Religion is fascinating. I have a hard time believing something that is very hard to prove and which has very logical alternative explanations (the power and the huge monetary gains for example, churches weren't bound to any taxes). However sometimes stuff happens in my life that is SO unlikely, like a combination of very unlikely events, that I am sometimes tempted to think there is more to this than what we know. So I'm keeping the small possibility open that there is something out there, but I will never believe in a religion that restricts me from doing the things I love. I just try to live my life the best I can, be good to others and try to make the best of it.

Now, you seem to love making videos. I see in the forum that a lot of people love that you make videos. I haven't seen that much of your videos, but the ones that I saw were awesome! You have talent, why waste it? Isn't the ability to make others happy with a unique quality the best feeling ever?