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6th November 2006, 05:05 PM
So im just wondering how the member status works. is it the number of posts you have? or legth of time as a member? let me know because i was wondering about that. btw i think i have some more alice/simone stuff ill post soon thanks meth1 PS see my avitar, imagine marilyn monroe farting on your face... B-E-A UTIFUL ::laugh meth1

6th November 2006, 07:46 PM
Acctually there is no counting posts.

We monitor every member and if he really shows that he loves gassyerotica, post good and quality clips( in some longer period) , and if we are shure that he can be good for us, he gets rank gold member.

7th November 2006, 01:22 AM
ahh i see.... well ive posted some decent but short ones, because thats all i have, to me it really isnt the status that i was looking for, just curiosty. This is acually the first internet posting ive ever done and i just stumbled upon it some time ago. What a great Place to begin!! Thanks for the info and thanks to everyone who contributes here, ill do what i can! as we say in canada, Fuckin' EH !! ::laugh meth1

7th November 2006, 01:24 AM
great, enjoy. And from your posts I can see that you started great, you are not lurker. ::friends

17th November 2006, 12:59 AM
Ive posted vids in Fartfestish board. YouTube farts ::clap