies and truth...

  6. #36
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    You clearly can read that I said I searched for much longer than five minutes. I searched on August 1st and 2nd. The information as to what happened to oron came out late on the 2nd, so yes, two days I looked. Not nonstop every hour, but every few hours or so I'd google something about it.

    Is someone being hit on the sensitive nerve? You feel the need to be an absolute jack ass when someone objects to your harsh criticisms. Seriously, fuck off. I don't give a damn what you say about me anymore. Lol.

  7. #37
    loud noises!!!!!!!!!

  8. #38
    Gold Member footfetishguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngsniff View Post
    loud noises!!!!!!!!!

  9. #39
    You both fail: Google does not instantly spider the majority of websites, timezones are timezones y'all. Grammar nazis.

    Oron is going down and will not be coming back up as their bank accounts and related assets are frozen. They've not been keeping backups of user data which will be wiped. They will also release relevant logs to Liberty, who royally screwed Oron over by convincing them to sign up as a DCMA agent and then continuing proceedings based on the fact that they breach copyright BEFORE they were agents... which is true.

    Looks like ddeten will need a new job.

  10. #40
    VIP Member lololo's Avatar
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    I never said I knew anything about Orons fate. Personally, I thought it was dead anyways.

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