Quote Originally Posted by splat View Post
You're a scientologist, aren't you? No, I'm not trolling or being silly. These principles have been brought up almost verbatim in scientology. While some of the things you say sound like hogwash, I AM a firm believer that we can unlock greater potential in our minds, and that through the correct processes, meditative states and hypnosis, we can potentially remember back to our birth.

I know a genius of sorts who claims to have done so. Said he saw the web of creation, and potentiality, the flowing stuff of the universe. His earliest memory was hearing a cicada as an infant, or possibly that the blur of random sounds of reality came through like a cicada.
The human brain is capable of incredible things, from creating things that do not exist in reality to being able to understand multiple languages with ease. While the language part may seem trivial is actually a pretty rare talent. But if you take a look at todays society I have very bleak hope for large quantities of people remembering what they ate for dinner the other night let alone what happened when they were 2 months old. But it is called development for a reason, as they say "Rome was not built in a day!"