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Thread: Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations!!!

  1. #21
    Originally posted by HOOF HEARTED
    Don't know about that, but I do know that the washed up has been wants gay marriage in California even though we have spoken & don't want it here. How come other states that don't want it aren't getting any heat?
    California is getting flak because we used to be able to marry, but then the state passed a bill that took that right from us. Why don't you take our right to vote while you're at it huh? We obviously don't need it anymore when the majority decides the civil rights of a minority.

  2. #22
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Actualy the real reason gays were allowed to marry is because some courts said F U to the voters who voted against it & made their own rules. They can move to the other states that allows it, we don't need anymore people moving to California. Which would happen if the yes vote won. Unless the majority of California voters smoked every drug on the planet & voted for Gavin Newsom for governor. The only reason he wants to be governor is to force gay marriage on this state. Governor is a harder job than mayor & Frisco people says he's the worst mayor ever. Worst friend also. And Arnold having a 3rd term would be better than Newsom as governor, & Arnold needs to go.

  3. #23
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    is the swine flue thread really about to become a thread about gay marriage? find out next time...

  4. #24
    Originally posted by HOOF HEARTED
    Actualy the real reason gays were allowed to marry is because some courts said F U to the voters who voted against it & made their own rules. They can move to the other states that allows it, we don't need anymore people moving to California. Which would happen if the yes vote won. Unless the majority of California voters smoked every drug on the planet & voted for Gavin Newsom for governor. The only reason he wants to be governor is to force gay marriage on this state. Governor is a harder job than mayor & Frisco people says he's the worst mayor ever. Worst friend also. And Arnold having a 3rd term would be better than Newsom as governor, & Arnold needs to go.
    From what I've read about Newsom, I dont like the guy. That said, let me talk about the voting.

    It's wrong to put people's rights up for a 51% majority vote. Nearly EVERY major civil rights advancement in American history, the majority was agenst when it passed.

    The majority of Americans would have voted no for women rights when they got the right to vote.

    The majority of Americans would have voted no to legalizing interracial marriage when it was made legal.

    The majority of Americans would have voted no to letting blacks vote when it became legal.

    California politics is messed up anyway. All these things pass on what 51% of the public thinks, but need 2/3 voting majority to over rule it.

  5. #25
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SionDS
    Originally posted by HOOF HEARTED
    Actualy the real reason gays were allowed to marry is because some courts said F U to the voters who voted against it & made their own rules. They can move to the other states that allows it, we don't need anymore people moving to California. Which would happen if the yes vote won. Unless the majority of California voters smoked every drug on the planet & voted for Gavin Newsom for governor. The only reason he wants to be governor is to force gay marriage on this state. Governor is a harder job than mayor & Frisco people says he's the worst mayor ever. Worst friend also. And Arnold having a 3rd term would be better than Newsom as governor, & Arnold needs to go.
    From what I've read about Newsom, I dont like the guy. That said, let me talk about the voting.

    It's wrong to put people's rights up for a 51% majority vote. Nearly EVERY major civil rights advancement in American history, the majority was agenst when it passed.

    The majority of Americans would have voted no for women rights when they got the right to vote.

    The majority of Americans would have voted no to legalizing interracial marriage when it was made legal.

    The majority of Americans would have voted no to letting blacks vote when it became legal.

    California politics is messed up anyway. All these things pass on what 51% of the public thinks, but need 2/3 voting majority to over rule it.
    I tellya what rule everyone should try to be overturning. The notificaction to parents that the pregnant daughter getting an abortion. They need to know. I remember a after school special in the early 90's where a pregnant teen went to a black market abortion clinic so her parents won't find out that she is pregnant. Bad decision, the doctor botched it up & she died. That could happen in real life also. But I think this state wants that to happen. So what if the parents get mad, the girl shoulda thought about it before she had sex. Think about being the best student ever instead.
    Yes i'd rather be around gays who do know how to act right than straight people who are scum. Maybe I shouldn't care but the way gays have been acting for some years now, they gotta pay for insulting people. Especially blacks. I'll explain later cause I got a bunch of junk to do 2day .

  6. #26
    I dont know about taking away the civil rights of a minority as a way of revenge is a good idea. Id be interested in hearing more about what you mean though.

    The abortion thing though, girls would be more likely to go to the blackmarket for one if the law required the parents to know. They go to the black market to keep it secret.

    I dont buy that thinking about parenting before sex. People have sex and you can never change it. Lots of people never want to have children, so what do you say to them? "Be virgins your whole life."??? Sex education just needs to mandatory starting at age 12-13. There's really no other answer.

  7. #27
    Originally posted by HOOF HEARTED
    I tellya what rule everyone should try to be overturning. The notificaction to parents that the pregnant daughter getting an abortion. They need to know. I remember a after school special in the early 90's where a pregnant teen went to a black market abortion clinic so her parents won't find out that she is pregnant. Bad decision, the doctor botched it up & she died. That could happen in real life also. But I think this state wants that to happen. So what if the parents get mad, the girl shoulda thought about it before she had sex. Think about being the best student ever instead.
    Yes i'd rather be around gays who do know how to act right than straight people who are scum. Maybe I shouldn't care but the way gays have been acting for some years now, they gotta pay for insulting people. Especially blacks. I'll explain later cause I got a bunch of junk to do 2day .
    I'm trying to understand what you're saying here. But I'm seriously struggling.

  8. #28

  9. #29
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006

    and this should keep you on your toes should you actually watch the first vid.

    people have been claiming that we keep moving toward marshal law since the late 60's and until the bush doctrine we haven't actually made significant steps toward it.

  10. #30
    I just got my flu shot and I'm getting homoerotic feelings...that's it! Government mandated homosexuality!

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