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Thread: Free Music And Movies

  1. #1
    Baned User
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    Free Music And Movies

    replace zero in the following link (in the search bar) with the file for free music and/or movies... works ok for fart content (this search was inspired by one on this forum... i think hannibal or somebody)

    and for free movies, try here

  2. #2
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Eastern Europe
    great, ussualy I download through dc hubs.

    Que delicia

  3. #3
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    just an alternative

  4. #4
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    You can get some free music by going on You'll hear some music from new artists that won't get played on radio or video, cause a lot their stuff is good. Some is available for download. And some of the stuff there is a whole lot better than the crap music or crap rap that be on the radio for the last 2 years. Yeah, they'll play a couple of the songs from that site on radio but its mostly the weakest songs on that site that's available for download.

  5. #5
    I'm probably going to get flamed here, but I have started to notice a pretty bad outcome in the music and movie biz, because of downloading off the internet.
    I used to be all about downloading free music, but now I have resorted back to buying the CDs.
    I know this forum is mostly about filesharing, but maybe my morals are starting to get to me. Anyhow just sharing my thoughts. Not trying to offend anyone.

  6. #6
    Gold Member HOOF HEARTED's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    Originally posted by FartPallete
    I'm probably going to get flamed here, but I have started to notice a pretty bad outcome in the music and movie biz, because of downloading off the internet.
    I used to be all about downloading free music, but now I have resorted back to buying the CDs.
    I know this forum is mostly about filesharing, but maybe my morals are starting to get to me. Anyhow just sharing my thoughts. Not trying to offend anyone.
    Me, if I hear a cd & if I like 50% or more of the songs on the cd, i'll buy it. I don't download movies off the internet, I like the movie theatre experience. The real bad outcome in the music biz right now cause they only wanna play crap music & crap rap. They're all about the catchy ringtones flavor of the month, even though the song sucks ass. There's a certain formula that I don't like in rap. They must do a song for the club, the streets, & worse for the women even though the song for the women is gay. It should be all about playing the good/best songs that the artists have. 4get about the formula & sounding the same like everyone else.
    And they also love 4cing T.Pain, Akon & Lil' WACK AS FUCK[Wayne] down our throats on radio & video.

  7. #7
    It's more than just catchy tunes. Record companies have taken a huge loss because of filesharing same as film companies (just not as big as record companies yet, but soon, who knows)
    back to the record companies, since their loss, they aren't signing anyone UNLESS it is something they can sell on the radio, which are your catchy tunes, that most of us think suck.
    So by file sharing I have seen a pattern, the good music starts to fade away, and the american idol bullshit is everywhere, more so than before when pop raped us back in the 90s.
    So this is why I am an amazon whore now, I buy all my music and movies there.

  8. #8
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    i really hate to say this, but the movie industry is taking a very small hit from pirating. by very small, i mean practically unnoticeable. the problem is that the movie industries fear a future hit and are getting their anti-piracy movement out there now to avoid it in the next hundred years.
    that being said, the record companies are also taking almost no non-greed related hit, just being forced to change their business practices by moving into the electronic era. the only people taking the hit are the franchise companies who actually sell the physical cd's (for 14 times the production cost, mind you). they take the hit and go out of business, but every other aspect of the music industry is in the same condition it was in before pirating via limewire and whatnot became popular. anybody who tells you otherwise (no matter what their position may be) is lying to you. the bands who give messages telling people not to pirate their music are only doing so because the record companies are losing the franchise money from the physical cds being sold, and like the film industry fear future problems. if people could get their name out there without the record company, then that would open up a perfect market and that would leave the record companies out in the cold because there wouldn't be any need for a company to do nothing but market you for 2/3 of the money coming in. no matter how much it may seem off, 100% of the above is held true and the only people who try to prove otherwise have purely selfish reasons for doing so. i believe that fogell puts it best.
    AND THAT'S ONLY ASSUMING THAT THEY ACTUALLY DO LOSE THE MONEY, WHICH THEY DON'T (sorry, but i believe that that warranted all caps).

  9. #9
    Originally posted by 1313Jr.1313
    i really hate to say this, but the movie industry is taking a very small hit from pirating. by very small, i mean practically unnoticeable. the problem is that the movie industries fear a future hit and are getting their anti-piracy movement out there now to avoid it in the next hundred years.
    that being said, the record companies are also taking almost no non-greed related hit, just being forced to change their business practices by moving into the electronic era. the only people taking the hit are the franchise companies who actually sell the physical cd's (for 14 times the production cost, mind you). they take the hit and go out of business, but every other aspect of the music industry is in the same condition it was in before pirating via limewire and whatnot became popular. anybody who tells you otherwise (no matter what their position may be) is lying to you. the bands who give messages telling people not to pirate their music are only doing so because the record companies are losing the franchise money from the physical cds being sold, and like the film industry fear future problems. if people could get their name out there without the record company, then that would open up a perfect market and that would leave the record companies out in the cold because there wouldn't be any need for a company to do nothing but market you for 2/3 of the money coming in. no matter how much it may seem off, 100% of the above is held true and the only people who try to prove otherwise have purely selfish reasons for doing so. i believe that fogell puts it best.
    AND THAT'S ONLY ASSUMING THAT THEY ACTUALLY DO LOSE THE MONEY, WHICH THEY DON'T (sorry, but i believe that that warranted all caps).
    Most record companies have always been pretty evil and greedy. My thing isn't in support of the "poor record companies" Maybe they deserve it, but from what I've seen, artists are now suffering, because these greedy record companies had their cons too like getting the bands their start, and helping their success.
    The film industry is actually taking a bit of a loss, not as much as the record company. But there will always be business for those two evils. The indies are going to suffer though. The corporations will figure something out.
    For example, seeing a show from a signed band may cost an arm an a leg. Then everything will be bombarded by advertisements, like some virtual pop up when you're just trying to rock out.
    There is also another side of things, like giving very indie artists some sort of exposure, but come on, does that really work?
    People are going to do what they're going to do, but my choice is my choice, and I believe if I like an artist be it a film maker, or a musician I will pay for it.
    I know many people in bands (which is why I am supportive) and they always try and put me on their guest lists during shows, but I tell them, I would much rather pay, and I do.
    heh unless the show is very expensive, then I take them up on the offer.
    But you know what I mean.

  10. #10
    Baned User
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    Aug 2006
    ok, that's different, lol. i thought that you were actually making the argument that if pirating keeps up then the music would disappear. in fact, there are a few self supported bands that control every aspect of themselves and they say that pirating music is not a bad thing, but a good thing. any band signed to a record company are essentially brainwashed into the idea that pirating music is a bad thing. if you are going to pay to show your support for a band or movie, then i fully support that. it's when someone pays to show support for paying that they start to make no sense. the film industry is the same way. the more people that do pirating of movies, the more "little guys" will be out there and the less of a monopoly the film industry will have, creating a better market. movie theaters in california have recently bumped their prices up by around $2 (by almost 1/5) and say that it's because of pirating that they have to increase the price. the real reasons lie in taxing (if they make enough, they pay LESS taxes), the fact that there will always be moviegoers, and inflation. pirating plays NO role there, but again if you pay to support the movie then that's good. also, the big screen experience isn't exactly replaceable, lol.

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