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Thread: ATTENTION ADMINS - I have a situation

  1. #1

    Exclamation ATTENTION ADMINS - I have a situation

    So here's the story: I made an account on this site that I later deactivated due to the account name being associated with me. I thought this would make it so that all the posts I made on this site would be either removed or under some "deactivated account" name, but I was mistaken. All my posts are still up, and to make matters worse, they show up in Google search results!

    I contacted the site's office and support multiple times to get this problem solved. As you can see below, I made a suggestion to let me report the posts that I made that I wanted removed, and they agreed to it.

    As you can see by the date, it has been well over a month and little to no progress has been made in fulfilling my request. I have made three additional follow-up emails, one every two weeks, to try to get information on the progress being made, but I have gotten nothing. I'm worried by the amount of time that this is taking, and I am getting very stressed that my posts may never be deleted. I fully understand it is my fault that I made the posts under a username that is associated with me in the first place, however, it is upsetting to me that where many other sites are quick to act on user requests to remove their own posts, GassyErotica makes it an absolute hassle.

    Please admins! Please let me remove the content from this site that I no longer want publicly on the internet! I have gone through my posts from my past account and reported all of them again, so please stay true to your words and take down the posts!

  2. #2
    Active Member 03042017 suspect09's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    I hope they read this and do something

  3. #3
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    we did remove posts we think that expose your privacy.
    We can't delete the rest of the posts because it will bring whole topic and comments of other forum users down. Sorry.

    Que delicia

  4. #4
    I do apologize if I'm coming off as pressing, but I don't understand why that is a restriction. On other sites such as Reddit or Twitter, give all users the option to delete entire threads that they've created, which includes comments from other users made on said threads. If it's a thread that someone creates, that user should have the privilege of deleting the whole thread, even at the cost of other user's comments. This is a website normality.

    Also, you guys did delete one of my threads at my request, which included comments made from other users. I don't understand why this can't be done again. Not to mention, two of my threads don't even have any comments, so why can't those be deleted?

    Additionally, in your PM to me you mentioned that deleting posts can't be done "due to limitation of the forum software". Yet, again, you deleted an entire thread. Sorry, but I simply don't buy that this is a software limitation since you've done it before.

    Another thing: while users don't have the ability to delete threads, they do have the options to delete their comments and edit their posts. If users have the ability to perform those actions, can't admins also do that? Why can't this be done?

    I appreciate you removing posts that you personally believe to be exposing my privacy. Here's the thing: all my posts expose my privacy. The name of my prior account is associated with me. Any post that is under the name of my prior account, both comments and topics, is a privacy concern to me, and I've made this clear in my emails. If you were willing to delete an entire thread that you thought exposed my privacy, I do not understand why the same cannot be done for all my other posts, which are all very concerning to me.

    In a response message from GassyErotica Office and Support, it was mentioned that: "We will try to find a way to link posts to some other user." Yet, despite additional messages from me, the site has yet to respond with a proper follow-up on any progress made. Is this going to be happening?

    I do not want to come off as disrespectful, but hope you understand my frustration that you promise to delete posts that I report, and then only act on it for one thread. Then you make excuses that you can't delete my other posts due to "limitations of the forum software" and "it will bring whole topic and comments of other forum users down" when you've done it before. You don't delete any of my comments despite the fact that all users have that functionality. You don't even delete my two threads that don't even have any comments. You say you removed posts that you thought expose my privacy, when in reality, all of them do. You say that you'll try to link the posts to another account, but then never follow-up with any updates.

    I also really want you to understand that this is a very stressful situation for me. There are things I want to do in life that I'm hesitant on doing because of the fetish-y things I've said on this site that are under an identifying account name. Please please please, I know that deleting all my posts from my prior account is something that you can do. Or at least try to follow through with the linking posts to another account thing. Just do something, anything, that will get my prior account name off of this site.

    edit: Sorry for the melodrama in the last two paragraphs, just want to emphasize the importance that this has to me.
    Last edited by redemp; 5th September 2022 at 02:19 AM.

  5. #5
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    I said we did and checked the posts and there is no any post that violate your privacy.
    I said we will try to find a way to remove posts from guests, but it's not that easy. And it's expensive.
    We don't practice deleting user discussion because stories belongs to this forum, so we really made exception and delete several posts we believe that are uncomfortable to you.

    Now you may keep on posting private discussion in public, but this violates forum rules.

    Que delicia

  6. #6
    Is there any way you can at least get the NAME off the site? If removing posts from guests is not doable, then fine. But can you find some sort of way to remove the NAME, or at the very least prevent it from appearing in google search results?

  7. #7
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    we are limited. If you can suggest query we need to execute to do that try to send us.

    Forum software is limited , that's why we can't rename it.

    Que delicia

  8. #8
    So I can send you search queries where my posts show up in Google results and you can stop them from appearing?

  9. #9
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    No, send us query which will find all posts by unwanted username and rename it to some other user.
    By that way you wont appear anymore on the web

    Que delicia

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