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Thread: please help advice needed trying to start a relationship

  1. #1

    please help advice needed trying to start a relationship

    sorry about no posts etc but my personal computer with my stuff on it is in the shop because my charger wont stay in the computer so i cant hold a charge and the port needs to be tightened. but i recently started talking to a college girl and wanted some advice she is about 2 1/2 mayb 3 hours away with bad traffic when shes at home its about 30 mins with traffic. but my thing we're talking but not together and she's gettin drunk and kissing other guys. i know i cant say anything cuz we're not together but whats to say she wont do this if we get together. she says she wants me to meet her parents and that shes never brought a guy home to her folks.she claims that she is up for anything and i am up for a lot of things but some places i wont go.she is very understanding and stuff and i really like her and would like to be with her but i question her loyalty. my questions are how should i approach the relationship? then i have never really had a gf so any pointers on that? pointers for how to be a good boyfriend? and tips on meeting parents cuz ive never done that either? my roommate gave me what i felt was good advice if she wants you to meet her parents then she thinks you're worth her time. then the big thing for me is any advice on the drinking/kissing issue should i give her a chance? and then should i or how could i bring the fetish thing up or when would be a good time to?

  2. #2
    Active Member 03042017
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbwasslicker View Post
    sorry about no posts etc but my personal computer with my stuff on it is in the shop because my charger wont stay in the computer so i cant hold a charge and the port needs to be tightened. but i recently started talking to a college girl and wanted some advice she is about 2 1/2 mayb 3 hours away with bad traffic when shes at home its about 30 mins with traffic. but my thing we're talking but not together and she's gettin drunk and kissing other guys. i know i cant say anything cuz we're not together but whats to say she wont do this if we get together. she says she wants me to meet her parents and that shes never brought a guy home to her folks.she claims that she is up for anything and i am up for a lot of things but some places i wont go.she is very understanding and stuff and i really like her and would like to be with her but i question her loyalty. my questions are how should i approach the relationship? then i have never really had a gf so any pointers on that? pointers for how to be a good boyfriend? and tips on meeting parents cuz ive never done that either? my roommate gave me what i felt was good advice if she wants you to meet her parents then she thinks you're worth her time. then the big thing for me is any advice on the drinking/kissing issue should i give her a chance? and then should i or how could i bring the fetish thing up or when would be a good time to?
    You sound jealous lol, tbh if she does that while she is drunk it's cause shes most likely a major flirt. So she probably would do that even when your together, id say if you got together don't let it get out of control cause she'll think it's ok to fuck other guys as well and shit is gonna get out of control blah blah blah. Just try not to get too jealous if she starts flirting as long as it doesn't go TOO far. Id give her a chance atleast, all else fails move on.

    P.S. this doesn't really belong here tbh, more of Date Farts section I guess. idk.

  3. #3
    its college man every girl is a slut for atleast one night. just broke up with my gf last week because i found out she was messin around on me over winter break. she was a great gf too so kind of sucks but i duno either tell her you really like her and wana take it to the next level so she needs to stop getting drunk and affectionate and if she says no then personally id try and get with one of her friends...usually gets to them. i fucked my ex gfs ex bestfriend/ old roomate when i found out, she wasnt too happy about that

  4. #4
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainrodney View Post
    its college man every girl is a slut for atleast one night. just broke up with my gf last week because i found out she was messin around on me over winter break. she was a great gf too so kind of sucks but i duno either tell her you really like her and wana take it to the next level so she needs to stop getting drunk and affectionate and if she says no then personally id try and get with one of her friends...usually gets to them. i fucked my ex gfs ex bestfriend/ old roomate when i found out, she wasnt too happy about that
    Maybe its best for dude to not get a woman who drinks. And dontcha just hate it when females be hypocritical like that? She had no right 2 complain if she was the slut. She shoulda thought of that b4 being unfaithful. Hope she don't do to you what this 1 slut bitch did to an ex co-worker of mine. This was before he worked where I worked early last decade. She cheats on him, friend gets back at her by doing her best friend. Slut can't take a dose of her own medicine[scum can be such bitches like that male or female] so she chooses to insult all domestic violence victims by telling a lie that got my friend 6 months in jail I always wondered, WHERE WAS THE PROOF? WHERE'S THE BRUISES & STUFF? But I was told that its always her word against his in the courts mostly

    If she had read this saying I read 2 years ago, maybe she wouldn't have done that. If everyone reads this saying, maybe a lot less bad stuff will happen.
    It will most likely be the ones you want the least, so more thinking less doing right away. And if you've seen Alpha Dog or American Gangster, that saying applied to lots of people in those 2 movies. Even the innocent victims.

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