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Thread: Real fart experiences and stories

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    Real fart experiences and stories

    This is a pretty cool collection of true fart stories and some of the wildest fart fiction you will ever see its really long so read at your own pace.

    It started about a year ago when an old high school buddy invited me to this Japanese restaurant to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday. I always get these kind of invitations because people feel sorry for me due to my lack of a social life. Anyway, there were ten of us at this party: my buddy and his girlfriend, three other couples and a woman who my friend's lady worked with who was basically invited out of obligation, I found out later. Her name was Lia and she was a 5'8", 190 pound Greek girl with and very hairy arms and legs. I knew this because I was seated next to her, she and I being the only single people there. She seemed nice enough at first, making small talk, etc. By about her fourth bottle of sake, Lia started getting loud and bombastic. I could tell the others at our table were embarrassed by her crude jokes and shrieking laughter. Soon, I became the target of Lia's derisive jokes, specifically my size, calling me shrimpy and even saying out loud that if she were to fall on me, after that I'd only be good for a bath mat! She cackled hardest after that one. By then I was beginning to truly loathe that shrieking, booming laugh of hers but at the same time was perversely attracted to her.

    When it was time to go, my pal apologetically asked me if I'd drive Lia home as she was too drunk to drive. I must say, she was high but not at all incoherent. As always, I can never say "no" and readily agreed to drive the loud and pushy Lia home. Once at her apartment building, she insisted I come up for a nightcap. Her place was a mess. Clothing strewn everywhere, fast food cartons, etc. She invited me to sit on the overstuffed sofa which she cleared of junk with a sweep of her arm. I sat and Lia plopped down next to me. She started talking sweetly then, saying how she liked little, shy men and before I knew it, she was slobbering me with kisses. She had me sprawled out beneath her. As I gross as I thought she was, I was hard as a rock being under this giant dominant woman. Soon she had moved all the way up, straddling my face. It was like two solid tree trunks on either side of head. The smell was overwhelmingly musky and I tried to wiggle away but Lia's hand grabbed a handful of my hair and held it in place. With her other hand, she pulled down her panties and hovering above me was the blackest, thickest cunt nest I'd ever seen. It glistened and looked hungry. Without warning she dropped on my face and ground her pussy in my nose and mouth. She growled for me eat her but she was humping me so hard and violently I could never get my tongue on her clit for more than a second. Besides, I had to take every opportunity to gulp in air, for fear of smothering to death. After just about five minutes, she came, literally drenching my face in her slimy come. Her orgasm was intense and lengthy. After it subsided, Lia just dumped her ass and cunt on my face, slumped over and rested her head on the arm of the sofa. I could hardly breathe and was horny as hell but I dared not yet make a move to get her off me and receive some reciprocation. After several minutes of laying still beneath her, my breathing quite labored by now, the first one came.

    At first all I noticed was a soft, vaguely characteristic hiss that seemed to be in stereo. My mind wondered what the hell could that be? Only one thing came to mind... No, it couldn't be. Not even a crass bitch like Lia would do that to someone. Then, KA-BOOM! The odor hit me like a bomb. It was everywhere, my sinuses, my mouth, my head. Damn, she had done it, Lia had cut a ripe ol' fart square in my smushed face. Immediately, I thought, "wow, she must be totally embarrassed to have done something so base in such an intimate setting". I was sure she'd be up and apologizing promptly. Was I ever shocked when she just sat firmly and then I could hardly believe my ears: Lia was giggling! This twenty-six year-old woman had just farted in my face and was thoroughly enjoying the moment. I began to panic, and was trying to buck her off of me when suddenly she pressed herself hard into my face and the second blast hit. This was five times the strength of the first one and her laughter grew accordingly. I thought I'd pass out from the smell as being under 190 pounds of female flesh like that I had no choice but to inhale the gas fully into my lungs. I burned everywhere. Lia just shrieked with laughter. I started screaming. She sat back on my chest and sneered at me. She said I was nothing but a little twerp and I should be grateful for any attention that a woman gave me. I told her to fuck-off and that's when she started to slap my face hard. After twenty or so of those crisp slaps, I was a sobbing mess, whimpering that I'd do anything for her to stop. She grinned, hit me three more times for effect, then told me that she'd never farted in anyone's face before and she liked it. She said I better get used to it as she had eaten steamed vegetables at the restaurant and it gave her gas. She then turned around and sat her ass fully on my face, her anus covering my nose. She switched on the TV and settled back and proceeded to fart on me about eight more times. She'd alternate by shifting her asshole from my mouth to my nose, passing her gas into each. The louder and harder she'd fart, the louder and harder she'd laugh. She too got a huge kick out of the popping sound a fart makes pushed in a mouth.

    Lia sat on me for another hour and then took me into her bed where she made me sleep under the covers. It was hot and I barely got any sleep. That was also the first time I realized people fart in their sleep. I don't know if "Mister little wimpy fart eater" ever spent the night under covers while a woman farts but I have many times now and I can tell you it's quite an experience! Anyway, the next morning, she woke up and immediately made me eat her ass and pussy for about an hour. She kept promising to get me off but never did. Then she said the only way I could come with her is if I jerked off with my face in her ass and came the minute she cut a fart. That took the rest of the morning and from then on I was hooked on her farts. I still see Lia. She calls me her boyfriend but the truth is I'm not much more than a servant. I do all her shopping, her laundry, house-cleaning, etc. I am at her place almost every night to cook for her. She always orders food that will promote gas in her, so without fail, she always blows these huge, smelly, hot farts in my mouth or nose. Then she'd boom that hideous laugh. Farting on me, seems to arouse her sadism as after a good string of them, she likes to slap and kick me around. Lately she's even been walking on me. Her latest joy is to assault me with her farts in public. We'll be at a restaurant or store Lia'll pretend to drop something, bend over and let one rip. If she doesn't hear my nose and mouth sucking it in, I'm sure to get a stomping for it later on.

    If I could get out I would. I've tried... but I always find myself worming my way back beneath Lia's volcanic ass. I'm addicted.

    What My Wife Puts me Through

    I have a love-hate relationship with my wife. Sexually, I desire her passionately, but she is bigger and stronger than me and often beats me and then humiliates and tortures me by sitting on my face and farting in my nose and mouth without mercy. And sometimes thats just the beginning. It started shortly after we were married when , for the first time, we tusssled and she promptly pinned me and hald me helplessly beneath her for a few minutes. From that, she promptly learned to intimidate me by beating me whenever anything I did displeased her, and even when she was upset in general.I felt real fear when I was around her and still do.

    Soon she followed her beatings of me with by sitting squarely on my face, facing my feet and pinching my balls. But despite the torture she puts me through, I involontarily develop a raging hard on beneath her, and seeing this she soon started alternating the pinching with slow stroking of my cock. Of course she does not stroke me to conclusion, but just keeps me in a stae of exquisite lustful agitation and pain and suffering all at the ame time with my nose firmly inpalnted in her asshole.

    And then it began. After a typical beating , while sitting on my face and torturing my balls and cock, she announced my suffering was going to move to a new dimension. And with that she let loose with one fart after another into my face and nose on which she was seated. All kinds of farts. Some were noisy some smelled, some stank with a vileness. The conflicting emotions which this brought out in me , and still does when this happens (which it does frequently)is amazing. I cried in helplessness and self pity, writhed in agony, yet also squirmed with lust and an uncontrollable hard on, and hated and loved my wife all at the same time.

    Now this treatment of me is typicall.It happens almost all the time. But now my wife seems to attempt no self controll as she sits on my face farting into it. All kinds of discharges come out at times. Sometimes her turds come out with her farts, sometimes some diaretic discharge comes out with them and sometimes a mixture of both. When this happpens she gigles and rubs her ass over my face to make sure that it all winds up all over my face and in my nose and mouth. Always after such discharges, she grabs my balls and demands that I clean her ass and ass hole up with my tounge which, since I am helpless beneath her, I do immediately.

    When she wants sexuall release,which she sometimes wants after she has completed one of her beating, sitting and farting sessions with me, she just grabs me, throws me down on my back (if I am not allready there) sits on me with her vagina on my mouth and dares me not to lick away untill she comes. Of course I do that since I know if I did not I might never get up again. In short, I walk in constant fear and hopeless lust of my wife.I am not sure how much others know of our relationship. I dont know if my wife brags to her friends about what she puts me through or if she keeps it a big dark secret. I am afraid to ask her because if my question really sets her off, I dont know what she will do to me.

    Another seperate story from the forum
    One of the most amazing memories I have of my high school days was of this large athletic girl in my chemistry class. She was a swimmer as I recall, and had the most amazing ass. Unfortuneately for me she was also an incredible bitch, and regarded me as insignificant. Anyway, it was our senior year and the rituals of humiliating the younger folks wishing to join various sports teams were in full swing. I was heading to the cafeteria on my off period and saw Anna(that was her name) lecturing a much smaller girl in the hall with 2 of her friends, also pretty well built. This smaller chick apparently didn't want to participate in these humiliating tasks of painting her face, wearing her clothes inside out, wearing her hair funny etc. So, Anna grabbed her swim team jersey and tried to take it away. The smaller chick wouldn't let go, so Anna used her weight advantage, put her back to the smaller girl and pushed her into the corner. With Anna's force, the little chick tripped and fell flat on her ass, back square in the corner. Her hand still clenched tightly to the jersey. She started to scream and yell blue murder, so Anna muffled her cries with her sumptuous ass. Watching from the distance I was I almost fell myself trying to get a better view. "Let GO!!" Anna yelled, but still she held strong. "You know, you BETTER let go." she said with a mischievous tone. "Ok then...Brrrraaaaappppptttt" I couldn't believe that she did what she did. A high pitched squeal eminated from under her butt, still muffled significantly. Immediately the smaller chick released her grip on the Jersey. Anna's two friends were laughing to kill thmselves. Then Anna did something even more unexpected.. she let her legs slide out in front of her sitting full weight on the poor girls head, putting enormous strain on her spine and tilting her head back at a horrible angle. It was like watching a huge woman sitting on some poor beast of burden unable to support her weight. Once more she let an ass flapper go right up the little chick's nose, and sat there for about another 30 seconds letting the smell soak in and laughing with her friends. Then Anna stood up and walked away without even looking back at the poor girl sobbing openly on the floor clutching at her neck. I felt sorry for the girl, because about ten seconds later the smell of ROTTEN ROTTEN eggs hit me, and it had to be what Anna was pumping right into her nose. have a video camera when we need one.

    No name
    Subject: Re: Girls..Girls..Girls!!
    I fart in my boyfriend's face all the time. I'm 5-9, 140 pounds, and I'm very shapely.

    Unlike you guys from what I gather, he doesn't like it. There are times when we wrestle, and it is very systematic for me. Once I get him on his stomach, pull his hands back by the thumbs, and then sit on the back of his head, he knows he is pretty much helpless.

    I then tie his hands behind his back, again tying his thumbs together to pretty much incapacitate him! Remember girls, once his hands are tied behind his back, you're the boss! I then roll him over and put my cotton panty clad ass across his nose. Sometimes it takes a long time to fart, but I frequent Taco Bell almost every day so it is eventually gonna happen. Even from where I'm sitting, the farts pretty much stink, so I can imagine what it is like for him. To make him feel extra helpless, I put some nipple clamps on him, readjusting them for maximum pain and humiliation. He screams like a woman, but it's only muffled by my bottom and panties. If he is too loud (as he sometimes is), I just sit down harder. Sometimes he can' breathe, but as much as he is in danger, that is what gets my juices flowing.

    I dont like getting up until long after the smell is gone. Then I drink a glass of wine, and finally, I jerk him until he shoots. He likes being played with so much, he doesn't complain about the farts. But I can't tell you guys how much my careless and purposeful release of gas right into his nose when I know that farting is such a social taboo just brings me to orgasmic heights unknown.

    I tell my best friend who is also about my size- she doesn't believe me, and defintely thinks I'm sick. Good enough, then. I'm a frequent visitor but this is my first post. Have a good day, everyone!

    No Name
    Subject: No Name Here Again
    What I like best about farting in my boyfriend's face is that exact moment when, as he is (trying to) buck and squirm, I let a PUFF go. The smell hasn't hit him yet, and it definintely hasn't hit me, but he knows it is going to.

    I wish he could see my face when that happens, but of course, his nose is stuck in my sometimes clean, sometimes not ass crack. If he COULD see the look on my face, it would be the most non chalant, "I could care less", "Don't bother me, I'm doing my nails" look you could imagine. I just look to the side after I let that fart shoot from my anus as if to say "Did I do that? Was that me? Oh well." That's when I add a wiggle to my hips to make sure the smell gets out. This whole thing started when I asked my friend if she thought my boyfriend really thought I was attractive. She said "Please- you could fart right in his face, sit there for 5 minutes, and then get off, and he would STILL think you were attractive." One day when my boyfriend and I were fooling around, I wound up sitting on his chest. When I saw he was having trouble breathing, and he really couldn't get up (I never thought I could hold him down), I totally got turned on, and moved my pussy up to his mouth. I let out a very small emission, but I could see that he could still breathe. This whole thing kind of got away, and the feeling of seeing him unable to get away from the stink, combined with the realization that he would never tell anyone what happened to him overtook me. I then figured that if I spun around, and planted my ASS on his nose, then he would have less air to breathe. So I did. His arms were flailing too much that time, so I pinned them down with my knees (but from then on, I tied them whenever I could).

    The fart I ripped that first time was not as loud as I wanted. He hates it, believe me. As I've said in an earlier post (re: Girls, Girls, Girls) I try to tie him up anytime I can now. But he's getting smart, and he makes sure there are no make shift ropes around (i.e. belts, bathrobe ties, etc). Sometimes I've had to tie him up my shirt, whatever is around. One of the most exciting things for me, and the part he fears (which makes it so great) is that he doesn't know when I will try to overpower him. As I've said, once he is on his back, if I get his thumbs tied, it's all over. I've told my friend that I do this to him, but she won't believe me now, because the whole thing started off as a joke suggestion. I've even called her when I was sitting on his face, and just farted, but my boyfriend won't whine or scream then, because he is too embarrassed for anyone to know I do this to him. He loves me too much to make that much of a big deal out of my fetish, and that is what I've counted on. I also give him the kind of sex he likes, so I guess he figures it's the price he has to pay.

    Subject: Re: Girls..Girls..Girls!!
    I guess I should begin by sharing my stats: b. in 1970's, long brown/blond hair, hazel eyes ... 6' tall. And yes, I am a born farter. I try to eat healthy things, but I cannot stop drinking Diet Coke (> a 12 pack a day), which causes me to produce quite a lot of gas. This used to bother me a lot, but I've learned to kind of have fun with it by now. Anyway, here's my first attempt at a posting.

    Around four years ago, I was involved in a long term relationship with a guy, and I had never farted in front of him ... for Two Years, even, because I was afraid I would gross him out. Actually I guess I had sneaked them out and hoped they didn't smell, but I hadn't ever blatantly ripped one when he was around. One day I went over to his apartment to watch TV. I was wearing cutoffs and a t-shirt btw. While we were lying on the bed, we started play fighting, and I started tickling him. As I am 6' tall, with most of it legs, it was fairly easy for me to flip him onto his back and pin him down on the bed. I stopped tickling him for the moment and leaned back a bit. At this point I was clamping his arms to his sides with my legs and almost sitting on his penis. I started laughing at him and saying basically, "Ha ha, you thought you could beat me, but you can't ..." He started squirming around, and got free enough to twist around on his side, but I was still on top of him. So I decided to start tickling him again (I'm not ticklish so he couldn't get me back) I kept telling him that he couldn't get me back and laughing at him. He started getting a little annoyed with this, which I thought was even funnier. Finally, he said, "If you don't stop that, I'm going to fart on you." I was taken aback by this, as he hadn't ever farted in front of me, but I didn't care if he did. I did stop tickling though, because I was surprised. This gave him a chance to roll out from under me and to the edge of the bed. He thought he was safe. Little did he know. After I regained composure, I said, "Oh really bud, well if you're gonna do it, bring it on!" and pounced on him , this time with my rear end in his face, to continue my tickling. He really got mad at this and told me to get off him. I quit tickling him, but I started teasing him about not following through on his threat to fart on me until finally he let this little teeny squeeker, I mean a real wimpy one go. So I said, "Oh, give me a fuckin break!!!" and tore a huge, loud, and long one right in his face. Then we rolled off the bed onto the floor because we were both laughing so hard. I ripped another one in his face before I got back up on the bed ... he stayed on the floor for awhile. I don't think it excited him, though we both thought it was very funny.

    Lactose Intolerance
    Fellow Sniffers,
    My Former girlfriend is lactose intolerant. Whenever she eats dairy of any kind it produces alot of gas. She used to use this to torment me. As a punishment she would wrap me in saran from mouth to toe. I was then laid down on the bed. I could only breathe through my nose. Previously having eaten a large bowl of ice cream, she would climb on top of me in reverse facesit position. She usually wore cotton panties. She felt that the odor lingered longer in the material. She slowly would sit back, pressing her asshole against my flaring nostrils, making it a little difficult to breathe. Then it would start! A relentless barage of loud, stinking farts. She would laugh and say that I was only fit to breathe in her flatulence. She could produce what seemed to be an inexhaustable supply of gas! After a while she would get up, remove her panties and return to her seat of choice. She would repeat the process on my nose and then reach down and lower the saran from around my mouth. "Now you are in for a taste sensation" she would say. "Stick out your tongue and cover my asshole!" she blurted out. I complied. Suddenly she let out a splattering, noisy fart right on my tongue, making me savor the flavor. After a few more up the nose my punishment was complete.... for now! Does anyone else have any experience with lactose intolerant women? If so please post.

    The No Name Girl
    Subject: Chinese Food and Diet Dr. Pepper
    Hi everyone. I see my name caused some controversy earlier, so I am changing it to the "No Name Girl". Sorry, No Name, that was just a random choice. No more controversy. So, with that out of the way, let me tell you what I did to him (my weak but cute boyfriend who I force to smell my farts) last night.

    He comes over with the video I asked him to rent (Clueless). While I was waiting for him to come over, I ordered Chinese Food. He got here, and then about 10 minutes later, the Chinese Food did too. He said "Great, what did you order?" I said "Oh, I thought you would eat the same thing I did, OK? (heh heh)" He said that was perfect. I brought him into the bedroom. He said "Aren't we going to eat first?" as I was lying on top of him and gently kissing him. As soon as he said that, I grapevined his legs, still softly (grapevining for those of you who don't know means to intertwine your legs with the victim underneath so if you want to stretch them, his stretch the wrong way causing some pretty severe pain!)

    I then fully stretched my legs causing his to go outward, and my whole tone of voice changed! Whoo! What excitement! I leaned up and smothered him with my chest. My boobs are big enough for him to fit his WHOLE HEAD in between the middle of them. I smothered and grape vined, grape vined and smothered and smirked at his whimpers and whines. "Am I going to have any trouble from you tonight? You know how this always ends up, so why even fight it?" I was dead serious then. I just stared at him. He didn't say anything. God, this is so much fun to relive in the writing of it! I then took both of his wrists and tied them tightly to the upper posts of my bed. With him in this position, I resumed the grapevine, and reached underneath me to twist and pinch his nipples. When he moaned, I half-smiled. I then spread eagled his legs, and he was completely tied. With that done, I went into the kitchen, put his half of the dinner in the refrigerator, and came back into the bedroom.

    "I told you that you could eat the same thing I'm eating, remember?" I then plopped FULL WEIGHT down on his chest so that I was staring at him, and I said with a frown "you eat whatever I drop on your FACE! And the first time you complain from now on, you'll see what happens!" I could see his breathing was labored, and I loved it. I started eating right out of the carton- beef broccoli and fried rice! Ha ha! Some rice fell on his face- aaww, not that close to his mouth. Now usually after a few minutes of chomping and gulping soda, I let out a really forceful BURP! For the first time (and I knew it was coming), I stared right down into his face, and perched atop his chest, I burped right in his nose. I blew that belch back and forth across his face, looking down the bridge of my nose at this tied, scared boyfriend. It smelled like a mix of beef brocolli and Dr. Pepper! I'm telling you, this was new for us.

    I was waiting to see if he had forgotten my warning (promise) of punishment about complaining. I swear, even a crinkle of his nose, or the slightest face would have set me off. He could do nothing, and this made me giggle. I tried to burp again, but it was too soon for a smelly one. I continued to eat- remember this is taking as long as any meal you eat, with the occasional grain of rice falling on his eyelids or in his hair. I KNEW he was hungry too! And then it came. A monster FART escaped my anus. It felt like an elephant fart, my asshole felt 3 inches wide as it pounded the top of his chest. He said "Oh, come on, in the middle of eating?" That was all the complaint I needed. "I warned you!" I took off my jeans, took off my underwear, and stuffed the pair that I had JUST farted in into this MOUTH! Now even I think that is sick! Then I said "See how much food you get now! I finished my meal with my bare pussy on his chin, and a few more burps that I had to move out of the way for in order to insure maximum stench into his nose. I got up, cleaned up, and put on my aqua colored spandex tights and pu-LANTED my ass squarely on his nose with my back arched. I'm guessing he could see the curve of my ass, the back of my hair, and that is about it. I said to him "Now this is not as bad as it could get, and if I hear one whimper out of you, it's getting worse." In the meantime, he had spit out my underwear, which I dutifully placed back in his mouth Imagine his surprise when I grabbed the remote, and he heard the movie we just rented start with the previews. He DID whimper at the thought of me sitting on his face for two hours! As soon as that happened, I relaxed my face sitting posture, and let my whole ass spread across his face. Oh, and I put ear plugs in his ears, those foam things, so he couldn't hear anything more than the muffled tones of the movie! About five minutes into the movie, I let out a silent PUUUFFFFFF right on his nose. I don't think he even heard it, but let me tell you he smelled it. I kept on drinking big glasses of Diet Dr. Pepper, and burped away to my heart's content. Especially in the beginning, and after every now and then BIibidibidiBRAAAAP! a ripper flapper would come out, through my spandex and there was his "treat"! Again, he was having the same food I was, right? Did I lie? During the middle of the movie, I told him "Everytime I think something is funny, I'm going to lift my ass and slap your face silly for as long as I laugh!" This was GREAT! If I found anything mildly amusing, it was off to the slapping farm for him. Then of course, I would bounce back down. The only annoying part is that every now and then I would have to shift forward for him to breathe a LITTLE. I let him take the underwear out after a few minutes- but then made him wear it on his face with the butthole part near his nose. Later I took it off completely. Toward the end of the movie in our dark room, I took off my Spandex. At first I was just going to have him lick my pussy, but then I told him "Lick my ass after I fart!" Yup, he did it. Oh, not the first time, but when I flicked his balls you better believe he did it! It was so warm by then that I could hear my ass sticking to his face, and the farts "PLAAT" against his cheeks." While he was still died down, and to make sure he wasn't TOO mad at this two hour hostage taking, I gave him head til he came. Then I let him recover, sat on his face, and gave him the hand job of his life. When I let him up, believe it or not, he was hungry as a bear, and went straight for his beef brocolli. He went home happy, and I had the time of my life! In fact, I'm farting as I write this still! Bye everyone! 1

    Okay, here's something I witnessed years ago in the 8th grade. I've been too lazy to post it but it's one of the most pleasent memories I have... There were these 2 girls who were real bitches -- Corine and Jody. Corine was the stone fox of the school, real tall with a way overdevloped body for 13. She wore these tight long skirts that perfectly outlined her round ass. Jody was a skanky skinny little thing, really obnoxious to everyone. Anyway there was this other girl, Anne, who was quiet, mousy and brainy -- the perfect sterotype. These two bitches really had it out for her --I had no idea why but they'd constantly pick on her and humilate her right in public. One time, in the middle of class, Corine held Anne's face against Jody's socked feet for a good 20 minutes. The old geezer of a teacher had no idea it was going on but that's where all the attention was from the class. So here's the good part: I somehow lucked out and became Corrine's fetch-boy. Once Friday at lunch period she told me to bring her a coke to certain stairway at our school. When I got there, Jody was sitting on Anne's legs holding them down while Corrine -- with the skirt hiked up, had that gorgeous pantied ass plantd square on Anne's face. I could here the nerd-chick sobbing away -- Corrine was not small and Anne's head was on the marble floor. Then, the beautiful bitch did it -- yup -- she jettisoined a blubbering blast of gas into the girls face. She just kinda grinned, took her coke from me. I stayed and watched her fart 3 more times on Anne. Now, that was the highlight of my schooldays!

    Seprate story.
    Evil Nurse

    An Ontario nurse has been found guilty of misconduct for passing gas in the presence of a patient's wife. After the first incident, the nurse asked the witness if she "wanted more" before she broke wind again. The nurse has a history of demeaning and unprofessional behavior including telling a female patient, who was bedridden, asking for help to get up, "I don't know why she wants to get up. All she does all day is sit on her ass, and spit on herself." I know a few people who should be arrested for passing gas..especially in this building.
    Funny Story Nurse
    This past Saturday my wife and I went out to dinner with our friends Greg and Colleen. Colleen works in a dentist office for mostly young adolescent patients who are apprehensive about dentists and the treatments We had alot to drink at dinner and the subject came up about how Collenn copes with these patients She laughed and said if they are really squirming and unruly that she restrains them and farts in their faces I had to laugh to myseld I wonder if she is a visitor of our little forum.

    Separate Stories. Got these from anohter website.

    For years my wife would tolerate my nasty habit of farting. She thought it was not lady-like to fart, but in self-defense she started to fart any time she wanted to. Now we just sit around and fart and laugh about it. When we have a family get-togethers a lot of time is spent seeing who can let the bigest and smellest fart. Our daughter-in-law Jane farts in bed and pulls the covers over our sons head. One morning he woke up to find her stradled across his head and farted in his face. This was payback for his farting most of the night. To us a fart is about the funniest thing we have ever heard.

    My best friend, We will call her "Val" and I were vi sting my boyfriend out of town. The night before we were to fly home he took us to this awesome Basque restaurant. All you can eat, excellent meat. The next night as my boyfriend was dropping us off at the airport and I was saying my good by's, Val went ahead and checked in and was waiting for me with the luggage. After the good bye, I of course was crying, I leaned over to pick up my bag which happened to be at Val's feet and the worst smell came over my nose, it was beyond awful. I was still crying and was looking for some sympathy from my friend but all I got was the stench of her dinner she ate the night before. It was one of the worst smells ever. All she did was smile, no remorse, and of course I quit crying immediatly and started to laugh so hard I about died. You see, my friend Val is a very sweet cute lady, so everyone thinks. I can not believe that something that is so sweet can smell so bad. Well to continue on with this story we get on the plane that is completely packed with people and the flight is delayed - we are instructed to wait on the plane, no windows, no fresh air - nothing. And of course the first one was not the last one she had a lot more where that came from. Sitting so unnoticeable by all others but me, reading her book in the middle of the plane she starts kicking them out again. It was horrible, I know the people behind her were dying, they had to be. I was next to her fanning the smell away and cussing her. She just ignored me and pretended like nothing happened. As from that night on she is not allowed to eat meat with me or anytime before we do anything together. Since this story she has not obeyed the "rules of meat eating" and has several times cropped dusted my bedroom, my car etc. People do not believe me when I say she is dangerous. I now call her "Crowd Control". Thanks to Kim for this story

    My husband works nights. I was sitting naked in a wooden chair in front of my computer. I felt farts just backing up and backing up and was really anxious for my husband to leave so I could let them fly. Well he came over to me and kissed me good bye and then (out of my sight) I heard the front door open and close. So I let my backed up farts fly, which actually turned into a bomb by this time especially with the pressure I exerted and with it reverberating off of the wooden chair. And then I just continued with my computer. All of a sudden I hear, "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?" It was my husband who hadn't left, he had just let the dog out. I was MORTIFIED! But let me tell you, it was a good one, sounded like a jet plane, made me proud. Thanks to Jet propelled Susie for this story

    My girlfriend and I have been "passing wind" in front of each other since the 3rd or 4th month we have been together, it's become a joking matter for us. One day after she had been to the Chiropractor, and was very sore and stiff.....she was lying on the floor as she was more comfortable there than any of the furniture. I had been lying with her rubbing her back, trying to make her feel a little better when she rolled over and farted directly in my face.....laughing uncontrollably I pretended I was mad and moved up into the chair about 5 feet from her. There was a fan behind the chair, blowing directly toward her and our cat Maui... they were laying there watching tv. I had drank 3 or 4 cups of coffee that morning and felt a significant amount of pressure building... I had been holding it, letting it brew a little since she had let go in my face... I wanted to get...not even...but AHEAD. I felt the time was I lifted my butt up to the fan, and let go. About 20 seconds later the cat meowed and bolted out of the the back door which was blowing in fresh air. My girlfriend caught "wind" of it a couple of seconds later....and pain or not followed the cat. Needless to say, I was ahead in the fart game, but neither of them would come near me for the rest of the day... Thanks to Jon for this story

    I had just began to date Monica and I was at her apartment one evening. Me being 4 years older than she, was starting to lose my youthful physique. I asked her to put her knees on my feet while I did situps on her living room floor. I had done about 5 situps when sitting up for that 6th situp, let a bomb not more than a foot away from her face. She was so shocked that she just sat there and took it, then after the aroma had settled in her nose she quickly stood up and ran to the kitchen for some fresh air. All I could do is apologize trying to hold back my laughter. She's now my wife and pays me back regularly. During her 1st pregnancy she was taking Iron Pills. We were in bed one evening and she let out the most evil, foul smelling fart I have ever smelled in my life. To this day I have not found an aroma that matches that one, not even dead animals on the side of the road. Thanks to Scott Brewer for this

    When I was dating my husband, one night I decided to sneak him into my Grandfather's house around 2 am, the street was all quiet and everything. We had been drinking beer and that always gave me gas, so we snuck up to my front door and all of a sudden I let out this really startling LOUD fart, kinda sounded like a car screeching it's breaks! It made my then boyfriend "B" jump! I started laughing so hard I fell on the floor which made my gas continue with short little power farts. "B" looked at me like he never saw me before and said "Ur one nasty chick!" that only made me laugh harder and I pee'd my pants....Needless to say, he ended up marrying me anyways. :-) Thanks to SxyNBlonde for this story

    One day my mommy was listening to Jingle Bells on the radio when the radio started doing "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way", then suddnely my mom farted with the song! Fart fart Fart! fart Fart Fart! Fart.......FART, FART....Fart FART!!!!!!!! It was smelly too. And I promise my dad fainted and we almost took him to the hostpital cause of a gas bomb! Thanks to Gary Neal for this story husband used to always fart BADLY when we were lying in bed. Then he would ruffle the covers so I would have to smell it!! I used to get SO MAD. One day I decided I was going to get even with him. I was about 7 months pregnant and we were lying in bed one night. I asked him "If I spit straight up in the air right now, who do you think it would hit, me or you?" He started laughing and said he didn't want to know! So, I made a noise like I was going to spit, and he put his head under the covers. When he did, I held them down and let out a LONG, stinky fart!! He has never ruffled the covers since!!! Thanks to the Revenge Farter for this story 1

    My Gas...

    Some times, especially after I have had something spicy that doesn't agree with my stomache, I will be letting them out rapidly, like 6 or 7 deep loud farts in 3 minutes or so. Its difficult to be a girl and produce so much gas--I buy things like Beano at the store but they're only half effective at best. Right now I'm a Junior in H.S. and it can be pretty embarrassing when you are sitting in class and you feel the pressure building in your ass. If I can't contain it I'll ask to be excused and then walk out with my buttcheeks clenched to the restroom and hope its empty. Onetime a girlfriend was waiting for me outside the bathroom and was giggling. I asked her what was funny and she said "Heather--I heard that FART all the way out here! People walking down the hall 10 feet away heard it!". I blushed a deep shade of crimson--what else can you do? When I was younger and less mature my little brother and I would fart at each other when we were annoyed by one another. I'm 4yrs older so when I was 13 and he was 9 I would win most of the wrestling contests we had. A couple of times after I had him on the ground I planted my butt on his face and released an audible fart which would make him go "Heather you jerk" and he would try to wrestle out from under me. I've always had a pretty large butt--its not flabby or out of shape but it is definitely full and my guyfriends like to give it a smack and occassional squeeze--and when they do it when I'm not ready they sometimes squeeze out a real ripper, but they usually just laugh about it. My Gas is usually at its worst when I'm on the toilet--I'll usually let go of a really large poop and then it will rush out of me like an explosion! I'll be bracing the sides of the chair and letting all the gas pass...and when its all out it really is a wonderful feeling of relief. My boyfriend and I have had anal sex a few times, and my worst fear is that after shoving a big load up inside me he'll pull out and I'll let out a huge fart that blows his spunk back at him! But I think the butt-rutting has helped..its really stretched open my rectum and I think thats why I've been able to fart much more quietly the last few months(when your ass is tight I think it intensifies the sound). Its also helped with my bathroom habits--when I'm birthing a really Big brown baby it seems to pass much easier now.

    My Friend Jessica I thought you might like to hear a story about my friend Jessica. She is a very sweet girl with a pretty face and a little on the chunky side..not really fat but kind of thick-bodied and with a very large ass--I'm trying to guess by making the tape measure into an oval about the size of her hips and all I can say is its probably between 46"-48" at the hips. She has a boyfriend who absolutely adores her body--when Im around them hes always sneaking his hand into the back-pocket of her jeans and giving her butt a squeeze--hes a sweetheart himself. Anyways, we took a trip to Daytona this past year along with our friend Angela (who is in college) but had to stay at a dumpy motel out of town for a few nights--partly because everything else was booked and partly because the managers aren't always thrilled at the prospect of giving rooms to HS and college kids(and Angela was the only "adult" at 18). So one night after we had been over at a party at a guys hotel room in Daytona we came back after having had alot to drink and started scarfing down Tacos that we had gotten from Taco Bell--none of us had eaten all day so we ate alot of Tacos--Angela and I had 4-5 Tacos each and Jessica actually ate 7 and a Mexican Pizza to boot. So a few hours later we're all lying on the bed on our stomachs watching a late-nite movie when a very loud very long fart--I'd say it had to last about 6-7 seconds--erupted from Jess's butt. She said "ohh god excuse me"and admitted her stomach was really feeling queasy and we just giggled--I wasn't feeling that hot myself. So we keep watching the movie and a half hour later Jessica gets up and starts stumbling for the bathroom. We hear her put the cover up, plunk her big bottom on the seat and let out a grunt. Suddenly there was a very loud *SPLASH* like a large rock being tossed into a lake, followed by the steady smaller splashes of a sound I know all too well as liquid mud. Jessica let out a small groan and Angela called out "Are u OK Jess?" She said she was staring to feel a little better now but I could still hear the mud flowing from her butt as well as tiny squeaker farts erupting every few seconds. Her shit lasted a pretty long time before we heard her get up and start to wipe herself. Finally we heard her flush the toilet and assumed her problem was finished until we heard her call out "oh God..its not going down". I called back whats wrong and she said it was clogged up. I went in to look and I swear to god it looked like an elephant had just took a dump. I love Jess but I couldn't help laughing--The huge brown baby she had layed to start the dump was the major culprit as it was kind of blocking the exit, though it was as much the toilet's fault since it was an old model with a tiny hole and not much sucking strength. But even so the toilet was just full of shit--it wasn't just a case of it turning the surface water dark and lumpy it was actually piled up in the water and sticking out o the sides. After a few more flushes we went outside the motel which was thankfully in a rural area and found a stick, brought it inside and I started jabbing at the brown baby in the toilet while Angela was giggling herself silly and Jess just looked mortified. Finally we broke it down, gave a few good flushes and got the muck down the drain. I took the stick and layed it down outside our room because I knew I would need to go soon and was worried I might clog up the toilet too. Unfortunately unlike Jess I didn't get out all the gas in one dump--I spent most of the night and much of the next morning letting out tiny whisper farts, to the point where in the morning while we were eating doughnuts in our room I let off a few and Angela sighed and said "I'm sorry Heather but I can't eat and smell those beaners at the same time I'll throw up. She went out for a long walk but Jess stayed and talked while I passed a few more..I guess she figured if I could solve her toilet problem the least she could do was put up with my SBD's

    All stories by Send Heather

    Squeaky Grin
    Friends of mine were always finding the most gasiest foods they could find, just so they could rip one off every two seconds. Most times it was funny, but it could get outa hand. One rip louder than the next, someone eventually running to the bathroom, only to come back with explicit descriptions and sometimes even diagrams of the shape and color of their efforts. I would liked to have played but never managed more than a squeak and a grin. Every once in a while I could manage a real cloth ripper, but unfortunately, there was never anyone there. They would soon learn who's master. (Yeah, right!) A group of us went up state for a winter carnival. There was about four or five of us in one room coming and going at all different times. I was trying to get some sleep and having no luck, when two of the guys came in *RIP-P-P-p-p,ha ha beat that. *RIP-P-P-P-p-p no you beat that. They didn't care if people were sleeping. And so it went for about 5-10 min. I could feel one building and figured it was a squeaky grin. I was listening and silently laughing along with them. There came that few second interval between the contestants and outa nowhere came this ominous foundation shaker. It started low under the covers, vibrating the metal frame and exploding out to engulf the room with a crecendo of reverberations that seemed to last eons. There were equal amounts of "Oh, my God's and 'You are the master' TILL the lights went on. They all turned looking at each other to identify the gifted one, when suddenly I SAY, Beat that!!!!!

    The QUEEN of gas... My niece lives out in the country and it gets pretty cold there in the winter. To keep warm when she's out playing she wears a snowmobile suit. Now my niece is the QUEEN of gas. She practices her gas projection in hopes of one day being able to best her father and brother, which in itself is a pretty big goal. Unfortunately, the longer she practices the harder it is for her to control. On this one paticular day she was bombarded with the unforgivable rotten boiled egg farts. My niece and her younger brother were taking turns slidding down the snow covered ditch embankment on a sled. While she waited for her turn she would fart. When she bent down to get on the sled, her suit would billow out at the neck and she would get a face full of this reeking egg gas. She would fart and then try to hold the neck of her suit closed to keep playing with her bro. He would ask time and time again what in the heck she was doing, my niece would reply " You don't wanna know." So, finally after asking for the hundreth time, she let one rip, waited for the gas to build to the right potency, leaned her neck into his face and let the zipper fly. Now every time she asks her little brother to go sledding he literally starts to cry.

    Send Chillybutt an e-mail!

    From: [email protected]

    I can't believe this page exists! I have to admit I have a weak stomach and am lactose intolerant so I've let off some of the most window rattling girl- farts ever. When I hang out with guys I know and we've had a few to drink (We're all still in H.S. but my friend has a fake I.D.) I'll just roll on my stomach, part my cheeks and let one rip like a buzzsaw. I'm not a very big girl--I'm 5'1" about 95lbs.--so the guys are always surprised and laughing hysterically at how loud they are! My boyfriend will even press his nose up close to my butt and smell them which causes his friends to laugh there asses off. The other thing which noone knows about is the size of my dumps--sometimes they can be really large and even painful. I have to strain to get a poop that is between 2-3 inches wide out of my ass, and that can take several minutes of grunting and groaning. I know I'm not the only girl out there who is letting off loud ones...I dream of the day when I can just sit back in class after lunch and let one out without worrying about getting strange looks from everyone. Farting is normal and healthy! I should know I play 2 sports (and I guarantee you when we're playing a soccer game for the lead in our conference EVERY girl is cutting cheese from nerves). 1
    Ass Phyxia.

    Bart has been married with Julia for two years now. A tall and very muscular Jamaican girl (5'9 225 Ibs) but with wicked sexual desires. She was very sexy and beautiful but now he was planing to divorce. She was a very cruel woman, performing black magic rituals and enjoying crushing animals under her large ass while farting on them. She said she has to do that to please Erzulie, the goddess of love in the Voodoo religion. Bart knew she had a great sexual pleasure doing this.

    When Bart woke up this morning he was in a very strange shape. His soul and spirit had been trapped in a bird body and he was confined in a birdcage. Julia was looking at him with a sadistic grin on her face. She put her clothes off and opened the cage. Julia took the bird and put him on a chair. While maintaining Bart, she sat on him with her bare ass. She didn't exert a very heavy pressure on him because she wanted the torture to last a very long time. In spite of that, Bart was painfully crushed and he had a difficult time breathing, being smothered under 225 Ibs of muscles. But the worst of all was her farts : there was not a lot of air to breath and this little air was fouled by the most vile farts he had smelled in his life. And it was a non stop farting on his little body. Julia had surely planed this fate with a meticulous precision and thought of a way to make the most putrid farts to asphyxiate and to humiliate Bart.

    He was on the verge of passing out now as the pain was awful and he had not breathed a single gust of fresh air for a very long time now. Suddenly Julia removed her butt from the little body, allowing Bart to breathe some pure air and to recover some strength. But it was only to apply tortures even more cruel than the first ones. Julia took the bird and sank it deeply between her butt cheeks, placing his head just in front of her asshole. She then squeezed the little bird while continuing her cruel farts. The squeezing was so hard that Julia heard some bones crush under the pressure. For Bart, it has become so excruciatingly painful that he wanted to die now. But after a very long suffering, Julia spread her buttocks and let the bird drop to the floor, still alive. She took the telephone and called a veterinary:

    "Hello doctor, my canary bird has escaped its cage and hit the window-pane. Some of its bones are broken, could you come healing it. I like it so much."


    Another story
    My wife used to overpower me to get me in her legs, usually a knee to the nuts to bend me over and then getting me in a standing head or neckscissor with her calves or thighs. She's occasionally make me pull up her pant legs to show off those mammoth calves and then slide my neck in them, instandly knocking me out in their sudden, crushing embrace. She'd also occasionally knock me to the couch, back first, and then plop her considerable weight right on my face, farting every so often. That was when she was 'only' about 180 or so. Now she's gotta be 250 if she's a pound, but since we haven't had sex or scissors in three or four years, I wouldn't know the first-hand 'pleasure' of a scissor or face sit now.
    Hope that clears it up and dno't be afraid to ask me anything, here or in an e-mail. E-mails might be wiser, I respond to those most quicker than posts. i almost never visit here anymore, sorry to say.

    Loving my gal
    Hey, gang!
    Man, I've just been through hell and back. My g/f(ms fartypants) and I almost permanently parted our ways. It takes almost losing the most important thing in my life, to make me realize what I've got. After a small seperation, we've reconciled(thank God). It's funny how one realizes just how much one loves and desires the other, when you come that close to losing the other.
    Anyways, the other day she was putting her makeup on in the bathroom, and I was kneeling on the floor behind her, stroking her beautiful calves. She was wearing these black spandex pants that came down to her knees. I had my face buried in the crack of her ass and was trying to nibble on her butt, through the spandex. She let out this HUGE fart, with NO warning, while my nose and mouth was buried deep between her gorgeous ass cheeks. The fart must have lasted
    at least 4-5 sec. and I could feel the warm winds totally engulf my face, like the hot sun, as her spandex clad ass vibrated and massaged my face. The odor was a very weak cabbagey one. Some of her gas had entered into my mouth, but I couldn't really taste it(the smell was stronger than the taste). The sound was a little deeper than her normal elephant whistles LOL! Yea...she did her usual evil laugh too, but, only this time there was this really sexy tone to it, that stimulated me like NEVER before!
    I haven't had a woody like that in a while. It was so hard, a cat couldn't scratch it. I know for sure that this is the girl for me. I don't know when exactly, but we are going to get married. I know I would never find another girl like this. She's pretty, with an awesome body, she spoils me rotten, she farts a lot and she loves to fart on me. She's everything to me! For all you guys out there, treat your farting girlfriends with respect and always SHOW them how much you love them by warming their souls with the light of love.
    Bless you all,
    bh~^ ~^

    What I witnessed
    by Whiifit
    It was the classic geek move by the guy known as Jerry the geek. He was walking (rather the spaz was stumbling) down the cafeteria aisle holding his lunch tray when his gangly leg hit something. He went down, he bowl flew and the soup landed in the wrong place, that place being all over Dana L. Marcie G. and Gina F. the three toughest, foul mouthed bitches in the 11th grade. They wore leather and faded jeans exclusively and believe me when I tell you that the every heterosexual male in our high school had made eye contact with the seat of those jeans as they'd waggle down the hallways clutched to the saucy hips and bottoms of their owners. Particularly Gina's. This Italian hard-nosed chick was blessed with an ass that would stop a war. Jerry the geek staggered to his feet, with an even more dazed look than usual. But that was nothing compared to right after Dana clocked him in the face with her big Slavic fist. She was a rather large girl who took no crap from anyone and was looked like the Amazon of Death with Billy Idol's image splashed with pea soup. "You fuckin retard" she screamed as Jerry crumpled from the blow. On his back at that point, he never saw little Marcie, all five feet and 90 pounds living fireball leap from the table and clomp with those biker boots right on Jerry's gut. The poor sap was convulsing on the floor and thing was that no one seemed to have the least bit sympathy for him. The diminutive Golitha twisted on his belly for a moment, then hocked a stringy loogie into old Jerry's mouth as it opened to beg for relief. Then came the cream. As Mary stepped off, Ms. Gina stood over the fallen geek. She definitely got the bulk of Jerry's lunch offering. Her signature make-up job, heavy eyeliner, blood red lips was splattered with greed and carrot bits and the face that wore it was twisted into what can only be described as dangerous rage. She stared down at the Jer-geek with utter contempt. Then, in that bombastic, shrewish New Jersey shrill of hers she raged, "What the fuck is the matter with you, you dumb, spaziod, completely rotted piece of shit? Jerry's eyes ran up the firm Jean encased leg, up past the expanse of her hips all the way to her sneering face. Jerry started stuttering some straw of an apology which disgusted Gina even more and prompted the kick Jerry's head took. Shut up you pathetic puke" she hissed. "Look at me. Look at my face... MY FRIGGIN' MAKE-UP you loser!" Out of what could only have been a misfire of self preservation, Jerry blurted out:, "Y--you look real nice. I think you're pretty." "Morr-on!! " she bellowed. She became so tense with anger, I started to get a little concerned for old Jerry's safety but then again, what's one nerd compared to this kind of blue ribbon entertainment. Gina dropped onto his chest and slapped him over and over again. The CRACK of her hand against his face echoed through the cafe. At that point it was a little surprising that no faculty member came to break it up as I kept expecting them to. They never did and my theory on that was that who ever was on duty was hiding and enjoying the show. Still donning her leather jacket, Gina had worked up quite a sweat and stopped to catch her breath. She sneered down at the beaten Jerry, obvious that her anger wasn't quelled. Then, with a complete change in the tone of her voice, she said softly. "You don't deserve to live for doing something like this, so I am going to kill you..." We've all heard that figurative expression, and that's just what it usually is: just an expression. But the way Gina said it, the rage boiling behind the calm voice, I and everyone else in that cafeteria kind of believed that she meant it. Rising to a squat, she leaned over his face and repeated the threat, this time adding "And I'm going to kill you right her and right now" Still in a squat, she turned so that fabulous ass, encased by the soft denim of her 501's hovered a scant few inches over Jerry the Geeks pitiful face. She held the position so her victim could get a great gander at the instrument of his impending expiration. I don't think any of the 3 or four hundred kids who were witnessing the beginnings of a public execution so much as twitched a nose hair in those few seconds when butt was presented to face. Then.... PLOP!!! Gina dropped her 135 pound body on to the upturned face of a geek. She grabbed a coke. wiggled that tush and settled in for murder. It was a clear view we had: Gina was firmly seated on Jerry's face. Her entire ass covered it. There appeared to be nothing left of it. To heighten matters even more, she raised her legs and rested her feet on Jerry's crotch. She pooped poem her can of coke and non-chalantly drank it as if she were merely sitting on an inanimate object. It wasn't long before Jerry started to struggle as she bore down with her entire weight. He squirms started to annoy Gina and she remedied that by kicking his balls a couple of time. Poor Jerry seemed to be in trouble. It had been several minutes since his last breath. Would this girl really kill him:? I guess Marcy was thinking what I was thinking and asked her friend:"Are you really gonna smother him to death? Gina thought it over for a moment and said "No, I have a better idea" With that she rose her buttocks slightly from Jerry's face and then the first "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" came. There could be now doubt as to what that was: A good old American, split pea soup, fart. "I'm gonna gas him to death! Poor O'l Jerry had been with out air for so long, that he had no choice other than to breathe the butt expulsion deep into his lungs. Gina stayed on top of him for the rest of the lunch period bringing the guy to the brink of suffocation and just at the right time, blowing a nasty blast of gas up into his nostrils and mouth. She repeated this several times and whenever he groped or tried to buck her off, she would clobber his balls and fart. This went on for about 15 minutes until someone said, "Hey he looks like he's croaked,." Gina heard this but had picked up a magazine earlier and was reading. When she finally got up, it was as she still read and hardly noticed her human seatpad who looked, well dead. A stunned crowd stared with concern as Becki move up to her friend "Looks dead, huh.?" Gina frowned, glanced down at the un-moving body and suddenly sneeze on him, Suddenly it moved Jerry wasn't dead. Everyone laughed but not Gina. She was pissed cause the fart boy let others think she was a killer. In a final burst of rage, yanked his hair, Dragged him to a corner, jammed his head on the wall, put her ass back to his face and let loose with fart explosion. A second later she told him he's never to eat in "Her cafe" again and if she caught him, he would find out that flatulence was simply an appetizer for what followed. A first row spectator Monore High School on a day in Late March, 1984 Trenton New Jersey

    this past weekend..
    This weekend I was visiting a friends place who has a few children, those being an 17 year old girl named Sara, an 8 year old named Kim and a 15 year old named Kelly who isn't involved here. I was talking to my pal while the 8 year old was on the couch across the room watching TV. My pal went through the patio doors to the shed to grab a set of hedge clippers for me, so I stood there quietly looking out into the yard. Just then Sara walked in from her bedroom, obviously not noticing that I was still there and went to the couch next to her sister. The thing was she sat down right on top of this little doll that Kim had beside her. "Get off!!" Kim whined to her sister. "Not until you give me the remote" she replied. "I'm watching my show!!" Kim squeeled. Then something unexpected happened. Sara started making a high pitched voice and started talking for the doll. "Please give her the remote Kim...she's crushing me and my face is right in her bum. It smells and it hurts.." Kim started punching her sisters shoulder with little effect, and then it happened. "phrrrtttt!" Sara farted on the doll and began to speak for it again "Ieeee!! It stinks! It stinks!! Give her the remote Kim!! Pleeeeease!!" Sara laughed as Kim said "I'm telling daddy when he comes in!!" Sara responded with "I guess you don't care about your doll then.." and preceeded with the longest thumping fart I've ever heard. "pupupupupupupupupupupuuppppupupphhhhhrtt!" Kim started to cry, but gave her sister the remote anyway. Sara then leaned to one side and pulled the doll out from under her and gave it to her sister. "Phew!! It stinks now!" said Kim and tossed it to the floor while her sister laughed. "Next time I'll fart in YOUR face" she said. Just then my pal walked in from outside with the clippers. Sara then noticed I had been standing there, turned six shades of purple and went to her room. I thought you guys would like to hear it, because I found it quite funny. Later, Terry

    I believe it was the night before the most recent MFP wav. She(MFP) was wearing her black spandex pants, I've told you about those ones before, they go down to her knees and show off her calves ~boingaroo!~ We went to get a couple of subs, her favorite is seafood and crab, and those really make her farts STINK! In fact, I can't even smell the crab meat in one of those now without just about hurling. She didn't get a double meat serving on this one, thank God, cause her farts would make me hurl after eating that. She's face farted me after a double seafood & crab before, and they can make me hurl. After buying the subs, she was about to get into the car, instead, she pointed her ass in the car and farted a tiny little fart and closed the door on me. Well that backfired, cause my window was open and it followed her outside. After we got home and had eaten, we started wrestling on our large carpeted living room floor. We always wrestle and she's a good wrestler. I don't know what she did or said, but I started laughing and she took advantage of that fact, cause I can't fight back when I'm laughing. I was on my back when she took her patented face fart position. Straddling my face while facing my feet, she had her shins on my shoulders and arms as they were pressed tight into my sides. Her knees were pressed tightly against my arms as they held them tight into my sides. She lowered her ass onto my face and her spandex was now bridging across my nose like an elastic band. I knew she was gonna fart. I can tell because she sits there motionless for a couple of seconds as she tries to push a fart out. I was a little worried cause of what she had eaten, but I was also prepared. Well there it was, BBBBBBBLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! a huge one followed immediately by as small pprrrrrrrrrrddddddt! I felt her wind right through her spandex from that big one, man what a pressure. Oh yea, what a stink! There was that rotten crab smell, I hate that smell. I almost hurled, for if it was a double meat sub, I'm sure I would've. I could here her giggling away, finally the smell was tolerable, probably cause my nose was numb. Still while in that same position she did it again, BBBBBBBBBLLLLLLAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP, BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOORRRTTTTT!!! Two more big, long, windy farts, that I felt on my nose and mouth. On this second fart, I remember inhaling it, cause it was released as I had to take a breath. I held my breath for the first but need to breathe and I also think MFP knew that. These stunk just as bad as the first two, and now my stomach was turning a bit, cause it was inside me as well. Yup, she was laughing away at my discomfort, for these really stunk bad and she knew it. Did she EVER have the farts that night, she did two more little prrrrrrrrrrrdddddtttttttss!! about 2 minutes after those last big ones, and yes, they stunk too. My stomach was feeling a little queasy after all that. That was the first time I ever had six face farts in a row, and they were all stinkers. Normally I don't have a problem inhaling her farts, except when she eats something like seafood and crab, that's just downright disgusting!!!I can't even stand the smell of those subs because it reminds me of those stinky farts!
    bh` 1
    When I woke up this morning I had some morning gas.So I didn't get dressed right away,I was just wearing panties,and a t-shirt. So I was sitting on the couch in my room,letting of MASSIVE amounts of morning gas.All the left over gas I didn't expel in my sleep I guess.And my cousin came upstairs.She is an early riser,and I am a late riser.She came in and the room didn't stink.Until she sat down on the couch,all of my farts had been caught by the couch.And when she sat down,it shot a stream of foul air directly into her nose.She gagged.Looked at me with a beet red face.And told me I was sick.She got up farted right in my face,and tried to run,but I tripped her pinned her down and farted on her.And for the next hour,anytime either of us had to fart we did it on each other.Including setting traps.By farting into the couch.After words my room reeked, so we opened a window,and left.BYE!!!!!!

    Here's a reaaly cool,TURE,sleep over story.A bunch of friends and I were staying at my best friends house.There was Sarah,Kerri-Anne,Adriana,and me.We were all eating chips,pizza,and drinking TONS of soda,and after a few pee breaks we were all back in the room watching TV.When Sarah announces she has to fart,I laughed and said me too.Adriana say's she's been holding it in for the longest time,and Kerri-Anne just smiled and nodded her too.So we just all got like some best friends intuition to do it at the same time.And we counted off,Till 3. 1....2....3,PPPPPPBBBBTTTFFTBBBTTTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBTTTTTTT! LONG,LOUD,and NASTY!!!!! Adriana's Dad came running up stairs and asked what was going on?He said he heard the vibration through the floor.Which we were all sitting on.We were all in tears from laughing so hard.That was one of the coolest things ever.And for the rest of the night,anytime any one of us had to fart.We waited for the others to get a little gas. Unfortunately only one other time did we cause the vibrations. That one made a hole in the floor. But the rest were still LOUD,and JUICY!,and FUN! BYE!!!!!!

    Ok,Today while leaving my math class.I passed the Bathrooms which were right down the hall adjacent to each other.And stopped for a drink of water,and I saw a girl I knew going into the bathroom before the next class started,but before she could reach the entrance some Freshmen ran up to her and started behaving like an immature baby who just noticed girls.Apparently they knew each other because she was joking when she said,can I please go to the bathroom,your blocking my way.He smiled and said no.Ran up and held her from going in.And after a tiny struggle she gave up and said Ok never mind.And then she relaxed completely. About 10 seconds later she asked him.Do you smell that? He said WHAT! in a suprised,and worried manner.She said hold on a sec,and then she let one fly right on him.Braaaaappptpt.The fart sounded so cute muffled by their jeans.She laughed and in a sarcastic manner said"I bet you smell that one"Then she sighed with relief and went off to class. He stood there in shock.
    By Farting Girl

    Seperate Stories

    Once at a friend of mine house when we were about 12 or so, he got into an arguement with his 16 year old sister. They began to argue and scream, and then began to push and shove and finally wrestle. She held him down and grabbed his head in a scissor hold with his face buried in her crotch, his nose right in her ass crack. When she was confident he couldn't move she asked him to say she was right. To this he responded by pounding her leg hard. With that, she let loose a horrid sputtering fart lasting about 15-20 seconds. He began to cry, and in about another minute she farted again, and again. From where I was standing the smell was nigh unbearable, so I can't imagine what he was feeling. I remember the last time she farted on his face she pulled her sundress over his head to make a kind of hood to seal the smell in. She got up and left him bawling on the floor. "If you tell mom I'll fart on your ugly little face till you die."she said, and walked away. That was over 10 years back, and I still remember it to this day.

    Same thing happened to me about 6 years ago when this new sitter caught me trying to steal a joint out of her pocketbook and I said I wouldn't give it back unless she shared it with me. She flipped me on my back, pinned my arms and sat right on my face and tried to pry the reefer out of my hands. Then she farted in my face and it stank realy bad. Thinking about it gives me wood.

    Last night I had to go to the toilet and as I stood up to walk to the toilet I started to fart and as I walked I kept farting, A friend was over and asked me if I had a duck in my pants making all that noise. I turned my fanny towards her and pushed a loud fart in her direction. I started walking again and I just kept letting more gas go. I got to the toilet and got my pants and underpants down and farted some more 3 good loud ones. I grunted and pushed out 4 nice size jobbies and started with more gas. I tinkled and pushed out a litttle more poop and passed a little more gas. For those interested I spent about 10 minutes on the toilet and I was reading a magazine while I went. I wiped my fanny and flushed. A little while later my friend headed to the toilet and from the grunts and sighs and gas and splashes it sounded as if she had a nice movement as she also read and spent 15 minutes doing her jobbie, didnt watch just listened.

    Double Trouble

    Here are a just a few details of having two girls farting around me for abou 6 months.

    I had this friend (female) who moved in with my girlfriend and I for a while. I will just use the letter E to identify the friend cause that was the first letter in her name. E had a medical problem with her intestines and she had to burp and fart all the time, some of her farts would linger for what seemed like days. Let me put it this way, if you were blindfolded and led to each room in our house, you could tell by the smell what room was hers. E was not shy about farting either, she started farting around me and at me within about one week of meeting her and that was some time before she'd moved in with us. E was very petite and pretty (model material easily). E would fart anywhere, she use to fart at the dinner table until my girlfriend and I almost had our meals go out the entrance. I had to talk to E about this cause my girlfriend was going to pound her like a post. When we would watch t.v. E would play these war games. She would be sitting and it didn't matter where, point both her feet at me or my girlfriend like she was aiming an anti-aircraft gun, put her thumbs on the trigger buttons and fire BBBBRRRRRAAAATA..TA..TA..TA..TA..TAT!! and at the same time she'd shake her legs and feet to simulate the machine gun recoil. This use to turn me on specially when she was wearing her tight high cut jean shorts, all ya could see was ass, emm...yummy!! My girlfriend would sometimes then get up and put her arms out like a WW2 bomber, circle a couple of times (so we wouldn't know who was gonna get bombed), park her ass facing her victim (usually E unfortunately) and drop the bombs KA...BRRRRRRROOOOOOMMMMM.. PT.PT.TP!!!! That looked so sexy, once my girlfriend even lifted up her spandex skirt to show E some panties when she farted. Why..why..why couldn't they be doing this more at me. It wasn't fair, nor did it seem to matter how many times I farted, it was like a competition between them, to see who could gross each other out.

    They actually use to fart on each other sometimes. I remember this one time they were going swimming and they were both wearing swimsuits (they hadn't put their street clothes over top yet) and E was sitting next to my girlfriend on the couch. E got up then sat down on my girlfriends leg and blasted away PPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRAAAAAPPPPPP!!! E was just killing herself laughing, even though my girlfriend kicked her half way across the living room with her other leg. "You fucken little bitch!!" my girlfriend exclaimed, as she was laughing too but tried to hide it. Well, my girlfriend got up and drove E into a corner using her ass and big legs as a bulldozer and pinned her there. E could hardly breathe never mind move. FFFFFFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWPPPPPPPPFFFF!!!!!! It sounded like an elephant the way it whistled off of E's bare tummy. "Ewwwwwhhh!!..that's gross" cried E, as they were both laughing. I was just sitting there with a stiffy wishing it was me getting farted on.

    I can think of one fart experience, that will always stick in my mind. It's not necessarily the best, but, it's the first real good, female fart experience that I had.

    We were out tearing up the muskeg and bush in my buddy's argo(amphibious all terrain vehicle). There were six of us, 5 guys and one hot blond. We were on our way back to camp and it was getting cool. The girl(Michelle)was sitting on this flannel blanket with the ends curled up over her legs, to keep warm. One of the guys had asked for his blanket back because he was cold and she said "NO"! They exchanged nasty words and she finally said, "Okay, but first I'm going to fart on it". Well, she rolled this blanket up and sat down on it and ripped this huge rumbling fart that you could easily hear over the noise of this argo engine(about 5 sec).

    I was shocked, and my tent pole was up and ready and not for camping either LOL! She then threw the blanket at this guy and said with an evil grin & laugh, "there's your stupid blanket, I hope you like the smell". Buddy wasn't impressed with what she did, but the rest of us sure laughed and enjoyed what she did, me especially ~boingaroo~.

    By Bungholeo

    Silent Spice
    Hi again. I have something to tell you guys. It happened when I was like 7 and it kept happening until I was like 11 years old. My sister was 9 when it started. First before I tell you I have to say that I ABSOLUTELY HATE the sound of grunting and the sound of poo coming out(the crackling sound it makes)and falling in the toilet. I was forced to listen and WATCH(I mean actually WATCH)my sisters poop come out. Everytime she had to take a dump she would come and get me and practically bribe me to go into the bathroom with her(she would give me something I wanted of hers if I went in there or something). Actually not every single day it would happen. There was this book with actors in it that she would read all the time. I knew it was time for her dump when she would say "Get the super star book!"and shed smile for some reason! Well anyways..onto my story.....after I went in there she would grab me by the arm and pull down her pants and sit down then my head was forced between her legs (I couldnt move because she was alot bigger and stronger than I was)and shed be like "One two three" GRUNT "one two three" GRUNT! She was really scary then! Then I was forced to watch her "jobbies" come out of her butt and it was the most disgusting thing Ive ever seen! They were so long and slimey looking and GROSS!! I just wanted to puke! Then when it fell and it the water I would flinch because of that horrid sound! Finally when she became a teenager she got over that " come-watch-my-poop-come-out"stage. Woohoo! Im FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) I(now 17 almost 18)remind her about the way she use to act and shes like "Dont remind me!" So that means she regrets doing that!

    Also my friend Tahra was ALMOST the same way ONCE. Just one time we were at her house and she had to poop and she asked me to go in there for company. After she did her "jobbies" she tried to stuff my head into the toilet BEFORE flushing! ugh she was gross!!! There..thats my story! Sometimes they'd fart at each other in my truck. Mostly E would sit in the middle cause she's smaller than my girlfriend and it made it easier to shift gears. We'd be driving in the city and they'd take turns lifting their legs and cheeks and farting at or on each other. It was starting to piss me off cause they'd be jumping around trying to avoid each others farts, bumping me while I was driving, making tons of noise, and for some stupid reason the smell would sometimes bother me in the truck, specially E's farts, they really stunk. I think it was a distraction together with the confinement and everything else including the traffic was why it occasionally bothered me. But mostly I would just get a woody, I just wish they'd have farted more on me like they farted on each other. I ran out of time, gotta stop now. More on this later.
    Lactose Intolerance
    Fellow Sniffers, My Former girlfriend is lactose intolerant. Whenever she eats dairy of any kind it produces alot of gas. She used to use this to torment me. As a punishment she would wrap me in saran from mouth to toe. I was then laid down on the bed. I could only breathe through my nose. Previously having eaten a large bowl of ice cream, she would climb on top of me in reverse facesit position. She usually wore cotton panties. She felt that the odor lingered longer in the material. She slowly would sit back, pressing her asshole against my flaring nostrils, making it a little difficult to breathe. Then it would start! A relentless barage of loud, stinking farts. She would laugh and say that I was only fit to breathe in her flatulence. She could produce what seemed to be an inexhaustable supply of gas! After a while she would get up, remove her panties and return to her seat of choice. She would repeat the process on my nose and then reach down and lower the saran from around my mouth. "Now you are in for a taste sensation" she would say. "Stick out your tongue and cover my asshole!" she blurted out. I complied. Suddenly she let out a splattering, noisy fart right on my tongue, making me savor the flavor. After a few more up the nose my punishment was complete.... for now!

    Does anyone else have any experience with lactose intolerant women? If so please post.

    P.S. I have pics of us both in action. If interested E-mail me and I'll oward them to you.

    Thanks, Brian ([email protected]

    Tales about my embarassing girlfriend
    First of all, get me strait. I understand that girls fart, and I accept that, but my girlfriend doesn't stop farting. Here's a little embarassing tale; My girlfriend is not a perfect, skinny blonde. She has blonde hair, a pretty big pot belly(in a good way though)a huge plump ghetto booty and really huge tits that are always showing good cleavage and are rubbed when she lets them loose. My girlfriend has a farting problem, she farts whenever she is, all the time. HUGE LOUD ONES. She farts in movie theatres, during sex and on the phone. One day I had arranged for her and I to have dinner with my parents later that day, so for lunch we went to taco bell, big mistake. She had four cheesy chilli burritos, a large drink and cheese fries, no lie. She finished it all off and belched areally loud one and then lifted her ass off the seat and ripped one. Everyone stared at her as she let out a sigh of releif. We drove home to get dressed up for my parents house. As soon as my girlfriend took off her sweatshirt that she had worn to taco bell to get changed into good clothes and her belly caught my eye. It was so full of food, it was bulging it was so full of food. She put on a skin tight pair of cotton pants that seemed so tight that it squeezed her ass together. She put on a white belly shirt and as we walked to the car with her belly bulging, i new what was coming.

    In the car, my girlfriend proclaimed "I feel bloated" so she undid the button on her pants and since she was bloated so much that her zipper slid down too, and she couldn't zip it back up. We get out of my car at my parents house and her whole front of her pants are open and her tighty whityey boxers are showing. She rubs her stomach as we walk towards the door. My parents answer the door and I introduce her. We talk for a while, then sit down for dinner. My gilfriend tells my Mom about how she is bloated and tells a fart joke or two. We start dinner with soup. She sees my Mom sitting on her crackers so they crumble and they can go in her soup. My girlfriend grabs some to and says "I find this always works better she pulls back the seat of her pants, slides the crackers down on her ass, sits down and rips a long loud ripper. My parents are in shock. She cleches her fists and rips another one. She pulls them out and puts them in her soup.

    My girlfriend is non stop farting for the rest of the dinner and does the pull my finger joke with my Dad. Then all is queit. Suddenly, my girlfriend goes "I have the biggest fart coming on". Every one looks at her. Her fist clenched, she gets up and sits right on the table. Her huge ass spread and covered in tight material she lifts her leg and lets go of the loudest, wettest longest rippling fart I have ever heard. I was full and about 11 seconds long and right in aLL OF OUR FACES.I new that she had stained her undies. She wedgied her self to check and sure enough, a big area of brown was on her undies. The fart smelt up the room. Everyone was in disbeleif. She sighed and sat down.
    By Syco 1
    Face Sitting/Farting

    by: Breeze

    A few weeks ago(yes, once again I'm posting this late) my girl
    and I were over a friends house. And while the friend was busy, we were messing
    around on the chouch in his room and she get's up and plants her round juicy
    ass on my face and then Phrrrrt.
    She fart's right in my face. But then she just sit's there and messes around
    like this for about 5 minutes occassionally farting. and she was getting off
    on doing this to me. Because she found out the exact way it works. If she doesn't
    fart, I don't breathe. So she was getting a huge kick from the power she got
    from it. And come to find out, she still think's about it and wants to do it
    again. Back to the story, cause it ain't over.
    After the first 5 minutes she went to bathroom to pee came back and had gotten
    up, and she said "Didn't I tell you not to move"
    which she did before she left. Then she pushes me back and mounts me again and
    PHRRRRRTTTTTTBTRPTTTTT a long LOUD fart blast's it's way up my nose followed
    by some little one's and then that was it for my fun, but just the beginning
    of her's. Her last fart was my last time breathing. After that her farting stopped
    although I'm pretty sure she farted one more time, a real dense smelling one
    too. She spent the rest of the time getting off on the power she had over me
    and dominating me. And
    what gives the real element of fun is when I told her, that i wasn't playing.
    because she kept talking to me throughout the face sitting. Asking questions,
    and then sitting back down and farting when i didn't answer, or telling me to
    do things and I couldn't so she would sit down and start all over again. Only
    occassionaly letting me breathe, and an even rarer, letting me breathe actual
    oxygen. She got off on knowing that i wasn't playing. I could not talk or move
    because, I wasn't getting my full oxygen, I was too busy gasping for air and
    trying to catch my breathe, and my brain didn't have enough air to formulate
    sentences, along with the hormonal surge of this experience left me weak and
    very easy to subdue. And she loved it, and I love her for loving it.

    Girls fart and poop on my face

    I was at my uncles house and his daughters the twins Liz and Mel wanted me to
    play a game of "Truth, Dare or Promise" so I agreed because my Dad said that
    if I did not play with them I would never be allowed to come back here again.

    Well everything was pretty boring for a while then suddenly one of the twins
    said she had to go to the bathroom, her sister said, "But it is your turn to
    do a dare." So she sat back down and said, "OK, but hurry up I really need to

    Liz said "I DARE YOU TO ... FART IN HIS FACE." Mel thought about this for a
    while and then said, "OK, but you hold him down..." The twins are older than
    me by about 2 years so I didn't have a hope of stopping them if they wanted
    to do something.

    So Liz held me down and Mel slowly lowered her bottom untill it was resting
    just above my face, then she squeezed and grunted but nothing came out ... she
    tried again ... still nothing. She decided to try once more and pushed with

    "GROSS!" I yelled but before I could say anything else she said, "OOOOPS..."
    and quickly sat down on my face with a SQUEELCH. The smell was almost enough
    to knock me out cold but she then remembered me being under her butt and stood
    up. I opened my eyes and saw her panties bulging full of her mess, suddenly
    the panties dropped with the weight an I was a big poop coming straight for
    my face, I moved just in time and heard the poop splat on the floor just beside
    my head. Mel said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to poop on you."

    I started to get up but Liz said, "Not so fast now it's my turn..." Mel said,
    "I think he has had enough." but Liz had made up her mind that it looked like
    Mel had enjoyed farting on me and that she was not going to miss out on the

    I fought trying to get up but the twins overpowered me and pushed me back to
    the floor with ease, then Liz sat right on my face and started to push. For
    a start I thought she must not have any gas because she seemed to be pushing
    hard but nothing came out. Then she locked my head between her ankles and stood
    up, pulled down her panties a little bit and sat back down and wiggled her butt
    untill my nose was right up her crack. Then it hit, the smell of rotten cabbages,
    she slowly released a steady stream of gas that burned my nose like it was on
    fire. She stayed there for what seemed like hours farting and wriggling on
    my face, then she lifted her butt a little and asked, "Are you having fun yet?
    ... I am but if you want me to stop I will..." I opened my mouth to answer
    her and she quickly sat down trapping my mouth open and said, "Sorry, too late,
    I just got my second wind (so to speak)." The next fart must have been a bad
    one because I remember tasteing it then nothing, I blacked out and only woke
    up about ten minutes before we were due to leave, but before I left that room
    which still stunk of Liz's farts, Liz told me that if I ever tell anyone about
    what happened that day she would fart on me and Mel would shit on me untill
    I was dead...

    That was almost 15 years ago and untill now I haven't dared to find out if they
    were serious or not.

    by:Fartface ([email protected])

    Fart teamer 2

    I like to fart in peoples faces, its required to show affection in our group.
    I also love to aim my ass at people, cut one and then say I fart in your general
    direction. I love to cut one in public then ask someone if they smell my fart.
    The other night, I was training a new fart boy, I came out in white jeans, white
    laced shirt, left open with a muscle t-shirt under it, barefoot, with a skull
    ring and choker necklace. I had just had a big bowl of chilli with cabbage,
    onions and beans, laced with fart powder and laxative. I came up to him put
    my foot up on his lap and said pull my toe and when he did I turned my ass toward
    his face and layed a gut blast that exploded in my pants. It was a nice wet
    fart and left a big skid mark on my elastic panties, so I decided to go all
    the way, with his face firmly buried in my ass, I proceeded to shit my pants,
    letting a big turd come out, then another and another till I had a big load
    in my tight jeans. It left a huge brown stain on the white seat of my pants
    and a huge bulge. I then proceeded to sit right on his lap and blast off again
    with a wonderfully stinky sbd which filled the room with smelly gas like a bomb.
    I asked him does it stink? His reply throughout was thank you mistriss, yes
    you stink horribly and thank you for blasting me. He will be a good little fart
    boy and I decided to have him take me dancing at a local bar, whoa what a feeling.
    Half way through the night, I had to go again, so I went to the bathroom (it
    was a dive bar for neighborhood trash and I was mad at the owner for being a
    bitch to me) so I pulled down my pants and droped my load right on the floor
    then proceeded to take another dump in the sink. I was proud of the mess that
    I made and figured that would teach her to have shitty service. Without even
    wiping I went back out and went up to sing Karioke and sang the song 1234 but
    dubbed my own lyrics over it. 1234 come on baby say its smelly, 567 times 891011
    I'm just gonna keep on farting till you pass out and then proceeded to fart
    into the microphone. Then Jim and I immediately left and I said to him, I'm
    a naughty, smelly bitch aren't I. When we got home I pulled down my pants and
    sat right on his face and said do you like my smelly ass, after two dumps I
    haven't even wiped. I farted again and again and again till he finally threw
    up, it was wonderful. I love to brag about my bathroom habits, how big a turd
    I can make, how I can fill a toilet in one sitting and what a horrible stink
    I can make. I love to grunt like I'm having an orgasm while I blast off on the
    crapper. Till next time, I'm gonna go take a dump know.

    by:Jenette ([email protected])

    Lactose intolerance
    My girlfriend is lactose intolerant also and uses it to her advantage. When
    she is feeling expecially devious, she will intentionally eat ice cream or a
    milkshake and in about an hour or so she is ready to blast me!

    She ties my hands behind my back or wraps me in saran and then sits on my face
    so my nose is directly beneath her asshole. She will slowly sit back so my flaring
    nostrils are actually touching her ass. When she begins farting the volume of
    gas is unbelievable and the odor is really rank. Of course I get off like a
    rocket and after some oral stimulation so does she.

    Occasionally she will tape my mouth shut so I can only breathe through my nose.
    She will sit back, completely cutting odff my air until I begin to moan. She
    will then sit up ever so slightly and just as I begin to take in some fresh
    air through my nose, she lets it rip forcing me to breathe in her awful flatulence.

    The mere thought of a woman altering her diet to produce more gas to torture
    me with is a big turn-on.

    by Nose

    Stink Bombs

    It's true. From the position i'm usually in, i can barely hear anything at all.
    And, in fact, it's a real chore just to be able to breathe. But please, please...don't
    tell my Mistress...She'll think that i don't adore Her, or that She hasn't got
    the most perfect ass in history. i have studied it up close and personally,
    and i can tell You, Goddess Sondra has a magnificent ass.

    Last Saturday, i was studying it from my usually submissive position, the queening
    position. Goddess was fully seated on my adororing face while She chatted away
    with Her friends on the telephone.

    "Yes, let's do lunch, shall we?", i heard Her say as She shifted Her weight,
    and pulled Her luscious buttcheeks far apart, a silent command for me to insert
    my tongue in Her perfect rosebud anus and lick. "Perhaps that little Mexican
    cantina overlooking the beach....wonderful! See you there in an hour....bye!"
    i heard Her hang up the phone, and groan as She twisted Her bottom over my trapped
    face. "Mmmmmmmmmm, little slave boy, you do love my ass so, don't you?", She
    cooed. i would have answered Her, as i've been trained to do, except that my
    mouth was full of succulent Goddess assflesh, warm, dewey, musky with Her most
    private essences.

    "It's a good thing you love it so much, because after my little lunch today,
    it will be wreaking it's havoc!", She laughed. "I'm sure you know what I mean,
    don't you, you little worm?" Goddess stood and pulled Her skirt down, then reached
    and ran Her fingers through my matted hair. "Be a good boy and clean the toilet
    while I'm gone. Make sure you do a good job, and consider it your appetizer!"
    She giggled, grabbed Her keys and left.

    It always delights Goddess for me to clean the toilet, as there are no brushes
    or disinfectants to do the job. Just a slave tongue. Mine. And since Her regular
    queenings have given me decent breath control, i can dunk my head into the bowl
    and lick for a long time before needing to come up for air. Good thing, too,
    because the bowl had not been cleaned in awhile. my tongue licked all the way
    around and down into the bowl as deep as i could reach, my mouth and tongue
    filled with the intoxicating taste of Goddess' excreta.

    It must have taken an hour and a half, at least, but i was finally done. i washed
    up, gargled with hydrogen peroxide, and prepared for Her return.

    i was just coming from my slave quarters when i heard the key in the door. Hurridly,
    i assumed the position, the slave greeting position: all fours, head down, ready
    for inspection if necessary. From the chatter and laughter, i knew She was not

    "Honey, I'm home!", She called out with bemused sarcasm. Her first acknowledgement
    of my existence is always the signal to crawl to Her, and i quickly did so.
    She reached down and tilted my chin skyward, and i could see Her towering over
    me. "C'mon, slave boy, give us a kiss!" She turned and hiked Her skirt, and
    i dutifully kissed each of Her ass cheeks.

    "My, that's so sweet!", i heard the other voice exclaim. "I wish I had one of
    those at home waiting for me!"

    "Well, today darling, you DO", Goddess replied. "Say hello to buttboy. he's
    my little ass-worshipping lapdog!"

    "Hellooooooo, slave", said the other voice.

    "Slave, crawl over to Artemis and show Her what a good little ass kisser you

    Obediently, i crawled over to the curvy young woman standing next to my Mistress
    and peered up sheepishly, as She snickered and turned Her back to me, revealing
    Her round, swiveling backside. i leaned forward and kissed each of Her jutting

    "Ohhhhh, that's so nice", i heard Her sigh.

    "Thank You...i do think i've got him well trained, and he certainly has come
    to know and love his place. We'll see if he still feels that way after this
    afternoon is over!", Goddess remarked. "After all, We have just had a nice little
    Mexican meal, and i think You know what that means!"

    "Oh, You wicked little thing, are You suggesting that We do what I think You're

    "Uh-huh. After all, little buttboy here just cannot love anything in the world
    more than my ass. And if it is to be his life's work, then he'll have to love
    it in all it's modes, won't he?"

    The Ladies had a hearty laugh as they settled back on the couch and began to
    kiss. i settled right by Goddess' feet and awaited Her further commands.

    i hadn't long to wait. Goddess reached down and grabbed me by the hair, and
    pulled me to Her gorgeous rump. i heard a hissing sound, and fely my face burn
    with Her fart as it blasted me in the face. my eyes began to tear as She howled.
    "Sniff me, buttboy, get your nose right up there and inhale!"

    "Pee-yoo!", Artemis exclaimed "That is one nasty smell You have! i'll bet i
    can beat it, though!" As She said this, she roughly pulled me out of Goddess'
    grasp and wrenched me roughly into Her ass crack. "Take a whiff, buttboy, see
    how you like this one!" Her bowels rumbled and She farted loudly, a sulphuric
    smell invaded my senses as i gagged and choked on Her gas.

    "Ewwwwww, You stink!", Goddess chortled, releasing another fart of Her own as
    She sat squarely on my sputtering face. i became so dizzy for the lack of oxygen
    that i thought i would pass out, but i guess that was the point. "I can see
    it in the papers now," Artemis said. " 'Ass kisser cured of fetish, dies in
    process'...let's see if We can't render this little prick unconcious, at least",
    She added sadistically as She wiggled next to Her lover on the seat, my face.

    They spent what felt like hours trading places on me. Just when i thought i
    had a break, a lovely Female ass came crashing down, blocking out my sight,
    my ability to get air, and instead providing me with some of Their Own, one
    stinking fart after another, a contest to see who could be the one to put me
    into dreamland with Their putrid odors.

    Finally, mercifully, Artemis stood up and announced that She had to shit. Reeling,
    my head spinning as though i was drunk, Goddess prodded me up as i watched Artemis
    saunter erotically into the toilet, Her wagging ass trailing seductively behind

    As She closed the door, Goddess called out. "Don't flush, honey! I just realized
    that I haven't fed my pet today, and he must be good and famished by now!"

    Leaning down, She whispered. "Awwwwwww, all that work you did on the toilet
    today, all going to waste, so to speak! Well, don't be discouraged, little man,
    I'll give you another chance." Artemis returned, and presented me with Her naked
    ass, smeared with fresh shit and ready for cleaning.

    "Y'know, I really have to go myself," i heard Her exclaim as i lapped at Artemis'
    lush fanny. "I'll be right back. Then you can clean me, and then you'll crawl
    in there for lunch, you wimp. Afterwards, I expect that toilet to have a spit
    shine, understand?"

    i tried to nod my head affirmatively, only to hear Artemis growl angrilly and
    pull my head back into Her shit chute. And i knew, finally, that i was a true
    ass slave.

    Butt Boy

    Subject: proper place

    yes, indeed, facesitting can happen. my first expereince was when I visited
    New York for new years three years ago and my two female friends back from college
    and i went to a party. During the whole party, they were telling me that they
    wanted to show me what a dutch oven was. of couse, drunk and intrigeud, i said
    sure. i was crashing at one of their apartments so we left.

    for everyone new to this (which i was), this is interesting. They placed me
    on the bed, said they would be back. Both Ladies came back in skimpy nightware,
    came in to the bed. then, it started. They were touching me, getting me turned
    on so to distract me. Then, one went under the covers, while the other one held
    it and she actually farted on me. They took turns.

    At first, i was turned off, but they were giggling and excited. I was getting
    excited. Theyd ecided to pick it up notch and they started getting aggressive,
    taking turns sitting on my face, as the other held my legs, I as forced the
    hwole night to suck, worship, lick, kiss, beg for breath, as their round, smooth
    asses covered my mouth and nose.

    I will tell more, if people are interested. I think it is important we share
    our experiences with one another ....

    by willie

    I was laying on my hammock with my eyes closed swaying
    gently back and forth. The cool air was sweet and fresh. Birds
    were singing. I felt free and at peace. Suddenly the music from
    the birds ceased. I slowly opened my eyes and froze. Above my
    head was a giant female ass, plump and delicious looking. On
    either side of the hammock were long perfectly sculptured legs
    extending to the ground. I lay there motionless staring at the
    most beautiful vision I have ever seen. Slowly the knees on either
    side of me began to bend. The ass grew larger as it slowly lowered
    its perfect form closer and closer to my face. I tried to move but
    my entire body was frozen. The descent lasted for long seconds. My
    desire to be engulfed by the most magnificent ass I have ever seen
    outweighed any fears I may have had. I began to smell the fragrant
    aroma of this giant woman's sex as the descent continued. Finally,
    with grace of motion, the ass began to land on my face. My nose
    was first to disappear between the cheeks from above. They
    descended past my eyes then my ears and stopped only after my
    entire face was buried under a mountain of flesh. It was soft and
    smooth but also firm. I could feel the muscles squeezing then
    releasing my face. I was in ecstasy. I laid there for an eternity,
    not moving, not breathing, Just loving every second of my new
    found heaven. Ever so gently the giant ass began swaying from side
    to side. My whole body moved from side to side hypnotizing me.
    Slowly I succumbed and let my mind be rocked to sleep.
    When I woke I did not know where I was. I was still
    swaying gently, but I was definitely not buried under a woman's
    ass. As I slowly regained my senses I began to remember the
    previous night. How my wife had shrunk me and worn me in her shoe
    to a party. I then realized with horror that I was still in that
    same shoe strapped under her foot. The bitch had drank too much
    and gone to sleep with her shoe still on. I realized her foot was
    hanging over the edge of the bed, thus the gentle swaying. Then
    my mind went back to the dream I had. I played back the dream in
    my mind over and over again trying to figure out the significance
    of it. Then it hit me. Before Jen went to sleep, she said
    something about her panties. I was so exhausted after the night
    Jen put me through that I was hardly listening. As I laid there
    in Jen's shoe, It came to me. She had said she was going to
    show me her companion panties. Another wave of fear hit me. Did
    Jen plan on wearing me in her panties? If she did, would it be so
    bad. I love Jen's 30 year old backside more than any other body
    part. In fact, the ass in my dream had to be hers. But to spend a
    whole day in there would be too much. And after last night, I
    realized what torture she was capable of putting me through. I
    laid there for hours hoping Jen would release me and grow me
    back. Deep down I knew she had other plans. I tried to go back to
    sleep, to pass the time, but my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.
    Finally she began to stir. Slowly Jen awoke and put her
    feet on the floor. She stood up and walked into the bathroom. I
    had forgotten over night just how bad walking was when you were
    under the foot of the walker. After she did her morning business
    and brushed her teeth, she called me. "Honey, where are you? I
    don't feel too good."
    "She doesn't remember where I am" I thought. "She's hung
    over. When she takes this dastardly shoe off, I can escape. I
    won't have much time, though. She'll remember soon enough.
    She then walked into the closet, took off her shoe, and
    dropped it onto the floor face down. She dropped it with such
    force that the velcro strap that was holding me in came loose. I
    fell to the floor a free man. She walked out of the closet,
    turned around, and walked right back in. "Now I remember why I
    went to bed with my shoe on." She bent down to pick up the shoe
    but I was gone. When I hit the ground I tried to come up running,
    but I had to get my equilibrium back. I fell twice. By the time I
    got myself up and running, Jen was walking back into the closet.
    I dove into the only thing available, one of her dress boots. Jen
    saw me. I just barely made my way to the toe section when I felt
    the boot rise and move. A few seconds later I felt it start to
    turn over. I had nothing to hold onto and I tumbled out the end
    of the boot and into the bathroom sink.
    I immediately jumped up and looked at Jen. She still
    looked good considering she was slightly hung over. She was
    wearing a nighty that barely covered her rear end. I had myself
    another close up view of her soft but muscular thighs. "Well
    there you are my tiny hubby" she said. "You should not have tried
    to hide from me. I see you haven't learned your lesson. After we
    eat something we'll begin day two of your training." The dream I
    had came back to me instantly and my heart began to race. "Go to
    the bathroom. I'll be right back for you" she ordered. I did, and
    then just stood there waiting. I didn't know what to do. I really
    didn't want to make her mad.
    I was beginning to get cold standing there naked in the
    sink when Jen came back in. "Let's clean you up a bit" she said
    while turning on the water in the sink. "You look like you held
    up extremely well considering what I put you through." She had
    that evil smile again as she grabbed the soap and lathered her
    hands. She then took me into her smooth soapy hands and washed
    me. Now this was heaven. She held me with her left hand and
    massaged every tiny part of my body with her right. I loved her
    soft subtle hands, and at that moment in time I could not get
    enough of them. "Feel good" she asked? I only purred with
    enjoyment. When she got to my manhood, it started to respond.
    That's when I remembered how sore it was from the sexual torture
    given to me by my wife's foot. Even though it was sore, it still
    got hard. "Save it" she said as she rinsed me off and dried my
    body. What she did next with me I never would have expected.
    Jen grabbed me by the head with one hand and stuck me
    between her legs. She then reached behind her with her other
    hand and grabbed my feet. She then proceeded to pull both hands
    up jamming me tightly between her thighs. My arm was tight
    against her moist panties. My head barely stuck out in front of
    her. She squeezed me tightly and began walking. I don't quite
    know how she was able to walk all the way to the kitchen with me
    wedged between her thighs, but she did. Although her thighs were
    very soft, I could feel her muscles flexing and releasing with
    every step. In the kitchen, while Jen made breakfast, I remained
    between her thighs. After about fifteen minutes of my full body
    thigh massage, she put her breakfast onto a plate and sat down at
    the kitchen table.
    There was just one problem. I was still between her
    thighs. Maybe this wasn't such a problem after all. I was now
    able to look up inside her nighty and see her boobs. From this
    perspective they were huge. I could see her pink round nipples.
    Once again I was awestruck by my giant wife's form. What a lucky
    guy I was, at least until last night. This view was cut short
    when Jen pressed the cloth against her body so she could see my
    face. Our eyes met and she smiled. What an awkward position I was
    in. It tried to smile back but could only muster a pathetic
    little smirk. Anyway it was time to eat. I was literally
    starving, and I was hoping she was going to let me eat. I
    followed her hand while it put a forkful of scrambled eggs into
    her mouth. Then she took a bite of toast. Finally she fed me a
    bite of egg with a toothpick. And this is how breakfast went.
    She ate while she fed me between her thighs. When we finished
    eating, She cleaned up the dishes with me still between her
    thighs. Now that breakfast was over and the kitchen clean, I was
    removed and given a drink of water from a small bowl. She then
    carried me over to the table and placed me on it. Jen sat in a
    chair in front of me and looked at me very closely.
    Once again, I was awed by my wife's beauty. Her eyes did
    not look as good as yesterday, but her lips were just as luscious
    as ever. I could not take my eyes off her huge full lips as she
    spoke to me. "You have had enough fun for the day" she explained.
    "From this minute on you will return to the hell you were in last
    night." I gulped and once again thought of my dream, and my
    wife's giant ass. "You are about to meet my brand new companion
    panties. Well they are not exactly brand new. You see, I've been
    wearing them all night." Another wave of panic crept over me. She
    wants to stick me into an already dirty pair of her panties. She
    wants to wear me all day staring at her ass smelling her deepest
    darkest odors. This was not going to be like the dream at all. I
    think I started to shake because she started laughing. I was not
    liking her evil grin at all now.
    "There is just one little problem" Jen continued. "You
    are about three inches too tall." Now I was really shaking. She
    planned on shrinking me again. I panicked. I turned to run but
    she grabbed me. She had removed her panties while she was
    talking to me. I was too mesmerized to even notice. She then
    stuck my face in the crotch of her panties and said "Breath".
    There was no way I was going to breath. I figured I
    could hold my breath until I passed out and died. "It would
    serve her right" I thought. Jen then wrapped me up tightly with
    my face still in the crotch of her panties and stood up. She
    then inserted the whole bundle back between her thighs and
    squeezed. She nearly broke my ribs and crushed me. I know I
    fainted. She maintained the unbelievable pressure until I
    breathed in her odors and the bundle collapsed. She knew I had
    shrunk again and let the panties fall to the floor.
    When I came to, I was strapped in her panties. I could
    feel the cool silk on my back. Nothing like the feel of silk.
    She was looking down on me as she held them with both hands.
    "My you look cute in there all nice and tiny. How about we
    start with you backwards? We'll switch you around later." With
    that she lowered the panties and began to step into them. I
    knew right away what backwards meant. I also I knew I was about
    to relive a more sinister version of the dream I had this
    morning. I recognized the smell of her feet as they stepped into
    their panty holes. First the right, then the left. It was a
    smell I now knew well. As I ascended my wife's legs, the sinking
    feeling in my stomach got worse with each pull of her hands. I
    could see my destination grow larger and larger as I got closer
    and closer. In front, I could see her hairy bush with her vagina
    lips parting slightly smiling back at me as if knowing it was
    just a matter of time before they got a hold of me. Straight
    ahead were the giant, plump, round ass cheeks that I'd be pressed
    into momentarily. After I passed the knees, it went quickly.
    With one hard yank I was there.
    The panties were a tight fit. They held me firmly in
    place between her cheeks. As she began walking around, the
    movement of her ass quickly drew me deeper and deeper inside.
    By the time Jen was finished dressing, I was completely
    surrounded by ass meat. Once again I could not voluntarily move
    a single muscle. I could tell when she was walking. The swaying
    motion of her bottom caused her ass cheeks to work against each
    other which in turn caused me to twist from side to side. Also
    walking made my erection rub her cheeks giving me more pleasure
    than I knew I could handle. I hoped she didn't walk much but I
    knew my wife couldn't sit still. I new I'd be in deep shit so to
    speak if I had to sustain another multiple orgasm evening, let
    alone a whole day.
    Another thought crossed my strained little mind that
    worried me. I wasn't up against her butt hole, but I knew it had
    to be close by. In my position, a fart could be deadly. What
    about breathing? Since I could smell that smell only my wife has,
    I knew I was getting a small amount of air from somewhere. but a
    small amount of air it was. I figured if I breathed at a normal
    rate, the tiny amount of stale filtered air I was getting should
    be enough.
    As the morning passed Jen did constant walking. I was
    jostled back and forth relentlessly. After what my internal
    clock told me was half an hour, I was approaching my first orgasm
    of the day. The constant rubbing of my hard on between the depths
    of her ass cheeks was making me crazy. Maybe that's what Jen
    really wanted to do to me. Torture me until I went insane. Anyway,
    I was on my way when I learned another of Jen's tricks. Last
    night when I was under her foot she knew when my orgasms were
    coming. Today, with me buried deeply between her ass cheeks, she
    knew again. Don't ask me how, but she did. I was about to have
    one when she clenched her powerful ass. Wow. The pressure on my
    body was similar to being 200 feet below the ocean surface. It
    was pressure from all around me, 360 degrees of force pushing in.
    I've never actually been 200 feet deep in the ocean, but if I
    ever am I'll know how much it hurts. She clenched her butt cheeks
    so tightly, and for so long that I passed out. When I came to, we
    were walking around again and my erection was temporarily gone.
    She did this many times throughout the early part of the
    Something else I became increasingly aware of as the
    afternoon rolled along was sweat. It crept up on me slowly until
    I realized I was soaked in butt sweat. I was sliding around more
    in my anal coffin that I had been earlier. This only lubricated
    the masturbation process and made me approach orgasm much faster.
    Jen's sweat was squeezing into my mouth and up my nose. The taste
    of her butt sweat was burning me eyes, but at the same time was
    making me more horny than ever. I had to climax soon. I really
    couldn't ride this sexual yoyo much longer. I did not like the
    way she could control my orgasms. It added a new level of
    magnitude to her power over me. Once again she read my mind
    because this time when I approached an orgasm, she let me go. It
    was so intense that I shuddered violently and got a little extra
    ass shake from Jen. But like last night, the pleasure turned into
    pain. The continued rubbing of my sore spent penis turned into
    instant torture. And Jen would not just stay still.
    It was a while after my orgasm that Jen showed me her
    next form of torture. I was minding my own business trapped
    centimeters from her anus when she let one go. She farted.
    Unfortunately for me I breathed in any and all air I could get,
    including the air she gave me. For the first time in hours my
    lungs were full. But, believe me, they were not full of oxygen.
    Immediately after she farted, she clenched her butt cheeks so the
    gas was stuck in my lungs. It simply had no where to go. After
    five minutes or so she released and I was able to start the exhale
    process. With my lungs full, the exhale process took minutes. At
    this point I think I was high. I was dizzy, and although it was
    pitch black in my prison, I saw strange lights. I even got happy
    for a few minutes until I fainted or fell asleep.
    When I awoke, I was being jostled violently up and down.
    "Now what". Stairs! It felt like we were going up stairs. A little
    more walking then I felt my waste being pulled backwards. I
    slowly slid backwards bent in half at the waste. Then I saw light.
    Real light this time. I felt myself going downwards on my back. I
    could not fully open my eyes until they adjusted, but I was able
    to breath in lung fulls of fresh air. I opened my eyes slowly to
    the sight of my gorgeous wife sitting on the toilet. I was on the
    floor between her feet, still in her panties.
    "High, tiny hubby" she whispered down to me. "You were
    asleep for hours. I got the whole house clean. Now if you don't
    mind I'd like a little privacy while I go. With that she removed
    her foot from the panty hole and put it on top of me. My body,
    which was only two inches tall, laid sideways under the base of
    her toes. Once again I was breathing between the big and second
    toes. And It seemed I could not catch my breath.
    "There's that smell again," I cried to myself, "but much
    worse than a day ago." Between the stench of her feet, the taste
    of the butt sweat all in me, and the lingering aroma of the fart
    that was still in my lungs, I began to convulse. This didn't make
    Jen feel sorry for me. She just pressed her foot harder on me and
    scrunched her toes until I stopped.
    After Jen finished on the toilet, she slid both feet over
    and placed the big toe of her other foot on my head. She then
    reached down and undid the velcro strap. She slid her feet back
    and once again curled her toes around me, this time picking me up.
    She hopped over to the sink, lifted her foot and dropped me in.
    "You look bad and you stink" she told me. "I don't even want to
    touch you until you clean yourself up." With that, she turned on
    the warm water in the sink and gave me a chunk of soap. She then
    walked out of the bathroom.
    As I watched Jen's giant body disappear through the
    bathroom door, I focused on the perfect ass I just spent the
    afternoon inside. Another sinking feeling hit me when I remembered
    what she said just before she pulled up her panties. "We'll switch
    you around later" is what she had said. I looked, in horror, at
    the pink panties with their yellowing crotch lying on the floor.
    As I stood in the warm water of the sink faucet, I couldn't take
    my eyes off those panties. I was paralyzed by a weird combination
    of fright and lust. Slowly the fright won out and a feeling of
    despair jointed it. There was not a thing I could do to stop Jen.
    She was determined to teach me a lesson this weekend. I hung my
    head and showered.
    For the next 30 minutes or so Jen treated me wonderfully.
    After she picked me up and dried me off, she carried me down
    stairs to the kitchen. Jen ate her whole dinner while holding me
    in her left hand to keep me warm. The warm feel of my wife's grip
    was very soothing and I felt somewhat better by the time she
    finished eating. I still felt depressed, but I also felt glad that
    it was Jen and not anyone else whose body I was being subjected
    to. She looked down at my tiny head sticking out of her fist and
    asked me if I was hungry. I nodded and she produced an eye dropper
    full of something. "Eat this" she lovingly ordered. "It will make
    you strong again." She lowered the dropper to my mouth and began
    squeezing while I gulped down the food-drink mix my wife so
    lovingly prepared for me. I watched her thumb and forefinger
    squeeze the dropper. I imagined it was my head - my face against
    her thumb. I thought it might be my head later. I was overwhelmed
    by the power this creature had over me.
    "I think you've had enough punishment, dear" she said to
    me while she fed me. "I don't know how I could have been so cruel.
    Tomorrow this will be all over for you. I promise." I wanted to
    believe her. I needed to believe her. Then she removed the eye
    dropper and planted a huge soft lingering kiss on my entire face.
    My face was being caressed by those magnificent lips I've been
    longing for for 24 hours. All at once I did believe her. Once
    again I was full of hope. I was going to be a free man again. No
    more torture. Oh how I love this woman. She then cleaned up while
    she explained to me that she was going with her friend to get her
    car. Afterward she would come straight home. "I'll put you to bed
    before I leave" she assured me "You can rest."
    Jen carried me upstairs and into the bathroom. She picked
    up the panties and went into our bedroom. She dropped the panties
    onto to the bed and laid them out crotch up. "I'm going to make a
    bed for you out of these" she said looking down at me. "I want
    you to think of me in your dreams." That feeling in my stomach
    returned with a flash and my dinner didn't feel so good any more.
    "Please don't" I tried to yell back. "They reek." She had
    been wearing these panties since yesterday. They were moist,
    soiled, and smelled like they were worn since last week. Jen had
    been aroused since yesterday from wearing me around, and her
    panties had taken the brunt of the arousal. "You promised no
    more" I screamed. My protests went unheard.
    Jen laid me face up in the crotch of her panties and
    strapped me in. My head was facing the front. Now I was really
    confused. I could not figure out the mind of this young woman I'd
    been married to for 2 years. People change when they get into
    power situations. She began to say something when the phone rang.
    She left me lying there and went for the phone next to the bed. I
    could feel the cold moistness of the panties on my back. It sent a
    shiver down my spine. I laid there getting colder by the minute
    listening to Jen's conversation. The enthusiasm for life I had
    minutes ago was draining.
    "I can be ready in five minutes" I heard her say. "I don't
    really need a shower. Bye." She hung up the phone and my heart
    raced. Again I was about to look my fate for the evening eye to
    eye. Jen walked over to the bed and removed the sweat pants she
    had on since before dinner. She already wore a descent shirt. I
    looked up at her face, but she did not look down. I lifted up my
    head and looked straight ahead at her upper thighs and hairy
    blonde bush. Then I saw her hands coming for the panties. It was
    like she completely forgot where I was. Jen lowered her panties
    to the floor and once again stepped into them.
    I began to scream as she pulled up her panties until I
    looked up and saw her vagina lips again. This time they were
    directly above me and approaching fast. I was resigned to the
    fact that Jen either lied to me or changed her mind. Whichever, It
    was going to be another long night. As I got closer to Jen's
    vagina, it seemed to open for me. The thought of Moses in "The
    Ten Commandments" came into and left my mind. It was as long as I
    was and it wanted me. It wanted to devour me whole. To absorb my
    soul. I tensed my body and made contact. I felt warm moist lips
    instantly envelope me and then close around me. They pulsed around
    me from all sides, massaging my entire form, like it was alive.
    That night Jen's vagina was a living entity feasting on my very
    being. The velcro around my waist held me like a life line
    temporarily saving me from my ultimate fate. I had a bad feeling
    about what my ultimate fate would be.
    Jen finished dressing and went outside to wait for her
    friend. It didn't matter to me. I was inside Jen's vagina. Sealed
    in by her pussy lips. I could breath. I moved when Jen moved or
    when her vagina wanted me to move. I got used to the smell and
    actually liked it. I was warm but wet. Not wet but slimy. I was
    actually quite comfortable and content.
    The ride in the car was euphoric. As Jen sat in the car
    seat, my legs were forced deeper inside. There was a continuous
    pull inward on my body. Her vagina wanted me badly, but the velcro
    strap held me firm. I was lying on my back with my legs up. The
    cars steady rumble was soothing. I was currently at peace and I
    was taking any enjoyment I could get from this weekend.
    This nice feeling lasted until we got back home. Having me
    in her vagina was more than Jen could take. The second she got
    home, she laid herself down and started rubbing her panties. She
    must have walked out of her jeans on the way in the door. I could
    feel the pressure of her fingers on my back pushing me and her
    panties further inside. Finally, she put her hand inside the
    panties and began fingering herself violently. In doing so she
    tore open the velcro strap, and in I went. Jen's vagina sucked me
    all the way inside while clamping its powerful muscles around me.
    It had me for keeps. The inside walls contoured over my face. I
    felt slimy flesh pushing in my mouth and eyes trying to get inside
    me. I felt wave after wave of powerful pulses crunching me.
    Pounding me with every shudder of Jen's massive body. Jen climaxed
    for countless minutes. I followed her into orgasm. I had nothing
    left to give, but her vagina took it from me anyway. It could take
    whatever it wanted from me. I belonged to it. I shuddered
    violently along with, and deep inside, my lovely wife. We made
    love. Eventually Jen's spasms slowed and stopped. She laid
    motionless for an eternity with my exhausted spent little body
    still trapped inside her. As I slowly regained my senses, I
    wondered if I would ever make love to Jen full size again. I
    really had no idea what her intentions were with me. I was totally
    and completely at her mercy. That feeling of deep despair returned
    and I wallowed in it while I waited for my wife to rescue me.
    Some time later Jen began to stir. I felt movement above
    my head and soon felt her thumb and forefinger take hold of my
    head. She tried to pull me out, but her finger hold slipped off.
    Again she grabbed and pulled to no avail. As she pulled, I felt
    like my head was the head of that eyedropper being squeezed; My
    brains forced down my neck and out my asshole along with all my
    other organs. Actually, it felt like she was going to pull my head
    off. Her vagina had me and would not let go. It was not yet
    finished with me. "Fine then" I heard her yell. "Have it your
    way. Stay in there all night." And that's where I spent the entire
    evening. Jen had many more orgasms with me as her unmovable dildo,
    none quite as intense as the first. Her vagina allowed me to
    breath through its own walls somehow, but would not release me.
    Finally, hours later, after Jen dosed off, the muscles of
    her vaginal walls relaxed enough that I was able move. I slowly
    inched my way out. My exhausted little body made its way forward.
    When I got to the opening, it was closed. Jen's pussy lips were
    sealed. I had had enough and wanted to get out badly, so I kept
    trying. It took forever, but I finally got my hands through. I
    began to force my head through, when Jen woke up. Or maybe just
    her vagina woke up. I was instantly squeezed and sucked back down
    Jen's tunnel of love. There I sustained yet another of her
    orgasms. I was beginning to think I really would be here all night
    when the walls around me softened. I again tried to crawl out. It
    took me longer this time, but I was finally able to poke my head
    through. I would have been better off staying where I was.
    My head was now in a jungle of crusty pubic hair. She
    still had her awful smelling panties on compacting her bush into
    a smelly tangle of dried love juices, that came into my nose and
    mouth with each breath I took. And worse yet, Jen was lying on
    her side with her legs together. I could go no further. The smell
    out here was horrible, ten times worse than inside. I tried to
    retreat backwards, but Jen's lips resealed themselves around my
    neck like a living vise. Jen's slow deep breathing made her course
    thick pubic hairs scratch against my face. It looked like this was
    where I was spending the night. My only hope of getting my face
    out of this predicament was if her vagina woke up and pulled me
    back inside for a late night snack. Unfortunately, her vagina was
    finished with me for the night. This is where I was to be until
    morning. At my new size, Jen could torture me without even being
    awake. All I could do now was to go to sleep and dream about

    The Loser -
    A Story from Brian to Jodee,

    The Three of us have just returned from gorging ourselves on Mexican Food and were all feeling a little lazy so we hung out and decided to watch some TV Kim was sitting on the couch, you on the floor and I was in the recliner. Kim was flipping through the channels when she stopped on Pro Wrestling.

    "Get this crap off, will you" I said. "It's completely fake and who wants to see a couple of 300 lb. gorillas rolling around anyway".

    "Shut up" Kim retorted, "Jodee and I like it and besides there are some women wrestlers who will be coming out next".

    "Well in that case, O.K." I replied. I sat back and watched as two very athletic and well built women came into the ring. They began the match checking each other out cautiously and then got into some pretty intense wrestling. I was amazed at the strength of both of these gals, but still could not get around the fact that the whole thing seemed staged.

    "This Stuff sucks" I blurted out. "Now what would be really cool is to see one of them wrestle a guy. That would be interesting".

    You replied "pound for pound, I bet the woman would kick his ass".

    "No way! Any guy could beat any girl in a one on one match unless he was a real wimp!"

    "You're real sure about that, aren't you Brian" you asked with a devilish smirk on your face.

    "Sure I am. There's just no way. First of all, guys are naturally stronger than girls and have a more aggressive and dominating demeanor. Plus it would be too humiliating for a guy to ever admit if he was ever defeated by a girl, so yea, I'm sure!"

    Kim then looked at you and said "Jodee, are you going to let Brian get away with such a statement, I bet you could beat him in a wrestling match no problem".

    "Oh, I'm sure I could if I wanted too, but right now I am just too full!"

    "Oh sure, You're too full. What's the matter, afraid to tangle with a guy" I responded. "We are about the same height and weight so there is no advantage there".

    "Go ahead Jodee and teach him a lesson he'll never forget" Kim exclaimed excitedly.

    "O.K. I will, but there has to be some kind of reward for the winner or punishment for the loser. Kim, do you want to get into this action also?" you asked.

    "How do you mean?" Kim inquired.

    "Well here is what I think we should do. Since there are three of us, I will wrestle Brian first and then the winner of that match will wrestle you. Who ever looses that match will wrestle the loser of the first match to determine who is the Grand loser. The Grand loser will then become the slave and play toy of the other two for the rest of the night. They must do as they are instructed to do, no questions asked. Well what do you guys think?"

    After a few moments I said "sure , I'm game".

    "Kim, what about you?" you inquired.

    "Well, I don't think this is going to be very fair. Both of you are taller than me and also out weigh me by thirty pounds."

    You replied, "I've already thought of that and have a solution. The winner of a match will be determined in one of two ways. Either by submission, or in other words giving up or by holding the opponent down in a facesit pin for 10 seconds. In your case Kim you would only have to hold them down for 5 seconds."

    "Please describe exactly what you consider a facesit pin" I asked.

    "That's easy. The winner Must sit on the others face with their nose pointing straight up so that it is wedged between their ass cheeks and hold it there for the prescribed time."

    "O.K. I guess" said Kim.

    "Sounds good to me" I said. "I can't wait to be served by one of you two".

    "We'll see about that, Brian", replied Kim.

    We began moving the furniture around in order to clear a good size space in which to wrestle. We even moved the couch into the other room to clear the space. We ended up with an area about 12 feet square. The carpeting was pretty thick so we had a padded surface.

    "Are we ready to get started Jodee?" I asked.

    "Almost. We all should strip down to our underwear for this. You know, it will make it more exciting!"

    Kim and I both said cool. I pulled off my boots, took off my t-shirt and removed my jeans and put them in the other room. Both you an Kim pulled down your shorts and removed your tops. You had on a light gray Calvin Klien halter type bra and matching cotton panties. Kim was wearing a light pink thong bikini panty and matching bra. I must admit, I began to get a little aroused by seeing both of you standing there in your underwear.

    "O.K. Kim, you will be the referee for the first match. It is your job to count the seconds for the facesit pin. There is no real time limit on the match and it will continue until there is a winner, although I don't think this will take very long". You had a real determined and confident look on your face and I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into.

    "Ding! Ding!" Kim shouted. "Let the games begin!"

    We began to circle around the room some, checking each other out and taunting each other with gestures and comments. You pointed to your ass and said "in just a few minutes pal, your nose is going to be buried in here". I retorted " I don't think so" but no sooner than I got the words out you dove down towards my knees and reached around them grasping your arms together. You then lifted me off the floor, turned and dropped me on my side. I rolled over onto my stomach in order to try and regroup. I made it up to my knees and was on all fours with you holding a firm grip around my torso and the other arm holding my left wrist firmly. This position was reminiscent of my wrestling days in school. I knew what I was going to do. The old sit out, turn in move to free myself. Before I could execute the maneuver though, you reached across my chest and grabbed my right wrist and pulled it toward yourself and then pushed so my body toppled down to the floor on my right side. You then worked your legs up toward my head in an attempt to wrap them around it. I resisted, but your legs were way too powerful for me to stop. You worked your right leg under my head and swung your left leg over to get me in a head scissors near your knees. My face was turning beet red from the pressure. You slowly worked up toward my head, keeping a firm leg lock on my head. My head was now about mid-thigh and you really began applying more pressure.

    Kim blurted out "You should see his face Jodee, it's bright red. I think he might pass out!"

    "Don't worry Kim, I know what I'm doing. He'll be mine in just a minute." You kept the relentless pressure of your scissor hold for a few more minutes. I began to see stars and feel really weak when you then rolled over on top of me, still keeping the leg lock so I was now flat on my back with my head between your thighs only a few inches from your ass. Then in a split second you shifted positions by getting up on your knees and pinning my arms beneath them. You then moved your feet closer in so that they held my head in place in classic reverse facesit position and sat back squarely and full weight right on my nose! I heard Kim laughing in the background. "You've got him now. One?..Two??..Three?. " I was having trouble catching my breath and was so worn out from the vicious leg scissors I could hardly move. I squirmed and kicked my legs to no avail. "Four?. Five?.Six?.. "
    "No way Brian? Isn't that what you said. Well I say WAY!!" and with that you sat even harder. My nose was pressed so hard against your asshole the only thing keeping it from going all the way in was the grey cotton material.

    "Seven?.. Eight??Nine??." I knew I was history. "Ten? Ha ha! You lose!" Kim said in an exalted voice. "O.K. Jodee, get up, it's my turn."

    "Wait just a minute more. I have a special treat for loser man". I felt you sit up ever so slightly, still applying good pressure on my face. "Boy that Mex we had earlier is doing a real number on my stomach. I think I'm going to FART!!" I was able to breath through the material of your panties through my nose when suddenly PPPPPHHHHHHFFFFFFTTTTTTT you cut a huge long and smelly one right into my flaring nostrils.

    "How's that loser!" you said tauntingly.

    "Oooo Gross" exclaimed Kim. "You farted right up his nose"

    "And there's more where that came from too" you replied. "But enough for now. I believe we have another match coming up now!"

    You stood up straight still standing with your feet on either side of my head and looking down at me said "you better rest up while you can because you are going to have to wrestle again in just a few minutes after I take care of Kim".

    "Hey! Don't be so sure" Kim barked "You may be bigger than me Jodee, but I am real quick!"

    I slowly got up, my head still spinning from the combination of the crushing head scissors and the Monster fart you made me smell! "O.K. I am the Ref for this match. The two of you shake hands and may the best bitch win".

    "Hey!, you should show a little respect Loser" you said. "You may be eating your words later"

    "O.K I was only kidding. Lets get going. Ding! Ding!

    With that both of you began circling around each other getting closer with each revolution. You engage each other in a head lock and continue to circle. You then start to bend your knees and force Kim to come down with you when suddenly she manages to break free from your grasp and move around you so that she has you in a bear hug from behind. She manages to pull you down on your side and begins to move her legs around in order to get into facesit position. You counter by rolling all the way over, but she manages to somehow get on top of you. She is trying to grab your wrists to hold them down while trying to maneuver her ass over your face. You are actually laughing at her grunts and groans as she tries to sit on your face. She lands on your face, but not squarely on your nose. Both of you are perspiring and slipping on each others skin. I move in close in order to verify the facesit when she manages to get your nose near her butt. She comes down hard on it and you struggle to turn away. "One?.. Two?.." I begin counting when you suddenly kick up both legs an manage to capture her head between your powerful legs. You both are in a kind of 69 position now and then you roll over and reverse positions with you on top. She is now yours! You pull your head out from between her legs and sit up straight, lowering you ass right over her face. You manage to get her arms under your legs and then reach around with your hands to straighten her head under you. You slowly begin your decend on her nose, slightly adjusting yourself so that you land your panty covered asshole right on her little upturned nose! She squirms and flails her feet trying in vain to escape her inevitable smothering.

    "One? Two?. Three?.." I can see a smile on your face as you continue to grind you ass and pussy into Kim's face. "Four?.Five ??Six" I can hear Kim's muffled attempts at breathing. "Seven ..Eight? Nine?.. Ten!" As I expected, you beat Kim rather easily. Both of you are panting from the exercise You roll off of Kim and lay down on the floor.

    "Just a couple of minutes before we continue".

    "Come on, lets go!" I exclaim, hoping to gain an advantage against Kim for the upcoming match because of her exhaustion. I was recovering and feeling a little stronger.

    "All right already" Kim says in a frustrated tone. "I'm pissed that I lost to Jodee and you're going to get your ass beat Brian.

    "We'll see about that" I respond. "Jodee, are you ready to begin?"

    "Ready! When I say three, you can begin. One.. Two?. Three" all of a sudden I didn't know what hit me. Kim lowers her head and runs, screaming like a banchee, straight into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me and landing me on my seat. She pushes me back and is immediately on top of me and is sitting on my chest facing forward. She grabs my hands and holds them down in a schoolboy pin. She begins to slide her sweaty body up toward my head. I begin to buck my body up and down, but couldn't dislodge her from her position. She then starts to squeeze my head between the thighs. I didn't realize how strong her legs were. Although she is only 5'-3" tall and weighs 115lbs. I forgot that she was a tennis star at her school and was in really good athletic condition. She continues to inch her way up toward my face. I am still trying to squirm my way out, but couldn't. Her pussy was now inches from my nose. Slowly but surely she is moving up keeping my face wedged between those powerful thighs so now my nose is touching her moist panties. She settles down a bit so her panty covered pussy lips engulf my nose. No I think to my self. I've got to get out before her ass is on my face! I buck up real hard and she looses her balance and falls forward but before I can get up she spins around quickly and lands right on my face. She uses her feet and muscular calves to hold my head in place and leans forward and traps my hands at my sides with her hands. I roll left, then right doing nothing but managing to get my own arm trapped beneath my body. Her asshole in now only a couple of inches from my nose when she reaches around with her free hand and pulls the thong part of her panties to the side. The next thing I know, she sits back hard trapping my nose deep inside her sweaty asshole. "One?. Two?" you begin the count with a gleeful voice. I am sunk! She has me in a position that I can not escape. Her powerful legs trapping my head in position, my nose so deep in her ass because of the sweat that I could get no air. My mouth forced shut beneath her hot pussy lips. "Three?Four? Five!!! The winner is Kim and the grand loser is Brian!"

    Exhausted but jubilant, Kim gets up and turns around to look me straight in the eye and says "I am really going to enjoy having you as our personal slave and boy toy. This is going to be fun. Don't you agree Jodee?"

    "Most definitely Miss Kim, Which is the way you will address her Brian And I am to be called Miss Jodee, Do you understand?"


    "Yes what"

    "Yes, Miss Jodee" Hehe. Kim laughs in the background.

    "Now there are going to be a few rules, but they are very simple. You are here for OUR pleasure, not yours! You will bring us both to orgasm as many times as we like with you not getting off at all! If you complain about anything, you will be punished in a very humiliating way. If you physically resist either of us in any way, we will tie you up so you can't resist. Understood?

    "Yes, Miss Jodee" I reply.

    "Kim, come in to the bedroom with me. We have some preparations to make for our little slave boy loser to serve us but first take off your panties and put them in Brian's mouth. That should keep him quiet until he is needed, I'll but my panties over his head so the crotch is right over his nose! He will need to get used to the aroma. Now stay right there on the floor and don't move!" You both then turn and walk bare bottomed into the bedroom.

    I can hear some giggling going on but that is about it. I hear other movement, but don't know what it could be. After about 15 minutes you both return.

    "O.K. Loser boy" Kim says. "Get your sorry ass up and come here". I am escorted into the candle lit bedroom. I can see that the bed has been stripped down and there is some kind of plastic, like a shower curtain over the mattress. There also appears to be some kind of scarf or something tied to each of the four bedposts. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that this was going to be a real ordeal.

    "O.K. Brian, get up on the bed and lie down on your back with your head at the foot of the bed" you tell me. I do so without hesitation. "Kim, Since I am the Grand Winner, I get to go first" is that O.K with you?"

    "Sure! There will be plenty to go around."

    "Well now! What have we here! It looks like a big loser to me!! Someone who said 'no way can a girl beat a man' Ha Ha! Well now you are going to pay for you insolence. I want you to lay there with your hands to your sides and keep them there. The only thing that you will be moving is your lips and tongue. All this activity has made me very horny and I really need to get off. Kim, please take the panties out of his mouth now and mine from his face".

    You then began to climb up on the bed, straddling my head and facing my feet. You begin to lower your ass and pussy onto my awaiting face.

    "Keep your mouth closed until I tell you to begin." Your asshole is directly over my nose and your pussy is right on my closed mouth. You begin to hump my face ever so gently, back and forth, up and down, never breaking contact with my face. You are very wet from sweat and your natural juices. You begin to grind a little harder and sit back a little further. Since my mouth is closed I have been breathing through my nose and now that is cut off by the increasing pressure of your asshole. I turn my head to the side in order to steal a breath. "Kim, hold his head still so his nose is up my ass" Kneeling at the foot of the bed, Kim grabs my head with both hands and holds it so my nose is straight up. You then reach down and spread your ass cheeks wide and sit back so my nose is completely engulfed in your asshole. Again I begin to struggle and moan for air. I can't take it any more and reach up with my hands to try and move you to get a breath. "Hey! What did I tell you about moving! I guess we'll have to restrain you. Kim, would you do the honors while I stay in position".

    "Sure, it will be my pleasure!" She replied. She then went around the bed tying my hands and feet to the bedposts at each corner or the bed. There I was, helplessly bound spread eagle on your bed with you sitting on my face! How much more humiliating could it get! I was about to find out.

    "O.K.! Good job Kim. He's as helpless as can be! Now where was I. Oh yea. So you would like to breathe when you want to Brian? I don't think so. You will only breathe when I let you breathe!" You then reach back and spread your cheeks again wide and sit back, slowly capturing my nose in your ass, sealing off any potential air. After about 15 seconds which seemed like an eternity you ask "Want some air Brian"

    "Mmmmmmmm" is my only response.
    "Mmmmm, What does that Mean. Yes?


    "Well O.K. Breathe This!" You raise up ever so slightly just enough for me to inhale when I feel your asshole push against my open nostrils.


    A huge wet fart right up my nose! I have no choice but to breathe it all in. It is really rank and I begin to choke.

    "What's the matter Brian, Don't you like the air quality here?" you snicker at me. Kim is hysterical laughing and so are you now.

    "Wow! That mexican food is really working now! How about a taste Brian." You shift your position slightly inching forward a little. "Stick out your tongue all the way and spread it out over my asshole." SSSPPPPPLLLLLAAAATTTTTTT!!! Right on my tongue. Another wet bomb! I've never been through such a humiliating experience in all my life! Eating the farts right out of your ass!!

    "Mmmm! That feels good. Keep licking my ass you loser! Harder! Deeper!" After another five minutes you move back a little into the original position. "Now eat my pussy good and make me cum on your face. Do it now!" I begin caressing you pussy lips with my tongue trying to reach your clit, Meanwhile Kim is masturbating at the foot of the bed with a great view of your ass engulfing my face.

    "Ooooohhh that feel so good Brian. Harder! Harder!! Harder!!! I'm going to cum!!! Oh yes!! Oh yes!! Ahhhh!" You shudder with a violent orgasm right on my face! You slide up and down my face and rub your womanhood all over it. "Boy, I needed that!" you exclaimed. "That was great, Your turn Kim".

    Without loosing a beat Kim was now perched on my face in much the same position that you were in. "Hold his head for me too Jodee. I want to try what you did. That Mex is really giving me bad gas and I have to pee also. You don't mind, do you Brian."

    "Go ahead Kim and smother him first so he is panting for air and then let him have it." You say.

    "O.K. but I'm not sure that I can keep him from breathing through his mouth and nose at the same time."

    "Don't worry, I have a solution". You momentarily get up and return with the panties I had stuffed in my mouth. "Here. First let me wipe them in my ass to give them a little extra flavor. O.K. sit up a little and I'll put them in his mouth. That will stop him." You stuff the nasty panties in my mouth and Kim returns to her position of dominance on my face. She spreads her cheeks wide with her hands while you are watching from only about a foot away. She slowly sits back and settles in.

    "This feel great. You really make a great seat Brian. Oh! I forgot, you need to breathe! Here! Pssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Kim cuts a long slow silent but deadly fart. I have no choice but to slowly inhale all of it.

    "Phew Kim, that one made my eyes water!" you chuckled.

    "I think I have a lot more." Several more S.B.D's and then a loud but short Blast follow. Both of you are now laughing out loud!

    "Have any more?" You ask.

    "I don't know, but I really have to pee. Will you get me a couple of towels please".

    'Sure, we wouldn't want to have an accident"

    You return with a couple of towels and bunch them up near my head.

    "Where are you going to do it" you asked Kim.

    "Why right on his face. Let's keep my panties in his mouth so they can soak up the pee."

    "Good idea"

    I felt Kim lift up a little and saw her asshole sort of relax a bit. Then it hit me. A hot stream of golden piss was cascading all over my face and down my neck. The panties in my mouth were becoming saturated with her tangy pee. She cut a few more farts while she was peeing for extra measure. It must have been a full minute long before the stream eased.

    "Wow that felt good. What a relief. Now I need to get off." With that statement she removed the piss soaked panties from my mouth and moved her pussy over my mouth.

    "Go ahead Brian and lick me gently. I am very sensitive now." I complied gently flicking my tongue across her clit and gently sucking on it. It didn't take but a few minutes before she exploded into a violent orgasm right on my face! She ground her pussy and ass very hard into my face and then collapsed on the bed beside me.

    "Bravo!! Good show" you exclaimed. "Come on into the other room Kim so we can get a drink and relax for a little while. Brian isn't going anywhere. Besides he is our slave for the rest of the night and it's only 9 o'clock. See you later Brian!!
    The End

    Unknown Story an Author

    I awoke in in my own tiny quarters. My body was sore all over, bruised and beaten by the queen's magnificent hand. I sat up in my bed, and looked for Glumdalclitch, but her bed was empty, and her shoes were gone. It was late afternoon, and the sunlight pierced through the giant.
    I was horrified. What the Queen had done reminded me of something horrible that was never related in my original memoirs. When I was in Lilliput, I befriended three peasant brothers, they were loud, obnoxious and lots of fun. No one else in that city made me laugh harder. But they were sick of Lilliput. Towards the end of my visit, the oldest approached me and asked me a question.
    "Gulliver," he asked. "Are the women where you come from as big as you?"
    "Yes," I replied, and I almost laughed at the wondrous expression that alighted upon their tiny faces.
    It was the youngest brother's idea. "We want to leave with you Gulliver!" he shouted.
    I argued with them for hours, but if you would have known them, you would have seen how persuasive they were. Besides, I would be a regular at London Court with these tiny fellows in tow. So I smuggled them out of Lilliput, each securely sewed against the inside of my shirt. Little did I know I would be landing in Brobdingnag instead of England. I was shocked at the giant peasant's home to find them still alive. They were easy to feed and take care of. They were safe until Glumdalclitch left me alone with the Maids of Honor.
    I was setting astride the frolicsome girl's nipple when I felt them kicking and screaming and biting at me to let them out and see the big women.
    The girl groaned. "I love that, splacknuck. Move some more like that."
    The brothers slipped out of their slings and crawled up my neck on my shoulders to stare open mouthed at the breast that must have been the size of the world for them. "Get back inside!" I yelled.
    "Who are you yelling at," the girl started, then squealed, "Ewwww! Bugs!" She flicked me off her nipple and I fell, but quickly landed in two massive hands cupped together. The brothers clung tightly to my neck in horror. I looked up to see the oldest of the maids, still much younger staring down at me with lascivious eyes.
    "What are those?" she asked. "Those are bug men, yes?"
    "NO!" I shouted, standing in her palm. She treated me like a creature, and I shuddered to think of how she would treat the poor Lilliputians. "These are people!"
    Suddenly she began to shake herhands, and the brothers fell of my neck and fell in to the trench of her lifeline. With her left hand she picked me out of her right hand and gave me back to the girl. The girl put me back on her nipple.
    The oldest's name was Yukka. She stood like a tower in front of me in her smock. Yukka was mildly plump and had an enormous bottom. She raised her hand to me, frowning. The brothers were running in the trench. The youngest was on his knees, vomiting from the stench of her hand.
    "The tiny bugmen are cute, but they think that I am stinky." Yukka raised her palm close to her gargantuan nose, and the three Lilliputians became swallowed by the shadow of her nostril. She sniffed lightly, but not light enough. The youngest was sucked up into her left nostril in an instant. Yukka stopped breathing for a moment, and dug into her nose with her tree-sized finger. She reached around for a while in her nose, oblivious to the screams and grief of the remaining brothers. Finally she scraped out a nauseous ball of dried phlegm the size of a boulder. She held it on the tip of her finger up to her face, and even I could see that the tiny Lilliputian was alive, struggling in the gruesome mess. With a grunt, Yukka looked around the chamber, and smeared the mess onto the top cleaning cloth on the pile beside the chamber pot.
    "What are you doing!'" I screamed. "Those are people!"
    Yukka squeezed her huge lips together and blew me a kiss. With her left hand, she carefully placed the two remaining brother on the tips of her index and middle finger of her right hand.
    "You're cute little bugs, but my hands are not stinky." Yukkas eyelids closed halfway, and her pitch black eyes glazed over. She lightly pressed the tips of her fingers to her lips, and looked at me. "Your little pets are bad and rude." She grinned. "They must be punished. I am stinky someplaces." She lifted the back of her smock with her left hand and turned around before I could begin to shriek. Her buttocks pushed out behind her hundreds and hundreds of feet, and the cleft between them was darker and deeper than any alley in London. She licked the tips of her fingers, gluing the two shrieking brothers to the tips, and slowly pressed them deep between the cheeks of her dark and gigantic buttocks. The nipple I was sitting on became stiff, and the girl's hand was stroking her crotch.
    Yukka groaned and spluttered as she shoved her fingers and my friends terribly deep into her bunghole. Her crack was so deep, I could only see the wrist of her hands. She farted several times, and the stench became unbearable. Finally, Yukka stood straight, and her buttocks pressed tight against each other as she pulled her fingers out of her arsehole. She turned around and stared at me, but kept theback of her smock raised up.
    "Your friends are so tiny, splacknuck," she said, disappointed. "I cannot feel them." She smelled her fingertips, wrinkling her nose, and backed up towards the chamberpot. I noticed that the chamber was now crowded with ten giant Brobdingnagian women. All of them stared open-mouthed at Yukka. I looked at the cleaning cloth, and saw the last Lilliputian had struggled free. He was creeping away.
    But he was too late. As Yukka bent her knees and squatted over the chamberpot, she caught his movement from the corner of her eye. She giggled, her gargantuan buttocks over the chamberpot, and casually swiped at the tiny man. He fell into the chamberpot, and she grunted with satisfaction as she sat hard on the chamberpot, her buttocks making a loud slapping noise. I was shocked to see her face flush with pleasure, as if she were fooling around in the hay with some peasant. She opened her legs and smiled down in the pot. She pointed down there and waved at the youngest brother as veins stood out on her neck and she began to defecate, wriggling her buttocks against the seat the whole time.
    I'm so sorry, I thought. I'm so sorry.
    The horrible memory was interrupted when I heard breathing in my quarters. Immediately I smelled the horrible breath of the Dwarf. Quigaluck's terrible face rose like a bad moon from beside my bed.

    Part Three, If You Wince, Don't Bother, and pardon me for the drastic change in style.

    Quigaluck's monstrous face rose above the side of my tiny bed like a bad moon. He was gibbering, and greenish fluid seeped out of his lumpy nose. Before I could protest, one of his stumpy hands grabbed me. He squeezed me tight, and the pressure was agonizing. His breath began to hitch.
    "You, splacknuck," he growled. "You are going to be punished. I'm not the only one to be punished. The Queen had me flogged in the courtyard, again! Because of a bug like you! I hate her! And I know that she's fond of you." His murky eyes lit up. "She would never want any harm to come to you."
    I managed to shout. "You'll only get flogged again, Quigaluck. And worse, now that you have revealed your treasonous hate!" I was shocked by own bravery.
    The dwarf squeezed me harder, and my breath was stolen from me. I was ready to faint. "The King is has left the palace. He's a hypocrite. You gave him the secret of gunpowder, and he's going to use it! After I'm finished with you, I'm leaving Brobdingnag!"
    Desperation crept across my fading vision. "Please! You're killing me! Let me go!"
    Quigaluck looked startled. The pressure eased, but I fell limp in the brute's hand, unconscious.

    A long, yellowish nail prodded my side, and I woke to find myself sprawled out on a cool, glasslike surface. Rising up from unconsciousness, everything was muddled and confused. I was in the center of a circular area about 75 feet in diameter. The edges of the circle curved up into white walls that rose twice the width of the chamber. I moved away from the finger and looked up to see Quigaluck's wretched face staring down at me through the circular opening at the top of the chamber. Sunlight from a enourmous window splashed down into the depths of the chamber. I saw that evening was approaching in the land of Brobdingnag. I knew that there was only one such grand window in the palace that revealed the glory of the sinking sun, but my battered mind could not place it. I struggled to my feet and monstrous dwarf grinned down at me.
    "Where am I?" I asked, staring up at him.
    His gruesome face mocked confusion. "You don't know? Oh, you've been to this place, but you're the first person to be inside it!" He laughed. "I better leave now. I don't want the Queen to find me here." He laughed again and turned away.
    "Where am I?" I yelled, and my pathetic shout bounced around the chamber. Either Quigaluck did not hear or did not care, for his shadow departed, allowing the sunlight to fall fully upon me. I walked to the left and caught sight of something that made me shiver with terror.
    Towering to the right of the giant opened roof of the chamber was the right arm of a chair. The arm was elaborately carved with a huge panther. The Queen's symbol. Frantically, I ran to the right and stretched my neck to see another arm with the same carving.
    And on a gargantuan table beyond the left arm rested a pile of cleaning cloths.
    I fell to my knees. I was in the Queen's rooms.
    I was in the Queen's chamberpot.
    I forced myself to my feet once again and rushed to the curving sides of the chamberpot, tried to clamber up the smooth sides, but I slid back down with a sickening squelch.
    The room shook. Somebody was coming into the room.
    "Glumdalclitch, my darling," the Queen said. "Where is little splacknuck? I've looked all over for him."
    "I'm here!" I screamed. "I'm down here!"
    "I don't know, my Queen," Glumdalclitch said. "I'm terribly worried."
    "Don't be worried. Go to your chambers, now. I'm sure you'll find him in his bed."
    "Yes, my Queen." I heard the doors shut. Then her massive shoesteps as she walked over towards her bed. The bed creaked under her ungodly weight, and it sounded as if she were slipping off her shoes. There was another loud sound, and I couldn't forget the sound of flatulence.
    "My Queen! Quigaluck put me down here! Can you hear me!"
    A drawer opened and closed. "There you are, my little king," she said. "You're a bad little king, and the Queen gets what she wants."
    I began to shriek when I heard the soft sound of her bare feet smacking the hardwood floor towards my terrible prison. Soon her colossal body blocked out the sunlight. A small wooden figure carved in the likeness of the King rested in her palm, and she was talking to it. The Queen wore the same robe as I remembered from the morning, and her boulder-size nipples were angrily pushing out from beneath the cloth.
    "My Queen! My queen!" I screeched futilely. My voice was close to leaving me.
    As she talked to the tiny figure, the Queen untied the rope around her waist with her other hand.
    "This is my throne, my little king," she said crazily to the wooden figure. "You must worship my huge buttocks while I defecate all over you." The robe fell to her feet, and her glorious, terrible body towered above me. Her massive breasts were a creamy black, and the nipples were darker than her shadow. She placed the wooden figure between her breasts and squeezed the mammoth things together, and groaned as she slowly grinded them together in lazy circular motions.
    The Queen came closer, and I began to leap up and down, trying to catch her eye. She was oblivious. She pulled the carving of the tiny king out of her cleavage and held it up to her face. "I like you little like this, my King. You are of no circumstance, like splacknuck, and I will force you to pleasure my buttocks." With that she quickly brought the figurine behind her, which was facing away from me, and groaned as she bent over, her ponderous breasts swinging over the opening of the chamberpot. Her eyes were pointed right towards my position, but they were closed. Her free hand squeezed and massaged one of her incredible bosoms, as her giant, beautiful face contorted with a pleasure that threw me into despair. I shrieked and shriekd, but my voice was now useless.
    The Queen slowly stood up straight, hundreds of feet above me and turned around. I was both delighted and horrified by the sight of her giant, black buttocks. Yukka had an enormous behind, but the Queen was a gorgeous woman. She wasn't plump like the Maid, and her bottom was just as big but more round and shapely. The two enormous cheeks pressed together along a crack that looked to be fathoms deep. She backed up and I stood frozen in terror as she began to sit upon the chamberpot. The dark cheeks of her buttocks began to spread as she sat down, but she did it slowly, enthralled with her fantasy but unaware that it was no longer a fantasy.
    I stared up as all light was erased by this gargantuan woman's buttocks. It must have minutes for her bubble cheeks to land on the pot, and minutes for those huge buttocks to spread all the way above my tiny body. She landed with a sigh, and I fell on my back, unable to move, as I gazed at her incredible anus hovering over me. It was black as her wicked soul, and I saw the wooden figure lodged halfway in her bunghole. Her sphincter clenched and unclenched, and I was assaulted by the unwashed stench of her behind.
    A huge rumble shook the chamberpot, and she sighed as a thunderous fart spat out the figurine. The tiny wooden king fell, clattering beside my paralyzed body. I began to get nauseous as her gas poisoned the air. It was getting hot.
    "OOhh. That felt so good. I love to feel you in my bunghole, my little King."
    Suddenly a sliver of light came down into my prison. The Queen has shifted her buttocks further back on the chamberpot. Her giant loins, awry with a forest of kinky, ebony hair were moist with desire. She spread her legs, and I saw her enormous face looking down into the pot for her toy. She shoved her giant hand between her legs, and I watched as her fingers rubbed her vagina and she poked her index finger into her anus.
    The hand came to the bottom of the pot, dancing around, looking for her little wooden king. I stood up, bursting with new hope. Her long fingers felt along and found my body. Immediately they grasped me. The Queen gasped and she pulled me out of the chamberpot. I rose quickly out of the gaseous heat, past her huge breasts, to her surprised face.
    "Splacknuck, how did you get in there?"
    "It was Quigaluck. He--"
    "Do you like my giant, black buttocks?' she interrupted. Her full lips curled into an obscene grin and her eyelashes fluttered. "You're so pale and small. I don't like playing with a hard, wooden toy!" She rubbed my terrified body between the pads of her thumb and forefinger. "You're so soft and warm. Are you white like that all over? Let me see." I struggled but her strong fingers easily ripped my clothes off. She threw my clothes down into the chamberpot. Her grip on me abruptly tightened as another fart exploded from her giant anus. She smiled slightly, her eyes half-lidded. She licked her lips and pressed me against her wet lips. "I can't hold it any longer. Holding me between her thumb and two fingers, she lifted her gargantuan right buttock off the lid of the chamberpot.
    I tried to scream as I was shoved between the Queen's giant, black buttocks. She slowly dragged my body up ad down the long cleft, then pushed me against her anus. The skin was hot and slimy and smelled of feces. I kicked and screamed andshe just groaned and pressed me headfirst into the her huge bunghole, pushing me in with slow but tight circular motions.
    Soon her finger retreated and I was enveloped by her rectum. It was hot and slimy with a film. She farted several times, but the gas just pushed by me with squealing sounds, I was lodged too tight.
    Then the Queen's huge body began to writhe and shudder. I opened my eyes just in time to see a giant piece of fecal matter moving towards me. I heard a loud sound outside, and it was the Queen screaming with pleasure.
    The feces collided with my tiny body, smearing around me, finally forcing me towards her sphincter, squeezing me out of her anus. I hung for what seemed forever, encased in the Queen's waste, from her bunghole, staring down at the bottom of the chamberpot.
    The Queen sighed with pleasure and wiggled her buttocks, and I fell with a gross smack against the bottom of her chamberpot. At the bottom, I was imprisoned by a huge turd, only my face exposed, and I was forced to look straight up at the Giant Brobdingnagian Queen's colossal buttocks. She gazed down at me through the triangle between her legs, bent over, a look of strain mixed with pleasure, her heaving bosom smashed between her chest and thighs.
    "Little splacknuck," she whimpered with pleasure, between groans. "I like this a lot."
    And I prayed for the damnation of Quigaluck as the Giant Queen smiled as she continuedto defecate upon me.
    Facefarting story

    When I was a senior in school there was this girl in school that always seem to be full of gas. Her name was eddie (pronounced E D ). She was kinda on the dirty side. She was big boned and big butt but very dirty. We all used to tease her about the way she smelled. It was kind of funny because we used to tease each other by saying things like, You kissed eddie, or your eddies boyfriend. She was the ultimate insult. One day in the courtyard. At school we had 45 minutes for lunch and after you finished eating you get to go outside. We were teasing Eddie as always but some how my friend Hank said something that hit home. She told him to quit but he kept it up. Finally she said quit or else. Of course Hank found that to be very funny and continued to tease her. He looked at us and said 'Wooooo she's said stop or else'. Before Hank can turn around Eddie dug both hands into his jaw and scratched and gripped his skin causing him to scream out in pain. She got him on his knees and used her 201 lb frame to knee him in the mouth. She jumped on his stomach knocking some of the fight out of him.She went to straddle his face saying 'smell this'. Hank panicked and moved from under her but she kept trying to sit on his face. Eddie all of the sudden punched Hank in the stomach knocking the wind out of him and then she straddled him again. All of his friends were grossed out because she really really stunk and now her funky ass was dead on Hanks face. Then she passed gas with such a sound people had to form a chain to block the veiw of the fight. because they thought the Principal inside might hear what was going on. Hank was barely moving and was making barely noticable movements with his arm. He was all but out. Eddie rose up off of Hanks head and put the heels of her feet directly under Hanks head and propped up his head to sit on it again. Then she pulled up Hanks shirt to reveal his stomach. Now she really sat hard on Hanks face. She was trying to suash his head. Then she pushed down on his stomach and again passed gas while pushing Hanks face deep up her ass with her feet. The art teacher, Ms Oster, peeked through the crowd in time to see and hear Eddie fart on Hanks face. she started to puke. The smell was incredible and she had to imagine his face being right up in it. Hanks arms just fell lifeless by his side. My friend Joey moved up to Eddie holding his nose asking'Why did you show his stomach and push on it.' She replied that I was hoping that when I farted in his mouth his stomach would rise for all of you to see. Some of the guys thought Hank was dead. She wiggled and bounced on his motionless body and said' I bet you won't tease me again.' She then pulled down her crusty, stained panties and again sat on Hanks face nude. A couple of the guys started to puke and the smell of her farts and her natural funk really was gross. She got off of him and walked away. He was laid out bad and his eyes were open, watery, and red. No one at school ever saw anything like that. Hank never came back to our school and people actually started to talk to eddie. When Hank was on the floor somebody suggested CPR, but no one wanted to give it to him after where his face has been.

    Posted by: FFSBSS

    Wrestling Story

    Me and Tori had been good friends since the 3rd grade, we had just got finished with our junior year of college at University of Massachusetts-Amherst. We were both 21. I always liked Tori a little bit, but not enough to get series. Both of us had just ended our relationships within th emonth before that. We had made a bet, we were just kinda messing around saying who is tougher, we made a bet, the bet said whoever could win in a wrestling match, the loser had to do anything for the winner. We had to clean out our Dorms the next day, so after we went up to her dorm, we had made the bet a month earlier, I had forgot about it to this point...She reminded me of it, I luaghed and said yeah, she said "Lets see it now", her roommate was out for the night, her roomates name is Tammy. There was very little room in the dorm room, I got up and said fine, thinking it wouldn't be series. She picked up one of my legs,Tori was a very fit women, she had size D cups. She tripped me up. I got right up andhardly tried to take her down with a double leg takedown from my knees.I got her legs, but she cross faced me right down. I again got up. She then shot in for a take down and tripped me up, I went straight down to my stomach but fought back up, I felt a little weird getting beat by Tori. So I said hell and shot in picked her up and brought her right down, I got on top...I didn't want to hurt her so I let her up, I then took her down again and said " Ok lets end this, noone wins." She said no, I thought it was odd. I let her up and sat on her bed, she said ok noone lets anyone up now, so I took her down gently again, I just held her down for about 10 seconds until she fought up on her own strength, I was shocked. She shot down at my ankles and tripped me up, I went right down to my stomach, She had a great figure, she was 5'5 and weighed 120. She then sat on my back and held my wrists to the ground so I coudn't get up. She then ripped a huge juicy fart. I was shocked and looked up at her, she raised both her eye brows and smiled. She fought me over to my back, I couldnt get up to her force, She sat on my stomach, I couldnt get up, she stood above me and then just jumped right on my stomach with her ass, It actually hurt and knocked the wind half out of me. I went to hold my stomach when she quickly sat on my face and just say relentlessly, I couldnt even breath hardly. I tried to talk but her ass blocked my voice. She then gave me an inch of air, and asked if I gave up, I said no stupidly thinking I could get up. She giggled and sat her wait.She sat there for about 3 minuted, I was almost blacked out. She gave me another inch of breath and stood up over me, I was in no shape to get up, she stripped into her thong. She said do you give up I refused again and attempted to get up, the second I raised my head she just took her sweaty foot and shoved it in my mouth so I was back down. She then reverse face sat me while she was in her thong. Her asshole was right above my nose. She ripped a fart and forced me to smell it, I then gave up and she was the winner, I got up and askedher what that was all about. She said I had to do anything she wanted. I said ok. I was suprised that she beat me. I had to be her and her roommates slave until they moved out the next day. I thought it was a little weird but I had to agree. She said it would start in about 5 minutes. She let me catch my breath, her roommate Tammy arrived, Tori told her that she won. Tori had told her before that I had to be there slave if she won. Tammy was hot. Her and Tori high fived eachother. They went into the bathroom and changed together into no tops and tammy had the dreamiest ass you had ever seen, she was wearing only a thong. She put her ass up to my face and told me thats what i was gonna live by until tommorow. I was basically hypnotized. Tori changed into little short tight gym shorts and a top and said she was going to the gym, it was the dorm houses gym. She told Tammy I was all hers until I got back. Tammy then forced me to sniff her ass. She told me to follow her into the bathroom as I did. The toilet had an "Out of Order" sign on it. She said "Too bad I got to take a piss." She opened the closet and took out a portable toilet with a place under it, it wasnt attached to the ground or anything. The toilet that handcuffs on each side she made me put put my head under the seat and handcuffed my arms to the side so I couldn't do anything. She told me if I didnt swallow every gulp she had far worse, she explained that she could easily kill me by sitting there and pissing for as long as she wanted. She told me that if she had to shit It would prolly kill me and explained how. So she pulled her thong down and sat on the toilet. Her beautiful ass was about 1 centimeter from my face. I opened my mouth as she pissed right into it. Everytime my mouth would fill up and I would gulp it. Once I couldn't gulp quick enough so a stream of piss dripped out and onto the floor. I quickly gulped praying she wouldn't notice the good square inch of piss on the floor. She was done. she got up and smiled, she noticed the pissed right next to me and was furious. She got me out of the device and challenged me to a wrestling match. I accepted, she said if I won I got out of the slave thing. I could hardly breath so I was pretty much helpless. She was completely naked as she immediately wrestled me down and facesat me. I wasn't about to give up, it was the stupidest thing in my life, I should of given up cause she then facesat me, she said "Lick my asshole clean with my tounge you little fag." I shoved my tounge up her asshole like my life depended on it and licked every bit of shit out of her ass. She was giggling heavily the whole time. She then turned to nice, and explained that if I gave up I could go away free, she said if I didnt she would later force me to give up anyway and I stupid enough refused to give up for self respect , she let me up for a neutral start I didn't have any energy as I shot down at her ankle and practically consciously collapsed on at her foot. She started to laugh at my pothetisism. She then just sat right on the back of my head so my face was pressed agaist the floor with all her weight on it. Tori then came back from the gym, I could here Tori breathing hard, I yelled for help. I looked up at Tori as she was all sweaty, she told Tammy to let me up. She lifted her armpit which was dripping sweat, she forced me to lick every bit of sweat from under her arm pit. Tammy told her what happened while I was gone. They then both wrestled me to the ground ass Tori put her sweaty foot right on my nose so her heel was in my mouth, it tasted worse than the piss. Tammy then sat right on my balls. It hurt s bad I then had no choice but to give up. I was helpless. Tori made me cherish and lick every bit of sweat of her upper body, she then went in for a shower as I was again alone with Tammy. She put on her clothes and told me I had the nigoht off to sleep. I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning, I had a heart tattooed on me with tori and Tammys slave written inside the heart. I thensmelt something so gross my whole body was pissed on. I smelt shit it was gross.There was a sglove sticking out of my pants pocket there was smaeared sht all over the glove, I got up and looked in the mirror and my hair was smeared with shit. Tori and Tammy werent there. I took my clothes off and took a shoiwer immediately my clothes were covered in piss. I then searched through Toris drawer and found a pair of Windpants that I let Tori borrow about 3 months earlier, I put them on, put my shoes on and left. I didnt see Tori or Tammy again that day. I had to move out of my dorm room that day as I got to my dorm room and my roomate was there. I helped him unpack , never told him or anybody what happened. Tori called me that day and acted to be my friend again. She acted like nothing ever happened. Me and Tori currently have a friendship relationship, we are back to our old ways, we never reminded eachother of what happened to that night to this date.

    The End Me and my girlfriends first wrestling experience

    Me and my girlfriend were sitting at home alone one night, I was 15 years old, my girlfriends name is Jill.I wasn't used to submitting, never done it before, Jill told me to lay down flat on my back, I thought it was a little odd but I did it, she said "Close your eyes for 5 seconds." So I did it, while my eyes were closed Jill front facesat me...her parents were gone for the weekend...I couldn't breath her beautiful ass was implanted in my face so well.She sat there relentlesslsy for 5 minutes, I could hardly breath, I was catching my breath when she picked up the phone and called 2 friends(Crystal an Lindsey) invited them over, she then covered the phone so i couldnt here what she was saying, I still trying to catch my breath finally got up. She then pushed my helpless body back down and smiled as she sat on my chest and stuck her foot in my mouth, I am still recovering from the last facesit, she then makes me lick the guzz from in between her toes, Crystal and Lindsey her friend only live a few blocks away so after that they were there. Im in shock I got up and replied with "What are you guys doing." I didnt know if they knew what was going on, So I acted like it was nothing, Jill then said there here for the same thing, and there aint a thing you can do about it. They then all stripped down into bra and panties. I was helpless as they forced me down to the ground, Lindsey then reverse face sat me and ripped a terrible fart, it smelled so bad, she then replyed with "Theres more where that came from." She then ripped another large juicy fart, she then gave me some breath and said "Smell it." And giggled. I had been goin out with Jill for almost 2 years so I didn't know what this was, I had never seen this side of her or any of them, nor has anyone. Then it got worse. Crystal then went the bathroom, while Lindsey shoved her foot in my mouth, I saw Crystal enter the bathroom...She was in there for only like 2 minutes, no toilet flushed, they then took me into the bathroom and showed me that there was crystals dump with no toilet paper, I said "Oh my god thats gross." Crystal then responded with "Yup the toilet is where your tounge comes in." She brought me into the other room after she flushed the toilet, I was out of breath and beat, she then made me shove my tounge up her ass and lick it clean, I shoved my tounge up there as if my life depended on it. Then while my tounge was still up there she forced me to the ground and put all her body weight on me. Her ass blocked my view of Lindsey or Jill. After I was done licking her ass hole clean, I was disgusted, I got up and said " What the hell is this." I didnt see jill only lindsey and crystal, then Jill from behind me says "Need something to wash it down with." I was like huh? She grabbed my head from behind pulled it back, opened my mouth, put her moist pussy lips about a centimeter from my mouth and pissed right in my mouth, It was gross, I spit it out not knowing what I was doing and moved out of the way of her grasp. She then said , "Oh so you wanna be like that, huh? We were gonna let you go after this, now the rest of your night is gonna be hell!!!" She then laughed. They then all held me down and Jill pissed in my mouth leaving me no choice but to swallow every gulp, it tasted like warm beer, it was gross. I was almost done. I just sat there laying helpless after Jill was done. Then Jill and Lindsey went up stairs and said they were gettin ready for bed while Crystal stayed there with me. I asked Crystal what the hell was going on. She just laughed, I didn't have enough energy to get up and leave, I wasn't going to go out, I live on the other side of town , my parents thought I was staying at my friends Randy's house when I gonna stay at Jills house. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there, then Jill came down, in English class we were reading the play Romeo and Juliet, Jill reminded me by saying you know how we are reading Romeo and Juliet, im gonna finish it up now. She then just sat on my face and started to read it, after about 20 seconds, I decided I have had it, rolled over, they were furious as I rolled over. They wouldn't let me go, I didnt know where I was goin so they got me. They brought me over to Lindsey who forced me to worship her foot. They then held me down, when the grossest thing happened, I was held down Jill was blocking my view, and Lindsey just took a shit right on me. it smelled so bad,She somehow purposely smeared some on her ass and facesat me, with the shit on it , it was so gross, Crystal and Jill held me down, after about 5 mintued I passed out.Then I woke up!!! It was all just a dream! I woke up it was about 11 in the morning in Jills bed, she was right next to me sleeping still. I thought about telling her the dream, but I never actually did.

    The End

    Major Facesitting

    3 years ago, I was 17 years old, my neighbor was a rather obese girl, she was 34 years old, was 5'5 and weighed about 300 lbs. I didn't make much contact with her or anything, I didnt know her too well. She called me up and invited me ovr, she said it was important so I walked over, she let me in. She brought me into a big room where noone was there. She told me she woul be back, she came back out in a bikini, I was wondering why she was doing it. I thought it was odd, she told me to come over to her, so I walked over to her slow. She was a beatuiful obese women. She then shot in and wrestled me to the ground right onto my stomach, she sat on my back , I wasn't gonna move from right there. I was only about 150 lbs. I was helpless. My back was almost crushed, I was almost passed out. She rolled me over and sat full weight on my stomach for about 5 minutes. I was a bug-squashed. She asked me if I gave up. I said yes. She said oh no you dont. She moved over to my face and reverse facesat me. I couldn't even move. All the weight was on my face. I was crushed. I kept on begging for her mercy but she wouldn't let me. My face was squashed. Before I went I told my girlfriend that I was goin over for a second. While my face was under her ass she kept on farting. I had no choice but to sniff away. My girlfriend came rushing over after 2 hours of me being there. She got up to answer the door. I was in no condition to move. She let my girlfriend in who was screaming at her. She wrestled my girlfriend right to the ground placed next to me. and sat her ass on both of our faces for literally 3 hours. Farting about every 2 minutes. to be continued...

    Everyone is asking for my new email address, however since notthemama posted it in her reply to her frictional story I guess it doesn't matter now. Somebody is going to get a serious buttkicking when she gets home. I just checked hotmails and its working fine. especially since I just read 2 letters from norman. My roommate and I are going over Alices tonight. She wants to wrestle her. I told her no one really has been that stupid but she says she is so fast that she isn't going to worry about it. On another note I was told a story today that no one on earth can tell me is a lie because of all people my grandmother told me. My granny has raised over 18 children as a foster parent. Well as you can guess since foster kids aren't related sexual problems arise. She found out about my love for sitting on people and told me this story. One day she was in the kitchen when she heard tussling coming from one of the bedrooms. It was the day after halloween. She looked in the room and she saw Wanda squeezing Jeffs head between her legs. She said she was squeezing his head skinny. His mouth was stuck open and he couldn't close it she was squeezing so hard. My granny is very strict. She yelled ' You little tramp let him go right now'. Before she could say anything else the doorbell ring. She went to answer it, Well you know this is a old story because she said a salesman was at the door to give her a free sample of a new product 'Palmolive dish washing liquid and Drive detergent'. Anyway 30 minutes later she came back to finish yelling at Wanda(16) and Jeff(17). She was now sitting on his face and he was barely moving to get her off. My grannys eyes opened wide and she yelled'You pigs, I will fix you' She went outside to get a small tree branch. When she got back Wanda was gone but Jeff was still laying on the floor. She yelled get up and started punishing him with the stick. I called Wandas house to ask about the story and she told me that they were fighting over the halloween candy. He took all of her Reeses Cups out of her bag and she wanted them back. When my granny left the first time she told him I will make you give them back and rolled from headscissors to a facesitting. She then did everything she could to fart on his face. Shortly before my granny came back the second time she suceeded in farting on his face. She got off of him when she heard her return and she hid under the bed. The funny thing about it was that he had no idea why he was being punished. He didn't remember any of my grannies visits. She also told me that wasn't the first time she sat on him and that she sat on most of the boys face in the house because it was the only way to make them give. We talked about facesitting because I didn't know she was into it. Even longer than me it seems. She is coming over Tuesday and I am going to show her this board.

    by: Shesit101

    Babysitter story

    One night when I was 9 years old, my parents were invited to a party and decided to get me a babysitter. They thought that the neighbour girl Nikki was a good choise. They called her and she accepted the job. Later that evening Nikki came by and my parents left. Nikki was 15 years old and very attractive with an extraordinary body! It wasn´t that late yet so I decided to watch a little TV. Then Nikki came out of the kitchen (where she had been doing her homework) and told me to turn it off. I asked why and she said that she couldn´t concentrate if she heard the TV. I asked if maybe she could close the door she wouldn´t get disturbed. But then Nikki got mad and ran up to me. She grabbed my hair and forced me down to the floor. I yelled at her and asked her to stop, but she just pushed me down on my back and sat down on my chest and held my arms. I laid there and were not able to move at all. 'What are you going to do?' I asked.
    'I´m gonna teach you to respect your babysitter you little bastard' she replied. Then she moved a bit forward and sat down on my mouth. She was very heavy, even though she didn´t sit full-weight on my face. She were dressed in a pair of very tight training-pants and had a small t-shrit on as well. I was wondering when she would get of, but she didn´t. Instead she were able to take of her pants while sitting on my face and now she was sitting with a pair of briefs on my face. She moved a bit forward and put her pussy over my nose. I could feel that she was wet and it smelled like pee. I was disgusted when I had her wet black panties over my face and now it was a bit hard to breath too. I could hear her voice from up there: 'It´s going to get worse because of your stupid attityde, soon you´re going to lick my asshole', she said because I was trying to move away my head from her big wet pussy. After a while she moved away and I were able to breath. I almost started to cry when I she grabbed me again and pulled me up on the sofa. There, she tied my hands with a rope that she had taken with her. And then she put me down on the floor, and told me to stay where I was sitting. I was sitting on the floor with my head on the edge of the sofa. Then she took of all her clothes... Her pussy was pretty hairy, not shaved and her breasts were very big for a 15 year old girl. She had a magnificent body! She approached me and said: 'Now you´re going to lick my butthole clean and if you don´t do as I say I´ll take a dump in you´re little mouth' You understand!?' I certainly didn´t want to eat her poo so I thought that it would be best to do like she said.
    She turned around and prepared to sit down on my mouth. She had an extremely large butt and it looked like it could hide my entire head in there. I was starting to get very scared when she separated her buttocks and lowered her but down on my face.
    Now my mouth was in her asshole and I didn´t see very much. I could feel the smell and it wasn´t very pleasant. 'Lick it' she shouted and pushed her ass harder down on my face. I started to lick her ass clean. It didn´t taste as disgusting as I always had imagined, but I really didn´t like it. I could hear her groan and she started to wiggle her bottom. She really liked being licked in the ass by a 6 year younger boy. This went on for a little time, I continued because I could still breath and she was threatening me about what would happen to me if I stopped.
    But suddenly, she stopped moving around and raised her ass a little. I stopped licking and thought that she might have had enough. But she just stood there, with her ass just an inch from my face. Then she moved her arms back and hold my head still. I wondered what she was going to do and then I heard some strange noises that you wouldn´t have heard if you weren´t in my position. Then i saw her little brown butthole, it opened a little bit and out came a horrible sound that sounded like an earthquake. Along with the sound, a lot of warm gas came out and it smelled almost like a skunk! She had farted a big wet one right into my face! Directly after the fart she pushed my nose into her ass and told me to sniff it in as hard as I could. I was dead scared so I sniffed it in, I almost vomitted because i smelled worse than sour milk and rotten eggs together! I was wondering why a beatiful young girl did this? Now my nose was stuck in her huge butt and I couldn´t see a thing...
    But still I heard that Nikki took the telephone and dialed a number. Then she started to talk:
    'Hi Anna! It´s Nikki! Hurry up and get down here! I´m at my neighbours place. I got a little guy here and I need your help to punish him.'

    When Nikki had put the phone down, I started to feel very scared. She had just called another girl to come and do disgusting things to him, what would happen now? Nikki walked in to the kitchen to get something to drink while she was waiting for her friend. She was still naked, and she was very beatiful. After a while she came in to the living room, and said that she was going to facesit me a little more while we were waiting. She got up on the couch and stood with her long legs on each side of my head. I looked up and saw her big ass and then when she plopped down on my face I couldn?t see anymore. My nose was up her butt crack and her wet pussy was in my mouth. She got up sometimes do give some air, which was good. Then i could feel that the smell became worse. I realised that she had made a silent fart on my nose and I could feel the smell. I wondered what kind of food Nikki had been eating, because this was really disgusting and I thought that I was going to pass out. She farted again two times, and then the bell rang and she got off me. I thought I was lucky, but it was only going to be worse. Her friend, Anna, was pretty fat but she had a nice face. She had black long hair and beatiful eyes. But when I realised that Anna wanted to sit on me too, I was really worried. With her huge ass, she could hide my whole head under her butt. 'Let?s go upstairs, I want to smother him in the bedroom' Anna said.

    So they grabbed me and walked up to my parents bedroom. My hands were still tied and I couldn?t do anything... Nikki sat down on my chest when they had put me on the bed. I saw that Anna was taking her clothes off, apparently she liked to sit naked on peoples? faces, not with her clothes on... Nikki remained sitting, when Anna came closer. She had a non-shaved pussy and a much bigger ass than Nikki. She sat down on my face and did some front-sitting and she did full weight facesitting. My face hurt very much and it was impossible to breath. Luckily, the bed was very soft and my face sunk down in it. She got off pretty quick. 'Have you tried to sit on him in reverse sitting? Was it good?' Anna asked. Nikki said: 'Yeah, it was awesome, and I let him smell my asshole really could. Try it!' 'Yeah, I feel like doing reverse sitting today.' Anna said. I realised that thes young girls had done this a lot.

    Anna turned around and know her ass was a few inches from my face. Her butt-hole was as big as an eye and know she lowered it down on me. My nose sunk into her asshole and I could feel her asshole open so that my nose entered and it was inside her ass.
    After a long time, Nikki got off my stomach and she sat down in Annas lap! I could feel the pressure on my little nose and I thought that my head would plop into Annas ass and disapear! After a short time of double-facesitting, both of the girls got off me. I breathed as much as I could, I didn?t konow what would happen next?

    Anna laid down on her back and said: 'Know, you?re going to lick my ass, junior!' I looked at Nikki and she said: 'If you don?t obey, you know what will happen...' So, I laid down with my face behind her ass. Anna was on her all four now and Nikki helped her to spread her buttcheeks. I shoved my head into her ass and started licking her anus. It didn?t taste good but I kept doing it. 'Lick harder! But your tounge into me!' Anna screamed. I did as she told me and licked harder. Then Anna told Nikki to press my face into her anus. Nikki pushed my face in, and my nose was in her buttcrack and Anna made noises that sounded like she was trying to press a turd out. But instead she made a big, long, loud, wet, stinky fart into my nose. Anna told me to lick her pussy while she farted into my nose. She said that i had to sniff them in too, and i almost started to cry. But I did as I was told, and she kept farting on me. After a time of farting and pussylicking, she came in my face, and I got pretty sticky... 'Oh god, that was lovely, finish him of Nikki...' Anna said and laid down on all four again. Then Nikki sat down on the back of my head and my head disapeared in Annas large butt again. This time, it really felt like I was going to disapere into her asshole... She farted some more and Nikki said that I had to say that their asses smelled like flowers or else they wouldn?t let me go. 'How does it smell!?' Nikki said and pulled my face up. 'It smells wonderful!' i cried.

    'Hmmm, I don?t belive you.' Nikki said and then she said: 'Anna, bring him into the bathroom' 'Wow, what are yo going to do with him honey?' Anna asked while she dragged me into the bathroom. 'You?ll see. Put his head on the toilet chair!' Nikki said. I tried to get out of there, but Annas powerful arms were to strong! They tied my hands around the toilet and 'opened' it. Then Nikki turned around and showed me her asshole. 'As a final punishment, you must take what?s coming out of this hole and s wallow it!' she said. I desperatly tried to turn my head, but Anna hold me still. Nikki acted like it was a normal toilet and talked loud to Anna: 'Oh god, i shouldn?t have eaten all that strong food. I have to take a big dump in this little sweet toilet here...Open wide, little toilet.' With great force, Anna opened my mouth, while holding my nose so I couldn?t breath through there. I tried to close my mouth, but Anna was much bigger and stronger than me, so I had to open my mouth. Nikki put her legs on each side of the toilet and spread her buttcheeks. Then, very slowly, she lowered herself down on my mouth. I put my tounge up her asshole and i felt the little hole on the tip of my pink tounge, that soon would be brown... Now I felt that it opened a little, and something hard were slowly, slowly coming out. She was pressing out a turd on my tounge!!! I heard some noises from her stomach, and now her ass opened wide. I could feel a thick but not enormous turd coming out. A knew that it would fall down soon and tried to put my tounge away from it. I heard Nikki say: C?mon, come off little turd...' And then, it came off and a little turd landed in my mouth. I?m very supriesed that I didn?t throw up, because I felt very disgusted with having a much older girl?s shit in my mouth... 'Now, EAT IT!' Nikki screamed. But ?t was impossible to do something like that...

    'Well, I can feel bigger ones coming, you have to swallow it sooner or later!' she screamed furiously. Then my saviours came. My parents opened the front door down in the hallway. 'Nikki, someone is coming!' Anna whispered. 'Oh shit, quick get our clothes! I clean up in here!' Anna ran out to the bedroom to get the clothes, and while I threw up in the toilet Nikki whispered into my ear: 'Listen kid, if you tell anyone about this, I?ll kill you! Understand?' I promised not to tell anyone about it and Nikki ran out. And i didn?t tell anyone about it. Untill now.

    Posted by: Trespasser

    Young sit experience

    My niece always like to sit on my face when I used to baby sit her. I always thought something was screwy in her household that prompt a 12 year old to always wanting to sit on people. One day she wanted ice cream & I told her after she ate. She yelled she wanted it now. I said shut up and come and watch TV. Well she was 5'1 198Ibs and a huge ass. I was laying on the floor on a pillow watching TV. She quickly sat on my face with a plop and asked, 'how about now.' I was clawing into her ass trying to get her off and she was just sitting there without any movement. Then she passed gas on my face and continue to sit. I laid there in a daze after she finally got off. I don't think I passed out but I saw her there licking a ice cream and I didn't remember seeing her take it. I was 16 at the time this happened. I had mixed emotions about facesitting at that time but know I like it. She has face sat me more than 30 times in my life. 2 of which I passed out. Shes a freak alright but she tells me how she facesits her boyfriends all the time. Once in front of his friends.

    Posted by: Nubian FSX

    Fart Stories Please - heres mine

    Please everyone respond that has any face farting stories, here is mine

    One time i was laying in bed with my GF and she decided to sit on my stomack with her feet facing my head. I always love it when she sits on my face and she knows this, so she asked, 'hey hun do you want me sit on ur face, ' she was wearing boxers and i was like, hell yeah, so she planted her butt right on my face and stayes there for a while. She doesn't know about my fart fetish, but she does it to me a lot just to be funny. She then said, 'uh oh', and tilted her butt and let a huge fart right on my nose. i played like i was struggling but let her stay there for awhile, she then got off of me and asked how i liked that smell. I told her she was gross and left. But inside i was like thanks hun.

    Posted by: Balron

    kindergarten facefarting

    This thing happened when I was about 4-5 years old and went to kindergarten. Every day when we had eaten lunch, we were forced to take a nap for about an hour. The two year older children didn´t have to sleep, but they had to watch us so we didn´t cause any problem. IF you caused trouble and were lucky, one of the older girls would sit on your chest and tickle you for a while. One day I yelled and were pretty cheeky, so one of the girls, her name was Veronicka, were going to take care of me. But she didn´t sit down on me, instead she took my matress and dragged me in to a storeroom and closed the door. 'You´re a little troublemaker aren´t you?' she said and sat down on my arms and tickled me for a while. Suddenly, she stopped the tickling, and turned her sitting-position so that she was facing my feet, still holding my arms. Then she placed her butt a few inches from my nose, and farted! A long, smelly, wet one. Then, she quickly lifted her skirt so that I could see her panties and then she sat down on my face. I couldn´t see anything because her skirt was covering my face. I could feel my nose venturing in her little asshole and I could feel the smell. 'How did the fart smell?', 'Can you breath down there?' she giggled. This didn´t go on for more than a minute, but after that she lifted her bottom and pulled of her panties so that I could see her white butt.
    'Kiss it!' she laughed and then I gave her a big kiss on one of her buttcheeks. She laughed, put on her clothes and ran out to the others.
    She never did this again though...

    If anyone of you out there has experienced a similiar thing, please tell me about it!

    The Man of a Thousand Uses

    I had gotten about two miles down the road before I realized what I had done - I had left my journal sitting on the desk in the
    bedroom. I had been writing in it earlier in the day, and had simply forgotten to put it back in my backpack before I left for
    school. There was no doubt in my mind that Con would read it if she found it there - she was always trying to sneak a peek inside
    when she thought I wasn't looking. Until now, I had always been careful to never allow that to happen; my journal simply
    contained too much "incriminating" information.

    You see, Con is my live-in girlfriend, and as ashamed as am to admit it, I have never been a very good boyfriend. In fact, I had
    taken almost every chance I had to cheat on her over the years. I don't really know why - I simply couldn't help myself. I have
    always loved women, and if I happened to glance a willing smile at a bar or at a party, well, invariably things would happen. I had
    always detailed these encounters in my journal (which I realize now was a foolish thing to do), so it is easy to see why I wanted to
    keep it out of Con's hands. Although she was a beautiful woman, Con could be quite vengeful when she was angry. I had seen her
    carry grudges for years, but eventually she would always extract her revenge. The last thing in the world I wanted was to be on
    the receiving end of her wrath, so I quickly turned the car around and raced back to the apartment.

    As I pulled into the parking lot, I could sense immediately that something was wrong. I had a sick feeling in my stomach, and I
    was almost shaking from nervousness. I slowly made my way up the steps, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

    There she was. She held the journal in one hand, and the phone in the other. Tears were streaming down her face, her eyes were
    red, and her nose was running. When she saw me, she told her friend, "He's home now", and hung up the phone.

    For a long time, we simply stared at each other. My mind was racing. Finally, I decided to try to take control of the situation; I
    took a couple of steps toward her and barked: "How could you read my journal?! You knew that was private! I ought to..."
    Before I could say another word, Con cut me off - she had heard enough. "FUCK YOU!" she screamed through her tears. "I

    To this day, I don't understand what happened next. Con let out some type of weird scream, suddenly it felt as though fire was
    coursing through my veins. I was gasping for air, while my brain was racked with unbearable pain. I was in anguish! I fell to the
    floor, my entire body paralyzed. My head was spinning, and I tried to yell out but there was only silence. It felt as though my body
    was being compressed in a vice. The next thing I knew, all the pain was gone, and I could move again, but I was so disoriented
    and dizzy that it was all I could do just to sit up. As my head began to clear, I almost went into shock - I was still looking at Con,
    but now she was the size of a skyscraper! I was too small to even leap to the top of her foot! I was no bigger than an ant to her!
    In fact, my entire living room had swelled to enormous proportions! She bent down and looked at me, but I could not read her
    face. She did not appear surprised, angry, happy, or anything else - she simply stared at me much like one would stare at a rock
    or a drop of paint. All I could do was lie there and tremble.

    Finally, she began to walk away from me, and I could feel the vibrations her footfalls made. I was literally on the verge of a
    nervous breakdown - my mind and senses were simply overwhelmed. Running or hiding never even entered my mind; I simply sat
    there in stunned silence.

    Moments later, Con returned with some tissue in her hand. With amazing quickness, she bent down and clasped the tissue around
    me. When she stood up and flipped her hand over, I was engulfed in tissue in the palm of her hand, staring right up into her
    impossibly huge face. She spoke for the first time, and although she was speaking very quietly and controlled, the words ripped
    through my head like a shotgun blast: "YOU SON OF A BITCH. I AM GOING TO SEE TO IT THAT YOU GET WHAT
    HOUSEHOLD OBJECT TO BE USED HOWEVER I NEED OR DESIRE." With that, she raised the tissue to her nose, and
    situated me just below her right nostril. Before I could move or speak, I was flattened to the tissue by a huge rush of hot wind, and
    then completely coated by Con's steaming snot. The noise was deafening, and I felt like I was drowning in a huge vat of hot glue.
    She crumpled the tissue in her hand, twisting my body into an impossible position, and dropped the tissue into the trash can beside
    the toilet. I couldn't speak or move, and breathing was very, very difficult. If I died in this tissue, I knew Con wouldn't care. In
    fact, I was not even sure if she would ever get me out of here!

    Hours passed. Con's snot hardened to the consistency of steel, and I was still hopelessly enmeshed. I was beginning to believe
    that I was doomed to die in this tissue, when suddenly I could tell through the tissue that the lights had come on in the bathroom. I
    heard water running, drawers opening and closing, and I felt something slam into the tissue - she had obviously dropped something
    else into the trash can. Before I knew it, I felt my stomach drop as the tissue I was in was once again being squeezed and lifted
    swiftly into the air. Con opened the tissue enough to expose my snot-covered head, and roughly peeled the mucus away with her
    NOT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO BEING DONE WITH YOU." She continued to roughly free my body from its unusual prison,
    and when she held me up again, I realized she was sitting on the toilet. She gazed at me with fire in her eyes, and I fell to her palm
    in pain and covered my ears as she once again bellowed her horrible, guttural scream. The unbearable pain returned immediately,
    but instead of feeling compressed, now I felt as if my body were on a medieval rack - I was being pulled and stretched, and
    enduring anguish unlike any I had ever experienced. It was over much more quickly than before, and once my bearings returned, I
    realized that I had grown from my former ant-like size to about 3 or 4 inches. I stared into her face, and it still registered only
    detached nonchalance.

    LEFT, I THINK I WILL USE MY LITTLE HUMAN CORNCOB, INSTEAD." Before I could even speak, Con squeezed me
    tightly in her hand and held my head down between her legs as she began to go to the bathroom. She began to piss, and the
    steaming yellow liquid poured out of her less than an inch away from my face. The fumes began to burn my eyes, and even if I
    tried to hold my breath it felt as though my nose was on fire. An errant drop sprayed right onto my face, and caused me to dry
    heave. I literally thought my skin was going to peel off! Before I could even catch my breath, however, she began to take a shit,
    and she wasn't lying about having an upset stomach. The shit exploded out of her asshole all at once, and coated the inside of the
    bowl. It seemed to be almost liquid in consistency, and continued coming for about 30 seconds. She paused, squeezed me a little
    tighter, and then a little bit more plopped out right in front of my face.

    Even though at some level I knew what was about to come next, my mind would not accept it. That made absolutely no
    difference, however. First she reached over and began running some water in the sink right next to the toilet, and without the
    slightest hesitation plunged me right down between her legs. She began with her vagina, and rubbed me briskly in her pubic hair. I
    could feel the warm piss coat my head and my body. After a few strokes she would take me out and stick me under the water,
    and then I would go right back to work. Once she was satisfied that all of her piss had been sopped up, she went night to work
    on her ass. Pulling her cheeks apart with her left hand, she thrust me right into her crack with her right. At first all she could do was
    one stroke, because her runny shit would completely cover me. I don't know how I kept from passing out - my eyes, ears, nose
    and mouth were full of Con's shit, and she didn't ease up. After several passes, she began to scrub a little more vehemently before
    washing me off in the sink. Finally, she put her finger behind my head and rubbed it roughly all along her crack. The ridges in her
    ass felt like sandpaper, but were almost pleasant compared to the way she worked me over her asshole. For her grand finale, she
    dug into her hole with my head until it completely entered it. She let go of my body, and I dangled from her ass with my head
    securely bound by her smelly sphincter. When she stood up, my body slammed against her huge cheeks. My body was ground
    back and forth as she took a couple of steps, and then she grasped me again and jerked me free with a powerful yank. "I WILL
    BE BACK FOR YOU LATER," she said, and she tossed me back into the toilet that she had not yet flushed, and closed the lid.
    Even though it was dark, I could swear I could actually see the fumes rising from the squalid water. I heaved over and over, even
    though there had been nothing in my stomach for a long time. I began to pray that she would simply come in and flush me away,
    because I could not take any more of her vengeance. Sure, I had cheated on her, but I certainly did not deserve this.

    I lost track of time. I wasn't sure if I had been trapped in that odorous hell for minutes, hours, or days. Finally, as the first waves of
    unconsciousness began to overtake me, I felt my body rising into the air. Though my eyes were swollen shut, Con must have
    dropped me back into the sink because I felt cool, refreshing water cascading over me. Shortly thereafter my entire body was
    wrapped up into a rough towel, and I was carried out of the room. When she dumped me out of the towel onto her desk, my eyes
    were finally beginning to clear. I will still around three and a half inches tall, and I was lying night next to a pair of Con's panties.
    My heart began to pound unmercifully in my chest when I caught sight of Con herself - she was holding a sewing needle that
    looked like a giant menacing spear from my vantage point. Before I could utter a sound, she whisked my puny form onto her
    Believe me - I froze.

    It was immediately clear to me - Con was actually sewing me to a pain of her panties! I was lying on my back, and she looped the
    thread several times around my legs, and then several more times around my stomach, chest and arms. When she finished and tied
    off the string, I was hopelessly bound to her thin cotton briefs. She held them up, and I realized that I was actually attached in the
    middle of the rear of the panties - right where her ass would soon be situated.

    HUMAN DEODORANT PAD." Sure enough, I screamed in horror as Con's huge feet stepped into the panties night beside my
    bound body, and she slowly began to raise the underwear up her legs. My eyes grew wide as I saw her mountainous ass cheeks
    growing closer and closer, and the same asshole that had imprisoned my head earlier in the day coming cleanly into view. When
    she had pulled them all the way up, my body was being crunched right in the middle of her powerful butt, and my face was staring
    straight into her pungent asshole. She took about two steps, and the rubbing motion acted almost like a vacuum - I was pulled in
    deeper until my body was pressed tightly along her crack, and my face was glued against her rancid sphincter.

    Suddenly she stopped walking. I could sense some type of deep, internal rumbling. I tightened every muscle in my body and tried
    to hold my breath, but it was as useless as trying to stop a tornado with a B.B. gun. I heard a deafening ripping sound, and my
    head shot backwards with the force of a rifle shot. My senses were overwhelmed, and for a moment I literally thought my nose
    was going to shrivel up and drop off! The stench was simply indescribable, and continued to linger long after the initial fart. It was
    almost as if the odor somehow attached itself to my face, like a coat of paint. As soon as I would start to recover from one, Con
    would launch another - each one seemingly louder, longer and stronger than the one before.

    The wind got knocked out of me when she plopped down onto the bed. In addition to my torment at simply being trapped deep
    within her ass, I now had to contend with her almost unbearable weight. If she had been sitting on a hard surface, I surely would
    have been crushed into oblivion. I kept trying to hold on to sanity, because I felt sure that I would get a reprieve as soon as she fell
    asleep. I was wrong - the onslaught continued all night. In fact, when she would roll over onto her back while she slept, I would
    be hopelessly crushed and pressed against her body, where I had no choice but to use every ounce of strength in my lungs to gasp
    deeply for air. Therefore, when another fart would splatter in my face, I had to inhale it deeply or risk losing consciousness. While
    a part of me welcomed the prospect of death, I had now resolved that no matter what she did to me I would fight for life. Looking
    back, it was probably a foolish choice.

    She was lying on her side, pinning me deep within her ass cleavage when her alarm went off. She sat up and signaled an end to my
    duties as a deodorant pad with one last long, wet, sputtering expulsion of gas. She pushed the panties down her legs, and let them
    drop to the ground. Her gigantic pink toes crashed down beside me, and she walked out of the room, leaving me pinned to her
    cotton panties on the bedroom floor.

    Con returned in minutes, and I could see that she was weaning exercise clothes. She walked past me without a glance, and I
    heard her rummaging through her closet. The next thing I knew, she was down on all fours, and her huge face was right in front of
    me. Before she even spoke, she scrunched up her face in disgust. "DAMN! YOU STINK LIKE HELL! I GUESS YOU
    to reveal two objects she had been concealing behind her back. My nose revealed what they were before my eyes could focus -
    they were her slip-on, laceless canvas Keds. I recognized the smell instantly, because I had constantly beseeched her to get rid of
    the damn things - whenever she wore them they would stink up the whole house. She had owned them ever since I had known
    her, and she never wore socks when she put them on. Of course, as bad as the smell had been at my usual size of six feet tall, it
    was nothing compared to fetid wreaking they were emitting to my highly-attuned senses. "DON'T WORRY, YOU WON'T

    Without another word, Con sat down on the bed, and dropped the cursed Keds to the floor inches from my prone, bound body.
    She slipped her feet in them with a whooshing sound, stood up, and left the room. Seconds later I heard the front door slamming.

    I lay in my prison of cotton and string for hours. I tried to rid my mind of the memories of the horrors I had endured in the past 24
    hours. I tried to forget the smell of her shit, her feet, her arts. I tried to forget the horror I experienced being trapped in her snot. I
    tried to convince myself that I was actually dreaming, and I would wake up safe and sound... and six feet tall. I slept for the first
    time since my ordeal began...

    SLAM! The sound of the door reverberated in my head. It was not a dream - I was still encased in cotton underwear. Con
    appeared in the doorway and looked down at me with a scowl. I realized that it was one of the first times she had ever even
    shown any emotion since yesterday morning. Her hair was drenched with sweat, and her skin was shining bright red. Her sopping
    clothes were clinging to her body. I held my breath as she stepped towards me. She grabbed the panties, whisked them into the
    air, and carried them into the living room. When she sat down on the sofa, I found myself face down on a hot, wet leotard. The
    odor of sweat was overpowering, but lasted only seconds. She flipped me over, and began cutting me loose while she spoke: "IT

    As she cut the final string, I was finally free. I tried to stand on her lap. Deep grooves were present both on my arms and legs
    where I had been bound for so long. Before the blood could even return to my feet or hands, I was knocked off balance as Con
    raised one of her legs. She reached over, and slowly removed one of her white Keds. The stench was so palpable that it almost
    knocked me down. Immediately I could once again feel my stomach churning, and I was thankful that I had not eaten in so long.
    Her foot was dirty and had little bits of grime all over it. Before I even knew what was happening, she snagged between her
    fingers and aimed me right for the opening of her shoe. "ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME, AND PRAY THE PHONE DOESN'T

    As my body entered the shoe, I felt as though I was entering an Indian sweat hut. It was as hot as wrapping myself up in an
    electric blanket in Death Valley. I won't even attempt to describe to smell - I heard screaming inside my head. It was like taking
    my gas mask oft in the gas chamber during Army basic training. When her foot forced me onto my back and covered me, I didn't
    know how I was going to hold on to life or sanity.

    Con's foot almost felt like hot coals. If it hadn't been wet, I would have thought it was going to catch on fire. I could feel the tiny
    pieces of dirt between my body and her callused sole. She brought her leg up and tucked her foot under her thigh, so at least I
    didn't feel all of her weight - only the heat and horrible stench. As she re-read my journal, however, she would place her foot
    down on the floor, and I would crushed to the very limits of human endurance. In fact, she would even tap her foot like she was
    keeping time to some phantom beat, leaving me light headed, bruised, and sick. The more she read, the harder she pounded.
    Harder and harder. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. Everything went black.

    I wish I could report that this is where my story ended. Since that first horrible day, months have passed. I have been used as a
    Q-tip, toothpick, tampon, and dozens of other things. Con has given me no indication that she is growing tired of her revenge
    upon me, and I can't help but to believe that thirty years from now, I am still going to be her man of a thousand uses.

    By: Seabee

    The Bitter Truth
    part 2

    As their eyes began to adjust to the light flooding into
    their container. The tiny, two inch men, were treated to an
    incredible vision of beauty.
    In the real world, Ms. Marilyn stood six feet four inches tall, in
    her size eleven stocking feet. To the tiny men that were now
    under her control, she became their world, and , oh,
    what a world.
    Her bright blood red toe nails , barely visible through the dark
    pantyhose that she wore, were the first thing that most
    of her clients ever see. Her perfectly sculpted, ever so
    slightly damp feet, led to a pair of legs that any man would
    be excited by, and some men would kill for.
    She was very well muscled, but , she could never, ever,
    be thought of as mannish or too muscular, she was as near
    perfect as you could dream of. The muscles rippled as she
    moved, she wore a skin tight one piece top, cut almost all
    of the way to paradise, both front and rear.
    Speaking of her rear, the curves were perfect, round with just
    the slightest hint of jiggle.
    She had long dark brown hair, worn permed, that looked
    like a lions main, except that it fell about her magnificent
    shoulders, and about her pert pair shaped breasts.
    A true vision of health and loveliness, a Goddess, with the facial
    feature of an angel, with sweet full lips and dark green eyes.

    When she spoke, all of the men listened most intently.

    "You have come to this place, to become the toys and property
    of myself and all of my sisters, you see, we are a society that
    demand males worship us".
    "Do you enter of your own free wills ?" She added.

    No one spoke, but they all nodded in agreement.

    "Good, now who wishes to have the honor to be the first
    worshiper of my ass this day?

    Every hand but one shot forth with great excitement, she reached
    into the container and pulled forth one tiny man, an older fellow,
    who was a bit overweight and balding .

    "You are not very pretty", she stated without malice," I shall put
    you where I will not have to look upon you, I will feed your
    pudgy old body to my buttocks, then I shall test your strength".

    "DOWN YOU GO", She said, as she reached around behind her,
    with her free hand, pulling the top fabric that barely covered her
    perfect ass away, exposing her crack to the tiny man that she held
    in her other hand.

    Without another word, she dropped him into the seat of her suit.
    He now was falling, headfirst down her crack.
    She felt him wedge beneath the curve of her ample ass,
    and let go of the fabric. Now the tiny guy was held prisoner,
    by not only her cheeks, but the pantyhose and the swim suit as well.

    Her cool green eyes looked for any reaction, as she began to squat.
    The tiny, struggling bulge, disappeared into the massive crack,
    as it separated, while she continued her descent.
    She placed the fingers of the hand that had held him, against where
    he had ended up, gently pressing the minute lump, through the fabric,
    against her anus. She stood, making sure that he was trapped,
    she could just barely feel his puny motions.

    His entire world, was now the hot cleavage of her ass crack.
    The intense heat and scent of this woman, was his atmosphere.
    Every breath that he took, he had to struggle for, for when she
    had stood back up, the tiny balding mans minute face had become
    deeply wedged inside of her anus. He had tried to open his mouth wide
    to scream for help, but, every time he tried, the moist flesh of her asshole,
    had filled his mouth, with its distinct flavor.
    It made no difference anyway, not only was he in the exact
    spot that she wanted him, but she was really a heartless evil
    monster, that loved to torture men in the ways that they
    feared most.

    You see, boys and girls, this sadistic Goddess, had all of the
    computer files from the GTS club at her disposal, so she can
    see all of the likes and dislikes of each client.

    The difference this time, is that a small, but powerful,
    clique in the club, wants to be rid of these guys who like
    female asses. They have retained Ms. Marilyn and eleven of
    her associates to get rid of these bun lovers once and for all.
    After all, only GTS that involves the feet is really healthy.
    Or so these guys think, anyway.

    The tiny man, now trapped face first into her butt hole,
    is not only very claustrophobic, but he is also only
    a voyeur, he never likes to get his hands "dirty",
    he would rather watch others live out his nasty fantasies,
    then to experience them himself.

    She felt the fear in her prisoner, turning to panic, as his
    struggles turned desperate . She realized that he must be struggling for air.
    Well, she thought, let him breath, I have a heart too.

    The little men had no idea why the lovely GTS broke out into
    a cruel laugh, that was, until they heard her fart.
    They realized that this huge woman, may be a bit too cruel,
    for even their unique tastes. Most of the tiny men ,
    winced when they heard the massive release of gas,
    a few, on the other hand, got overwhelmingly excited.

    The balding little fella, tried with all of his might, to free
    himself from this massive anus, but his head was held tight.
    He heard the rolling thunder approaching, but, before he
    could brace himself, the foul south wind, engulfed his face,
    filling his lungs with its moist odor, before expelling his head
    from its prison. Every pore of his being, was now inundated
    with her release. In the darkness, he could feel the moist
    stink, clinging to both him and the surrounding flesh.
    He could not see it, but her anus had opened slightly,she had not bothered to
    squeeze it shut when she had finished her farting.
    Unable to tell why, the little man felt the cheeks behind him
    tensing together. The moisture, that she had expelled,
    made all resistance futile, it was not until it was way too late,
    that he realized what her plans were.
    His tiny screams were not even audible to the outside
    world, they were muffled by a huge mountain
    of lovely gluteal muscle flesh.
    These same muscles, were at that moment, pushing him into
    her well lubricated sphincter, he tried to fight her, but it was
    of no use. Marilyn gave her cheeks a mighty squeeze,
    and her balding companion, sank out of this world, and
    entered her world. He turned to leave, but she gave another
    squeeze, and the anus was again, its tight, unyielding self.
    She had , just as promised, fed him to her butt.

    The test of strength would come next. She felt struggles in her
    bowel, she also felt something that made her get very
    excited. She knew her body like a clock, and it was rapidly
    approaching the 4 O'clock hour, that time of the day, when
    her body would rid itself of it's discarded wastes.

    The familiar pressure, made itself known, just a few minutes later
    than normal this afternoon, only, there seemed to be something in
    the way.

    She was about to leave for the rest room, when the phone rang.
    It was a dear old friend that she loved to speak with,
    about nothing in particular, she decided that her body
    could wait an extra half hour or so, and she sat down
    on a comfy chair, and listened to her friend.

    One down, only fifteen to go, I think that she will be getting
    some help in future episodes.

    STAY TUNED . . . . . . . .

    Here is a true facefart story by Bungholeo

    o.k. my female forced face fart lovers, I just couldn?t wait to tell you all what happened to me the other night(Wed sept. 30/98 around 12:00-1:00 am MST). My girl and I went to bed(she had the night off of work)around elevenish and started to fool around. Well I was REALLY TIRED so I was content to just cuddle(perfect excuse to fall asleep). She got up and was a little upset, so I decided not to start an all night conversation and dosed off to sleep again(I?ve long days and need my rest). I was awakened by her feet stroking my chest as she sat in our computer chair beside the bed with a small lamp giving off just a little fox light. She was all decked out with make-up, perfume, and was wearing work out clothes(navy spandex pants and a purple cotton shirt, no socks). As I looked at her and stroked her feet, that were comfortably resting on my chest, I thought it a bit strange that she was all dolled up. I was too tired and too in awe of her beauty to converse or make any sense of it. I only wished I wasn?t so tired and that I didn?t have to work the next day. She asked me what I wanted to do? I said I wanted to sleep cause I?m very tired. She proceeded to try and get me horny by flexing her gorgeous calves on my chest, and telling me to stroke her legs. I was just to tired for any of that, so I started mumbling how sexy she was in my sleepy state and continued to nod off. She asked me once more what I wanted to do and I just ignored her this time, hoping she would get the idea(WRONG thing to do!). The next thing I remembered, was being awakened by her ass straddling my face with her knees digging into my stomach, shins cutting into my arms and pinning them solidly and making them numb, heels poking the sides of my head, and saying ?you want to sleep after I went through all of this? Remember when I told you that I was gonna fart on your head! Well it?s time to wake up SWEETY!!? I told her to "get off and that you're not gonna fart!" I was having a hard time breathing with her weight on my chest and being half asleep I didn?t have much strength. My arms were pinned so well that I couldn?t get leverage to move her, plus, I was squished into the bed and could hardly move. The dim lights started to dim more as her ass was lowered onto my face. I could feel the stretchy material of her spandex pressing on my nose. Her bunghole was positioned right between my eyes. I was getting very hard because I knew she can fart like hell, she was upset, and she had me in a vulnerable position(I was screwed, glued & tattooed!!). Then it happened, the combination of noise(huge elephant whistle 3-4 seconds)and vibration(tickling sensation on the nose and forehead), then I felt the heat(like blowing on your arm on a hot day), then I smelled a weird hot-dog & cabbagey odor(not very strong). I was scared the smell was going to become worse, so I was panicking and after about 10-15 seconds I finally was able to reach back with my feet and get my legs around her head and pushed with my arms and rolled her off(just barely). I told her that I couldn?t believe she just did that. She just laughed and told me I was stupid for not believing her, as she left the room giggling like mad. She was right, that did wake me up and I was hornier than hell after that. After a trip to the bathroom(connected to our bedroom), I went to join her in the kitchen. She had just finished making some coffee and was now wearing only her white cotton panties that were halfway covered by her purple shirt. She looked so hot dressed like that. I love looking at her curvy legs and ass, and they looked even better than usual because that face fart got me so horny. We finished our coffee and she asked me if I had enough of her farts yet. I said she was lucky and that if I were fully awake that would never have happened. She said I was stupid and that if she wanted, she could fart in my face at will. Then she called me a wussy and challenged me to a best out of 5 wrestling match in our living room and said that she would prove to me that I was a wussy and that she could fart in my face whenever she damn well wanted!! I won the match by a score of 3 wins to 2. I came back from a 2-0 deficit. She got two submissions out of me by taking advantage of my still drowsy state and using her head scissors. In a real match I could win easily because I wouldn?t be afraid to use all my strength, I just don?t want to throw her around and hurt her or damage our home! We kneel on the soft carpet on our huge living room floor and start the match from our knees, this makes it hard for me to move around and avoid her scissors. It makes it easy for her because all as she needs to do is pounce on me and wrap her legs around me(she?s got that down to a science). I thought she was going to fart on the back of my head when she had one of her scissor holds on me, but she didn?t. I was sitting on the living room floor and she was going to get another coffee(or so she said), when she went to walk by me, she grabbed my arm, straddled my shoulder, and pulled me over backwards and locked her legs around my head and other arm. There I lay, on my back with my head and left arm between her legs as she was pulling me into her ass by using my other arm and both her hands. Her legs were squishing my neck, and my left arm and head were scrunched together(that hurts), while the side of my head was about 4 inches from her farthole. Once again I was having a hard time breathing, I tried bridging, rolling, and just about every other move, but there was no way out of this predicament. I couldn?t even bite her because her leg was locked under my chin. I was getting a real stiffy again because I knew she could fart on the side of my head and hold me there as long as she wanted and there was fuck all I could do about it! The anticipation was getting me hot. I even gave up fighting it because it was useless and I needed all my strength for when she did fart. Then the inevitable happened, she cut loose with another elephant screaming fart!! It was deafening(right in my ear)and long(5 seconds easily), this one smelled the same as the last one, like hot-dogs and cabbage but not really stinky. She was laughing and giggling as she held me there until all the odor had dissipated(about 1 min.). Then she asked her usual scissor hold question , ?what do you say? and I said ?MERCY!!? She told me that she?s glad her farting doesn?t bother me and that she?s glad she feels totally comfortable with our relationship to be able to fart whenever she wants(took her long enough!). She also told me, she knows that trapping me and farting in my face sorta turns me on, but it REALLY turns her on and she likes it because it sweetens her victory and shows how much we love each other, that?s like rubbing salt into one?s wounds and receiving a trophy all at the same time! She farted in my face twice today as well, a small little one that I could hardly hear, but I sure smelled it and one big one that really turned my stomach. After that last big one, every fart she ripped near me, kinda gave me an ill feeling. I don?t know if I really like those big smelly ones anymore, they have a way of sticking with ya and causing tummy turmoil. later my friends, bh~^)(~^ 1

    A collection of true stories I downloaed.

    Yes indeed, my wife has farted on me while she's had me in da, er, a headscissors.

    First, I gotta say my wife and I are no longer together, we're getting a divorce this year. I'm still living in the same house, but that's ending soon, a long story. Also suffice to say, she's put on 5,678 pounds in the last couple years but oddly enough, her legs STILL look great and would no doubt crush my skull like a hollowed-out eggshell should she ever scissor me again, which she hasn't in years. I guess I'm lucky she doesn't, she'd fucking kill me now.

    Back to farting: She had done that several times many years ago, and usually while trapping me in a reverse facescissors, the old 69 scissors, my face buried in her warm, spongy butt. I had nowhere to go and BLAM!! she'd tear off a single fart or maybe a series, and nasty ones at that, and then laugh like hell at my struggles to free myself. She'd also ripple them while having me in a front face scissors, so it would have to snarfle up through her pussy into my nose. Not a pleasant experience. Well not then, anyway...truth be told, I wouldn't mind it now but now I'm older, wiser and waaaaaaaay hornier than I used to be. Men reach their sexual peak at 18 my ass. And yes, the farting even included facesitting on occasion, when she really had me buried in the musky clamp of her muffocating buttmeat. And again, I hated it then. Now...well, it hasn't been done to me in so long, I think I might like it but who knows, it might turn my stomach. I'd like to give it a shot, though, but that's as close to scat as I'd ever care to get.

    Hope that answers your question: My advice to you if your wife, lover, girlfriend wants to fart in your face. Fuck, let her, if it will turn her on. It's also been my discovery in recent years that there is no greater turn on for a man than really doing what turns a woman on.


    I asked someone if they have a fart story.

    Actually when i was about 13 it happened. My friends sister was quite large for her age, she was actually about a year younger. and she came down on my chest with such impact that i yelled in pain. She contined to bounce and as she would, farted on my chest. Man my friend was laughing at me, but he said she did it to him to.

    Hi Jason. It's too bad that more people aren't into farting as much as us. I'm 17, and my brother and I love to fart in each other's faces. It's sort of a little fetish we started when we were younger. We used to fight alot and I would fart in little face and make him cry. As we got older, he started farting my face and noticed that we bothed got kinda turned on feeling each other noses poking at out butts and the smell of each other rear-ends. I think your forum would really be great if there was someway you could remove the negative posts. Oh well, good luck on your forum.

    I have a neighbor who is 13, I am 15. We have been friends since we moved into the same neighborhood 8 years ago. She is alot bigger than me and likes to wrestle me to the ground and sit on me. Once she had me pinned on the floor of her basement and turned around (facing my feet), held my hands down to my sides, and sat back right on my nose with her panty covered ass. She giggled and said that I better get ready because there was going to be an explosion. Suddenly she lifted up a little and grunted and farted right on my nostrils. She laughed loudly and said I had no choice but to smell it! It was real smelly. Like old corn. She did it a couple more times and said that I would have to do this any time she had gas! It was sort of exciting, but I'm not sure if I want that to happen again.

    Hi! I stumbled onto this site by accident but thought you would like this story. It happened a few months ago. I am 15 and my younger brother is 13. We fight all the time. One day we were watching T.V. and my brother kept flipping the channel with the remote. I told him to quit, but he wouldn't. I then told him that if he didn't stop, I would sit on him and make him stop. He laughed and kept flipping. I then got up and quickly knocked him on the floor and sat on his chest, pinning his arms down. I am bigger than he is so it was easy. I told him that I wasn't getting up until he promised to stop. After about 10 minutes he said OK. I got up and in about a minute he started flipping again. This time I was pissed. I ran over and threw him to the floor again but this time I sat down right on his face while facing toward his feet. I could feel his nose right up against my asshole through my panties. I told him he would now pay for being such a brat! I held his hands down at his sides and made sure that his head was wedged between my feet so he couldn't turn away. I then farted right up his nose! It was a big on too, really stinky. He tried to scream, but it was muffled by my ass. I sat up just a little so he could smell it and asked him if he would behave. He said no way so I sat back down hard. He was moaning for air so I sat up a little and let another good one rip and he had no choice but to breathe it in. It actually gave me a tingling feeling to be doing this to him. I think secretly he likes it. Since then I've done it twice more. The last time I sat on his face, I pulled my panties to the side and farted right on his nose with my bare ass! Anyway, I hope who ever reads this enjoys it.

    I am glad you enjoyed my story. I have another that just happened yesterday. Our parents were gone for the day and my brother and I were home alone. He told me he had an extra 20 bucks and asked if I wanted to go get pizza with him down the street. I asked him where he got the 20 and he said he stole it from mom's purse! The wheels in my mind started to turn. I told him I would tell unless he became my total slave for the day. Anything I asked for, he would have to do. Finally realizing he had no choice, he agreed. We went and got pizza and when we got back I told him he would have to smell every fart that came out of me for the rest of the day! He whined a little and then agreed. It wasn't long before I had to fart so I told him to lay down on the floor of the den. I told him not to move once I got on top of him or I would tie him up. I squatted over his face and let one rip inches from his nose. It was an average one and he complained. I told him that this was just the start. About an hour later I started to feel some real gas building up so I called him to come into my room. I told him to lie down on the bed. What he didn't know was that I had attached some scarfs to the legs of the bed and that I was going to tie him down to the bed. He spread out his arms and legs and I tied him up pretty tightly. I then took off my shorts and had on only my panties and shirt. I climbed on top and straddled his face with my ass inches from his nose. I then sat back and had his nose right in my crack touching my panty covered asshole. It wasn't long before I released a huge fart t hat had to be 5 seconds long. It wasn't loud but it sure was stinky. He had no choice but to take it in. I was laughing and told him that I was going to call up my friend Sara (who he has a crush on) to come over and fart on him also. He begged me not to. I told him that next time I would. After about five more good ones I let him up. Again I got that same tingle from sitting on his face. I think he got a boner as well. Hope you like it!

    Hi, Haven't been here in a while but I thought I'd share my latest fart attack on my brother. For a year he has had a crush on one of my girlfriends, Becky. I would tease him about her all the time. The other night she was here studying for a test with me when he came in to the room and started bothering us. I told him to quit or else I would have to embarrass him in front of Becky. She asked what I meant and I told her that I could wrestle hom to the floor and sit on his face and make him smell my farts. Becky giggled and said "let me see". I warned him to leave but he ignored me so I went over to him and pushed him down to the floor. I quickly got on top of his head and positioned my ass right above his hose and sat back. It took a couple of minutes but suddenly a loud fart exploded right in his face! Becky was laughing out loud and my brother was so embarrassed he almost started to cry. I asked him if he would behave and he said to go to hell! I asked becky if she wanted to try and fart on him if I held him down. She said "sure, it sounds like fun!" I moved off of him but held his head still as Becky climbed on top of his face. She sat right down on his nose and in a few seconds let out a big, smelly fart. He was so embarrassed he struggled to his feet and ran upstairs. We both giggled and went back to studying.


    * Comments:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Friday night humiliation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    * Me and lisa, my wife, were home and my sister-in-law karen was overto spend the evening. We were watching television, flicking through thechannels, when we hit a fighting show, some kind of martial art. Karen askedme if we could watch it and I obliged her and left the station on. She wasreally getting into it, acknowleging certain blows and strikes. I said"tough girl, how long have you been taking judjitsu". She replied "longenough to kick your ass". Karen was 28 years old and about 5'5" 115 lbs."come on Karen, do you really think you could kick my ass, your a skinnygirl". Karen looked me right in the eye "Yes, I know I could not only kickyour ass, I could make you kiss my ass three times in less than 10 minutes".I laughed "You will make me kiss yor ass, yea right". She stood up andlifted her shirt exposing her shapely spandex covered ass, and pointed toher ass. "I can make you kiss me right here, three times, and I'll bet onit. she yanked the spandex up her crack and said "I don't mean I can makeyou kiss my cheeks, I can make you kiss my spandex covered asshole." My wifelisa joined in "Go for it tough guy, I'd love to see you smooch her ass youfaggot, got any balls." I looked at her and asked her, "How much you want tobet"? Lisa looked at me "I don't want money, If I make you kiss my ass threetimes in less than ten minutes, you have to be your wifes slave and my slavetill 2:00am. You have to serve both of us in any way we ask, anything goes,you must grovel at are feet, ass etc. anything, even be our toilet." Ilooked at her in shock "be your toilet, what do you mean?" She giggled"Exactly what I said, Be our toilet, drink our piss, eat our shit. Did youever eat your wifes shit?"I looked up at her in amazement "Can't say that Idid, and what are you going to put up?" Lisa opened her purse and whippedout her wallet and took out money. Ten, hundred dollar bills. "Thats onethousand dollars, faggot, still afraid of a 115 lb. girl?" This was gettinghard to resist, all I had to do was avoid her for 10 minutes and the grandwas mine. She looked at me "I'm serios about the money and what you have todo, if you agree and loose, I hope you realize what you will have to do." Istood up "Ten minutes, thats all right". She smiled "Yes three assholekisses in ten minutes or less and we win, other than that you win." I wasconfident when I saw the money "Lets do it, Iwin its one thousand, you win,I am your slave and lisa's slave up to the point of being your toilet till2:00am.">>>>>>> We entered the living room, to start the match. I looked at theclock it was 8:15. I told her at 8:16 we start and at 8:26 give me my money.The clock creeped close to 8:16, she looked so confident it scared me, Myheart raced. 8:16 she attacked me like an animal, It seemed like she had herstrategy plotted out. Before I knew it I was on my back with my legs over myhead. She was facing my feet with her knees straddeling my head and all herweight over my arms. She actually started to laugh, "Its all over, saveyouself punishment and smooch my ass". Her ass was right on top of my face,and I was helpless, but I refused to smooch her crack. She leaned back andput her crack on my nose. Lisa stood up and shouted "Kiss her ass youfaggot, smooch her butthole, then your slavery begins at both of ourassholes." Karen now laughing out loud "Kiss it three times or I'll punchyour balls." The position she was in made it impossible to block a punch. Mywife stood up and said, "Punch him Karen, I want to see him on his knees forus". Karen grabbed my balls and squeezed, I was in an awfull predicament.Karen leaned back and farted in my face. "Thats just an appetizer, I'll giveyou one more chance to kiss three times". I still refused. My wife said,"Punch his balls in, make him smooch, I have to pee". Karen whaled on myballs three times, the pain was unreal, I had no choice. She lifted hercrack one inch above my face " Raise your head and kiss my ass hole threetimes or else" The pain was to intense, I pressed my lips between her crackand kissed once. She hit me again "Two more times slave". My wife wasexcited "Kiss it, kiss it now and become our slave." Karen grabed my ballsone more time and I conceded. I pressed my lips between her crack and gentlykissed her spandex covered hole two more times. I lost, I would have toserve both of them. Both of them acted as if they won the lottery, I wascompletely humiliated. Karen sat back one more time on my face and farted onmy nose. "I definately think I have to go to the bathroom soon". The slaverywas about to begin, I could not believe I lost.>> PART 2>> After the two stopped celebrating, they both stood there and looked atme, Karen said, "Look lisa, look at him, twenty minutes ago he was yourhusband and a man, Now he is our fucking slave, our servant, our grovelingpig and especially our toilet." My wife joined in "I always wondered what itwould be like to use a mans mouth, as my toilet, and today I will find out.I feel a bowel movement sometime soon". Karen looked at me "how did it feelon your back when I sat on your face and farted and you couldn't do a damthing about it, but sniff it and kiss my ass". I told her "I can't believeyou beat me and made me kiss your ass, I am in shock, I also can't believewhat I have to do". Karen said " you lost the bet and now its time to payup, get on your knees". I kneeled down before the both of them. My wiferemoved the loose pair of warmup pants, she had on and she was wearingspandex also. Karen lokked at lisa "Aren't those the same tights you had onin the gym this afternoon". Lisa replied,"Yes, same ones, Why" Karen said "Ithought you would change after that crazy workout and the fact that it was90 degrees today, but it turned out good because our slave might like thetaste of sweat on our bodies". Just then lisa yelled "Slave come here andpress your face between my cheeks." I went over to her on my knees andinserted my nose in her behind, seconds later she farted in my face. "Sniffthat fart, slave, accept my gift". I inhaled deeply, and this was a first, Inever before had intentionally smelled my wifes farts. Both laughed in myface as I inhaled. Karen sat on the couch and said "Its time for our slaveto pay hommege to our tired sweaty feet." Lisa joined in "I agree ,time togrovel slave".> They both got comfortable on the couch and told me to kneel beforethem. I got down on my knees in front of them. Karen said "Kiss your wifessneakers, bow your head and kiss her gym shoes". I lowered my head to thefloor and smooched her sneakers again and again. My wife now said, "Do thesame to my sisters shoes". Karen was wearing a plain flat leather shoe withbare feet. I bowed down and kissed her shoes. Karen looked down at me "Thisis the way you should always greet me, on your knees and at my feet, Slavego get us two beers, then get back to my feet". I ran to the kitchen and gottwo beers, came back and handed the beer to them, and got back on my knees."Good boy", Karen said, "Now pick up my leg and clean the bottom of myshoe". I lifed her leg and dragged my tongue on the shoe she walked in thestreets with. She sipped on her beer and smiled in my pathetic face "Did Istep in anything today? no, you better check the other foot". I changed feetand began licking the other sole. "Your so obedient, now go and clean thebottom of you wifes sneaker". I repeated the entire process. "Let a littlegirl beat you up" Lisa said, "Your a weak faggot, a little sissy, she yelledas she stood up in fron of me. "Kiss my ass faggot, kiss your wifes ass". Igently kissed my wifes ass all over, both cheeks, her crack etc. Karen wasgiggling at the sight of this. Now my wife sat down again and barked "Takeoff my sneakers, you need to find out how hard I worked out". I untied thelaces and removed her right sneaker. "Sniff my toes through the sock". Herright leg was crossed over and elevated, I pressed my nose to the very moistwhite sox and sniffed. Both broke out laughing as I sniffed at the base ofher toes. Her toes had a sour cheesy smell to them. "Take of the sock andreally get into it". I peeled the sock off and once again began sniffing hertoes. "I love the look of you on your knees sniffing my sweaty toes, likethat aroma, Ask me if you can taste my toes, beg to lick my feet". I lookedup at her "Please lisa, may I lick your pretty toes". They laughed and Karensaid "Make him do it better, Make him put his hands together like he'spraying and beg you to lick". "You heard her slave beg to lick my toes". Iput my hands together and asked her over and over if I may lick her toes,and inbetween each request I kissed the top of her foot. "You may clean mytoes with you tongue." I lowered my head and licked her sweaty toes. "Makesure you get that sock lint out and all the toecheese." I slipped myhumiliated tongue in between my wifes dirty feet as the two laughed andragged on me. "Now my other foot". The whole process one more time. Now itwas my sister-in-laws turn. Karen stood up and told me to get on my back.She made me untie her leather shoe and take it off and then stepped on myface with her bare foot. Her feet had a stronger smell than my wives and sheheld it there and made me sniff out loud. Out of nowhere she squatted downand let another fart rip on my nose "I want to hear you sniff, sniff mysweaty ass". Her ass did have a funky smell and the fart was potent also.She ground her crack back and forth on my nose and said "Now I know where tocome if my ass itches". she finally stood up and told me to stick my tongueout. Then she ran her foot across my tongue from heel to toe, as if I were adoor mat. She made me remove her other shoe and smell the base of her toes."Open your mouth and suck my big toe". I opened and she stuck it in, and Isucked. "Keep your mouth open wide" as she squatted down on my face andpositioned her asshole over my mouth. A moment passed , then her fart passedright in my mouth. It was muffeled and the two of them started laughing likecrazy. My wife stood up "First she beats you up, now you eat her fartgas,what a pathetic speciman of a man." Karen looks at me"Get up, go over toyour wife and lick her armpits. Lisa puts her hands behind her head,exposing her pits and says "Yes slaveboy, tongue my pits clean, it was hottoday." I lower my head and lick my wifes pits. "Bet it tastes good, I'mnext, Karen said. I walk over to karen, she lifts her arms and pushes myhead to her armpit for cleaning. "That beer went right through me", lisasays "I have to take a leak toilet boy, get on your back". My wife looksright at me and points to my mouth "I'm going to piss right in your mouthand you have to drink it, on your back". Lisa removed her spandex andsquatted over my face. Karen got in close for a good look at the humantoilet. Lisa sent a hot stream of piss im my mouth, I gulped her salty giftas fast as I could. It was very strong and acidic, sort of burned mu throata little. When she was done she looked down at me "How did it taste toilet,wait till you have to eat, that will realy be the show." Karen went to thekitchen and got a glass. She pulled her spandex halfway down and held thelarge glass under cunt. She giggled in my face , right before she started tourinate, then she filled the glass, and put it on the table. She grabbed meby the hair and pushed my face to the glass."Smell my golden wine, I madefor you." My nose was an inch from the piss and I inhaled the urine stenchto satisfy her. "Dip your tongue in the piss and taste it, who's piss tastesbetter." I dipped my tongue in the liquid waste and sampled its flavor, itwas much less acidic than my wifes piss. Karen went in the kitchen and got astraw. "Drink it with this straw, you can taste it better and you can't gulpit. I drank Karens piss. When I finished,Karen got me down on my knees, ather ass. She pulled her spandex half way down and pulled her cheeks apart "Ihope you don't get offended lisa, that your faggot husband is about to eatmy ass, because this is where this faggot belongs, on his knees licking myasshole." To my suprise, my wife says "I don't care what you do, I was justgoing to suggest that he give us both head, he is good at that." A smilecame to Karens face "Thats the best idea all day, your little faggot hubbyeating me out till I come. She removed her spandex and sat on a tallbarstool we had. Her feet were on the stool seat also, which exposedeverything, her asshole and cunt. "On your knees boy, kneel at my vagina". IWent down in front of her bush, My wife came over and said "Eat my sisterout, start on her clit and do it good". Karen interupted "I'd rather himstart on my asshole, There is somthing about a man on his knees licking myass that sets me off." No problem Karen, Slave, eat my sisters asshole, rimthat thing". I moved in close to the chair and touched the tip of my tongueto her puckered ass. She obviously liked it and I began licking harder andfaster. Eventually I sucked her cunt, starting on top with the clit, thenseparating her lips with my tongue sucking on each lip. It took about tenminutes and she came like a wild woman in my face. While she recovered I wasordered to eat my wife and as usuall she came also. While the two relaxedthey ordered me to make them coffee. My wife told me very bluntly, "Coffeemakes me shit, and I can't wait to use your moth as my bowl.">> Both sat bottomless in the living room sipping their coffee. Karencalled me over to massage her asshole with my tongue. After about twentyminutes my wife smiled "I think its time toilet boy, I feel a log on themove" A minute later "OH its time, get on your back." My wife stood over meand laughed. My heart started to race in anticipation. "This is ultimatehumiliation, The ultimate worship of one to another is willingly devouringthe others shit, Oh it feels like a load. Lisa squatted over my mouth andmouned as the feces got closer to her anus. My wifes anus started to dilate"Here it comes toilet boy". Karen moved in for a closer look of the act. Asher anus dilated I could see the head of the log, slowly emerge. " Hubby itstime to eat my shit, open that mouth". She squatted down lower, directlyover my toilet mouth. The log was about an inch in diameter as it slid fromher bung hole. It started to dangle and shake and I guess she sensed it wasgoing to break and squatted to a point where she could direct it in mymouth. Once the head of the log was in she lowered her ass to me breakingoff the log in my mouth. She turned to watch me eat it. It was on the hardside so I had to chew it. Both of them looked at me in amazement as I chewedand ate it. MY wife turned her ass to me again and sat down I my mouth,centering her anus. "Suck the next one out as I push it in". I created asuction against her anus with my lips and sucked out another three inch turdand ate it. She squatted once again and pulled her cheeks apart "Now lick itclean you faggot shiteater". I stuck my tongue up her ass and licked awayany residual shit that was left. Karen began hinting that she had to go butwas going to do somthing different. Karen went in the kitchen and got aplate and put the plate on my chest. Now Karen straddled my body, squattingover the plate and began to concentrate. Her cheeks spread and her ass beganto open. She emptied her colon on the plate, depositing three, three inchlogs. She squatted over my face "Rim my hole clean servant". I lapped herentire crack and her asshole, cleaning it well. "Now its time to eat, get onyour knees". She removed the plate and put it on the coffee table. "Here'sthe fork Karen, feed it to our slave." Both were starring at me as Karenpearced the turd with the fork and held it to my nose. "Smell my shit, sniffthe log slave." I sniffed at the repulsive bodily waste. "Open your mouth".I opened my mouth and both watched carfully. Karen stuck the turd in mymouth. "Chew it you pathetic shiteater, eat my stinking log." Karens shitwas much softer and easier to swallow. Then she stuck in piece Number twoand I ate it. Now My wife came up with her own idea and told Karen and bothagreed. My wife went upstais and came down in a pair of pumps. Lisa steppedher heel on the log, it broke in half, but the one half stayed on the heel.She lifted it up to my mouth as Karen said, "Eat my shit off you wifesheel". I opened up and she stuck it in and I sucked the shit off the heel.Both were in tears they were laughing so hard. My wife now stepped the soleof the pump in the shit smearing it all over the bottom. She slowly liftedthe pump to my mouth and said "Clean my sisters shit of the bottom of mypump, with your tongue. Ask Karen if you can lick her shit." "Karen may Iclean your shit off the bottom of my wifes shoe." Karen stood up and said"Sure after you kiss my asshole". I pushed Karens cheeks apart and planted abig wet gentil kiss on her sphincter. My wife still held the shoe up and Iwent over to it and licked the squashed feces off the pump. The two rehashedwhat they just made me do for about a half hour and both fell assleep. Myservatude was over but my memory of this humiliation will never go away.

  2. #2
    great post, i tried to find some of these before with no luck, thanks

  3. #3
    Great post man!!

    Well i gotta a few true stories which ill just tell ya about.

    These all happned over christmas and boxingday.
    We had just had our christmas dinner and we were working on the computer, while i was talking my wife lifted up her butt and let a couple of farts go, then she suddenly turned around and grabbed my head pulling it down next to her butt to smell her fart.
    The next one was when we were in bed and lying on our side when she slowly shuffled her ass up onto my chest and let another 2 second blast out, laughing while i pretended to gag at the smell.
    In the morning i was lucky enough to get a facefart to wake me up, as i heard her callin me and when i opened my eyes she was squatting over my face a couple of inches, she then let out a hissing fart, right on the end of my nose which really really smelled of rotten eggs.

    The last one was when i was at the comp and she was talking to her sis on the phone then when i pulled her over to me she stopped and put her rear end at me and let a really wet sound splat fart out and let the smell waft around me while laughing and telling her sis about it.

    Anyway hope you liked the stories

  4. #4
    in the first are a guy.....
    I'm confused

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