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View Full Version : FART STORY: Straight A Student's Gas

18th November 2006, 12:29 AM
By Jason on Thu Apr 16, 1998

I was a teacher and in my 6th grade 7th period class for about a month. I heard a fart ring out about 5 or 6 times a class. I wasn't sure who was doing it. It usally happened when I was looking at something on my desk or when I was writing on the blackboard. The whole class laughed everytime this happen but wouldn't tell me who was doing it, until one day I was walking in back of the class and I guess she couldn't hold it in any more: she lifted her butt and farted. It was Jenny. An A student in my class I told her to go to the principal's office and wait there until I got there after class.

After she left the people around her said "Thank you, she stinks everyday!" Well the class ended and I went to the principal's office, where he was talking to a couple of boys. I sat down by Jenny. As soon as I sat down she let out this loud fart. The secretary looked up from her computer. She said "What? so I farted". She kept leaving them. She told me that if I was going to sit by her I would have to smell her farts. Now me being a fart smeller loved it, but I had to be professional about it. So I just sat there smelled and didn't talk much. Then the principal got done and the two boys came out of the office. They said "What stinks? It smells like someone farted". Jenny just laughed. And you could see the principal was smelling the gas too.

So we went into the principal's office and while Jenny was sitting down she farted. I said that is the reason we are here because she has been doing that in my 7th period class for the past month 5 or 6 times a day. Now the principal knew Jenny very well because she was on the honor roll and made straight A's. The principal said "Why are you doing this Jenny? You are a model student. I have no other problems with you and you are on the honor roll." She said well I do it because I get gas after lunch and I hold it in for Mr. Berger's class because I like him. Then he said "You do that show you like him by disturbing his class?" She said "Well I don't know, but I have to fart again." She ripped another one. The principal said "Okay two and a half hours detention on Monday." When he said that she farted and farted all the way out the door.

Now the principal didn't know or I didn't realize that I was on detention duty that next Monday. Well next Monday came and she came walking into the room I said "Hi, Jenny, She said "Hi!" and farted and I said "Now Jenny you know that is why you are in here, right?" She said "Well after school I am worse! Ask the people on my bus." And she laughed. Well I sat each person a seat apart and when I was calling the role out, I heard this loud loud fart. The kids in detention said "It's the girl, it's the girl!" So she said "Sorry, I have gas!" So I told her "You are coming to sit with me up front." As we were walking up the the desk I dropped my pen that I was correcting papers with. I bent down to pick it up and when I looked up her butt was right in my face and she blew.

I was like Jenny. I have to be professional: even though I loved it I couldn't show it. Well I pulled a chair up to my desk and said "Now you have to write I will not pass gas in Mr. Berger's room again 100 times." When I got done telling her that she said "This is what I say to that!" and sat right on me and farted. I was loving it but again I couldn't let it show. Well she keep farting up a storm: I mean this 12 year old girl farted so much that 100 men couldn't even compare. Well the detention ended unfortunately.

After about two more months Jenny moved. She still kept farting until she did. After she moved I was looking though her file and found out that she did this to 3 other teachers in different school districts. I don't know if they were fart smellers but she did get in trouble a couple of times for it. I wonder who her next victim is going to be? I can tell you I never had that experience again. But I came always think that

I was one of the smellers of Jenny's Farts.