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Thread: When the the last time something really excited you in this fetish??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    HI guys,
    I can empathise with a lot of the comments here; the plethora of vids and clips out there has kind of diluted our fetish. I've almost got to the point where I feel I'm cured of it - if it ever was an illness.
    I'm on wife number 2 now and from within the first month of meeting her, the farting thing was out in the open. She still thinks its wierd, but guffs as soon as she opens the door, coming in from work, when we're in the garden or even when we're walking up a street - this has caused some embarrassing moments, when she didn't check behind first!

    Okay, I've digressed a bit. So what gives the buzz now? It still has to be the candid stuff; hearing a girl fart that you're not supposed to. Its all about titilation really. Seeing a girl's skirt blow up in the wind is sexier than seeing the same girl just sitting in a bikini, right?
    So, where can you get the candid stuff, with a high probability of it happening?
    You need to go camping in France; the toilet blocks are communal, with no gender segregation, so a girl can come into the cubicle next to you and you hear everything she does. Maybe a long way for you US guys to travel, but for us in the UK, its a blast!

    Oh and btw, I still think Ana Divodic (pumped) and Lizzy (QOF), when you can get her vids for free, are still top of my erector scale.

    Cheers guys and keep the faith.

  2. #12
    Jack Da Ripper.

    She's got the talent and can look damn sexy while doing it, which is far from what most of these other models are capable of since they usually only have one or the other. Most of the clips made now-a-days are so generic and bland I look at the preview pictures or videos and don't even bother downloading. It's all about the poses, the attitudes, the intent, and sometimes the body (I'm not completely shallow, but a girl can't be hideous). I'm much happier reading a well-written fart story or checking for drawings of girls farting than watching most of these models pump their asses full of air and pretend like we can't tell the difference between all natural and fake.

    Everyone seems to have a specific criteria for what they want to see in their videos and although you'd think that it would generate a plethora of unique videos, we get left with the same stuff time and time again. I, for one, can say that I am definitely not into videos where the gas gets wasted in a toilet, a stuffed animal, a globe (wtf Mandy?), etc. and I'd much rather see it get let off in someone's face, but the girls need to mix it up a bit even then! LMT needs to change the guy in her videos (I don't care if he is her boyfriend/husband). The MFX girls could do a lot better since most of the time the farts end up hitting the other person in the hair or the cheek. If it's supposed to be forced fart/ass worship, force it! Girls that insult the viewer need to simply stop. Being told you're bad or naughty is one thing, but being told that you're sick and disgusting for being into farts is just hurtful. There's other things I can think of, but I'll leave it at that for now.

    I wrote more than I planned, but I think this rant was good for me because it allowed me to say things I've only thought about and I just hope that other people on this forum find something in what I've written and share the same opinion. Perhaps we can shape how the future of this fetish turns out so it doesn't get so mundane we stop caring all together.
    Last edited by Skunk3d; 14th August 2010 at 02:10 AM.

  3. #13
    ^ Agreed on pretty much every point (except for the LMT thing, shes not just gonna "change" the guy she farts on, its her husband.) Take some notes, fart models.

  4. #14
    Active Member 03042017 suspect09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Foul Chicks is the best out there. The girls are natural, the farts are cute.

    No close up of buttholes or any of that shit, just farts.

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