Ok i have an update!

Well we spent the day together yesterday and today and we got around to playing some card games which she did win unfortunately tho she just wasent gassy enouhgh to let one rip in my face, but she said next time she definately will because she still owes me the forfeit.

Anyway while i wasent lucky enough to get a facefart this time she did tell me about someone who did. My girlfriend has to be at work in the early hours so she has to get the first running trains. Well when she got on it was completely packed full and she found a seat but when she stood up for a couple seconds to get a newspaper, some guy took her seat even tho he could see she was still sitting there. Well my girlfriend decided to just carry on standing, next to the man who stole her seat, with her butt about a foot from his face and there was plenty of other people standing around too. She had also been holding in a fart at the time too that she was gonna release once she got off, but because she was annoyed at the man she told me she farted a silent one out on purpose pratically right in his face and she said it really stunk too because she hadn't taken a dump that morning yet either. She said she could hear the man sniffing and scratching his nose like people do when they smell something bad for a while because the smell seemed to linger.there were so many people round tho that he prob didn't know it was her but he may have had his suspicions, i bet he dosent even realise what a lucky experience he has had.